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Hanteer Emosies Beter

Leer van Professionele Atlete

Die lewe is onvermydelik kompleks en uitdagend. Daar is daagliks struikelblokke wat ons nodig het om te navigeer. Net soos branderplankryers, rots klimmers en uithou-atlete, maak ons baie staat op terugvoer van verskeie aanwysers, verslae en insette van ons omgewing om onsself te oriënteer. ‘n Ervare branderplankryer kan instinktief ‘n komende stel golwe voel wat sy besluit bepaal om homself die beste te posisioneer. Die akkuraatheid van sy interpretasie van die onderliggende strome bepaal sy vind van die gunstigste golwe, ‘n akute vermoë ontwikkel oor jare van branderplank ry.

Rots klimmers ken die grense van hul liggame om die effektiewe houvas op hul greep, die regte ankerpunte en lyn van klim te meet. Hul vermoë om die regte lyn te lees en te interpreteer asook die terugvoer van hul spiere en ander aanwysers bepaal hul sukses. Om enige van hierdie aanwysers verkeerd te interpreteer, kan tot die dood lei.

Uithouvermoë atlete gebruik slim horlosies om hulle belangrike inligting soos hartklop en spoed te voorsien om uitputtings vlakke te meet. Wanberekenings ‘n kan ‘n mens se energie voor die einde van die wedloop uitput en jy kan sodoende “bonk”. “Bonking” is ‘n term wat beteken dat jy nie in genoeg koolhidrate geneem het nie en jou liggaam se glukogeen bergings uitgeput is en jou laat met abnormaal lae bloedglukosevlakke. Jou liggaam kan net genoeg glukose stoor (in die vorm van glukogeen) om jou te vir ongeveer 90 minute van matige oefening te ondersteun. Enigiets langer as dit sal jy nodig hê om meer glukose vir jou liggaam in te neem om korrek te funksioneer.

Filter en ondersoek die data

Om hierdie lewe te leef en sy struikelblokke te oorkom, behels die interpretasie van verskeie verslae en sosiale terugvoer. Gevolglik bied Bankstate, skuld verslae, gesondheids- en mediese verslae, sosiale media statistiek, akademiese verslae, Google, gesigsuitdrukkings, slim horlosies, gesprekke, skinder, sosiale media, nuus voere, hoofstroom menings en teorieë bied ‘n verskeidenheid inset data-terugvoer waardeur ons ons besluite neem. ‘n Mens kan elke item analiseer op hierdie genoemde lys vir konsekwente akkuraatheid, maar die onvermelde belangrikste aanwyser wat mense gebruik is hul gevoelens. “Hoe het iets my laat voel” het die mantra van die bevolking, wat ironies is, in hierdie eeu van inligting.

(Lees: 2 Samuel 18:19-33) Dawid, betrokke by ‘n oorlog met sy seun Absalom. Hy het sy generaals ‘n direkte opdrag gegee: “Julle moet om my ontwil mooi werk met die jong man Absalom[1]“. Toe Absalom doodgemaak is, ontvou die storie met besonderhede van wie vir die koning die boodskap moet bring. Een boodskapper was getaak met ‘n spesifieke boodskap wat die goeie nuus van oorwinning, asook die verskriklike nuus van Absalom se dood behels het. Die tweede is deur emosie gedryf en het selfs eerste vooruit gehardloop, maar het nie die detail van die seun se dood bekend gemaak nie. “Die akkuraatheid van die boodskap sal die waarde van die boodskapper bepaal.” Ons leef in ‘n tyd waar ons oorweldig word met soveel inligting, dit lyk asof boodskappers, webjoernaalskrywers en nuusagentskappe meer bekommerd is om eerste te wees as om akkuraat te wees.

Ongelukkig kan gevoelens baie misleidend wees.

Vertrou jou “gut feel” is ongetwyfeld, vir die meeste mense, die belangrikste aanwyser wat uiteindelik hul besluite en aksies bepaal. Soos branderplankryers, bergklimmers en uithou-atlete, is ons veronderstel om ons “gut” gevoel op te lei. Hulle verwerk ‘n reeks sensoriese en interne liggaam seine om split sekonde besluite te neem, opleiding van jare se ervarings. Mense let veral nie op die regte en geldige aanwysers nie, mislukte besighede, uitsettings, egskeidings, verhoudings wat beëindig word , en ongelukke, is skynbaar tekens dat mense nie aandag skenk aan geldige aanwysers. Jordan B Peterson verduidelik in sy boek “12 Rules for life”, dat onlangse studies toon hoe mense met groter sorg hul troeteldiere dokter as wanneer hulle direkte mediese instruksies self moet volg. Dit lyk of mense hul gevoelens meer vertrou as medici.

