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‘Rightwiseness’ in ons verhoudingwêreld

As ons al ooit nodig gehad het om slim, oordeelkundig en verstandig te wees soos ‘n slang en onskuldig, selfloos soos ‘n duif is dit met betrekking tot ons diverse verhoudinge in die werksplek, met ongelowiges, met verskillende kulture, met sosiale klasse, en teenstrydige geloofsoortuigings.  Veral in die lig van die Jesus opdrag om ons vyande lief te hê, hulle te seën en vir hulle te bid. Wat as jy dit regtig toepas sal lei na empatie en begrip, onombeerlik tot gesonde kommunikasie.

Right-wiseness begin altyd eerstens in ons verhoudingwêreld.  

Jesus leer ons om onsself beter uit te druk en te verstaan wat ander sê.  In plaas van outomatiese reaksies, word ons woorde bewuste betekenisvolle uitdrukkings van waarheid  stewig gebaseer op ‘n bewustheid van wat ons waarneem.  Deur die Heilige Gees word ons gelei om onsself met eerlikheid en duidelikheid uit te druk, terwyl ons terselfdertyd ander respekvolle en empatiese aandag gee. 

Marshall Rosenberg se “Non-Violent Communication” Metodiek vereis eerstens, diep, nie-moraliserende, nie-veroordelende, luister en fyn waarneming voordat enige betekenisvolle versoenende empatiese dialoog kan vorder.  

Die NVC Tegniek: 

  1. Observasie van huidige konkrete realiteite wat ons bestaan bedreig. 
  2. Beskryf presies wat ek voel in verhouding met hierdie realiteit. 
  3. Wat presies voed en gee energie aan wat el voel.  
  4. Hoe kan jy my help om hierdie realiteit te oorkom.  [1]

Jesus se skerpsinnigheid met mense: 

Screwd: Daring to live the startling command of Jesus – Rick Lawrence [2]

  1. Jesus antwoord deur nog ‘n vraag te vra. 

Te midde van Jesus se gruwelike lydingsuur, word Hy deur Pilatus ondervra, maar eintlik word Pilatus deur Jesus ondervra, waarin Pilatus later geen skuld in Jesus kan vind nie, met Sy hart ontbloot tot die waarheid. (John 18:33-40)

  • Jesus is beter as Sherlock Holms om fyn waar te neem.  

Die storie van die Samaritaanse vrou, wat Jesus by die water put ontmoet het, gee vir ons insig oor Jesus se meesterlike benadering om die vrou te laat ontwaak tot haar geloof in Jesus, as die Here! (Joh 4:1-30) 

  • Jesus, druk deur totdat hy die hart skuif.  

Die manier hoe Jesus, Petrus restoureer nadat hy Jesus verloën het net voor Sy kruisiging, raak mens diep. Het ons nie al elkeen Jesus verloën nie?  (Joh 21:1-22) 

‘n Wonderlike inspirerende voorbeeld van liefde wat nooit opgee nie is die rolprent “The Horse Whisperer” waar Robert Redford “Buck Brannaman” se lewe met perde vertolk, en Harmony ‘n gewonde perd en haar ruiter Grace MacLeans terug lei na genesing.[4]

[1] Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides)

[2] Shrewd: Daring to Live the Startling Command of Jesus



Geregtigheid – Uitgeslape om reg te doen

Om geregtigheid en reg te doen, is vir die HERE verkiesliker as offers. (Prov 21:3) AOV To do righteousness and justice Is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. (Prov 21:3) NKJV

Ons lewe in ‘n wêreld van onreg; dubbel standaarde, mense se woord beteken niks, elkeen doen wat reg is in sy eie oë. Kinders ly onder die onreg van hulle ouers, familie of skoolmaats. Egbreuk word geregverdig, en regte word verdedig in die werksplek. Mense word gebruik en misbruik sonder dat iemand verantwoordelikheid aanvaar en jammer sê, ons regverdig onsself, en ons troos onsself deur die goed wat ons doen. Mense is gebroke, stukkend, ontnugter, bitter, seergemaak, te na gekom, en verontreg omdat iemand nie REG gemaak het nie. ‘n Ander woord vir sonde is: onreg, verkeerd doen, wetteloosheid, en goddeloosheid. Ons is almal opsoek na reg! Die vraag is wie se reg?

Salomo het spesifiek vir wysheid gevra, om regspraak te kan lewer. (1 Kings 3:11) Hy wou doen wat reg was soos sy pa Dawid. (2 Sam 8:15) Van Christus word gepraat; DAAR is my Kneg wat Ek ondersteun, my Uitverkorene in wie my siel ’n welbehae het. Ek het my Gees op Hom gelê; Hy sal die reg na die nasies uitbring. 2 Hy sal nie skreeu of uitroep of sy stem op die straat laat hoor nie. 3 Die geknakte riet sal Hy nie verbreek en die dowwe lamppit nie uitblus nie; met getrouheid sal Hy die reg uitbring. (Isa 42:1-3) (Mat 12:18)

Jesus is die verpersoonliking van God se reg in menslike vorm. Ons kan niks byvoeg in wat Christus vir ons gedoen het nie. Hy het die volmaakte en volle prys betaal. Dit is gedoen, klaar! Deur Sy Gees het hy ons nuwe skepsels en mense gemaak in Hom (2 Cor 5:17) “want in Hom lewe ons, beweeg ons en is ons”, (Acts 17:28) Die vrug van die Gees wat nou deur ons werk, maak ons aangename, mooi mense wat reg doen en reg lewe! (Gal 5:22) Hy het die ordinansies en wil van God in ons harte kom skryf, om nou Sy wil te doen. (Jer 31:31-34) Ons weet in ons hart wat reg is, doen dit!

Die enigste persoon wat in ons pad staan is “self”! Die self/vlees mens staan in vyandskap met die geesmens. Ons regverdig onreg! Ons dink omdat ander ook verkeerd doen, dit ons die reg gee om ook verkeerd te doen. (Ons glo ons het geen ander keuse nie) Dis die oersonde van Kain, wat sy broer doodslaan, homself verontskuldig en 4 geslagte later verklaar sy agterkleinseun: Want Kain sal sewe maal gewreek word, maar Lameg sewen-en-sewentig maal. (Gen 4:24) Jesus kom en leer ons om sewentig maal sewe te vergewe! (Mat 18:22) Leef en wandel in die teenoorgestelde Gees! Dit is die regte pad. (Rom 8:3-5; Gal 5:16)

“All that is essential for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

The English word righteousness comes from the Anglo Saxon word, rightwiseness, wise in that which is right. In the original Greek it is “Dikaiosune” meaning two parties finding likeness in one another, to join, to be set at one again. We become wise when we realize our oneness with God in Christ.

Studeer Mat 10:5-16

Jesus stuur Sy dissipels op amper ‘n onmoontlik missie:

Gaan na die verlore skape van Isreal toe – mense wat weggedwaal het, harde harte, kwaad vir die Here en die mensdom, nie-godsdienstiges.

Gaan verkondig: ‘Die koninkryk van die hemel het naby gekom.’ Maak siekes gesond, wek dooies op, reinig melaatses en dryf bose geeste uit. Julle het dit verniet ontvang, gee dit ook verniet. Alles bonatuurlike dade nie moontlik vir die mens nie!

Moenie enige voorsiening saamvat nie: “Moenie vir goud of silwer of koper in julle beursies sorg nie en moenie vir die pad ‘n reissak aanskaf of nog ‘n kledingstuk of skoene of ‘n stok nie” v9-10

Vind ‘n blyplek… sonder geld? As jy iemand kry wat jou goedgunstig is “‘n man van vrede” bly daar, maar is die mense jou verwerp skud die stof van jou voete af en gaan na die volgende plek!

“Onthou: Ek stuur julle soos skape tussen wolwe in. Waaaaat!!!? Wolwe verslind skape!! Dit is boonop gevaarlik! Vervolging! Howe! Arrestasies!

DAN DIE KLIMAKS: Twee Gereedskap Instrumente!

Wees dus versigtig soos slange en opreg soos duiwe.

  1. φρόνιμος phrónimos; fem. phrónimē, neut. phrónimon, adj. from phronéō (G5426), to think, have a mindset. Prudent, sensible, practically wise in relationships with others (Matt. 7:24; 10:16; 24:45; 25:2, 4, 8, 9; Verstandige Bestuurder Luke 12:42; 16:8; 1 Cor. 10:15; Sept.: 1 Kgs. 3:12; Prov. 3:7; 14:6; 18:15; Is. 44:25). In an evil sense, thinking oneself to be prudent or wise because of self-complacency (Rom. 11:25; 12:16; used ironically in 1 Cor. 4:10; 2 Cor. 11:19; Sept.: Prov. 3:7).
    Deriv.: phronímōs (G5430), prudently.
    Syn.: sunetós (G4908), sagacious, understanding, able to reason; sṓphrōn (G4998), of sound mind; sophós (G4680), wise.
    Ant.: mōrós (G3474), stupid, foolish, absurd; asúnetos (G0801), without understanding; anóētos (G0453), unintelligent, foolish; áphrōn (G0878), mindless, stupid, foolish.
  2. ἀκέραιος akéraios; gen. akeraíou, masc.-fem., neut. akéraion, adj. from the priv. a (G0001), without, and keránnumi (G2767), to mix. Without any mixture of deceit, without any defiling material (Matt. 10:16; Rom. 16:19; Phil. 2:15).
    Syn.: euschḗmōn (G2158), comely, honorable; téleios (G0185), perfect, one who has reached the goal; ártios (G0739), complete; holóklēros (G3648), entire, whole; plérēs (G4134), complete full; tímios (G5093), honest; éntimos (G1784), reputable, honorable; euthús (G2117), straight; chrēstós (G5543), of good and useful morals; áxios (G0514), worthy; ákakos (G0172), without being constitutionally bad; ádolos (G0097), without any guile; haploús (G0573), without wrinkles or duplicity, single or simple.
    Ant.: dólios (G1386), deceitful; átimos (G0820), without honor; plános (G4108), deceiver, seducer; phrenapátēs (G5423), a mind-deceiver; anáxios (G0370), unworthy.

