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Die Hoofpriester kry Skoon Klere

Die Here het my ’n visioen laat sien van die hoofpriester Josua wat voor die Here se engel staan. Satan het aan Josua se regterkant gestaan want hy wou beskuldigings teen hom inbring. Die Here sê toe vir Satan: 

“Ek veroordeel jou, Satan! Dit is Ek, die Here, wat self vir Jerusalem uitgekies het, en Ek veroordeel jou! Hierdie Josua het ek gered soos ’n stuk hout wat uit die vuur gegryp is.” (Open 12:10-12)

Josua het voor die engel gestaan met vuil klere aan. 4Die engel sê toe vir die ander wat voor hom staan: 

“Vat daardie vuil klere van hom weg,” en vir Josua sê hy: “Ek het jou sonde weggeneem en nou gee ek jou pragtige feesklere om aan te trek.”

Ek sê toe: 

“Bind ’n skoon tulband om sy kop.” 

Hulle sit toe vir hom ’n skoon tulband op en trek vir hom die nuwe klere aan terwyl die Here se engel staan en kyk. Die engel gee toe vir Josua hierdie plegtige versekering van die almagtige Here: 

As jy lewe soos Ek beveel het en my

opdragte uitvoer, sal jy:

  • seggenskap hê oor my tempel en al die geboue wat daarby hoort, en
  • Ek sal jou toelaat om saam met hierdie engele in my teenwoordigheid te kom. (Heb 4:14-16; 10:19)

Josua, luister nou hier, jy en die ander priesters wat by jou is. Dat julle behoue uit die ballingskap teruggekom het, is reeds ’n bewys van die wonderwerke wat Ek gaan doen. Ek sal my dienskneg stuur wat genoem word Die Spruit. (Sag 6:12-13) Hy is die wettige erfgenaam van Dawid. Kyk hierdie klip wat ek voor Josua neersit, het sewe kante soos ’n geslypte juweel. Ek, die almagtige Here, sal self woorde daarop graveer en Ek sal hierdie volk se sonde in een dag wegneem. Wanneer dit gebeur, sal julle rustig kan woon en elkeen sal sy buurman kan uitnooi om by hom te kom sit in die skaduwee van sy vyebome en sy wingerdstokke.”

’n Goue kandelaar en twee olyfbome

EN die engel wat met my gespreek het, het teruggekom en my gewek soos ’n man wat uit die slaap opgewek word. En hy het vir my gesê: Wat sien jy? Toe antwoord ek: Ek sien daar ’n kandelaar(Open 2 -3) heeltemal van goud, en sy oliekan bo-oor hom en sy sewe lampe op hom; telkens sewe aanvoerpype loop na die lampe wat bo-oor hom is. Ook twee olyfbome langs hom, een aan die regterkant van die oliekan en een aan die linkerkant daarvan.

Daarop het ek begin spreek en aan die engel wat met my gespreek het, gesê: Wat beteken dit, my heer? En die engel wat met my gespreek het, antwoord en sê vir my: Weet jy dan nie wat dit beteken nie? En ek het gesê: Nee, my heer. Toe antwoord hy en sê vir my: Dit is die woord van die HERE aan Serubbábel, naamlik: Nie deur krag of deur geweld nie, maar deur my Gees, sê die HERE van die leërskare.

Wie is jy, groot berg? Voor Serubbábel sal jy tot ’n gelykte word! En hy sal die sluitsteen te voorskyn bring onder uitroepe van: 

Genade, genade oor hom!

En die woord van die HERE het tot my gekom en gesê: Die hande van Serubbábel het die fondament van hierdie huis gelê, en sy hande sal dit voltooi; dan sal jy weet dat die HERE van die leërskare my na julle gestuur het.

Want wie verag die dag van klein dinge, terwyl daardie sewe—die  van die HERE wat die ganse aarde deurloop—met blydskap die skietlood aanskou in die hand van Serubbábel?Daarop het ek begin spreek en aan hom gesê: Wat beteken hierdie twee olyfbome aan die regterkant van die kandelaar en aan die linkerkant daarvan? En ek het toe nogmaals gespreek en vir hom gesê: Wat beteken die twee olyftakkies aan die kant van die twee goue pype wat goud uit hulle laat uitstroom?

Toe antwoord hy my en sê: Weet jy nie wat dit beteken nie? En ek het gesê: Nee, my heer. En hy sê: Dit is die twee gesalfdes wat by die Here van die ganse aarde staan.


What Happens When Christians Die?

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Ps. 116:15)

Death is the one thing we are most certain of, yet we are most ill-prepared for. Is there an afterlife? How does one prepare for it? How is one certain of resurrection? Particularly we as believers ask the question: What happens to Christians when they die?

All cultures have shown interest in life after death. Egyptians dedicated pyramids to their dead. Chinese built huge tombs for their emperors with ceramic armies to “protect” them in the afterlife. Vikings dressed fallen warriors and released them to the wind in burning ships. Crusaders in the Middle Ages believed they gained a more favorable afterlife if they died in battle, as did the Japanese kamikaze pilots in the 2nd World War. American Indians buried weapons and tools with their dead for use in the Happy Hunting Ground.  Hence the question: What happens to Christians when they die?

Currently, 60-million people die every year, and 140-million new babies are born. As mysterious as is the origin of new life, so mysterious is our end.  Scientists cannot create new life nor give us immortality. Some people have babies without any complications; others are unable to have children. Some people want to die yet they remain alive and others who want to live unexpectedly die.  

Life is Fleeting, Therefore Hold on Loosely. 

The paradox of life is our vulnerability to death, yet we desperately fight to preserve and extend it.  We all know that all of this life’s material things are temporary, yet we spend most of our time acquiring assets, belongings and goods.  

“Our days on earth are as a shadow” (1 Chron 29:15; Job 14:2; Ps. 90:9)

As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, And its place remembers it no more. (Ps 103:15-16)

Death is CERTAIN.

“You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die” (Genesis 2:16-17).

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return” (Genesis 3:19). 

The Bible Describes the Death of Christians in Many Different Ways

The Psalmist wrote that when people die, they “return to the dust” (Psalm 104:29).

The KJV calls death “giving up the ghost” (Genesis 25:8; 35:29; Lamentations 1:19; Acts 5:10).

The Bible says that when Abraham died, he was “gathered to his people” (Genesis 25:8). In other words, he joined his deceased relatives in death.

The Bible often describes the death of God’s people as “sleep” (Deuteronomy 31:16; John 11:11; 1 Corinthians 15:6, 18, 51; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-15). 

The apostle Paul called death a “departure” (2 Timothy 4:6). It’s like going on a trip…from this world to another.

The apostle Peter said that death is like “taking down a tent” (1 Peter 1:13-14). Our bodies are temporary dwelling places.  

Job described death as “the king of terrors” (Job 14:14). Death is many people’s greatest fear. 

There is Nothing Evil, Sinister or Wicked About The Death of a Christian

Death is as natural as the birth of a newborn baby. It is part of the cycle of life. You will also not find any rubbish dumps in Nature. There is no waste, death has a purpose. Death often provides for life! It is a gift. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. (John 12:24-25)

One will always find sufficient grace in the death of a believer. As a local pastor, I must still find the story where God did not work everything for good for those who love Him (Rom 8:29): testimonies of provision, reconciliation, repentance and return to the Lord; of God’s love and presence in the midst of the Valley of Death. (Ps 23)

The tragedy of death is dying without being reconciled with God! Oh, the great horror! To see someone struggling to die without finding peace! Death is a sobering reality and grief is a lonely path that all must take to discover what life is really about. When losing a loved one, the speeding, sometimes out-of-control-bus of life calls to an abrupt halt. One becomes aware of eternity, the soul searches for meaning, purpose, understanding. The best poems, songs and books were written during a grieving process.

Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. (Mat 5:4 Is. 61:2, 3; Luke 6:21; [John 16:20]; Acts 16:34; [2 Cor. 1:7]; Rev. 21:4)

When a Noble, Righteous Christian Dies, We Feel Something is Wrong.

When someone noble, and righteous is taken, we feel this is unfair. Something is wrong. We somehow feel that bad and sinful people deserve death! 

Stephen was one of seven men chosen to help administer food distribution to needy Christians in Jerusalem (Acts 6:1-6). He was one of the first appointed Deacons of the Early Church’s Jesus movement. He was the most prominent of the seven and is singled out as a man “full of faith and the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:5). Manifesting the grace and power of God in an unusual measure, he did miraculous (Acts 6:8) and proved to be a bold and effective evangelist and defender of the faith (Acts 6:9-10). His witness was so powerful; he was soon arrested by the authorities and brought before the high council for interrogation (6:9-12).  After a lengthy interrogation, they brutally stoned him to death (Acts 7:54-60). As he died, Stephen prayed that his murderers might be forgiven (Acts 7:60). 

We are not told of his family, whether he had a wife or children. He must have had a mother and father and siblings.  How did they feel that God took their son after doing so much good? One can only imagine. 

But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”  (Acts 7:55-56)

And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:59-60)

In this story of horrible brutality, the glory of heaven shines more brightly! While Stephen was being stoned, he was filled with Holy Spirit, Saw Jesus and the Father… and fell asleep!! What vindication, victory and supernatural strength!  

Christians Do Not DIE!

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell”  (Matthew 10:28) 

READ the WHOLE Chapter – 1 Corinthians 15! 

Why Death is BETTER for Christians.

It is our REWARD, our finishing line! 

Is it not strange how, when we are facing hardship, we all long for heaven? In contrast, when losing a loved one, we hold on to their life.  We hold on to our loved ones for what they did for us, how well they loved us, the good they did… not realising that for believers, DEATH is BETTER! 

For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. (Phil 1:23) 

But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country (Heb 11:16) 

Why are you grieving? The question feels strange, insensitive. Why? You very well know why. But this question had the same tone the angels used when the disciples came to the grave of Jesus on Easter morning: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24: 5). Jesus continues to say that the person you mourn is not dead; you know that. So now, let us talk about your loss. He begins to help us differentiate between grief and devastation, between “good-bye for now” and what felt like an utter loss.  ((Footnote All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love. John Eldredge)) 

What Exactly Happens When We Die?

A New Heaven and a New Earth 

Imagine this wonderful creation, nature, sunsets, geography, diversity, splendour without sin, rebellion, jealousy, envy, selfish ambition, anger, entitlement!  

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. (Rev 21:1Isa 65:1766:222Pet 3:13)


Do you not get tired of cleaning, repairing, restoring the downhill decay of this world?  “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)” 

Oneness with GOD 

that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.” (Ephesians 1:10) 

Finally Complete Like Him

when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” (1 John 3:2) 

Defying the Natural Law Restrictions 

Jesus moved through walls, instantaneously. (John 20:26)
the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away (Acts 8:39; 1 Kin. 18:12; 2 Kin. 2:16; Ezek. 3:12, 14; 2 Cor. 12:2) 
Jesus walked on Water (Matthew 14:29) 

Feasting & Big mealtimes! 
John 21:12; Jeremiah 31:13; Isaiah 25:6; Revelation 19:9 See also Matthew 8:11
Having food to eat, means someone will have to produce food, and someone has to prepare it! 

We receive Heavenly Rewards/Crowns 
  • Crown of righteousness (2 Tim 4:8)
  • Incorruptible crown (1 Cor 9:25)
  • Crown of life (James 1:12)
  • An Crown of glory (1 Pet 5:2 – 4)
  • Crown of rejoicing (1 Th 2:19) 
We Will Reign With Him 

If we endure, We shall also reign with Him. (2 Tim 2:12) 

Gen 1:28; Mt 19:28; 25:34; 1Co 6:3; 2Ti 2:12; Heb 12:28; Rev 2:26-27; 3:21; 20:6

Reunited with Our Righteous Family and Loved-ones. 

In the Old Testament, when a person died, the biblical writers said he was “gathered to his people” (cf. Gen. 25:8; 35:29; 49:29; Num. 20:24; Judg. 2:10). In 2 Samuel 12, when David’s infant child died, David confidently said, “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” (v. 23). David evidently expected to see his child again. 

While sharing the Passover meal with His disciples, Christ said, “Take this [cup] and divide it among yourselves; for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes” (Luke 22:17-18). Christ was promising that He and His disciples would drink the fruit of the vine together again–in heaven.

This is why Paul writes: “lest you sorrow as others who have no hope” to comfort some of the Thessalonians who evidently thought their dying loved ones would miss the return of Christ. He says in verse 18, “Comfort one another with these words.”The comfort comes from the prospect of reunion.  

We Will Work

When God created Adam, he “took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15). Work was part of the original Eden. It was part of a perfect human life. God Himself is a worker. He didn’t create the world and then retire. Jesus said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working” (John 5:17). Jesus worked physically for the greater part of His life. We’ll also have work to do, satisfying and enriching work that we can’t wait to get back to, work that’ll never be drudgery. God is the primary worker, and as His image-bearers, we’re made to work. We create, accomplish, set goals and fulfill them—to God’s glory.

We Will be Finally HOME 

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3) 

Isa 65: 17–19, 21; Mat 19: 28–29; Mat 25:31-36; Joh 14:1-4

Heaven is Not an Afterlife Fantasy, for we are Already Experiencing Moments of Heaven. 

The Good News Gospel is exactly this! Jesus declared in His first sermon: “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” and then started to heal people, set them free from demonic oppression, raised the dead, fed the thousands, cleansed the lepers, and demonstrated HEAVEN here and now!! He teaches us to pray “Let your kingdom come, your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven” (Mat 6:10). He then later sent His disciples to demonstrate heaven too (Luk 10:9).  

For more reading content on this theme:

If you want to become a FOLLOWER of JESUS Follow this link!

Do not WASTE your LIFE any longer and become eternally prepared for LIFE after DEATH!

For more reading:

[1] Desire: The journey we must take to find the Life that God offers. John Eldredge

[2] All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love. John Eldredge 

[3]  Driven by Eternity: Make Your Life Count Today and Forever. John Bevere 


Generasies Vloeke en Seën

Die hele lewe is gene rasioneel. Sommige daarvan is ‘n seën, en ander is ‘n vloek. Die meeste mense neem die stelling nie goed nie: “Jy is net soos jou ma of jou vader”. Of u daarvan hou of nie, daar is meer van u ouers en grootouers in u DNA, soos u besef. Sommige mense voel vasgevang in die negatiewe nalatenskap van hul ouers se sondes en verkeerde dade. Hoe kan ‘n mens jouself bevry van oorerflike vloeke?

Fisiese kenmerke soos oogkleur en bloedgroep, haarlyn, tipe hare, laglyn, bui, vrugbaarheid en intelligensie, ontrouheid, slapeloosheid, swak bestuursvaardighede, vrees vir die tandarts, pyn verdraagsaamheid, gesigsuitdrukkings, atletiek, reaksie op kafeïen, gewildheid, uitstel, hoe vinnig ons ouer word, u soettand, voorkeur vir bitter kos, vlak van risiko-afkeer, optimisme, empatie, sweet, werksetiek, musikale vermoë en smaak [3]

Genetika DNA [1]

Erflike invloede.