Trouens, nie alle professionele akademiese verslae is akkuraat nie. Voortdurend word nuwe verslae ter tafel gelê wat die vorige bewering weerlê. Die Bybel praat van valse berigte(Exo 23:1),slegte berigte(Num 13:32)valse getuies(Exo 5:20),en bose verslae(Num 14:37) wat mislei. ‘n Mens moet dus leer om al hierdie verslae te toets, te verifieer en te filter en as gelowiges God se stem bo al hierdie stemme te onderskei, aangesien Hy ons na ryk vervulling sal lei.  

Jakob het die stem van sy seun geïgnoreer en sy aanrakingsgevoelens vertrou en die verkeerde seun geseën. Natuurlik het God toegelaat dat dit gebeur omdat Esau sy geboortereg verkoop het en nie vir sy vader gesê het nie. Hierdie storie bied ons ‘n pragtige metafoor van hoe ons dit verkeerd kan kry. (Gen27:1-29)

Die Bybel voorsien ons wel van ‘n mislukte metode om ons te help om die regte besluite te neem:

Die Kennis van God is ons voorbeeld

Die langste Psalm in die Bybel is Ps 119. In hierdie psalm, prys Dawid God vir Sy regte oordele, voorskrifte, wette en waarheid.

Ons waarborg om die regte besluite te neem, is om God se wil, wet, voorskrifte en manier van doen te ken. Totdat ons tot die volle kennis van God kom, word dit die finale einddoel van volwassenheid van die heiliges gestel. (Ef 1:17; 3:19; 4:13) Die wil van God is nie meer ‘n raaisel nie. Jesus het die voorhangsel van duisterheid en verborgenheid van die Godheid verwyder. Hy verklaar en verduidelik die wil, die weg en die hart van die vader. Die koninkryk van die lewe lei en ‘n duidelike weg om te volg.

Die Swakke is vol burgers in die hemel.

As u wil lei, moet u dien.

Volwassenheid moet soos ‘n kind word.

As u wil lewe, moet u sterf

Ons kry meer deur meer te gee

Ons veg harder deur harder te rus

Om God te behaag, soek eers Sy geregtigheid.

Wil jy bekend wees, omarm die duisterheid.

Staan met meer gesag, leer om gehoorsaam te wees.

Ervaar kwaad deur goed te doen.

Hierdie Koninkryk leefwyse bied sekuriteit en stabiliteit aan die gelowige op dieselfde manier as wat die driepuntklimpatroon sekerheid aan die ervare rotsklimmer bied. Die beoefening van die basiese beginsels van rotsklimmetodologie word uiteindelik tweede natuur. Op dieselfde wyse beoefen gelowiges die koninkryksmetodologie totdat dit ‘n manier van dink, bewussyn en lewe word.

Doen net waarvoor jy geloof het

Die primêre leidende beginsel van Koninkryk Lewe, is geloof! Wat nie deur geloof gedoen word nie, is sonde. (Rom 14:23).Slegs Geloof kan God behaag(Heb 11:6). Ons leef deur geloof, nie deur sig nie. (Hab. 2:4Rom. 1:17;  Gal 3:11Hebr. 10:38). Ons leef deur geloof, nie deur ons gevoelens nie. Ons leef deur geloof en vertroue in Christus alleen. (Heb10:35)

Veranderde begeertes en passies

Daar is geen Hebreeuse woord vir wil nie. Die Hebreeuse taal sê dat u iets wil doen, in plaas daarvan dat u iets besluit of wil. Ons begeertes moet hervorm en herlei word deur die kennis van God wat ons eerstehands leer uit die Woord en die Gees. As ons God eerstehands ken en ervaar, verander dit ons passies en begeertes. Sodra ons begeertes weer terug is, volg ons gevoelens en emosies natuurlik.

