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Is dit nodig om te skree as jy preek?

Hoekom skree sommige predikers?

Ek veronderstel al die geskree is ontwerp om passie te kommunikeer, maar dit kom ook dikwels as woede voor. Ek wil ook nie sê dat ‘n uitroep op die regte plek, om ‘n spesifieke onderwerp te onderstreep nie sy plek het nie.  Jesaja 58:1 is immers die skrif waarmee die Here my as twaaljarige seun geroep het as prediker.

“ROEP uit die keel, hou nie terug nie, verhef jou stem soos ’n basuin! En verkondig aan my volk hulle oortreding en aan die huis van Jakob hulle sondes.” Isa 58:1

Yelling has long been part of the preacher’s arsenal of public speaking tools. When the crowd tunes out, take it up a notch. When someone nods off, let loose with a stentorian bellow. When people seem placid, fire ‘em up with a rousing round of shouting. When you catch a whiff of apathy, yell about it. If the “amens” reach a lull, cut loose w ith another ear-splitting session. When the sermon is nearing its climax, make people reach to turn down their hearing aids. Crank it up, shout it out, and bring the house down! [1]  (Daniel Trelfall)

Daar is ‘n voorbeelde in die Bybel van uitroep en luide gejuig.

Toe die môresterre saam gejubel en al die seuns van God gejuig het? Job 38:7

KOM, laat ons jubel tot eer van die Here, laat ons juig ter ere van die rots van ons heil! Ps 95:1

Juig voor die Here, o ganse aarde! Dien die Here met blydskap; kom voor sy aangesig met gejubel. Ps 100:1

’n Stem van een wat roep: Berei in die woestyn die weg van die Here; maak gelyk in die wildernis ’n grootpad vir onse God! Isa 40:3

o Sion, verkondiger van goeie boodskap, klim op ’n hoë berg! o Jerusalem, verkondiger van goeie boodskap, hef jou stem op met mag; hef dit op, wees nie bevrees nie! Sê aan die stede van Juda: Hier is julle God! Isa 40:9

Daarenteen is stilte is net so kragtig.

Habakkuk 2:20 says “But the Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him,” Zephaniah 1:7: “Be silent before the Lord God!”, and Zechariah 2:13,

Wanneer dit egter by prediking kom, sien ons Jesus se voorbeeld se woorde was met gesag, en mense was verstom, maar nie omdat Hy geskreeu het nie. Dis was wat Hy gesê het, wat soveel impak gehad het. Matt 7:28; 13:54; 19:25; 22:33; Mark 1:22; 6:2; 7:37; 10:26; 11:18; Luk 2:48; 4:32; 9:43; en Acts 13:12.

Jesus se voorbeeld:

Jesus het op eenvoudige maniere diepgaande waarhede geleer. Isa 42:2 sê Hy sal nie skreeu of uitroep of sy stem op die strate oprig nie. Jesus se prediking was gemik op mense se gedagtes en nie net hul emosies nie. God kan ons gedagtes net so maklik hoor as wat Hy ons woorde kan hoor (Ps 139:23; Jer 12:3)  Uiteindelik wil Jesus ons denke vernuwe. Rom 12:2 Sodat ons Hom in gehoorsaamheid sal dien, dis immers ons redelike godsdiens. Rom 12:1

Jesus het nooit geskreeu terwyl hy gepreek het nie (Mat 12: 19). En Hy het ook nie altyd in Sy boodskappe “Hallelujah” of “Amen” gesê om ‘n reaksie te kry nie. 😉

Hoe ons kommunikeer, is net so belangrik as wat ons kommunikeer. Jesus het menigte keer gesit, en die mense geleer.  (Mat 5:1; Luk 4:20; Luk 5:3; Joh 8:2) Die manier wat ons preek, ons kleredrag, gewoontes, lewe en voorbeeld, is alles deel van die preek.  Soms word predikers iemand anders vir die tyd wanneer hulle preek.  Dis dualisties en veronderstel dat ons twee mense is.

Die Here is nie beïndruk deur die mate van ons oorgawe en emosie nie, maar die mate van ons gehoorsaamheid.  “Take away from me the noise of your songs” (Amos 5:23).

“Wat Satan meer haat as jou skree op hom, is jou gehoorsaamheid aan Jesus.”

Skree kan mense verwar:

Dink daaroor. Wie anders in ons lewens skree op ons om ‘n punt te maak? ‘n Ouer aan die einde van hul tou? ’n verskriklike baas? As jy in ‘n huishouding vol aggressie en geskreeu, groot word, maak dit jou doof, want skree veroorsaak angs.  Jy stomp af om jou jouself nie langer aan die boodskap bloot te stel nie.

Skreeu verwar mense oor God se ingesteldheid teenoor hulle:

Baie mense sit in kerke regoor die wêreld en aanvaar dat die predikant namens God praat.  Hulle kan tot die gevolgtrekking kom; “Is God dan vir ons kwaad?”

Twee tipe prediking: Preek mense GEREGTIG in Christus of SKULDIG en veroordeeld

Jy preek nie mense reg met God, deur met hulle te raas nie.  Die eenvoudige vraag is, verander mense? Deur mense elke week skuldig te preek maak hulle nie heilig nie.  Jesus het nooit so geraas en geskree in sy prediking nie.

Volume en vurigheid raak die emosies, en mense maak emosionele besluite, maar dit is nie standhoudend nie.