Epigenetika: [2]

Die omgewing van die ouers, dieet, lewenstyl beïnvloed die baba se gesondheid. Nuwe navorsing dui op die moontlikheid dat ervarings van vrees by grootouers by muise geërf kan word.

Geestelike erfenis:

As ‘n vader nie kerk toe gaan nie, maak nie saak hoe getrou sy vrou se toewyding is nie, sal net een kind uit die 50 ‘n gereelde aanbidder word. As ‘n vader gereeld gaan, ongeag die moeder se praktyk, sal tussen twee derdes en driekwart van hul kinders kerkgangers word (gereeld en onreëlmatig). [4]

Sosiale ekonomiese stand:

‘N Kind se sosiale konstruksie van geslag, klas, ras en etnisiteit speel ‘n groot rol in hul finansiële IK. Kinders se ekonomiese en sosiale uitkomste, beide gedurende hul kinderjare en in hul volwasse jare, hang grootliks af van hul geboorte en opvoeding. Kinders gesinne, skole en woonbuurte, maats en volwassenes waarmee hulle tyd deurbring, speel ‘n rol en media beelde wat hul persepsie van hulself en hul plek in die wêreld vorm. Daar is baie ander faktore, intern en ekstern tot die individuele kind, wat ook die sosiale, ekonomiese sukses van die kind grootliks kan beïnvloed. [5]

Vind u gesin, vind u bestemming.

Prof. Lewis Termite se navorsing oor jong genieë: Toe die jong genieë volwassenheid betree, het Termite na die rekords van 730 van die mans gekyk en dit in drie groepe verdeel. 150 was in die A-groep. Dit was die ware suksesverhale – die advokate en dokters en ingenieurs en akademici.

Die middelste 60% was die B-groep, diegene wat ‘bevredigend’ gevaar het. Die onderste 150 was die C’s, diegene wat volgens Termite die minste gedoen het met hul superieure verstandelike vermoë. Hulle was die pos werkers en die sukkelende boekhouers en die mans wat tuis sonder hul werk op hul banke gelê het. ‘N Derde van die C’s was uit die kollegas.

Wat was die verskil tussen die As en die C’s? Termite het elke denkbare verduideliking deurgeloop. Hy het gekyk na hul liggaamlike en geestelike gesondheid, hul “manlikheid-vroulikheid-tellings” en hul stokperdjies en beroepsbelange. Hy vergelyk die ouderdomme toe hulle begin stap en praat het, en hul presiese IK-tellings op laerskool en hoërskool. Uiteindelik het net een ding saak gemaak: familie-agtergrond. [6]

Generasie vloeke:

Bybelse perspektief:
Elke man het die keuse om sy of haar lot te bepaal.

‘Ek, die Here jou God, is ‘n jaloerse God wat die ongeregtigheid van die vaders aan die kinders besoek, tot die derde en die vierde geslag van die wat my haat, maar aan duisende van die wat my liefhet en my gebooie bewaar, betroubare liefde.’ Eksodus 20: 5–6

“Die Here, die Here, ‘n barmhartige en genadige God, lankmoedig en oorvloedig in standvastige liefde en trou, wat duisende liefhê, ongeregtigheid en oortreding en sonde vergewe, maar wat die skuldiges geensins sal skoonmaak nie; die ongeregtigheid van die vaders oor die kinders en die kinders van die kinders, tot die derde en die vierde geslag. ” Eksodus 34: 6–7

“Vanweë hul ongeregtigheid en ook weens die ongeregtighede van hulle vaders, sal hulle soos hulle verrot.” Levitikus 26:39

Individuele verantwoordelikheid:

“Vaders mag nie gedood word weens hulle kinders nie, en kinders moet ook nie ter wille van hulle vaders doodgemaak word nie. Elkeen moet ter wille van sy eie sonde gedood word. ” Deuteronomium 24:16

“Maar hy [Amasia] het die kinders van die moordenaars nie doodgemaak volgens wat in die wetboek van Moses geskrywe is, waar die HERE beveel het: Die vaders mag nie gedood word weens hulle kinders nie, kinders moet ter wille van hulle vaders gedood word. Maar elkeen sal vir sy eie sonde sterf. ’” 2 Konings 14: 6

‘Die siel wat sondig, sal sterwe. Die seun sal nie ly weens die ongeregtigheid van die vader nie, en die vader sal ook nie ly weens die ongeregtigheid van die seun nie. ” Esegiël 18:20

Ons laat almal ‘n nalatenskap

 ” N Goeie man laat ‘n erfdeel aan die kinders van sy kinders oor. ‘ Spreuke 13:22: (NAV)

Toe die Here jou God jou in die land bring, het Hy aan jou vaders, Abraham, Isak en Jakob gesweer om jou te gee – ‘n land met groot, bloeiende stede wat jy nie gebou het nie, 11 huise vol allerhande goeie dinge wat jy gedoen het nie voorsien nie, putte wat u nie gegrawe het nie, en wingerde en olyfboorde wat u nie geplant het nie (Deuteronomium 6: 10-11 (NV)

 “Die een geslag beveel u werke aan die ander aan; hulle vertel van u magtige dade … ”Psalm 145: 4

Om ‘n GODELIKKE erfenis van seën of vloek na te laat.

Die volgende verhaal van twee Amerikaanse families illustreer die krag van generasie vloeke en seëninge. Max Jukes was ‘n ateïs wat met ‘n goddelose vrou getrou het. Navorsers het 560 nasate opgespoor: 310 sterf as armlastiges – 150 het misdadigers geword, waarvan 7 moordenaars – 100 was bekend dat hulle dronkaard was – en meer as die helfte van die vroue was prostitute. Die afstammelinge van Max Jukes het die Amerikaanse regering meer as $ 1,25 miljoen in 19de-eeuse dollar gekos.

Jonathan Edwards was ‘n tydgenoot van Max Jukes. Hy was ‘n toegewyde Christin wat God die eerste plek in sy lewe gegee het. Hy trou met ‘n godvrugtige jong dame en spoor ongeveer 1 394 afstammelinge op: 295 studeer aan die kollege, 13 word kollege-presidente en 65 word professore. Daarbenewens is 3 verkies as senatore van die Verenigde State, 3 as staatsgoewerneurs, en 3 ander is as ministers na die buiteland gestuur. Daarbenewens het 30 regters geword, 100 advokate, 1 dekaan van ‘n uitstekende regsskool. 75 het offisiere in die weermag geword. Honderd was bekende sendelinge, predikers en vooraanstaande skrywers. Nog 80 het een of ander vorm van ‘n openbare amp beklee, waarvan drie burgemeesters van groot stede was, 1 die beheerder van die Amerikaanse tesourie en ‘n ander vise-president van die Verenigde State. Nie een van die nasate van die familie Edwards was ‘n aanspreeklikheid vir die regering nie!

Die drie leerstoel beginsel

Dawid het God met sy hele hart gedien.

Salomo het God gedien met ‘n verdeelde hart.

Sy seun Rehabeam het God glad nie gedien nie.

Josua, Ouderlinge, Volgende generasie

Ek en my huis sal God dien. (Jos 14:15)

“Israel het die Here gedien gedurende die leeftyd van Josua en die ouderlinge wat hom oorleef het en wat alles ervaar het wat die Here vir Israel gedoen het” (Jos. 24:31).

“Nadat die hele geslag by hul vaders bymekaar was, het daar ‘n ander geslag opgegroei wat nie die Here geken het en ook nie wat hy vir Israel gedoen het nie” (Rigt. 2:10).