Gevoelens is belangrik omdat dit ons aktiwiteit aanvuur. Sonder emosies en gevoelens word ons robotte sonder passie. ‘n Onopgeleide bul wat nie mak is nie spring oor heinings en teël vrylik, kompeteer met ander bulle en werk in isolasie. Net so ook, mense wat nie hul emosies, passies en gevoelens oefen nie. Om in die nabyheid van Christus te volg en te leef, behels daaglikse teregwysing van jou wil en begeertes. Hoe meer tyd ons spandeer om die weë van God te ontdek met betrekking tot besigheid, wet & orde, welstand, leer en verhoudings, hoe beter word ‘n mens in die hantering van die lewe se uitdagings en vind ons orde in die chaos.

Hantering van negatiewe gevoelens en emosies:

  1. Beskryf wat jy eksplisiet akkuraat voel.
  2. Wat spesifiek moet verander.
  3. Neem verantwoordelikheid en versoek spesifieke hulp.
  4. Vier en beloon spesifieke verandering.

Om God se wil en manier van lewe te doen, word verder aanvul deur:

  1. Profetiese Openbarings verlig, verduidelik en bemoedig ons dat ons reg gehoor het.
  2. Liggaam interaksies help ons om ons innerlike oortuigings te bevestig wanneer ander mede-arbeiders soortgelyke interaksies en openbarings van die Vader uitruil.
  3. Vrugte van regverdige of goddelike deurbrake word soos monumente en herinner ons aan die dinge wat Hy reeds gedoen het.

Negatiewe gevoelens Lys:

Bang, vererger, geroer, ontsteld, afsydig, kwaad, angstig, geïrriteerd, angstig, apaties, vreesaanjaend, gewek, skaam, klop, verwilderd, bitter, blah, blou, verveeld, gebroke, getugtig, koud, bekommerd, verwar, koel, kruis, verag, depressief, depressief, wanhopig, wanhopig, moedeloos, geaffekteer, ontevrede, teleurgesteld, moedeloos, ontevrede, gewalg, moedeloos, teleurgesteld, teleurgesteld, ontevrede, onrustig, benoud, versteur, terneergedruk, terneergedruk uitgeput, moeg, skaam, verbitterd, erger, uitgeput, moeg, vreesbevange, kriewelrig, verlore, bang, gefrustreerd, woedend, somber, skuldig, swaar , hulpeloos, huiwerig, met afgryse vervul, aaklig, vyandig, warm, seergemaak, ongeduldig, onverskillig, intens, geïrriteerd jaloers, gejaagd, lui, lusteloos, eensaam, mal, gemeen, ellendig, salk, treurig, senuweeagtig, gevoelloos, oorweldig, paniekerig, passief, verleë, pessimisties, verbaas, lasterlik, teësinnig, afgestoot, wrokkig, rusteloos, hartseer, bang, sensitief, wankelend, vreesbevange, moeg, bekommerd, ongemaklik, onbesorg, ongemaklik, ongure, ongelukkig, ongeëwenaard, onbevredig, ontsteld, regop, gekwel, moeg, treurig, onttrek, wee, bekommerd.

Positiewe emosies Woorde Lys:

Geabsorbeer, avontuurlustig, liefdevol, waaksaam, lewendig, verbaas, geamuseerd, waardeer, verbaas, verbaas, salig, asemrowend, boeiend, kalm, sorgvry, vrolik, gemaklik, tevrede, selfversekerd, nuuskierig, verbaas, verheug, gretig, ekstaties, bruisend, verhewe, betower, aangemoedig, energiek, entoesiasties, opgewonde, opgewonde, verwagtend, gefassineerd, vry, vriendelik, vervul, bly, bly, glansryk, gloeiend, goedgesind, dankbaar, bevredigend, gelukkig, hoopvol, nuuskierig, geïnspireer, geïnteresseerd, geïnteresseerd, gefassineer, verfris, betrokke, vreugdevol, vreugdevol, jubelend, liefdevol, smelt, vrolik, , parmantig, aangenaam, bly, trots, stil, stralend, gaande, verfris, ontspanne, verlig, tevrede, veilig, sensitief, rustig, spelling, pragtige, gestimuleerde, verbaas, sag, dankbaar, opgewonde, aangeraak, rustig, vertrou, opgeruimd, warm, wye wakker, wonderlik, skilderagtig.