Sommige vertalings vertaal hierdie woord met “shrewd” uitgeslape, slim, skerpsinnig, skrander, listig, skelm.

Sien die verhaal van die oneerlike bestuurder. “Die werkgewer het die oneerlike bestuurder geprys vir die slim ding wat hy gedoen het. Die mense van hierdie wêreld tree onder mekaar slimmer op as die mense van die lig.” (Luk 16:8)

Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.” (Message vertaling)

So listig, skrander, uitgeslape soos die slang! Die slang is die duiwel. Wees dus skelm en uitgeslape soos die Duiwel??? Ja, maar wees nog meer uitgeslape as hy vir regdoen!!! Daarom die teenpool: sonder enige persoonlike voordeel bymotief! Eerlik, opreg, skrander!

Hierdie WYSHEID! Hierdie REGDOEN is die sleutel tot ons suskses en oorwinning in die lewe!! Daar is soveel boosheid in die wêreld!! Die Vader wil ons in Christus Jesus bemagtig om verstandig, wys, skrander, uitgeslape, slim die boosheid te oorwin deur die goeie!!

Betaal jou mense wat reg is. (Col 4:1)
Oppas vir selfmisleiding (Luk 11:42)
Vind die waarheid uit voor jy oordeel op optree (Joh 8:32)
Wees onpartydig (Lev 19:15 & James 2:4)
Moenie wat verkeerd is probeer goed praat nie (Mal 2:17)
Onderwerp jou aan gesag (Rom 13:1-7; I Pet 2:13–17)
Doen reg aan die swakke en die wees; (Ps 82:3; Isa 1:17)
Doen reg in besigheid (Lev 19:36; Deut 25:15; Eze 18:8,9)
‘n regverdige sorg vir sy diere (Pro 12:10)
‘n regverdige haat leuens (Pro 13:5)
‘n regverdige laat ‘n eflating vir sy kinders (Pro 13:22)
A righteous man walks in His integrity (Pro 20:7)
‘n regverdige sal 7 keer val en weer opstaan (Pro 24:16)
Wanneer ‘n regverdige man ‘n posisie van outoriteit beklee, juig die mense (Pro 29:6)
Ps 34:12

((Footnote Shrewd: Daring to Live the Startling Command of Jesus Rick Lawrence


Die krag van jou getuienis

Toe Jesus in die skuit klim, het die man wat van die duiwel besete was, by Hom daarop aangedring om saam met Hom te gaan. Jesus het hom dit egter nie toegelaat nie maar vir hom gesê: “Gaan na jou huis, na jou mense toe, en gaan vertel vir hulle wat die Here alles vir jou gedoen het en dat Hy jou jammer gekry het.” Hy het toe gegaan en deur die hele Dekapolis begin bekend maak wat Jesus alles vir hom gedoen het. Almal was verbaas daaroor. Mark 5:18-20 

312. ἀναγγέλλω anaggéllō; to tell, declare, messenger. To announce, make known, declare, tell of things done, events, To bring word, inform 

Mens staan verbaas dat Jesus hierdie heidense nog-onlangs-besete man, nie eers dissipel en reg leer nie. Die man se soeke is opreg, om saam met Jesus te vertoef, en nou dat hy by sy regte verstand is, te leer van die Meester.  Jesus stuur die man terug na sy vriende met ‘n eenvoudige opdrag: “gaan getuig en vertel wat met jou gebeur het.” 

Toe Jesus ‘n tyd later weer in die gebied van die Dekapolis kom wag daar ‘n skare  (Mark 7:31-37). Die keer genees Hy die doofstom vrou in die geheim. Hierdie uitsonderlike wonderwerk, sou tog mense finaal oortuig? Hy kapitaliseer egter nie op die skare of die groot wonderwerk nie.  Jesus is hierin vir ons ‘n voorbeeld oor hoe Hy nugter is oor wat mense trek, maar ook wat mense betrokke hou.  

Jesus het nie hulp nodig gehad om Sy missie te voltooi nie, maar Hy het wel ooggetuies nodig gehad om dit wat Hy doen oor te vertel!! Hy kies dissipels vir hierdie rede, om ooggetuies te wees, en om in hulle eie woorde te vertel wat gebeur. Die evangelie skrywers het hierdie taak met erns opgeneem, sodat ons vandag vier ooggetuie verslae kan hê van wat Jesus gedoen het. Sonder hierdie getuienis sou Jesus se werk in vergetelheid verval het. 

Die Vuur Van Geloof

Dit is hierdie getuienisse wat die evangelie se vuur lewendig hou.  Getuienis bou ander se geloof, as die Here dit vir my kan doen, kan Hy dit ook vir jou doen! Ons moet kerk toe kom met ‘n getuienis, maar meer nog, ons moet elke geleentheid gebruik om ons vriende te nooi en te vertel van die wonderdade van die Here!! 

Die Kultuur Kwessie

Afrikaners is in wese volgens hulle opvoeding en kultuur godsdienstig.  Dis nie alles sleg nie, en mens is dankbaar vir die waardes waarmee ons ouers ons grootgemaak het. Waardes van harde werk, regverdigheid, en eerlikheid.  Verskuil in hierdie Calvinisitese wêreldbeskouing is die kwessie van nederigheid.  Mens bemark nie jouself, jou kerk, of jou politieke party nie!  Ons is krities op mekaar, en wys eerder foute uit as om iemand openlik direk te vereer.  Na mens se dood dan word sekere mense in oordaad verheerlik, amper vergoddelik.  Ons prys nie ons kinders nie, ook nie ons vrouens of mans nie.  Netnou kry hulle ’n grootkop! 

Gevolglik sal ons nooit van ons kerk praat nie.  Ons is te skaam om mense te nooi! Die kerk moet ook nie hulleself bemark nie, dit word gesien as self-promosie en ambisie!  

Soms is ons skaam om ons vriende te nooi, want ons is nie seker of hulle van die musiek, die mense, of die werking van die Gees sal hou nie! Tog is dit juis die bonatuurlike wat mense ‘n honger voor het. 

Volgens navorsing is daar onder andere 6 redes hoekom mense nie hulle vriende nooi nie: 

  1. Die lofprysing is nie goed genoeg nie. 
  2. Die pastoor is bekend om mense “op die spot” te sit, en moontlik te “offend”. 
  3. Die mense by die kerk maak my soms skaam, oor hulle getuienis in die gemeenskap.
  4. Die geboue en fasiliteite is nie netjies en aantreklik nie. 
  5. Die lede is net op hulleself en mekaar ingestel. 
  6. Daar gebeur nie iets opwindend en lewens veranderend nie. 

Die Getalle Kwessie

Die Handelinge Kerk het numeries dramatiese vinnig gegroei en dit is benadruk as ‘n getuienis en bewys van die Here se werking onder hulle: So is die gemeentes in die geloof versterk, en die getal gelowiges het by die dag groter geword (Hand. 16:5). 

Sien (Hand. 6:7; 9:31; 12:24; 16:5; 19:20)

Die voordele van ‘n groeiende kerk m.b.t. getalle is, dat getalle, getalle trek.  Daar is bloot meer hande wat kan help, om byvoorbeeld ‘n kinderkerk te begin. Hoe meer getalle hoe hoër die standaard.  Jy kan mense voltyds aanstel wat spesialiseer in ‘n gebied soos Jeugwerk, berading, en kinderbediening. Getalle ontsluit hulpbronne om meer te doen, en relevant te wees m.b.t. opleiding, hulp aan die armes ens.  

Die negatief van groot getalle is dat direkte een-tot-een dissipelskap afneem. Verantwoordbaarheid en intieme verhoudings kan verlore raak. Mens voel jy is net ‘n nommer.  Mens kan wegraak in die skare.  Geestelike diepte kan ook verlore raak, as die skare en nuwelinge nie dieselfde diepte het nie, en dit ook nie soek nie.  Die skare dikteer, en die kerk kan dan mensgerig raak om die getalle te probeer behou. Die fokus kan gevolglik ook meer op uiterlike aansien geplaas word om skares aan te hou aantrek. 

Die Kwessie van Die “Openlike” Teenoor “Bedekte” Benadering

Om ‘n getuie te wees is ‘n lewenstyl.  Ons beroep, ons besigheid , en ons huis moet resoneer met dit wat ons verkondig.  Hierdie is die bedekte (covert) benadering.  Ons wil nie opdringerig wees met ons geloof nie, ons wil ook nie dweep nie.  Daarom se ons dinge soos: “preek eerder deur jou lewe as deur jou mond”.  Iemand wat iets preek wat hy of sy nie leef nie, is ‘n leuenaar en ‘n bedrieër, ‘n valse getuie.  Maar hoe kan ‘n mens Hom aanroep as jy nie in Hom glo nie? En hoe kan jy in Hom glo as jy nie van Hom gehoor het nie? En hoe kan jy van Hom hoor sonder iemand wat preek? En hoe kan iemand preek as hy nie gestuur is nie? Daar staan ook geskrywe: “Hoe wonderlik klink die voetstappe van dié wat die goeie boodskap bring.” (Rom 10:14-16).

It pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. (1 Cor 1:21) 

Ons het in hierdie tyd nodig om weer meer vrymoedig te raak om mense openlik uit te daag oor hulle geloof.  

Die Kwessie van Vriende Nooi


  • Church advertising 2% 
  • The preacher 6% 
  • Organized evangelism programs 6% 
  • Friends and relatives 86%[1]

Die waarheid egter van vriendskap getuies is dit moet eg wees. Om niemand se vriend te wees net om hulle in die kerk te kry, is om vriendskap te gebruik om iets te verkoop.  Vriendskappe is hoe ons dissipels maak.  

Die Kwessie van Tyd

Die grootste rede egter hoekom ons nie meer vandag lewendige getuies vir die Here is nie – ONS IS TE BESIG! Die lewe eis sy tol op ons tyd en aandag!  Ons is só besig net om te oorleef, ons het min tyd om iemand anders te probeer help, veral as hulle nie lyk asof hulle regtig ernstig of soekend is nie.  Mense se lewens is oorvol, oorweldig met soveel uitdagings, kinders se vol skoolprogramme, ekonomiese en sosiale verval – ons is VERLAM! 

Wanneer jy iemand nooi, het hulle altyd ‘n verskoning.  Dit is soos om aan die wêreld sushi te probeer verkoop wat dit nog nooit probeer het nie.  Dit is juis daarom dat ons ware getuies behoort te wees. Want ons is die “proof of the pudding” ons lewe is die bewys van die krag van die evangelie! 

Oproep Tot Aksie!! 

Die eenvoudige waarheid na al hierdie verskonings en kwessies is: Ons eerste roeping as kind van God is om Sy getuie te wees!! 

“Ek sê vir julle: Elkeen wat hom voor die mense openlik vir My uitspreek, vir hom sal die Seun van die mens Hom ook openlik uitspreek voor die engele van God. Maar hy wat My voor die mense verloën, sal voor die engele van God verloën word. (Lukas 12:8-9).

Maar julle sal krag ontvang wanneer die Heilige Gees oor julle kom, en julle sal my getuies wees in Jerusalem sowel as in die hele Judea en in Samaria en tot in die uithoeke van die wêreld.” (Hand. 1:8)

In julle harte moet daar net heilige eerbied wees vir Christus die Here. Wees altyd gereed om ‘n antwoord te gee aan elkeen wat van julle ‘n verduideliking eis oor die hoop wat in julle lewe. (1 Petrus 3:15).

Tog bly julle aan my Naam getrou en julle het nie julle geloof in My afgesweer nie, selfs nie in die tyd toe Antipas, my getroue getuie, doodgemaak is daar by julle waar die Satan bly nie. (Open. 2:13)

En hulle het hom oorwin deur die bloed van die Lam en deur die woord van hulle getuienis, en hulle het tot die dood toe hulle lewe nie liefgehad nie. (Open. 12:11) 

Die uiteindelike grootste voordeel vir hoekom ons Sy getuies moet wees, is die skeppende krag van ons woorde. Ons skep ons eie toekoms deur aan te hou te getuig van die goeie werke wat God elke dag om ons doen.  Sien die hand van die Here! Rig die lig en aandag van mense op die bewegings van die Here! Keep Him in the SPOTLIGHT! 

Ons stories is vir die Here belangrik!! 

Skryf vandag in en word Jesus se joernalis! Elkeen kan deur tegnologie, woorde, photos, videos oorvertel wat God besig is om in ons midde te doen!! As ons nie mense in ‘n rigting stuur nie, sal hulle nie weet waar om te gaan nie.  

Harvester kan jou nie red nie, maar Harvester is ‘n plek en ‘n toegangsdeur na die Here toe!! Ons aanbid mos nie die aanwysingsbord nie, maar sonder die bord sal mense nie by hulle bestemming uitkom nie!  Daarom sê ons vir mense: “Gaan soontoe, daar sal vir jou verder gesê word waarheen om te gaan!”  

[1] [Adapted from “Evangelism: The Why and How” by Elmer L. Towns, in Church Growth State of the Art, C. Peter Wagner, ed. (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1988), p. 53. ]


#3 Forgiveness

Every year awesome photos are shared of the opening of the floodgates of Clanwilliam Dam when it overflows.  This is good news for farmers that there will be enough water for the coming season. According to Cederberg Click-click, the photo of Clanwilliam Dam with all the floodgates open has received the most likes by far, every year! 

People love promising, undeserved good news! Possibly the best news to a condemned guilty heart is receiving forgiveness! Like Clanwilliam dam, it feels as if the floodgates of one’s heart overflows with joy and gratitude.  Forgiveness came at a great price in Jesus’ time. One had to bring an unblemished set-aside lam to be sacrificed, according to precise customs and rituals.  

Jewish tradition does not understand human imperfections as being the result of an “original sin” by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.1 Sin is the result of our negative human tendencies or inclinations,2 known in Hebrew as the yetzer hara(the inclination toward evil)3, which must be channeled in ways that affirm life by the influence of the yetzer hatov (the inclination to goodness). The word in Hebrew for sin (ḥet) literally means something that goes astray, like an arrow that misses the mark. When an archer misses the target, it is not a permanent failure. Rather, an archer can keep trying to get arrows closer to the target and ultimately to its center. 

And again He entered Capernaum after some days, and it was heard that He was in the house. Immediately many gathered together, so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And He preached the word to them. Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

But immediately, when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves, He said to them, “Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2:1-12) 

Burnt Offering – To propitiate for sin in general, Original sin; a means of approach by unholy people to holy God – Signifies propitiation for sin and complete surrender, devotion, and commitment to God. – Lev 1; 6:8–13

Sin offering -To atone for specific transgressions where no restitution was possible – Made by one who had sinned unintentionally or was unclean in order to attain purification. –    Lev 4:1–5:13; 6:24–30; 12:6–8

Tresspass Offering – To atone for specific transgressions where restitution was possible, damages computed at six-fifths payable in advance. 

Guilt Offering – Made by a person who had either deprived another of his rights or had desecrated something holy – Lev 5:14–6:7; 7:1–6; 14:12– 18

Yom Kippur,
 or the “Day of Atonement,” is the holiest day of the Jewish year, and provides prophetic insight regarding the Second Coming of the Messiah, the restoration of national Israel, and the final judgment of the world. It is also a day that reveals the High-Priestly work of Yeshua as our Kohen Gadol (High Priest) after the order of Malki-Tzedek (Heb. 5:10, 6:20).

The term Yom Kippur is actually written in the plural in the Torah, Yom Ha-Kippurim (יוֹם הַכִּפֻּרִים), perhaps because the purification process cleansed from a multitude of transgressions, iniquities, and sins. However, the name also alludes to the two great atonements given by the LORD – the first for those among the nations who turn to Yeshua for cleansing and forgiveness, and the second for the purification of ethnic Israel during Yom Adonai, the great Day of the LORD at the end of days.

There are three miracles of Jesus in this passage: the forgiveness of sins, the discernment of the private thoughts of the scribes, and the cure of the paralytic.

The heart of the text is God’s forgiveness and the authority of Jesus. One can be forgiven without being healed, and one can be healed without being forgiven. It is God’s intervention in human predicament through Jesus Christ, who has power to forgive and heal.

Παραλυτικός (paralytic) is a disease that begins in one’s legs and proceeds quickly to the arms and neck, generally being fatal within three weeks’ (Verbrusse 2000:437). It is a neurological disease, which was very prevalent in Palestine during the time of Jesus. Often, it was as a result of an accident, tuberculosis, polio and spine defects

The removal of the roof by the four was not an act of vandalism but the expression of faith.  Imagine the moment, Jesus teaching, and then the commotion on the roof, the opening of a big enough space to allow the man to be lowered. This must have taken a couple of minutes. Everyone was captivated by the bold and courageous tenacity of these four men.  

The remark of forgiveness of sins suggests that the paralysis was caused by the paralytic person’s or his parents’ sin(s). This assertion is substantiated in John 9:2, when the disciples asked Jesus if the blindness of the man was caused by his sins or the sins of his parents.

Jesus was not a priest to take offerings for ritual forgiveness. 

Jesus demonstrated a new and living way to the throne of God directly! 

The book of Hebrews unpack this new ORDER chapter for Chapter, Jesus is better than Angels, the High Priest, The sacrificial Lamb, the Temple! He is our atonement and reconnection with the Father! 

Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Heb 10:19-23) 

The fact that this man was never asked to repent before forgiveness is offered is unthinkable! 

Meaning: When you come to the Father in Faith in Christ Jesus, you will find Him ready to forgive your sins, but also heal you from the consequences of sin! This is wonderfully good news!! How is this even possible? How does it work? Can I just come? Yes with bold and tenacious faith like these four friends, break through all the barriers, crowded room, restrictions and receive healing!! Jesus is here, ready to forgive and heal! 