LES van HERVORMING van koning Josia

  • Toe hy nog jonk was, het hy God begin soek. ‘Ek is ernstig besorg oor ons kinders. Ons wag te lank om die volle evangelie aan hulle te gee.
  • Van sy vader Dawid ”(v3) verbreek Josia alle bande met sy vader Amon en sy oupa Manasse wat gedoen het wat verkeerd was in die oë van die Here. Hy het sy oorerflike invloede geneem van Dawid, die laaste groot geestelike vader / koning / heerser van verenigde Israel. Hy het dus probeer om hom by ‘n geslagslyn van seën en waarheid aan te pas.
  • Begin om die land van heidense praktyke te suiwer (v3) Gaan in teen die hoofstroom kultuur en maak standpunt teen valse godsdiens.
  • Herstel finansiële integriteit in die huis van God. (v8-9) As daar chaos is, ad-administrasie. Josia het goeie administrasie, regering en orde verstaan.
  • Die huis van die Here herstel (v10-13). Die kerk is die enigste instelling wat deur God opgedra is, vir God om Christus as die enigste middel tot redding aan te bied.
  • Herontdek en die Woord van God bestudeer (v15). ‘N Volger van Christus is ‘n getroue, lewenslange student van die Woord.
  • Beweeg en vrees om die Woord te gehoorsaam (v19). Ons moet nie net die woord bestudeer nie, maar ons moet dit gehoorsaam !! Dit gaan nie oor hoeveel ons in die Woord is nie, maar hoeveel van die Woord in ons is! Vanweë sy passie en vreeslose nederigheid het God hom persoonlik geprys. So sê die HERE, die God van Israel: “Oor die woorde wat u gehoor het, omdat u hart teer was, en U voor God neergewerp het toe U sy woorde teen hierdie plek en sy inwoners gehoor het, en U voor my aangesig verneder het. en jy het jou klere geskeur en voor my geween; ook Ek het jou gehoor, spreek die HERE. v27
  • Openbare belydenis van sy geloof afgelê (v30-31). Hy was nie bang om met ‘n openbare belydenis en vertoon van sy geloof te lei nie, nie in godsdienstige valse skynheiligheid nie! Ek sien in die generasie Z die gees van Josia, wat weer bereid is om moedig en radikaal te wees in hul geloof.
  • Hou die “Pasga” soos geen ander koning sedert Dawid nie (35: 1, 18). Die hou van die Pasga gaan oor aanbidding. Hoe dien en aanbid ons God? Hy het alle ander oortref! Aanbid God in gees en waarheid!
  • Die stryd waarvoor u nie gevra is nie, sal u verloor. Hy het die komende oordeel van God teen sy volk nie geglo nie, en dat God deur ‘n heidense koning kan praat en werk. Nietemin wou Josia nie sy gesig van hom afwend nie, maar hy het hom vermom om met hom te veg, en nie die woorde van Nego uit die mond van God gehoorsaam nie. Toe kom hy veg in die Vallei van Megiddo. (2 Kron 35:22)


[2] inheritance-DNA-methylation




[6] Gladwell, Malcolm., 2008. Uitskieters. 1ste uitg. New York, NY: Hachette Audio, p. 110.


Generational Blessings and Curses

Generational blessings and curses and what to do about it!

All life is generational.  Some of it is a blessing, and some of it is a curse. Most people do not take well to the statement: “You’re just like your mother or your father”. Whether you like it or not, there is more of your parents and grandparents in your DNA than you realize.  Some people feel trapped in the negative legacies of their parents’ sins, and wrongdoing.

How can you free yourself of hereditary curses?

Hereditary Influences.

Genetics DNA[1]

Physical features like eye color and blood type, hairline, hair type, laugh lines, mood, fertility, intelligence, infidelity, insomnia, poor driving skills, fear of the dentist, pain tolerance, facial expressions, athleticism, response to caffeine, popularity, procrastination, how fast we age, your sweet-tooth, preference for bitter foods, level of risk aversion, optimism, empathy, sweatiness, work ethic, musical ability and taste[3]


The environment of the parents, diet, lifestyle influences a baby’s health. New research with mice indicates a possibility that experiences of fear can be inherited from grandparents.

Spiritual inheritance:

If a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in fifty will become a regular worshipper. If a father regularly attends church, regardless of the mother’s practice, between two-thirds and three-quarters of their children will become churchgoers (regular and irregular). [4]

Social Economic Standing: 

A child’s social construction of gender, class, race, and ethnicity plays a huge role in their Financial IQ.  Children’s economic and social outcomes, both during their childhood and in their adult years, largely depend on their birth and upbringing. Children’s families, schools, and neighborhoods, peers and adults with whom they spend time plays a role including media images that shape their perceptions of themselves and their place in the world. There are, of course many other factors, both internal and external contributing to the individual child, that can also greatly affect the child’s social, economic success. [5]

Find Your Family, Find Your Destiny.

Prof . Lewis Termite’s research of young geniuses: When the young geniuses entered into adulthood, Terman looked at the records of 730 of the men and divided them into three groups:

  • 150 were in the A group who were the true success stories — the lawyers and physicians and engineers and academics
  • The middle 60% were the B group — those who were doing “satisfactorily.”
  • The bottom 150 were the Cs — the ones who Terman judged to have done the least with their superior mental ability. They were the postal workers, the struggling bookkeepers and the men lying on their couches at home without any job at all. One-third of the Cs were college dropouts.

What was the difference between the As and the Cs? Terman ran through every conceivable explanation. He looked at their physical and mental health, their “masculinity-femininity scores,” and their hobbies and vocational interests. He compared the ages when they started walking and talking and their precise IQ scores in elementary and high school. In the end, only one thing mattered: family background[6]

Generational Curses:

Biblical Perspective:
Every man has a choice to determine his or her destiny. 

“I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:5–6

“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:6–7

“Because of their iniquity, and also because of the iniquities of their fathers they shall rot away like them.” Leviticus 26:39

Individual Responsibility: 

“Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.” Deuteronomy 24:16

“But he [Amaziah] did not put to death the children of the murderers, according to what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, where the Lord commanded, ‘Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. But each one shall die for his own sin.’” 2 Kings 14:6

“The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son.” Ezekiel 18:20

We all leave a legacy

 “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Proverbs 13:22: (NKJV)

When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant (Deuteronomy 6:10-11 (NIV)

 “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts …” Psalm 145:4

Leaving a GODLY Legacy of blessing or curse.

The following story of two American families illustrates the power of generational curses and blessings:

  • Max Jukes was an atheist who married a godless woman. Researchers traced 560 descendants: 310 died as paupers—150 became criminals, 7 of them murderers—100 were known to be drunkards—and more than half of the women were prostitutes. The descendants of Max Jukes cost the United States government more than $1.25 million in 19th-century dollars.
  • Jonathan Edwards was a contemporary of Max Jukes. He was a committed Christian who gave God first place in his life. He married a godly young lady and traced some 1,394 descendants: 295 graduated from college, 13 became college presidents, and 65 became professors. In addition, 3 were elected as United States senators, 3 as state governors, and 3 others were sent as ministers to foreign countries. In addition, 30 became judges, 100 were lawyers, 1 was the dean of an outstanding law school. 75 became officers in the military. 100 were well-known missionaries, preachers, and prominent authors. Another 80 held some form of public office, of whom 3 were mayors of large cities, 1 was the comptroller of the United States Treasury, and another was vice president of the United States. Not one of the descendants of the Edwards family was a liability to the government!

The Three-Chair Principle 

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David served God, with all his heart. 

Solomon served God, with a divided heart. 

His son Rehoboam did not serve God at all. 