Emosionele standoff voor die WAARHEID

‘n Mens kan nie help om ‘n magdom emosies te voel nie. Emosies is normaal. Emosies wat gebaseer is op verkeerde veronderstellings en gevolgtrekkings is gevaarlik. Onthou, satan word die vader van leuens genoem en is ‘n meester van dwalings. Dwaasheid is blydskap vir hom wat behoeftig is vir onderskeiding, maar ‘n man van verstand loop regop. (Spr15:21)Ons moet dus leer om ons vermoede, gedagtes en voorgevoelens na die Hof van Waarheid te bring beoordeel en onderskei te word. Die waarheid ontmoeting ontmagtig die vestings van leuens in ‘n mens se hart en gee jou ‘n gesonde verstand. (2 Tim 1: 7)

διακρισις diákrisis; genl. diakríseos, fem. naamwoord van diakríno (G1252), om te onderskei, te besluit, regter. ‘n Onderskeidende, onderskeidende duidelike, dit wil sê, gepraat van die daad of mag(1Co 12:10Heb 5:14). By implikasie  beteken Rom 14:1, letterlik nie vir die ondersoek van gedagtes nie, dit wil sê, nie met soek na en uitspraak oor hulle menings nie (vgl  Rom 14:5,  Rom 14:13). Dit kan ook gelewer word as twyfel, scruples.Syn.: diágnosis (G1233), diagnose, oordeel, deeglike begrip; gnome (G1106), mening.Ant.: apáte (G539), bedrog; pláne (G4106), dwaling, fout; agnóema (G51), onkunde.

[1] Die Bybel, Nuwe Lewende Vertaling, (Vereeniging, Suid Afrika: Christelike Uitgewersmaatskappy, 2006), 2 Sa 18:5.


The danger of being led by feelings

Learning from Professional Athletes 

Life is inevitably complex and challenging. There are many daily obstacles we need to manoeuvre ourselves around or over. Like surfers, rock-climbers and endurance athletes, we rely heavily on feedback from various indicators, reports and input from our surroundings to orientate ourselves. An experienced surfer can feel instinctively a coming set of waves that determines his decision to best position himself. The accuracy of his interpretation of the underlying currents determines his finding the best waves, an acute ability developed over years of surfing. 

Rock-climbers know the limits of their bodies to gauge the effective hold of their grip, the right anchor points, and line of climb. Their ability to rightly read and interpret the feedback from their muscles and other indicators determine their success. Misreading any of these indicators can lead to death. 

Endurance athletes use smartwatches to provide them vital information like heart rate and speed to gauge depletion levels. Miscalculation means one can deplete one’s energy before the end of the race and bonk. Bonking (“hitting the wall”) means that you haven’t taken in enough carbohydrates and have exhausted your body’s glycogen stores, leaving you with abnormally low blood glucose levels. Your body can only store enough glucose (in the form of glycogen) to last you for about 90 minutes of moderate exercise. Anything longer than this and you will need to take in some more glucose for your body to function correctly.

Filter and Scrutinise the Data 

Living this life and mitigating its obstacles entails the interpretation of various reports and social feedback. Consequently, bank statements, debt reports, health and medical reports, social media likes and stats, academic reports, Google, facial expressions, smartwatches, conversations, gossip, social media, news feeds, mainstream opinions, and theories provide a variety of input-data feedback by which we make our decisions. One can analyze each item on this mentioned list for consistent accuracy, but the unmentioned most significant indicator people use are their feelings. ‘How did something make me feel’ became the mantra of the populous, which is ironic, living in the age of information. 

Read: 2 Samuel 18:19-33: David, engaged in a war with his son Absalom. He gave his generals a direct command: “Deal gently with the young man Absalom”. Once Absalom was killed, the story unfolds the details of who should bring him the message. One messenger was directed with a specific message that bare the good news of victory but the terrible news of Absalom’s death. The second was driven by emotion and even outran the first, but did not disclose the detail of the boy’s death. “The accuracy of the message will determine the value of the messenger” We are living in a time where we are flooded with so much information, it seems messengers, bloggers and news agencies are more concerned at being first than to be accurate.

Unfortunately, feelings can be very misleading. 

Trusting your gut is undoubtedly, for most people, the most important indicator that finally determines their decisions and actions. Like surfers, mountain climbers and endurance athletes, we are supposed to train our gut feeling. They process a host of sensory and internal body signals to make split-second decisions, trained over years of experiences. Notably, rated by the amount of failed business, foreclosures, divorces, break-ups, and accidents, people are seemingly not paying attention to the right and valid indicators. Jordan B Peterson explains in his book 12 Rules For Life, from recent studies how people take better care of their pets when following direct medical instructions than themselves. People seem to be trusting their feelings more than medical professionals.  