The healing happened when Jesus gave the command: Take up your bed and walk! When this man stood up to obey the instruction of Jesus, He received power in his arms and legs.  Some people are paralyzed by sin and disease! When we come in bold faith, and penetrate the heavenlies by this new and living way, we receive POWER to overcome!!  

Hear the Good news today!! Jesus is here waiting to forgive and heal you from all your iniquities, sins and transgressions!! 

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.(1 Jon 1:9) 


#2 Toegang tot God se Familie

Nuwe Toegangsreg 

Sondag oggend – Citrusdal

Luk 4:14-32 

Een van die sterkste drange en behoeftes van ‘n mens is aanvaarding.  Van jongs af worstel ons almal met deel wees.  Daar is altyd ‘n binnekring groepie van die mooiste, rykste en mees populêre kinders iewers daar ver, en die res van ons wat maar net ‘n bestaan voer, of ‘n opposisie groep begin.  Ons is groep mense, en ons groepeer gewoonlik rondom mense wat soos ons is, dieselfde taal praat en dieselfde waardes, geloofsoortuiging en lewenstyl handhaaf.  ‘n Baie dieper kwessie is – toegang en deelname.  Oorloë is al geveg oor toegang tot hulpbronne soos water, handelsroetes en algehele beheer.  Ook op geestelike gebied, gaan alles oor toegang tot ‘n godheid.  Dis immers wat ‘n bepaalde godsdiens oortuiging ‘n bestaansreg gee – toegangsrites tot God.  As kinders word ons van jongs af gekonfronteer met insluiting, toegang en dan verwerping; “ek is nie gekies vir die 1 ste span nie, ek is nie in die top tien nie… ens” Soos ons ouer raak maak dit nie meer saak wie my aanvaar of nie, maar daar is wel sommige wat sukkel met aanvaarding.  Kinders leef vir die aanvaarding van hulle ouers.  Ons trou gewoonlik die persoon wat ons onvoorwaardelik aanvaar. 

Die wese van die goeie nuus boodskap is dat Jesus ‘n algehele nuwe toegangsroete verkondig! Hy is die deur! Hy is die Tempel! Hy is die Hoë-priester! Hy is die offer! Hy is die toegang! Hy is God! Hy maak ons aanvaarbaar voor die Vader!  Wil jy God behaag? Jesus is die perfekte wil en wet van God.  Hy is die perfekte maatstaf van geregtigheid.  

Jesus verpersoonlik al die wette, rituele, en metodiek om by God uit te kom, deur na ons toe te kom. Wanneer ons voor God staan, verval al die distansie, verwydering, skaamte, veroordeling en skuldgevoelens.  In Sy teenwoordigheid word ons verenig met ons skeppingsdoel. Ons vind ons inpasplek van behoort in Sy hart! Omdat hy LIEFDE is, word alle soeke na liefde versadig. Omdat hy ware VREDE is, vind ons rus en kalmte in ons gemoed. 

Geen wonder die fariseërs, skrifgeleerdes en priesters het Jesus as ‘n bedreiging gesien nie!

Jesus is nie nog ‘n godsdiens nie

Jesus transendeer alle godsdiens deurdat in Hom het God na ons toe gekom.  Dit is nie ons wat Hom soek nie, Hy soek ons, Hy kies ons!  

Jesus se hele boodskap is gegrond op insluiting! Hy verwelkoming almal om deel van God se direkte familie te word! Jesus se luisteraars het net toegang deur bloedverwante oorlewering geken!  Geboorte reg het jou lewe bepaal, punt! Jesus kuier en eet saam met almal! Hy hou fees, en almal word uit genooi! 

Die aanspreek vorm Vader, verwys per definisie na ‘n gesin.  God se koninkryk is in wese ‘n familie koninkryk.  Die Vader se hart is ‘n familiehart.  Die onse Vader gebed leer ons om die woord ‘ons’ te gebruik in stede van ‘my’ vader.  Die hart van die evangelie is ‘n ons boodskap en lewe teenoor ‘n ek en myself fokus.   

Die drie-eenheid is ‘n familie.  Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees. 

‘n Geestelike Toegangsrite 

Insluiting in ‘n ryk familie is die grootste voorreg ooit.  ‘n Ryk invloedryke familie bepaal jou status en invloed.  Daar is beskerming en magtige alliansies vir die dag as jy in die moeilikheid is. Jou kinders en selfs kleinkinders is versorg, en het ‘n kans tot ‘n beter lewe! 

As Jesus dus verkondig dat net deur in Hom te glo, Hy ons deelmaak van God se direkte familie, is ‘n sprong so groot dat die meeste mense dit nie eens kan insien nie! 

Nie een van die Patriarge se eerste seuns het ooit die seën en belofte ontvang nie.  Abraham se eerste seun Ismael, Isak se Essau en Jakob se Ruben was eerstelinge deur bloed maar nie deur die belofte nie.  Dit is interessant om op te merk dat nie een van die aartsvaders se oudste seuns ooit hulle eersgebore reg verkry het nie.  Maar die tweede seun.  

  • Abraham se eersgeborene Ismael teenoor Isak (Lag)
  • Isak se eersgeborene Esau teenoor Jakob later Israel (Stry teen God)  
  • Jakob se eersgeborene Reuben teenoor Josef (Die Here het my skande weggevat) 
  • Josef se eersgeborene Manasse teenoor Efraim (Dubbel porsie van voorspoed)

Elkeen van hierdie geboortes met uitsondering van Efraim was deur bonatuurlike ingryping want al hierdie moeders was onvrugbaar.  Hulle was dus almal wel biologiese erfgename maar het die eersgeboorte reg verkry deur bonatuurlike aanneming en verkiesing.  

Ons is nou mede-erfgename saam met Christus.  (Rom 8:17) Christus se erfporsie is die feit dat hy die posisie bo alles en bo almal verkry het.  As ons Sy mede-erfgename is, dan regeer ons mos saam met Hom in hemelse plekke.  (Eph 2:6)  Hierdie kindskap in God is al voorspel deur die profete!  Aan hulle sal Ek in my tempel en aan sy mure ’n teken gee, ’n erenaam wat beter is as seuns en dogters. Ek sal aan sulke mense ’n naam gee wat nie uitgewis sal word nie. (Isa 56:5)

Daar is veelvoudige groeperinge en tipes families, wat maak die Geloofgemeenskap en Liggaam van Christus uniek? 


Daar is een voorwaarde om die seën en posisie van kindskap te behou.  Ons wat deur die Gees van God gelei word is die seuns van God. (Rom 8:14) 

Die NT Liggaam van Jesus is GEESVERWANT – Teenoor OT Bloedverwant. 

Wanneer mens in die verkeerde gees optree, verloor ons hierdie posisie. Bitterheid, onvergenoegdheid, op eie regte staan, selfregverdiging, hardekwas wees, rebellie, ongehoorsaamheid, trots, arrogansie, onvergewensgesindheid bring mee dat ons weer in verwydering God staan.  

Uiteindelik wil God ons nie net verenig deur bloed nie, maar dat ons een van harte en gees te wees. Die familie word uiteindelik gevorm uit Jood en nie-Jood deur die geloof in Jesus Christus.  

Saggéüs word onmiddellik familie omdat hy bely en regdoen. 

Die owerspelige vrou – gaan en sondig nie meer nie. 

Die NT insluiting is nie gegrond om uitwendige kleur, taal, voorkoms of ekonomiese status nie, maar ‘n sekere bedryfstelsel – ‘n manier van glo!  

Die sap wat die boom lewe gee – Joh 15.  

‘n Jesus Lewe waarde sisteem

Uiteindelik is die Jesus lewe, ons insluiting en eenwording met God en met ons medemens.  Hierdie eenwording met God, en deelwees van Sy familie, kindwees soos Jesus gee ons ‘n nuwe rede vir bestaan.  

IN die liggaam van Christus, het ek ‘n vorm van deelwees, en behoort begin beleef wat my eie weeskind hart kom genees het.  Hoe meer ons soos Jesus praat, dink, en leef hoe meer raak ons een, hoe nader groei ons aan mekaar.  Hoe verder ons van die gees van Christus wegbeweeg hoe verder beweeg ons van mekaar.  

Die Jesus lewe is die gom, die aantrekkingskrag wat ons in God en in mekaar verenig.  

Dis die enigste manier hoe   mense, van verskillende kulturele agtergronde, sosiale stand kan een familie word.  Hy wat Jesus volg, in leefstyl, in waardes, denke en karakter is die kern energie van die liggaam van Christus.  Ons besig ons met dieselfde stryd, ons stories van selfverloëning en opoffering is dieselfde en word die simbole, monumente en kentekens van die hemelse familie.  

Beide swak en sterk is nodig. 

In a Christian community, everything depends upon whether each individual is an indispensable link in a chain. Only when even the smallest link is securely interlocked is the chain unbreakable. … Every Christian community must realize that not only do the weak need the strong, but also that the strong cannot exist without the weak. The elimination of the weak is the death of the fellowship. [1]

Beide alleen en saam. 

What community offers is the gift of discovery about the self, about others and about God. If you can’t be with yourself, being with others isn’t going to help you. There’s no getting away from the dimension of faith that has to be faced alone: ‘Alone you stood before God when he called you; alone you had to answer that call; alone you had to struggle and pray; and alone you will die and give an account to God’ (p. 57)

Verstrooid tussen ons vyande 

Martin Luther insisted that the kingdom of God meant being in the midst of your enemies; so the opportunity to be in community with other Christians, occasionally or permanently, is ‘grace upon grace’ – the ‘roses and lilies of the Christian life’ (p. 10).