Joshua, Elders, Next generation

Me and my house will serve God. (Jos 14:15)

“Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and the elders who outlived him and who had experienced everything the Lord had done for Israel” (Josh. 24:31).

“After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel” (Judg. 2:10).

Lessons of REFORM from King Josiah 

  1. While he was still young, he began to seek God” I am seriously concerned about our children. We wait too long to give them the full gospel.
  2. Of his father David” (v3) Josiah severed all ties with Amon his dad, and Manasseh his grandfather who did evil in the sight of the Lord. He took his hereditary influences from David, the last great spiritual father/king/ruler of united Israel. He thus sought to align himself with a generational line of blessing and truth.
  3. Began to purge the land of pagan practises (v3) Go against the mainstream culture, and make a stand against false religion.
  4. Restored Financial Integrity in the house of God. (v8-9) When there is chaos, ad administration. Josiah understood good administration, governance and order.
  5. Restored the house of the Lord (v10-13). The church is the only institution mandated by God, for God, to offer Christ as the only means to salvation.
  6. Rediscovered, and studied the Word of God (v15). A follower of Christ is a faithful, lifetime student of the Word.
  7. Trembled and feared to obey the Word (v19). We are not only to study the word, but we are to obey it!! It is not about how much we are in the Word, but how much of the Word is in us! For his passion and fearless humility God personally commended him. ‘Thus says the LORD God of Israel: “Concerning the words which you have heard— because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you,” says the LORD. v27
  8. Made Public confession of His faith (v30-31). He was not afraid to lead with a public confession and display of his faith, not in religious false hypocrisy! I see in the generation Z, the spirit of Josiah, who are willing again to be bold and radical in their faith.
  9. Kept the “Passover” like no other King since David (35:1, 18). Keeping the Passover is about worship. How do we serve, and worship God? He surpassed all others! Worship God in spirit and in truth!
  10. The fight that you have not been called for, you will lose.  He did not believe the coming judgement of God against his people, and that God can speak and work through a pagan king. Nevertheless, Josiah would not turn his face from him, but disguised himself so that he might fight with him, and did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. So he came to fight in the Valley of Megiddo. (2 Chron 35:22) 






[6] Gladwell, Malcolm., 2008. Outliers. 1st ed. New York, NY: Hachette Audio, p. 110.


The Creative Power of our Words


Jordan B Peterson relates the power of words with a story of an anti-social, lonely man who for 10 years would take up 90% of an hour psychotherapy session.  He was not accustomed to the subtleties of social interaction, so his behaviours, verbal and nonverbal, lacked the dance-like rhythm and harmony that characterize the socially fluent. Nevertheless, he eventually healed himself through meaningful conversation.
People depend on constant communication with others to keep their minds organized. We all need to think to keep things straight, but we mostly think by talking.
We need to talk about the past, so we can distinguish the trivial, overblown concerns that otherwise plague our thoughts from the experiences that are truly important. We need to talk about the nature of the present and our plans for the future, so we know where we are, where we are going, and why we are going there. We must submit the strategies and tactics we formulate to the judgments of others, to ensure their efficiency and resilience. We need to listen to ourselves as we talk, as well, so that we may organize our otherwise inchoate bodily reactions, motivations, and emotions into something articulate and organized, and dispense with those concerns that are exaggerated and irrational. We need to talk—both to remember and to forget. ((Footnote ‘Beyond order’ 12 more rules for life’ Jordan B Peterson))
“Life and death are in the power of the tongue“ see also v20.
A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. It is an issue of the heart: (Prov 4:23)

The Creative Power of Words

God created Eden out of chaos with WORDS – Gen 1. Adam & Eve had to name the animals in order to subdue them, which takes words! ((Footnote Rule 10: be precise in speech – Peterson, J., n.d. Summary of 12 rules for life.))
God created order out of chaos through precise words.
Every healing and miracles JESUS worked, he did use Words. 
Jesus is the very expression of God’s words.
Everything that exists came about by words.
According to Genesis 1&2 we see a pattern of how God uses His Words.
God’s words
God’s words IDENTIFY – Gen 2:19
God’s Words MULTIPLY – His word is a seed – Isa 55:11

Why silence is never an option.

There is a time to speak, and a time to be silent. (Eccl 3:7-8) We get it wrong: In that when we should speak we remain silent, in fear that we will be judged, moralized, or offend.
We should never be silent when:

1. We see our brother err.
Let him know, that he which convert the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. (James 5:20) Brothers, even if a person is caught in some transgression, you who are spiritual should correct that one in a gentle spirit, looking to yourself, so that you also may not be tempted. (Galatians 6:1)

2. In the face of injustice
Speak up, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and oppressed. (Prov 31:9)
3. When my heart is unhappy about something someone has done.
“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. 34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:33-37)
Speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things (Eph 4:15) It is my experience that the first round of meaningful dialogue that is sincerely honest is usually negative. Because we still try to formulate our thoughts, and usually blunder out what is in our head. It takes a second and third session to clarify, what was meant, and what is understood to restore empathy. Never disengage! No silent treatment. Keep at it, until empathy arises in both parties’ hearts. 

How we misconstrue verbal intend


((Footnote In Noam Chomsky’s 1957 Ph.D. thesis, Transformational Grammar, he said there are three processes by which people create the filters of their individual Model of the World.))

  1. Deletion
  2. Gerenalizasion
  3. Distortion

((Footnote Rose Charvet, S., 2019. Words That Change Minds. Institute for Influence.))


Be precise in Speech

Choose your words wisely: Proverbs 12:14, 18; 21:23; Prov 13:3; 15:1; Mt 12:36-37
See also; Pr 10:19; 12:18,25; 15:1; 16:24; 25:15; Ecc 12:11; Jas 3:1-12.
The words advice of the young ambitions prideful men to Rehabeam swayed and cause the kingdom to split  (2Ch 10:13-14)
Two messengers the one properly mandated bad news report was well-received (2 Sam 18:19-32)
 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. (James 3:5,6)

5 Practical Steps

  1. Hear Me
  2. Even if you disagree with me, don’t make me wrong
  3. Acknowledge the greatness within me
  4. Remember to look for my loving intentions
  5. Tell me the truth with compassion
    ((Footnote: Thanks the Arthur Gillis for sharing these thoughts, from a speech he gave at the Young Presidents Association) 

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Die gevaar van mis-interpretasie en wat om te doen daaromtrent

Ons leef in ‘n verbysterende inligting oorheersing: tans is daar altesaam 1,86 miljard webwerwe op die internet, meer as twee miljard YouTube-kanale, 2,85 miljard aktiewe Facebook-gebruikers en 2 miljard mense wat inligting stuur op die gewildste kommunikasie platform Whatsapp. Na verwagting sal die aantal mobiele toestelle wêreldwyd teen 2024 17,72 miljard beloop.

Dit word al hoe moeiliker om vas te stel wat waar is of nie. Veral onlangs besluit of ‘n mens ingeënt moet word of nie. Het die Corana Virus COVID 19 na ‘n laboratorium in Wuhan of natuurlike hop uit vlermuise gelek? ‘N Ander stryd waarmee mense sukkel, is of hulle in SA moet bly of nie? Hoe kan u met die komende verkiesing vir die regte party stem? Boonop is die ontelbare rewolusionêre teorieë soos die aarde plat. Die belangrikste is dat ons bedag moet wees op die opposisie van die Mainstream Social Justice-beweging teen fundamentele Christelike waardes wat as onderdrukkend beskou word. Vir my is dit interessant hoe emosioneel hewig hierdie debat word, ‘n eerste teken dat mense al van ‘n nie-partydige, ondersoekende weg afgeswaai het.

Die BYBEL ons BRON vir akkurate interpretasie.