The fact is, not all professional academic reports are accurate. Constantly new reports are tabled, disproving a previous assertion. The Bible speaks of false reports (Exo 23:1), bad reports (Num 13:32) false witnesses (Exo 5:20), and evil reports (Num 14:37) that mislead. Thus, one must learn to test, verify, and filter all these reports and, as believers, discern God’s voice above all these voices as He will lead us to rich fulfilment.  

Jacob ignored the voice of his son and trusted his carnal feelings, blessing the wrong son. Of course, God did allow this to happen because Esau sold his birth rite, not tell his father. This story provides us with a beautiful metaphor of how we can get it wrong. (Gen 27:1-29)  

The Bible does provide us with a failsafe method to help us make the right decisions:

The Knowledge of God is our template

The longest Psalm in the Bible is Ps 119. In this psalm, David praises God for His right judgments, precepts, directives, laws, and truth. 

Our safeguard in making the right decisions is knowing God’s will, law, precepts, way of doing things. Until we come to the full knowledge of God is set as the final end-goal of maturity of the saints. (Eph 1:17; 3:19; 4:13) The will of God is no longer a mystery. Jesus removed the veil of obscurity and mystery of the Godhead. He clearly states and explains the will, way and heart of the father.

The Kingdom constitution of life leads and a clear path to follow: 

  • The Weak are Full Citizens in heaven. 
  • When you want to lead, you need to serve.
  • Maturity Is To Become Like ʼn Child.
  • If You Want to Live, You Must Die
  • We Gain More By Giving More
  • We Fight Harder By Resting Harder
  • Seeking to please God, seek first His righteousness.
  • Want to be known, embrace obscurity.
  • Rise with more authority learn to obey.
  • Resist evil by doing good. 

This Kingdom way of living provides security and stability to the believer in the same way that the three-point climbing pattern provides surety to the experienced rock-climber. Practicing the basics of rock-climbing methodology eventually becomes second nature. In the same way, believers practice the kingdom methodology until it becomes a way of thinking, consciousness, and life.  

Only do what you have faith for

The primary guiding principle of Kingdom Living, is faith! What is not done by faith is sin. (Rom 14:23). Only Faith can please God (Heb 11:6). We live by faith, not by sight. (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb. 10:38). We live by faith, not by our feelings. We live by faith and confidence in Christ alone. (Heb 10:35)

Transformed Desires and Passions

There is no Hebrew word for will. The Hebrew language says you desire to do something, instead of you decided or willed something. Our desires have to be reformed and redirected by the knowledge of God we learn first-hand from the Word and the Spirit. Knowing and experiencing God first-hand changes our passions and desires. Once our desires are reverted, our feelings and emotions naturally follow.  

Feelings are important because it fuels our activity. Without emotions and feelings, we become robots without passion. An untrained bull that is not domesticated jump fences, mates whoever he wants, competes with other bulls and operates in isolation. Likewise, people who did not have their emotions, passions and feelings trained. Following and living in close proximity to Christ entails daily correction of your will and desires. The more time we spend discovering the ways of God regarding business, law and order, wellness, learning, and relationships, the better one becomes in mitigating life’s challenges and find order in the chaos.  

Dealing with negative feelings and emotions: 

  1. Describe what you feel explicitly accurately. 
  2. What specifically needs to change. 
  3. Take Responsibility and request specific help. 
  4. Celebrate and reward particular change.  

Knowing God’s will and way of doing life is further complemented by:

  1. Prophetic Revelations illuminate, clarify and encourage us that we have heard right.  
  2. Body interactions help us confirm our inner convictions when other co-laborers exchange similar interactions and revelations from the Father.
  3. Fruits of righteous or divine break-throughs become like monuments, reminding us of the things He has already done.  

Negative Feelings List

Afraid, aggravated, agitated, alarmed, aloof, angry, anguished, annoyed, anxious, apathetic, apprehensive, aroused, ashamed, beat, bewildered, bitter, blah, blue, bored, brokenhearted, chagrined, cold, concerned, confuse, cool, cross, dejected, depressed, despairing, despondent, detached, disaffected, disenchanted, disappointed, discouraged, disgruntled, disgusted, disheartened, dismayed, displeased, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, downcast, downhearted, dull, edgy, embarrassed, embittered, exasperated, exhausted, fatigued, fearful, fidgety, forlorn, frightened, frustrated, furious, gloomy, guilty, heavy, helpless, hesitant, horrified, horrible, hostile, hot, hurt, impatient, indifferent, intense, irritated jealous, jittery, lazy, lethargic, lonely, mad, mean, miserable, mopey, mournful, nervous, numb, overwhelmed, panicky, passive, perplexed, pessimistic, puzzled, rancorous, reluctant, repelled, resentful, restless, sad, scared, sensitive, shaky, terrified, tired, troubled, uncomfortable, unconcerned, uneasy, unglued, unhappy, unnerved, unsteady, upset, uptight, vexed, weary, wistful, withdrawn, woeful, worried, wretched.