[1] Dietrich Boenhoeffer. Life together. 


#1 Almal Wen 

Herondek die Goeie Nuus van die Evangelie

Sondagoggend Citrusdal

8Daardie nag was daar skaapwagters wat in die veld buite die dorpie hulle skape opgepas het. 9Skielik het ’n engel van die Here tussen hulle verskyn en die glans van die Here se majesteit het om hulle geskyn. Hulle het vreeslik bang geword, 10maar die engel het hulle gerusgestel: “Moenie bang wees nie!” het hy gesê. “Ek bring vir julle goeie nuus wat groot blydskap vir almal inhou! 11Die Verlosser – ja, die Messias, die Here – is vannag in Betlehem, die tuisdorp van Dawid, gebore! 12En dit is hoe julle Hom sal herken: Julle sal ’n Kindjie vind wat in ’n krip lê en in doeke toegedraai is!” 13Skielik was daar saam met die engel ’n groot menigte ander engele, ’n leërskare uit die hemel, wat God prys: 

14“Eer aan God in die hoogste hemel, 

en vrede op aarde vir almal

in wie Hy ’n welbehae het” (Luk 2:10-14) 

Het julle al telefoontjie gespeel? Iemand begin ‘n boodskap, dan word die sinnetjie van een persoon na die volgende oorvertel, sonder terugvoering of herhaling.  ‘n Geheel ander boodskap kom gewoonlik op die einde uit.  Dis nogal ‘n snaaks om toeskouer te wees, van presies hoe verkeerd die storie loop!  Die boodskap van Jesus is in die selfde gevaar, as ons nie ons weergawe meet aan die oorspronklike uitsending nie.  Baie mense het al baie seer gekry in die kerk, en wil niks met die kerk te doen hê nie. Ander bevraagteken openlik die sinlikheid van kerk wees? Is kerk ooit goed vir ‘n mens? 

Dit lei ons na die mees belangrikste vraag: Wat was Jesus se eerste boodskap?  

Die antwoord is eenvoudig: “Jesus se boodskap was Goeie Nuus” As Jesus ‘n nuwe politieke party sou stig sou Hy dit die “Goeie Nuus Party” genoem het. Inteendeel dit is presies die naam wat Jesus, en sy volgelinge gebruik het vir die Jesus beweging. 

23Jesus het nou deur die hele Galilea rondgegaan en die Goeie Nuus van die koninkryk aangekondig deur die mense in hulle sinagoges te onderrig en elkeen onder die volk wat ’n siekte of kwaal gehad het, gesond te maak. Matthew 4:23

35Jesus het deur al die dorpe en kleiner plekkies rondbeweeg en die Goeie Nuus van die koninkryk verkondig deur die mense in hulle sinagoges te onderrig en elkeen met ’n siekte of kwaal gesond te maak. Matthew 9:35

5blindes sien en verlamdes loop, melaatses word gesond en dowes hoor, dooies word opgewek en armes hoor die Goeie Nuus. Matthew 11:5

14Hierdie Goeie Nuus van God se koningsheerskappy sal eers in die hele wêreld, aan al die nasies, verkondig word voordat die einde kom. Matthew 24:14

13Ek verseker julle, waar hierdie Goeie Nuus ook al oor die hele wêreld verkondig sal word, sal daar ook gepraat word van wat sy gedoen het, en so sal sy vir altyd onthou word!” Matthew 26:13

Vir iets om goeie nuus te wees, moet die storie voldoen aan die volgende kriteria van nuuswaardigheid: 

  1. Impak – Hoeveel mense het hierdie storie ‘n impak op gehad? Hoe meer mense hoe beter.  Presies hoe het dit hulle lewe verbeter? Jesus het 5000 mense gevoed, en toe weer 4000.  Skares is gesond gemaak.  Jesus doen hierdie dade sonder om offerhandes op te neem, en munt te slaan uit die mense. Net oordadige mildelike goedheid!  
  2. Tydloosheid – Gaan dit ‘n langdurige effek hê op mense? Jesus se lewe en boodskap is vandag 2000 jaar later nog steeds goeie nuus. Sy invalshoek en wysheid is vandag nog die beste manier om te leef. ‘n Lewe van vergifnis, selflose liefdediens en omgee vir jou naaste is die hoogste ideaal wat betekenis en sin gee aan jou lewe.  
  3. Prominensie – Is daar iemand prominent betrokke? Of gaan dit ‘n impak om iemand prominent hê? Van die begin af hoor ons van engele, wyse manne van veraf lande, ‘n aanspraak op die troon, ‘n nuwe koning! Herodus is so bang toe hy die storie hoor, hy maak honderde babas dood.  
  4. Nabyheid – Wie is die naby gehoor wat direk belang het by hierdie storie, hoe meer mense direkte belang het, hoe meer word die storie herhaal.  Die feit dat die storie in ‘n betreklike klein geografiese area plaasvind, “Galilea, al die dorpe en kleiner plekkies “ maak dit juis te meer legitiem.  Want daar is nabyheid.  Die storie sou maklik kon verifieer word in ‘n klein gemeenskap, het jy gehoor, ja ek was daar, ek het self gesien… soort stories.
  5. Uniek – Wat is anders, trek aandag, is dit revolusionêr? Jesus was radikaal: Hy sê die tempel gaan afgebreek word, en dat Hy in drie dae ‘n nuwe een gaan bou! Hy verdoem die valsheid van die geestelike leiers van die dag openlik en direk.  Hy is dus nie bang vir vervolging nie! Hy stap bloot deur ‘n skare wat Hom van ‘n berg wou afgooi, Hy verskyn in Jerusalem teen almal se advies van moontlike arrestasie.  Sy boodskap en idees was uniek, nuut en ‘n vars benadering.  
  6. Konflik – Watter konflik veroorsaak die storie? Wie gaan benadeel raak? Wat is die spanning? Goeie nuus sonder ‘n stukkie konflik hou ook nie. Die sensasie van moontlik konflik, gee die storie vuur.  Jesus se openlike verdoemenis van die uitbuiting, misbruik, valsheid van die geestelike struktuur van daardie tyd was revolusionêr.  
  7. Relevansie – Die tydsberekening van wat op daardie oomblik die relevante neiging van die tyd is.  Die politieke klimaat was gevul met ‘n verwagting van ‘n messias.  Daar was inteendeel verskeie messias aanspraakmakers in daardie tyd.  Die Joodse Makkabeers revolusie teen Antiogus die groter 203vC was nog vars in mense se geheue.  Die selote was juis radikale ver regses, wat nie bang was om hulle lewe te gee, of ‘n lewe te neem nie.  Selfs die Romeine het na Ceasar 44vC se vergrepe na wêreldoorheersing, twis en onmin beleef soos verskillende leiers beding het vir die mag.   
  8. Menslikheid faktor – Persoonlike stories van mense se leed en verlossing. Die storie van die arm weduwee, die opstanding van Lazarus, die verlore seun, die vrou wat op heterdaad betrap is in owerspel is almal persoonlike stories van verlossing en genesing! Die mense se vriende en familie sou die storie bevestig en oordra.  Vandag nog kan ons ook onsself met hulle identifiseer.

Die feit dat so baie verskillende tipe mense, van verskillende kulture en klasse, aanklank by Jesus se boodskap gekry het, en dat die nuus so gou versprei het, versterk die geloofwaardig van die nuus.  Fop nuus verloor gou sy aantrekkingskrag.  

Is Jesus nog goeie nuus vandag? 

Hoekom is die nuus juis goed vir armes? Hoekom is Jesus uiteindelik vermoor deur die teenstanders van hierdie goeie nuus. Wat het hulle gestaan om te verloor? Revolusionêre Goeie Nuus is gewoonlik ten koste van die algemene status quo.  Vir sommige is dit goeie nuus, vir ander is dit slegte nuus.  Jesus se lewe verloop soos ‘n reeks ‘viral’ stories, elkeen sou die voorblad van die Judea Nuus Koerant gehaal het.  Jesus se goedheid, regverdigheid, idees, en nederige lewenstyl het alles in ‘n reguit lyn Sy goeie nuus boodskap onderskryf.  Sy dade, woorde en denke het dus oortuigend op gelyn! Soms praat ons nederigheid, maar soek die eer van mense.  Soms doen ons goed, maar begeer om die eer te kry en gesien te word.  Eer-toets: Wat is jou gesindheid as jy nie die eer kry van jou aandeel in iets belangrik en noemenswaardig nie? Jesus doen van Sy grootste wonderwerke in die geheim, en vra meestal dat mense dit nie sal oorvertel nie.  

5 Aspekte van Jesus se Goeie Nuus Boodskap. 

Oor die volgende weke gaan ons 5 aspekte van Jesus se Goeie Nuus Boodskap Bespreek. 


#1 “Wat groot blydskap VIR ALMAL inhou.” (Luk 10:2)

In Jesus se tyd was hierdie belofte baie betekenisvol. Hoe sou die Romeine dan bly wees oor Jesus? Of die 10 stede van Gadara? Of die Samaritane? Of die sondaars en belastinggaarders? Jesus se boodskap en lewe het uiteindelik mense van al hierdie groeperinge bly gemaak.  Hierdie woord is letterlik vervul vir elke groepering wat Jesus aanvaar het – dink aan die Romeinse Ryk wat eksponensieel gegroei het en uit gebrei het juis agv sy noue band met die kerk. Maar beide die kerk en die Romeinse staat het Jesus se boodskap verloor deur die eeue en uiteindelike baie skade aangerig in die naam van Christendom.  