Interpretasie het ‘n wye omvang van die gebruik: dansers interpreteer musiek en woorde deur middel van beweging, ons interpreteer drome en visioene, die interpretasie van die wet, boekhouers interpreteer finansiële state om ‘n paar te noem. ‘N Mens wil nie die interpretasie beperk nie, maar as dit kom by die neem van lewensbelangrike lewens besluite, moet jy seker maak dat die interpretasieproses akkuraat en betroubaar is. Elke interpretasie praktyk behels ‘n algemene brondokument. Boekhouers moet byvoorbeeld oor die brondokument beskik om ‘n akkurate weergawe van die finansiële status van ‘n onderneming te gee.

Volgelinge van Christus interpreteer hoofsaaklik LEWE, TYD of relevante FEITE vanuit ons kennis van God, soos geopenbaar deur die Skrif en die Heilige Gees, en die algemene vergadering en die kerk van die eersgeborenes. (Heb 12: 22-24)

Elke Skrif is deur God ingegee (gegee deur Sy inspirasie) en is nuttig om te onderrig, om teregwysing en oortuiging van sonde, tot regstelling van dwaling en tug in gehoorsaamheid, [en] vir opleiding in geregtigheid (in heilige lewe, in ooreenstemming met God se wil in gedagte, doel en handeling), sodat die man van God volkome en vaardig kan wees, goed toegerus en deeglik toegerus vir elke goeie werk. [1]

Maar dit is ook problematies omdat daar soveel interpretasies van die BYBEL is !! Baie mense het verskriklike dinge gedoen op grond van hul interpretasie van die Bybel. SLUIT AAN DIE MBTC-klas oor BYBEL-interpretasie KWARTAAL 3.

Die gevaar van verkeerde interpretasie

Die meeste oorloë het begin as gevolg van verkeerde inligting en propaganda wat mense van ‘n ander vervreem en ‘n bose ‘gesig’ geskep het wat mense bereid is om dood te maak. Daarom was Jesus se opdrag om ons vyande lief te hê so kragtig, maar tog uiters moeilik. Die vyand wen die stryd deur ‘n afstand te skep. Die interpretasie geveg word hoofsaaklik gewen deur van aangesig tot aangesig kontak en sinvolle dialoog.

Phillip Zimbardo het met die “Stanford Prison Experiment” bewys hoe nege normale middelklas seuns in net agt dae kwaad kon word. ” N Stel dinamiese sielkundige prosesse word uiteengesit wat goeie mense kan veroorsaak om kwaad te doen, waaronder de-individuering, gehoorsaamheid aan gesag, passiwiteit in die lig van bedreigings, selfregverdiging en rasionalisering. Ontmensliking is een van die sentrale prosesse in die transformasie van gewone, normale mense in onverskillige of selfs moedswillige oortreders van die bose.

Ontmensliking is soos ‘n kortikale katarak wat ‘n mens se denke vertroebel en die persepsie bevorder dat ander mense minder as mense is. Dit laat sommige mense daardie ander sien as vyande wat marteling, marteling en uitwissing verdien. ” [2] Een van die oorlog tegnieke is om gesigte te verf sodat die krygers onherkenbaar word en hul vyande intimideer, en dus meer geneig is om in stryd met hul gewete op te tree.

Lesse uit ander bronne is nuttig vir akkurate interpretasie.

Ons kan egter lesse trek uit bogenoemde kortlys van interpretatiewe praktyke om insig te kry en ons begrip te verdiep, byvoorbeeld: wynproe.

Primêre dinge om te onthou:

  • Stadiger
  • Gee aandag
  • Bestry botsende reuke in die omgewing.
  • Bou reuk woordeskat oefen om alle geure te benoem

Ek dink die lesse is nuttig in ons strewe na akkurate interpretasie in die algemeen, dink jy nie? Ons moet almal vertraag voordat ons tot die gevolgtrekking kom. Leer om meer aandag te gee en innemende vrae te stel. Fokus en elimineer afleiding. Verbeter ons woordeskat oor onderskeidende kategorieë en woorde deur studie en ervaring. (Heb 5: 13-14)


Maak ‘n punt daarvan om direkte eerste-handse terugvoer of feite te te kry.

Net so belangrik vir oorlewing is direkte terugvoer. Soos ‘n renjaer wat voel dat die onder stuur op die stuur deur ‘n hoek gaan, het ons akkurate terugvoer nodig om die regte besluite te neem. Te veel opsies bemoeilik sake en lei tot uitstel, frustrasie of gedwonge besluite wat later die verkeerde keuse was.

Dit is kommerwekkend hartseer hoeveel gelowiges die regte woord of instruksies gehoor het, maar ons interpretasie was ver weg! In my eie lewe en bediening moet ek erken dat my foute nie was omdat ek nie reg gehoor het nie, my interpretasie beperk was en tot onjuiste ingeligte gevolgtrekkings gespring het. Aannames bestaan ​​as gevolg van afstand. Geen kommunikasie lei tot veronderstellings nie. Ons verlaat God se gesig / teenwoordigheid dikwels te gou en neem ons eie besluite sonder verdere konsultasie met God!


Interpreteer die Skrif as kommunikasie tussen God en die mens.

Eerstens moet ‘n mens weet dat God se woord nie abstrakte literêre woorde en sinne is nie. Die Bybel is God se manier om met ons te kommunikeer. Soos enige goeie luisteraar, is dit skadelik en oneerbiedig om dele wat met ons punt resoneer, te kersie en dan aan te haal asof dit God spreek. Omdat ons meer praat as om te luister, met ‘n toenemend korter aandagspan van 8 sekondes, [3] is ons geneig om die Skrif, God se stem en ‘n ander verkeerd te interpreteer. Korrekte interpretasie begin met die uitsonderlike luisteraar.

Natuurwetenskap en algemene geleesde akademiese referate is net meer as ‘n honderd jaar oud. Oue het duisende jare ‘n ander metode gebruik om die kompleksiteit van die lewe te navigeer om die beste praktyk te vind. Vertellings of verhale. Die verhale van Abraham, Moses, Dawid en Daniël, hul triomf en hul foute is soos liggies in die duisternis. Die primêre interpretatiewe les wat geleer moet word, is dus; kyk na ‘n lewe geleef! Jesus is in hierdie opsig ons beste voorbeeld! die Woord het vlees geword en ons die beste manier gewys om te lewe!

Ons is basies in ‘n warboel as gevolg van te min betekenisvolle verhoudings met die regte mense op die regte tyd. Teorieë en filosofieë word lugagtig en skadelik omdat dit in gedagtes en klaskamers verfyn word sonder die interaksie tussen die toepaslike relevante verhoudings op grondvlak.


Interpretasie vereis ‘n deeglike ondersoek.

Joernaliste gebruik die verifikasie en feite kontrole noukeurig voordat hulle ‘n storie publiseer.

Bybel-vertalers, bestudeer die konteks, agtergrond, antieke vertellings en gehoor, teks kategorie, taal, kultuur, die bedoeling van ‘n gedeelte van die Skrif voordat ‘n mens die huidige gebruik daarvan gebruik en daaroor preek. [4]

Akademici, hersien literatuur oor bestaande teenstrydige en aanvullende navorsing, verskaf navorsingsmetodologie (eksperimente, opnames, vrae, onderhoude, gevallestudies, waarnemingsproewe), bepaal haalbare en praktiese uitkomste.

Om God se stem te interpreteer, behels dit om te toets of die woord in lyn is met die Gees van Christus, algemene aanvaarding onder ‘n volwasse menigte raadgewers, oortreders van sondige geregtigheid en oordeel, innerlike vrede voortbring, spesifiek, prakties is, ‘n oortuiging is, verseker ‘n geslag seën is tot nadeel van die self, en is altyd missionaal.