Skree is nie Geestelike gesag nie: Acts 19:11-20

’n Ware gelowige verstaan ​​alreeds dat God se teenwoordigheid altyd by hom is, en hy hoef nie enige tipe fisiese sensasie te ervaar om dit te bewys nie.  (Psalm 139:7; Matthew 28:20; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 2 Timothy 1:14)

Daar is drie belangrike aspekte van ‘n goeie kommunikeerder.

  • Ethos: Die waarde van die spreker se geloofwaardigheid
  • Patos: Die beroep op die luisteraar se emosies
  • Logos: Die logiese struktuur van ‘n argument

In kommunikasie is daar ‘n negatiewe obstruksie tot gesonde dialoog: “Ad Homonym” Daar word ‘n beroep op gevoelens of vooroordele eerder as intellek gemaak. Die persoon val eerder ‘n teenstander se karakter aan as om te antwoord op die gestelde bewerings. Soms kan predikers hulle ook hieraan skuldig maak, deur die platform te gebruik om hulle eie woede, seer, bitterheid uit te spreek.

Iemand merk die volgende op: ‘Ek dink dat hoe minder predikante het om te sê, hoe harder sê hulle dit.’ When losing an argument do not raise your voice, improve your argument.

Wees prakties:

Jesus het altyd sy gehoor, die hoeveelheid mense, en waar dit gebeur in ag geneem om die meeste effek te kry.  Hy het soms op ‘n boot gepreek om die water te gebruik as ‘n luidspreker sisteem. Hy het teen ‘n berg gepraat, waar die klank ook beter trek. In daardie tyd was daar minder, geraas in die algemeen, soos vandag veroorsaak deur opwekkers, waaiers, voertuie, musiek ens.

Wanneer jy ‘n boodskap aan kinders bring, rolspeel ‘n storie, en maak jou stem na, soos die karakters verander. Waneer jy wees met Jongmense praat, moet jy logies, inligting deurgee, en regtig ‘authentic’ wees. Jou lewens storie het baie krag.  Elke gehoor verskil, maak kontak met die gehoor. Paulus met die mense van Athene, het aanhalings uit hulle letterkunde gemaak.

Uitroep en ernstige emosie het soms ‘n plek maar nie heel tyd nie. Wissel af en wees, oorspronklik.



Social Relevance

We will not forget or let go, of the legacy of the reality of Pentecost in SA

What we have easy today, have come at a great price for men of women of faith and obedience paying with their lives, so that the seed of His Word can continue to spread over all the World.
May we be counted worthy to enter into the labours of these heroes of faith, and see God transform our People by His Glory For His Glory in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Though your beginning was small,
Yet your latter end would increase abundantly.
“For inquire, please, of the former age,
And consider the things discovered by their fathers;
For we were born yesterday, and know nothing,
Because our days on earth are a shadow.
Will they not teach you and tell you,
And utter words from their heart?
Job 8:7-10
John G Lake’s legacy of starting a work of Pentecostal outpouring in South Africa!

One day some years ago, being environed by certain conditions powerful and influential enemies who pamphleteered us throughout the whole world, broke confidence in our work for God to that extent that the little pittance of financial support almost dwindled away. I had one hundred and twenty workers out on the frontiers of South Africa, beyond the confines of civilization. The question arose as to what to do for these at such an hour. I said, “There is only one thing. That is, be honorable with these men and women. Let them know the true condition. If possible, let us call them in and let them decide as to the best thing to do.” So we sold our household possessions; we sold our watches, we sold everything that was salable for money enough to bring that hundred and twenty in.

When they arrived in Johannesburg, I poured my heart out to them as I am to you today. And alter a while they said, “Brother Lake, we would like to be alone for a little while and we ask you to retire. We have a decision to make.” I retired into the vestry for a half hour, and then they called me in. When I came in I found the hundred and twenty sitting in an oval in the middle of the tabernacle.. They had cleared the chairs away, made a large open circle with a hundred and twenty seats around, and a little table in the middle with bread and wine. They said, “Brother Lake, we have made our decision. We are going back to our fields. If we die, if our wives die, if our children die, we will never reduce that ministry that Jesus Christ has established through this work in Africa.” They said, “Brother Lake, serve the bread and wine.” I took my place at the head of the circle and started the bread around and the wine around. And every man said, “The new testament in my blood,” meaning “my blood to save South Africa.”

They put only one restriction: They said, “Brother, if we die. one request—come and bury us.” And twelve times in that year of hell, I stood beside twelve of the finest men and sixteen of the finest women and children God ever let live in this world. ] buried them because they starved to death, or they died because they could not get proper nourishment. That is the reason that the work in South Africa lives, and that is the reason that all the damnation on earth has never been able to assail it. But like a conquering glory it has gone on these years, conquering and conquering in the name of our Christ, until my hundred and twenty have grown to two hundred and fifty white preachers of the same character and until our five hundred black preachers have grown to be twelve hundred preachers of the same type and character, and until our mission stations are planted all Over Southern Africa.

May God grant us and enable us in the same way, than these powerful heroes of faith, to continue in the message of the Kingdom with signs and wonders following!!

“Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, who by the mouth of Your servant David have said:
‘Why did the nations rage,
And the people plot vain things?
The kings of the earth took their stand,
And the rulers were gathered together
Against the Lord and against His Christ.’
“For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose determined before to be done. Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”
And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
Taken from: The New John G. Lake Sermons, edited by Gordon Lindsay!