Positive Emotions Words List

Absorbed, adventurous, affectionate, alert, alive, amazed, amused, appreciative, astonished, blissful, breathless, buoyant, calm, carefree, cheerful, comfortable, content, confident, curious, dazzled, delighted, eager, ecstatic, effervescent, elated, enchanted, encouraged, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, expectant, fascinated, free, friendly, fulfilled, glad, gleeful, glowing, good-humored, grateful, gratified, happy, hopeful, inquisitive, inspired, interested, intrigued, invigorated, involved, joyous, joyful, jubilant, loving, mellow, merry, moved, optimistic, overjoyed, overwhelmed, peaceful, perky, pleasant, pleased, proud, quiet, radiant, rapturous, refreshed, relaxed, relieved, satisfied, secure, sensitive, serene, spellbound, splendid, stimulated, surprised, tender, thankful, thrilled, touched, tranquil, trusting, upbeat, warm, wide-awake, wonderful, zestful.

Emotional standoff before TRUTH

One cannot help to feel a host of emotions. Emotions are normal. Emotions that are based on wrong presumptions and conclusions are dangerous. Remember, Satan is called the father of lies and is a master of delusions. Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, But a man of understanding walks uprightly. (Prov 15:21) We must thus learn to bring your presumptions, thoughts, and premonitions to the Court of Truth to be judged and discerned. The Truth encounter disempowers the strongholds of lies in one’s heart and gives you a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7)

διακρισις diákrisis; gen. diakríseos, fem. noun from diakríno (G1252), to distinguish, decide, judge. A distinguishing, discerning clearly, i.e., spoken of the act or power (1Co 12:10; Heb 5:14).

By implication Rom 14:1, literally meaning not for scrutinizing of thoughts, i.e., not with searching out and pronouncing judgment on their opinions (cf. Rom 14:5, Rom 14:13). This also could be rendered as doubts, scruples.
Syn.: diágnosis (G1233), diagnosis, judgment, thorough understanding; gnome (G1106), opinion.
Ant.: apáte (G539), deceit; pláne (G4106), delusion, error; agnóema (G51), ignorance.


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The discovery of the Priestly Mandate of the Church

The Eden story is different to all the other ancient’s creation stories in many ways. The omnipotent creator seeks to dwell with man on earth in an enclosed garden, where all that God created out of chaos is good. God walks and talks with man, and gives man, who is made in the image of the Creator the authority to subdue the earth, be fruitful and multiply, in essence: Continue to do as you have witnessed the Creator do, and created good out of chaos.  From the beginning God’s purpose for man was two-fold: governmental kingship and priestly representation.  

As a king he is to name the animals and till the earth in order to subdue them, and make them serve his good purposes. 

As a priest, he must do good, representing the all good Creator. But also serves as a mediator, a spiritual broker, an exchange agent, an ambassador of the divine to ensure that what is subdued submits ultimately to the divine.  

We must understand that everything is spiritual. When work is not spiritual it becomes simply labor, slavery and mere physical activity and toil. If we work to make something beautiful, or meaningful to do good, our work becomes spiritual.  A farmer, unlike a robot, who simply follows instructions like a recipe is not putting heart into it.  A farmer who plans, thinks, tests and improves what he is planting to yield tasty abundant food will speak for itself of the goodness of God. His work is doing something spiritual.  

Teaching people and workers the skill of farming and seeing how they develop as human beings is a spiritual priestly activity.  Having a restaurant where people only get their food, need not be decorated, have music, or candles or have pleasant table placements.  Like animals, we just line up and eat. No conversations, no laughter and pleasant service.  The priestly mandate – representing God role is fundamental to sustained business success. 

Furthermore, husbands are not just to marry, and get his wife to only have children, and put food on the table. Paul taught that men should love and cherish their wives like Jesus loved the church and gave his life for her.  He should then prepare her perfect and blameless to the coming of our Lord. This is a priestly role.  Parents are to teach their children the laws of God, again a priestly role.  Teaching and demonstrating the will of God to man. 