Ons is meer verkeerd as reg – bly in HOM.

Iemand wat volmaak is in kennis is by jou. Job 36: 4

Wat laat ons dink dat ons ‘n persoon vir 5 minute kan hoor praat, en ons oordeel of die persoon goed of sleg is? Malcolm Gladwell se nuwe boek, “Talking to strangers” verduidelik in sy tipies afwykende verkenning van die verkeerde aannames wat ons maak as ons met vreemdelinge omgaan. [5] Hy noem ‘n voorbeeld hoe die beste CIA-spioenasie bedryf dit baie moeilik vind om te weet wanneer mense lieg.

Wat fop nuus betref, selfs meer, is kommerwekkend dat ouer volwassenes verkeerde politieke inligting op sosiale media gebruik as ander ouderdomsgroepe. [6]

As iemand van julle wysheid kortkom, moet hy God vra, wat aan almal vryelik en sonder smaad gee (Jakobus 1: 5)


Toets die vrugte – die uitkoms en die motief.

  • Wees bewus daarvan om soos ‘n man te dink. Hier is ‘n lys van slegte vrugte en uitkomste.
  • Kognitiewe dissonansie
  • Skuldig, wrewelrig, reaktief
  • Skep agterdog,
  • Raai aannames
  • Kommer, vrees, angs,
  • Projekteer skuld, bevoordeling, partydigheid.
  • Skande, skuldgevoelens, veroordeling – van ander partye
  • Futiel – geen praktiese konfrontasie en uitkoms nie
  • Oorsaak en gevolg denke – Job
  • Vleeslike, misloop korttermyn voordele

Toets die uitkoms noukeurig.

  • As ek hierdie gedagte moet uitvoer? Wat sal die implikasies daarvan hê?
  • Gaan die Here verheerlik word? (1 Korintiërs 10:31)
  • Gaan dit afbreek of bou? (1 Kor 14:26)
  • Gaan dit iets verander? Is dit uitvoerbaar? Jakobus 1:22 (doeners van die Woord)
  • Wat is die einde? Wat is die vrugte? Wat is die resultaat 3 – 7 geslagte van nou af?
  • Laat dit geloof of vrees vry? Is dit skriftuurlik? Is dit versoenbaar met die vrug van die Heilige Gees?
  • Oordink, die ontleding van die gedagte word vervolmaak in die doen, nie die denke nie.


Die gees van CHRISTUS lakmoestoets

Jesus antwoord: “U sê tereg dat ek ‘n koning is. Daarom is ek gebore en daarom het ek in die wêreld gekom om van die waarheid te getuig. Elkeen wat uit die waarheid is, hoor My stem. ” Pilatus sê vir Hom: Wat is die waarheid? En nadat hy dit gesê het, gaan hy weer uit na die Jode en sê vir hulle: Ek vind geen skuld in Hom nie. Johannes 18: 33-38

Alle selfbeskikking is gebaseer op die werke van die vlees.

  • Ek is die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe (Johannes 14: 6).
  • My lewe is in Hom verborge. (Kol 3: 2).
  • My doel is in Hom (Rom 8:29).
  • My lewe is in Hom (Mat 16:24).

‘N Lewe wat op’ self ‘gesentreer is, lei tot stryd. Of ons doen te veel of te min, probeer, strewe en veg om beter te wees, maar tog weer en weer vreeslik misluk! Dit lyk asof ons dit nooit regkry nie, op soek na troos en vrede, prestasie en betekenis op al die verkeerde plekke om weer aan die einde leeg te wees.

As ons die meeste soos Hy is, word ons die ideale eggenoot, ouer, werkgewer en werknemer. Toe ons deur sy wysheid leef, het die lewe betekenis en doel begin kry. Hy is die oplossing vir elke probleem. Sy lewe sal jou red!



  • Waarheid moet die individu tot innerlike vrede, rus en ‘n aanvaarbare antwoord bring. Dit eindig en besleg die soeke.
  • Die waarheid stem ooreen met die verstand, die wil, die karakter, die heerlikheid en die wese van God. Nog meer tot die punt: Waarheid is die self uitdrukking van God.
  • Waarheid is samehangend. Vir samehang teorieë in die algemeen benodig die waarheid ‘n behoorlike pas van elemente binne ‘n hele stelsel.
  • Waarheid is deurgaans volhoubaar en rigied deur die loop van die tyd en die geskiedenis. Dit is teenoorgestelde van relativisme, veranderlike, onvoorspelbare vloeibaarheid.
  • Waarheid kan nie net teorie of filosofie wees nie. Dit moet prakties in ‘n bepaalde lewe, plek, tyd en beproefde lewenstyl getoets word.
  • Waarheid moet eenvoudig wees, maar ook ingewikkeld. Die lewe is bitter ingewikkeld, en daarom moet die waarheid hierdie kompleksiteit beantwoord en goeie riglyne gee aan eenvoudige, uitvoerbare optrede.
  • Waarheid is ‘n paradoks. Onpartydig, selfonderhoudend, onbetwisbaar, onverdedigbaar. Die sterkste magneet verander die swakker magneet se polariteit.
  • Waarheid moet universeel wees, ooreenkomste en vergelykings in ander wetenskappe.

U is welkom om die preek / blog oor die GEVAAR van gelei deur u emosies te bestudeer.


Lessons on accurate Interpretation

We live in the age of a staggering information overload: Currently, there are a total of 1.86-billion websites on the internet, over two-billion YouTube Channels, 2.85-billion active Facebook users, and two-billion people sending information to the most popular communication platform Whatsapp. In addition, the number of mobile devices operating worldwide is expected to reach 17.72-billion by 2024. So the question is: is all this information TRUE and Wholesome?

Particularly recently, deciding whether one should be vaccinated or not. Did the Corona Virus COVID 19 leak from a lab in Wuhan or naturally hop from bats? Another battle people struggle with is whether they should stay in SA or not?  With the coming elections, how to vote for the right party? Is the earth flat? Did man ever land on the moon? Most importantly, we need to be alert of the Mainstream Social Justice movement’s opposition against fundamental Christian values. Getting involved in some of these debates can become emotionally heated, a first sign that people have already swayed from a non-bias, investigative path.

The BIBLE our SOURCE for accurate interpretation.

Interpretation has quite a broad scope of use: dancers interpret music and words through movement, we interpret dreams and visions, the interpretation of the law, bookkeepers interpret financial statements, to name a few.

It is impossible to restrict and contain people’s inert interpretation of life. Yet all interpretation requires a source-code, an instruction manual, laws, an ancient holy text, a distinct worldview, a specific upbringing culture and traditions. For example, bookkeepers have to have the source document to give an accurate account of the financial status of an enterprise.  Dancers need a particular song to interpret using a certain style of choreography.

Followers of Christ interpret LIFE, TIME or relevant World FACTS primarily from our knowledge of God first, as revealed through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and the general assembly and church of the firstborn. (Heb 12:22-24)   

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for 3instruction in righteousness,  that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)

Despite the truth of God’s Word, it is unfortunate how man’s misinterpretation of the scriptures misconstrued and distorted it’s divine intent. The church’s shame is not Who we believe in but our misrepresentation of His will and desire.

JOIN THE MBTC Class on BIBLE Interpretation TERM 3.

The danger of wrong interpretation

Most wars are maintained by misinformation and propaganda, forming groups by outward identifiable differences, then alienating them from another by creating an evil ‘face’ that people are willing to kill. Jesus’ instruction to love our enemies stand in direct contrast, so powerful yet extremely difficult. Generally we see the enemy win the battle by creating a distance.  The alternative opposite path is to break through the walls of seperation, segregation and distance through face-to-face contact and meaningful dialogue. 