Elke nuwe revolusionêre ideologiese beweging soek sy eie belang ten koste van die huidige regime. Godsdienstige bewegings regverdig hulle eie reg en moraliseer ander as verkeerd.  Groep identiteit revolusies, vergoddelik ‘n sekere groepering deur ‘n ander groepering te demoniseer.  Jesus doen die teenoorgestelde! Sy beweging is tot voordeel van ALMAL. Al die nasies is ingesluit! Hy spreek hom direk uit teen die fariseërs en skrifgeleerdes se bepaalde denkwyse maar nooi hulle uit om deel te word.  Hulle hoef nie hulle posisie op te gee of van werk verander nie, hulle moet net hulle denke verander. Dink aan Jesus se gesprek met Nicodemus. (Joh 3) 

Jesus se WEN – WEN denke is GOED vir die wêreld! Dink net as almal in die hele wêreld transaksies doen waar daar geen verloorders is nie, almal wen! Dis presies Jesus se boodskap, ek wil hê julle moet so leef dat julle ‘n seën vir almal is! Vergewe almal! Doen niks uit selfsugtige selfbevoordeling ten koste van ‘n ander nie, is die wese van Jesus se boodskap! Dink aan die gelykenis van die loon bedrag wat vir almal gegee word, al het die laastes net ‘n uur gewerk. (Mat 20:1-16) Dit maak nie sin vir die mense nie! Maar as God goed is, en vir iemand wil seën wat dit nie verdien nie, hoekom kla jy! As almal dan hard werk vir ‘n oes, hoekom nie almal in die seën van die oes laat deel nie.  As jy ‘n winskoop sien, hoekom nie vir iemand anders ook koop nie. Jesus se volgelinge het hierdie boodskap te harte geneem, en eiendomme wat in oordaad was verkoop, en gedeel.  Hierdie DEEL tot almal se voordeel is die hart van Jesus se goeie nuus boodskap! 

Dr Deon Pretorius kan in diepte verduidelik dat hierdie beginsel die hoeksteen is van gesonde gemeenskappe.  As maatskappye net vir hulle eie gewin begin veg, word hulle later as boos gesien, en begin ander teen hulle werk.  Wanneer maatskappye insien dat die hulpverlening aan die gemeenskaplike goed is uit eindelik goed vir hulle eie voortbestaan, dan vind beter samewerking plaas, guns en omgee word ontsluit, en eksponensieel groei almal saam.[1]

Die Pareto doeltreffendheid beginsel leer dieselfde.[2]  As een groepering se doeltreffendheid ‘n ander groepering negatief begin raak, sal die negatiewe groepering uiteindelik die heersende groep ondermyn, en later teëgaan en probeer verwoes.  

Die bome wat saam in ‘n woud staan, help mekaar, en sal ‘n boom wat op ‘n swakker plek staan met minder toegang tot water, help en ondersteun, omdat die swak boom ‘n gaping in die woud los wat almal negatief kan benadeel.[3]  

Jesus se volgelinge het hierdie idee te harte geneem, en begin uitleef. Die groot getal wat gelowig geword het, was een van hart en siel. Niemand het sy goed net vir homself gehou nie, maar hulle het alles met mekaar gedeel. Die apostels het kragdadig getuig dat die Here Jesus uit die dood opgestaan het, en die genade van God was groot oor hulle almal. Nie een van hulle het gebrek gely nie, want dié wat grond of huise besit het, het dit verkoop en die verkoopprys daarvan gebring en vir die apostels gegee. Dié het dit dan uitgedeel volgens elkeen se behoefte. (Acts 4:32-35) Dit was ook hierdie een eienskap wat die “goeie nuus beweging” laat veld wen veral onder heidennasies. Wat meegebring het dat die Jesus beweging vryheid ontvang het onder Konstantyn 280-337nC. Die gelowiges se leefstyl was moeilik en opofferend, maar aantreklik omdat hulle hulle kos met almal gedeel het, vir mekaar omgegee het, liefdes diens aan almal gegee het, alle weggooi kinders aangeneem het.[4]  

Selfs die sekulêre skrywers begin die waarde van Jesus se ““Julle het gehoor dat daar gesê is: ‘Jou naaste moet jy liefhê en jou vyand moet jy haat.’ Maar Ek sê vir julle: Julle moet julle vyande liefhê, en julle moet bid vir dié wat vir julle vervolg, sodat julle kinders kan wees van julle Vader in die hemel. Hy laat immers sy son opkom oor slegtes en goeies, en Hy laat reën oor dié wat reg doen en oor dié wat verkeerd doen. As julle net dié liefhet wat vir julle liefhet, watter loon kan julle dan nog verwag? Maak die tollenaars nie ook maar net so nie? En as julle net julle broers groet, wat doen julle meer as ander? Maak die heidene nie ook maar net so nie? “Wees julle dan volmaak soos julle hemelse Vader volmaak is.” Mat 5:43-48) [5]

Mag ons as Sy liggaam hierdie “Wen vir Almal” beginsel uitleef in alles wat ons doen! 

#2 ONMIDDELLIKE deurbraak verligting, genesing en vrylating. 

Soos met enige politieke party moet jy kan wys wat jy sê! Wat is die onmiddellike voordeel vir my om vir jou te stem? Gewoonlik is dit valse beloftes en toebroodjies.  Jesus demonstreer Sy boodskap met Woord en Daad, Hy voed die skare, hy maak siekes onmiddellik gesond. 

#3 Nuwe ORDE van gesag en insluiting rites – God se koningsheerskappy 

Jesus vestig ‘n nuwe gesag struktuur.  Nie ‘n mense orde nie, maar mense wat eers onder God se orde reggestel word.  Nuwe vorm van leierskap. Nuwe vorm van toerekeningbaarheid. Nuwe toegang rites, om in die middelkring te kom.  Nuwe vorm van deelname.  

#4 Nuwe DENKE, wêreldbeskouing en bedryfstelsel. 

Jesus verkondig ‘n hele nuwe manier om te dink oor die lewe. Nuwe waardes. Nuwe manier om boosdoeners te hanteer.  Jesus kyk na die hart nie na die labels. 

#5 Nuwe VOORDELE en handelswyse – handelsroetes 

Uiteindelik gaan die lewe oor wie beheer die geld.  Jesus soek ingang tot die hoofbelastinggaarder, hy dryf die geldwissellaars uit die tempel.  Hy veroordeel Herodus se valsheid.  Tog moet sy volgelinge belasting betaal aan die heidense Romeine, asook Tempel belasting.  



[3] Peter Wohlleben. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World, Hoofstuk 3, Bl 24. 

[4] Wim a. Dreyer. Praktiese ekklesiologie – Kerkwees in die 21ste eeu

[5] Adam Kahane. Collaborating with the enemy, How to work with people you don’t agree with or like or trust.


His glory revealed in Earthen vessels.

The predominant worldview of Mainstream Media is the glorification of victimhood. The Bible offers a more compassionate solution. Redemption! Overcome in spite of hardship and difficulty! In this, He is most glorified in us! His Glory in Earthen vessels!

From time to time, one should be more aware of our physical and mental limitations. One can quickly become conceited, thinking you are special and unique, not realising that there are more than 7billion people alive, who will all die within the next 100 years! Life is fleeting and fragile! We are all limited and restricted by our age, appearance, intellect, beliefs, personality, competence, financial and social status!  To know and be cognizant of our limitations is a good thing, because it humbles us, and forces us to rely on others. The danger, however, is that this sober realisation can lock one’s spirit in condemnation, shame, self-pity, and the glorification of victimhood! 

Jesus embraced human limitations and suffered much persecution, rejection, false accusations and eventually the cross, but he never played the victim.  

The glorification of victimhood

If you have ever been a victim or worked directly with victims you will know that most people struggling with the loss of the use of their limbs or eyesight do not want our sympathy, they need our support to succeed eventually on their own! The Bible is a compilation of redemption stories where people who have suffered the most difficult injustices, hardship, slavery, wars, and tragedy rose to victory and breakthrough! 

Some activist seeks to soothe their own egos by trying to be the voice of the voiceless! But redemption is when the voiceless find their own voice and begins to speak! The Bible is empowering! Let the poor say they are rich! Let the weak say they are strong! We should feel for people’s hurt and loss, but compassion moves beyond sympathy, doing something physically to empower the victim to regain their freedom!  Sympathy feels, compassion acts! 

Some people talk about the severity of their sickness to remain passive and gain the sympathy of others.  Victors are proud of their accomplishments despite the severity! For the one, the focus is on making excuses.  For the other, the focus is on what has been redeemed!  

His glory in Earthen Vessels 

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. (2 Cor 4:6-7)  

God did not choose Angels and perfect beings to display and reveal His glory and power!! He elected and destined us frail human beings to be His messengers, partners, ambassadors, family, children, saints!  As a matter of fact, the weaker we are, the more power is released. 

My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly — therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.  (2 Cor 12:9-10) 

His Preferred Vessel – he who is most weak, fragile and contrite. 