We think that only some people are elected priests.  Yet apostle Peter calls the whole church a royal priesthood.  But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. (1 Pet 2:9). Again, the king and priest role are intrinsically part of the other.  

In our work and labor, we are either creating a hell that alienates people from God, or we are creating an Eden or heaven that draws people to God. In our daily interactions, we are either causing an offense to destroy lives or we are building a bridge to lead people to be reconciled with God.  We are either building, healing, reconciling or we are breaking down and destroying lives.

A friend told me people are like ants or they are like locusts.  Ants build colonies of safety and protection, nourishment and provision. Locusts build nothing, they can only consume what has not been planted.  

Kings and priests together build healthy societies of collective well-being.  Faith and love working together.  Faith consumes, love conceives. Kings need faith to envision new conquest and accomplishments for the good of all.  Priest seeks to love and build healthy lasting relationships.  Faith that works through love are mutually dependent on the other.  We need both faith and love to conquer life’s challenges and to accomplish good.  

Adam’s priestly role was to mediate God’s will, so when the serpent questioned: “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” Eve spoke and explained what GOD said.  ““We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’  The priestly mandate is thus not to know the letter of the law or command, but to understand the spirit of the law. She obviously only knew the former and was easily misdirected: “saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate”.

Why was being with God, and communing with Him not good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and desirable for wisdom? The word of God is real food (Mat 4:4). It is the knowledge of God, that contains life. Finding knowledge outside of God, leads to death. 

5 Duties of NT Believer’s Priesthood 

1. Spiritual Education

They are to teach God’s laws, His statutes and His ordinances. “And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith Yahweh of hosts. My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my Name… For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of Yahweh of hosts.” Malachi 2: 4-5. “For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel.” (Ezra 7:10).

2. Demonstrate His Righteousness 

We are mediators of the new covenant (Heb. 12:21; 1 Peter 2: 9; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).  Jesus commanded us to disciple and teach all that He had commanded us to others. For this we have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. (John 16:13; 1 John 2:27; Matthew 28:19-20). We are also to teach and admonish one another exercising our priestly function within the Body (Colossians 3:16; Romans 12: 5-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-8; 14:26). Some like the Aaronic priests have a specific full-time teaching ministry – the Five-fold Specialized Gifts of Ephesians 4:11.

3. Judgement

In view of the fact that the Aaronic priests knew God’s law, they were best able to officiate as judges and to specify the divinely ordained penalties for various sins and breaches of the law. “… you shall come to the priests, the Levites, and to the judge there in those days, and inquire of them; they shall pronounce upon you the sentence of judgment.” Deuteronomy 17:9-11. 

He has called His saints to not only judge according to His Word the things of this life, but also to reign with Him and execute His judgement with a “rod of iron” in the age to come, and also to judge angels. We are to judge righteous judgement according to His Word. 1 Cor. 6: 2-4; 2:15; Rev.5:9-10; 20: 6; 2:26-27.

4. Be a blessing to the people

The priests were to bless the people and put God’s Name upon them and in so doing, He would bless them (Numbers 6:27; 2 Chronicles 30:27; Leviticus 9:23-24).

In the new covenant we bless His people by waiting and hearing God from an open Bible and receiving an impartation of His Spirit for them – we receive from Him and serve the people. We direct people to God by impartation of His Spirit in the ministry of the gifts as well as by the words of our mouth (1 Corinthians 12: 7, 27-28 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:29).

5. The Spiritual Reality

The service of the Old Covenant priesthood constituted a type-and-shadow of our service and sanctuary in the new covenant era. “…which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.” (Colossians 2:17). As the substance is superior to a shadow, so is the present new covenant system superior to that which preceded it (i.e. the Levitical). But by looking at the Levitical order we can understand the pattern for priesthood on a natural level in those types and shadows and apply it to the spiritual.

When Moses received the pattern for the physical Tabernacle, he was told to make everything according to the spiritual reality. So we have in a natural form, the exact representation of the spiritual reality which is now functioning in the Melchizedek priesthood. Hebrews 8:5:  “The sacrifices which were natural are now spiritual, and the tabernacle/temple in which they were performed is now also a spiritual temple of living stones to be inhabited by His Spirit.” 1 Peter 2: 5[1]