Phillip Zimbardo proved with the Stanford Prison Experiment how nine normal middle-class college boys could turn evil in just eight days. The process involves the following: Dehumanization, deindividuation, absolute obedience to authority, passivity in the face of threats, self-justification, and rationalization.

Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds one’s thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people believe that their perceived enemies deserve torment, torture, and annihilation.”[2] One of the war techniques is to paint faces so that the warriors become unrecognizable and intimidate their enemies, and thus more prone to act contrary to their conscience.

Lessons from other sources are helpful for accurate interpretation.

In addition, we can draw lessons from the above mentioned shortlist of interpretive practises to gain insight and deepen our understanding, for instance: wine tasting.

Primary things to remember:

  • Slow down
  • Pay attention 
  • Irradicate conflicting smells in the vicinity.
  • Build smell vocabulary practise labelling all fragrances 

We all need to slow down before jumping to conclusions. Learn to pay more attention and ask engaging questions. Focus and eliminate distractions. Improve our vocabulary of discerning categories and the true meaning of words through study and experience (Heb. 5:13-14).

Make a point of getting direct feedback.

Equally crucial for survival is direct feedback.  Like a racing driver feeling the understeer on the steering wheel going through a corner, we need accurate feedback to make the right decisions. Unfortunately, too many options complicate matters and lead to procrastination, frustration or forced decisions.  

It is alarmingly sad how many believers have heard the right word or instruction, but the interpretation was way off! I must confess my mistakes in my own life and ministry were not because I did not hear correctly; my interpretation was limited, and I jumped to misinformed conclusions.  Assumptions exist because of distance. No communication leads to more presumptions. We often leave God’s face/presence too soon and run into making our own decisions without further consultation with God!

Interpret Scripture as communication between God and man.

God’s Word is not a compilation of abstract literary words and sentences. The Bible is God’s way of communicating with us.  Like any good listener, it is harmful and disrespectful to cherry-pick parts that resonate with our point and then quote it as if this is God speaking.  Because we talk more than listen, with an increasingly shorter attention span of eight-seconds[3], we are disposed to misinterpret Scripture, God’s voice, and another.  Correct interpretation begins with becoming an exceptional listener.  

Natural science and widely read academic papers are just more than a hundred years old. For thousands of years, ancients used narratives or stories to navigate life’s complexities and find the best practices. The stories of Abraham, Moses, David and Daniel, their triumphs and their mistakes are like guiding lights in the darkness. The primary interpretive lesson to be learned is; look at a life lived! Jesus is in this aspect our ultimate example! The Word became flesh and showed us the best way to do life!

We basically stay in this mess because of too few meaningful relationships with the right people, at the right time. Theories and philosophies can become harmful because they are formulated in minds and classrooms without the appropriate, relevant relationships on the ground level.

Interpretation requires a thorough investigation.

Journalists rigorously research source verification and fact-checking before they publish a story.

Bible interpreters study the context, background, ancient narratives and audience, text category, language, culture, and intention of a portion of Scripture before making a current application of use and preaching about it.[4]

Academics review existing conflicting and complementary research literature and provide research methodology (experiments, surveys, questionnaires, interviews, case studies, observational trials) to determine feasible and practical outcomes. 

Interpreting God’s Voice entails: testing whether the word is in line with the Spirit of Christ; general acceptance among a mature multitude of counsellors; the conviction of sin righteousness and judgement; the producing inner peace. It is specific, practical, is a conviction, ensures a generational blessing, is at the detriment to self, and is always missional. 

We are more wrong than right – remain in HIM.

One who is perfect in knowledge is with you. Job 36:4 

What makes us think we can hear a person speak for five-minutes, and we already make a judgement whether this person is good or bad? Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, “Talking to strangers” explains in his typically digressive exploration of the wrong assumptions we make when dealing with strangers.[5] He lists as an example how the best CIA espionage operatives find it very difficult to tell when people are lying. 

When it comes to fake news, even more, alarming is that older adults engage with and share false political information on social media than any other age group. [6]

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, (James 1:5)

Test the fruit – the outcome and the motive. 

Be aware of thinking carnally. Here is a list of bad fruit and outcomes:

  • Cognitive dissonance 
  • Blaming, resentful, reactive 
  • Creating suspicion 
  • Guessing assumptions 
  • Worry, fear, anxiety 
  • Projecting guilt, favoritism, bias.  
  • Shame, guilt, condemnation – of other parties
  • Futile – no practical confrontation and outcome
  • Cause & Effect thinking – Job 
  • Carnal, miss-out on short term benefits 

Rigorously test the outcome:

  • If I need to execute this thought?
  • What will be the implications? 
  • Is the Lord going to be glorified? (1 Cor 10:31)
  • Is it going to break down or build? (1 Cor 14:26)
  • Is that going to change anything?
  • Is it do-able? James 1:22 (Doers of the Word) 
  • What’s the end?
  • What is the fruit?
  • What is the outcome 3 – 7 generations from now? 
  • Does it release faith or fear?
  • Is it Scriptural?
  • Is it compatible with the fruit of the Holy Spirit? 
  • Overthinking, analyzing the thought is perfected in the doing, not the thinking.  

The spirit of CHRIST litmus test 

Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this, cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all. John 18:33-38 

All self-determination is founded in the works of the flesh.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6).
My life is hidden in Him. (Col 3:2).
My purpose is in Him (Rom 8:29).
My life is in Him (Mat 16:24).

A life centred on ‘self’ leads to struggle.  Either we are doing too much or too little, trying, striving, and fighting to be better, yet dreadfully failing, over and over, again and again! We never seem to get it right, seeking comfort and peace, accomplishment and meaning in all the wrong places to end up empty again at the end.

When we are the most like Him, we become the ideal spouse, parent, employer, and employee. When we live through His wisdom, life began to have meaning and purpose. He is the solution to every problem. His life will save you!

Truth test: 

  • Truth must bring the individual to inner peace, rest, and an acceptable resolution. It must conclude and resolve the quest. 
  • The truth is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of God. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God.
  • Truth is coherent.  For coherence theories in general, truth requires a proper fit of elements within an entire system.
  • Truth is consistently sustainable and rigid throughout time and history. It’s opposite to relativism, changeable, unpredictable fluidness. 
  • Truth can’t just be theory or philosophy. It needs to be tested practically in a particular life, place, time, and proven lifestyle. 
  • Truth must be both simple but also complex. Life is bitterly complicated, so truth should answer this complexity and give it good direction to simple, doable action.  
  • Truth is a paradox. Impartial, self-sufficient, indisputable, indefensible. The strongest magnet changes the weaker magnet’s polarity. 
  • Truth should be universal, similarity and comparisons in other sciences. 

You’re welcome to study the sermon/blog on the DANGER of being led by your emotions.

[1] The Amplified Bible, (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1987), 2 Ti 3:16–17.

[2] Philip G. Zimbardo. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

[3] Social media: the impact on spiritual formation among generation Z freshman college students.

[4] So opening the Bible can be likened to entering into a communicative event. Or, to put it metaphorically, Scripture begins a conversation that is interpersonal and potentially life changing, because it is God who initiates the dialogue.” Jeanine Brown,  2021. Scripture as communication. Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics. Baker Book House.

[5] Gladwell, Malcolm, 2021. Talking to strangers. Back Bay Books. Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know by Services LLC
Learn more: 

[6] Guess, A. M., Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2020). Exposure to untrustworthy websites in the 2016 US election. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 472-480.