One of the most powerful blessings of why the gospel was called good news, is! The worldview of the time Jesus was in Galilea, greatness was only reserved for the Roman Ruler!  The greatness of the social elite was reserved to a small select group of less than 2% of the population, promulgated only by birthright! The rest of the population was considered servants and slaves to this royal elite.  Inclusion to the Jewish faith was also based on pure Jewish ancestral bloodlines. Outsiders would only be allowed after completing stringent rules and regulations over a long period of time.  They wanted to be sure you really wanted to be a Jew and understand their traditions and way of life!! 

When Jesus started talking about “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he”. People were amazed! (Mat 11:11) 

Ordinary Radicals 

Look at the fact that Jesus chose ordinary young men to be His disciples and later apostles! 

Everyone could become part of His family: “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” (Mat 12:48) 

Even people stigmatized as bad people like the Chief Tax Collector got meal invitations! In ancient biblical times, meals were considered sacred and only per invitation for special people with the hope to be reinvited.  Jesus introduced a new kind of hospitality and goodness for all.  (Story of the Good Samaritan – Matt 22:34-40; Mark 12:28-34; Luk 10:25-11:7)

Outsiders become insiders! 

An adulterer gets forgiven and set free, without her even repenting for her sin. (John 8:1-11) 

Outsiders like the Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth women whom Jesus did not want to help at first, were declared someone of great faith (Mat 15:28).  So also, the Roman Centurion (Mat 8:10). 

The poor widow who gave her last (Mar 12:41-44) was exemplified and praised for her great act of faith!!! 

All these stories are about simple people who were not only restricted and limited by human weaknesses but also sin!! Yet Jesus does not withhold His glory!! He wants to share Himself and let everyone partake, everyone is invited!! 

“God does not demand that every man attains to what is theoretically highest and best. It is better to be a good street sweeper than a bad writer, better to be a good bartender than a bad doctor, and the repentant thief who died with Jesus on Calvary was far more perfect than the holy ones who had Him nailed to the cross. And yet, abstractly speaking, what is more, holy than the priesthood and less holy than the state of a criminal? The dying thief had, perhaps, disobeyed the will of God in many things: but in the most important event of his life, he listened and obeyed. The Pharisees had kept the law to the letter and had spent their lives in the pursuit of a most scrupulous perfection. But they were so intent upon perfection as an abstraction that when God manifested His will and His perfection in a concrete and definite way they had no choice but to reject it.” 

― Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island

The GLORY is Jesus’ way of doing Life! 

Invited to what? WE ARE ALL INVITED TO BECOME LIKE JESUS IN ATTITUDE, GRACE and ABILITY in spite of our human frailties! 

This is why He sends His disciples out to go and declare the Kingdom of heaven has come, heal the sick and cast our demons! (Luk 10:9) He requires them to feed the people. (Mar 6:37).  I want to work my Glory in Earthen vessels! 

Jesus even rejoiced at the fact that this message and glory was given to babes: “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight” (Luk 10:21) 

For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption— that, as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory in the LORD.” (1 Cor 1:26-31) 

Can you begin to recognise God’s plan of mercy and undeserved grace?? 

Redeem every bad into Good 

It is in our difficulties, trials, persecutions, hardship, frailty, and weakness that His power and grace is revealed!! 

  • We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed
  • we are perplexed, but not in despair;
  • Persecuted, but not forsaken
  • cast down, but not destroyed
  • Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body
  • For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.  

Like a music coach, cricket umpire, or mentor the Holy Spirit reminds us during these difficult trials of a Jesus-way-perspective! Forgive someone and treat them with love! Give without them asking! Bless the underserving! Serve all mankind regardless of their standing. Because this is what real royalty is supposed to do!  Instead of an evil reaction, retaliation, resentment, or revenge we love, give mercy, and do good! This is the Glory in Earthen vessels! His glory was not just His miracles and powerful acts but His right-wiseness in every situation!  This is our glory!!  To transcend the LIGHT of His divine nature, to a broken world!  

“As long as [man] does not convert it into action, it does not matter how much he thinks about this new repentance… Wallow in it… Write a book about it; that is often an excellent way of sterilising the seeds which [Heavenly Father] plants in a human soul… Do anything but act. No amount of piety in his imagination and affections will harm [the cause of evil] if [it is kept] out of his will… The more often he feels without acting, the less he will ever be able to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel.” 

― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

In the end, God seeks to redeem our brokenness and sinfulness through powerful acts of love, kindness and goodness that we could not have done out of our own strength – nothing is impossible for our God! 


Reset Your Focus

Learn how to reset your focus from the best life ever lived, and achieve your God-given destiny!

The Light of the World (Luke 11:34,36)

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Mat 6:22-23)

I love connecting with people, all ages and all kinds! Recently I was in conversation with a teenage girl who told me of her struggles to remain perfect for her parents, teachers, friends and even God! She is beautiful without and within, top in her class, exemplary character and mature way beyond her years! I looked her deep in her eyes like a father loves his daughter and said: The pursuit of perfection is an illusion! Perfection in this life is fleeting! 

As human beings, we seem to forget that we are restricted by our age, gender, physical and mental ability and even our personality.  Furthermore, we are also limited by our economic standing, knowledge and talents as well as our surroundings family and friends! Perfection is in the eye of the beholder! Life is thus a hierarchical race of who overcomes these weaknesses and limitations best! We simply cannot be all things for all men! 

Thankfully that what could not be shaken remained – Jesus and His Kingdom! (Heb 12:28-29) 

One of the greatest tests of true love is self-control. 

One could lavish your love on all, and experience countless fleeting ecstasies of unrestrained freedom, but never become rooted in true love.  For, true LOVE requires devotion, focus, attention, and presence. 

One November morning I woke up thinking of how Jesus allowed himself to be restricted, reduced, reserved, made insignificant ultimately becoming human flesh! Jesus embraced these earthly restrictions!

The restriction of a name/stigma.

He withdrew himself to a small village called Nazareth, with possibly a bad reputation, the devout Jew Nathanael exclaimed: “What good can come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:45) Jesus returned here after staying in Egypt so the word could be fulfilled that the Messiah will be called a Nazarene. (Luk 2:23) This Nazarene nametag remained for regularly he was called “Jesus of Nazareth” (Mat 26:71) Even the demons knew Him by that name (Mark 1:24) People of the time had no surnames. The place you lived or the work you did was often added to your name.  A name can restrict you.

The Restriction of the place you grow up.

Lower Galilee remained outside the mainstream of Israelite life until NT times when Roman rule first brought security. Sepphoris was the chief City of the area, a little to the North of Nazareth, but never mentioned in the gospels. Why did Jesus choose not to live in this modern city of surely greater conveniences than Nazareth? Nazareth lay close enough to several main trade routes for easy contact with the outside world, while at the same time her position as a frontier-town on the south border of Zebulun overlooking the Esdraelon plain produced a certain aloofness. It was this independence of outlook in Lower Galilee that led to the scorn in which Nazareth was held by strict Jews (Jn. 1:46).[1] 

Holding back your talents.

Jesus evidently did little miracles growing up; after starting His public ministry and doing miracles from town to town, he returned to His hometown. “You will surely say this proverb to Me, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we have heard done in zCapernaum, 2do also here in aYour country.’ ” [2] They rejected his interpretation of this Jewish Blessing by the prophet Isaiah (Isa 61-1-2) that the Messiah came to heal and deliver everyone and I am He! So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were efilled with 4wrath, 29 fand rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff[3]

This means that Jesus restricted Himself for 30 years!! 

Formula for success 

Jesus is the ultimate example of focus! 

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 

Know what you want, then write down 20 steps on how to get it! Focus and get working! This is a simple formula of success! 

We present our best work when we concentrate! 

Narrow is the way

(Mat 7:13-14; Luk 13:22-24) στενός stenós; fem. stenḗ, neut. stenón, adj. Straight, narrow, with reference to the gate leading to life (Mat 7:13-14; Luk 13:24; Sept. Isa 49:20). We talk of someone who lived a righteous life, as someone who followed the straight path! 

Discipline is necessary for our complete development 

Part of a child’s psychological development is the period, of discipline almost to the point of absolute slavery! Yet when ready, because they have matured, to outperform their peers in the long term by far!  

Jesus WAITED! 

Most young people do not know the meaning of the word WAIT at all! 

He was in no hurry to start his ministry. (Joh 2:4).

“my time has not yet come… My hour had not come” (Joh 7:6; Joh 7:8; Joh 7:30)

Jesus would not be perturbed from His mission: 

The man interrupted him to help him get his stolen inheritance (Luk 12:13) He at first was not willing to move outside the boundaries of the Jewish nation, for which he came.  Women not of Jewish descend (Mat 15:21-28) 

I must 

We hate the things we MUST do. No one wants to be told to do something. Yet Jesus had no problem submitting and embracing the duty put on Him.

– Luk 2:49 Must be about my father’s business

– Luk 4:43 I Must preach the Kingdom

– Luk 9:22 Must suffer

– Luk 13:33 Must go today

– Luk 19:5 “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today

– Joh 9:4 We must work the works of him who sent me

Jesus lived to fulfil scripture 35x mentioned “scripture fulfilled”

His intellect was not used to be open to everything… 

There is one truth, one way, (Joh 14:6) 

Men told you this, but I tell you… His teaching was simple, narrow, to the point, direct to be either accepted or rejected.  

He did not group men as if they were all alike.  

He had no universal smile.  

He had no fear of man

He praised the faith of a Roman officer and heathen women but scorned the falsehood of the Pharisees and Scribes.  

He called Herod a jackal. 

You cannot finish anything if you do not remain focused. 

I have finished the work You gave me to do (Joh 17:4; Joh 19:28)

My food is to do the will of the father (Joh 4:32) 

“Narrow your focus and you will dominate your market” 

He calls us to this narrowness too: 

abide in me, (John 15) take up your cross, follow me! (Mat 16:24) Simple yet life-changing commands. 

He hit the nail at exactly the same place every time. 

The difference between a river and a swamp. A swamp has no boundaries.  Art is complete when it is framed! To take the perfect picture, you need to frame it right. Songs are written in a certain key, with only so many chords. We enjoy good roads because it has pavements. Being restricted is a good thing! Knowing and understanding your boundaries is a vital skill we all need to develop and submit to!

Sin is missing the mark! Righteousness is hitting the mark and the centre of His way of life! His way of doing life is really best for us! The more we look to Him, contemplating His life, the more He works the grace of His life in us! We become more and more Christlike!

[1] Charley, J. W. “Nazareth.” Ed. D. R. W. Wood et al. New Bible dictionary 1996 : 808. Print.

z Matt. 4:13; 11:23

2 NU Capharnaum, here and elsewhere

a Matt. 13:54; Mark 6:1

[2] The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982. Print.

e Luke 6:11

4 rage

f Luke 17:25; John 8:37; 10:31

[3] The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982. Print.


The real meaning of Christmas – The Incarnation

So many songs, movies, and poems about Christmas are not about the birth of the saviour of the World. The permeating modern theme is said to celebrate the spirit of Christmas – giving and sharing.  Fundamentalist points to the pagan origin of many of these practices and traditions like Santa clause and Christmas trees and altogether abandon Christmas celebrations.  On the other hand, if Christmas did not become all things to all men, Christmas would never have preserved the worldwide sustained following.  

In an age of Anti-God, post-Christian modernity I am grateful for a Christian Holiday celebrated by all. People in their global diversity took ownership of the God-became-flesh theme and contextualized Christmas according to their worldview.   This brings to remembrance the doctrine of the universal Christ.  All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:3-5; Ps. 33:6; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16, 17; Heb. 1:2) Instead of abandoning the Christmas tradition, is it not the task of the church to use this opportunity to make Christ known to the world?

Incarnation as a ACT of LOVE

In this blog, I will argue that next to the Crucifixion, the incarnation of the son of God is the greatest proof of His love for the World! 

One of the greatest tests of true love is self-control. One could lavish your love on all, and experience countless fleeting ecstasies of unrestrained freedom but never experience the fulfilment. True reciprocal love (to love and be loved in return) requires loyalty, devotion, focus, attention, and presence to mature.  A child may grow up feeling unloved growing up because of an emotionally, relationally, physically absent parent.  If the love and devotion are not reciprocated by the child too, the love is lob-sided and will not last. 

Reciprocal Love – Full circle

When Jesus hence showed by His own example how to live without sin as a common man, He paved the way for us to reciprocate God’s love. It is in this reciprocation of our love towards God that one grows to appreciate the depth of His love. It is following the example of His Christness in ordinary things, where one awakens to the depth height and width of His love. Remaining at peace in times of lack, despair and disappointment. To love the unlovable. To give when you yourself experience lack is the highest expression of LOVE!

Without Empathy, there is no true expression of love.

Hence: here is one of the most understated loving and wonderful love statements in the Bible! 

Jesus “was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Heb 5:15 NKJV).  This statement precedes the following verse of what we can expect approaching the throne of God: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb 5:16).  Jesus understands humanity! For Him to understand and love us, He had to fully become human. If Jesus came only as God, he would never have had real empathy for our condition.  The mystery of how Jesus could be fully God, and fully human at the same time, baffles the mind.  For this study, however, let us focus and see His humanity; how His perfect humanity without sin next to His sacrifice for our sin is one of His greatest LOVE ACTS! 

Restricted yet focussed

Growing up as a young genius, without any moral failing must have been hard.  When he arrived from Egypt in the small town Nazareth which the upright Jew Nataniel grumbled “what good can come from Nazareth” makes for an epic underdog-rising-out-of-the dust story.  Nazareth is not depicted in a positive light throughout the gospels.  They openly rejected Him when he came back preaching in their Synagogue.  It seems that He made no special mark in this small community that would have helped them to also believe in Him, as the coming Messiah.

“Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that He departed from there. When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?” So they were offended at Him.  But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief” (Mat 13:53-58).  Is this also the reason that He chose no disciples from His childhood?  

Excluded and misunderstood

Did Jesus make no close friendships during his childhood? 

For 18 years, if one subtracts the years spend in Egypt, Jesus spends His days working as an artisan.  The 3rd largest city Sephorus only 5 km away from Nazareth is never mentioned in the Bible. Jesus, thus again chose a path of obscurity, instead of the fame a larger populous city would bring. This makes sense, as day-labourers and artisan builders never reside in the city they construct. They live in informal dwellings close to the city, not too far so they can daily reach their workplace without exhausting themselves. Much like today squatter informal settlement areas.  

Jesus choice of vocation is non-impressive.  This genius, clever, unblemished character young boy did not aspire to become a Scribe, Pharisee, Priest or Levite? He might not be permitted because of his artisan father’s family profession. One would guess that the impressive interaction with the scribes and priest at age 12, must have earned Him a special scholarship.  (Luk 2:41-49) 

For the sake of the world, and us common people, Jesus restrained Himself! More so, He endured his daily humanity of no special privileges, so that He can have empathy with us! He wanted to personally understand how it feels to be restricted, misunderstood, rejected, and alone! Is this not the greatest act of love? In order for a King to prove his love for the girl, he gives 18 years of His life to study her hardship, struggles and weakness so that when he finally declares His love and she reciprocates the proposal he can now serve and supports her best! 

Jesus restricted himself from doing any miracles and pulpit the wrongs of people for 30 years! He could have chosen wealth, fame, and grandeur on earth He rather becomes a servant, common-man, artisan, a-man-just-like-us to demonstrate that normal people can live holy, righteous, and God-pleasing lives too! This is the power of His life.  Normal people, peasants, farmers doing normal daily things, like food collection and preparation, building and providing for your family can become holy acts glorifying God.  Getting dirty, sleeping on the floor, serving people was fit for God becoming flesh in human form! Jesus was not too high in status, or clever in intellect, nor exalted to do daily ordinary chores.    

Jesus persisted to live a simple life. He did not allow the feast goers to make Him King or finally when wrongfully painfully executed called the help of 12 legions of angels.

The Son of man, his favourite self-title, could have done His greatest miracles like the healing of the dumb mute and the glorification on the mountain in public view for the world to see. Instead, He chose to reveal this only to a few. He would often sternly warn recipients of healing miracles to not tell anyone! 

God almighty become a fragile little baby!

Looking at the picture of the baby in this blog stirs up emotions of fragility and tenderness! To think that the almighty God once was just like this little baby boy, in need of human care and nourisment.

The creator, omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful, all-knowing God restricted Himself and made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. (Phil 2:7-8) 

This is how much God loves us!!


False Loyalty

How the enemy is using misguided loyalty to keep you in bondage

Confused about your loyalty to an evil employer, compromising friend, wandering church leader, manipulative family? LEARN from Jesus to CHOOSE RIGHT over false loyalty to the traditions of man!

Definition: Misplaced loyalty (or mistaken loyalty, misguided loyalty or misplaced trust) is loyalty placed in other persons or organisations where that loyalty is not acknowledged, is not respected, is betrayed, or is taken advantage of. It can also mean loyalty to a malignant or misguided cause.

What is loyalty? Loyalty is a dimension of faithfulness. Loyalty is faith in action as it relates to trust and accountability in a relationship. Loyalty is a display of honour. Loyalty is defined by the World English Dictionary as a feeling of allegiance. Allegiance is connected with the word ally. When you are loyal you are an ally. The word ally is closely related to military operations. Allies are those that stand with you during a war. This is loyalty. When you are loyal you are tied to a person, a vision, a church through good times and bad times.

Some will say that loyalty should better be replaced by faithfulness (getrouheid) 

Examples of false, or misguided loyalty

– Codependency – Domestic violence, women stays with abuser.

– Stockholm syndrome – strange connection some hostages have with kidnappers

– Blind obedience – Military commands, take no personal responsibility.

– False leaders labelling honesty and criticism as disloyalty

– Loyalty without honesty – is not a true friendship 

– Collective cover-up a wrong – structural sin like apartheid. 

– Group identity populism – the madness of crowds, the parasitic mind, “I am a victim therefore I am”

– Loyalty because of collective suffering

– Institutional loyalty – traditions of man, history, emblems, rituals, sacred spaces, inner circle.

– Fear of man – remain loyal to false totalitarian bullying leaders 

– Cadre deployment – chose to favour family (nepotism) above efficiency

– Loyalty to sub-standards – fear of change

– No loyalty or commitment – church-hopping – no alliances

– False burden of (parental) responsibility 

– Fear of change and lack of vision – ignorance 

God calls on our allegiance, faithfulness, and loyalty to Him alone.  

Let your heart therefore be loyal to the LORD our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.” 1 kings 8:61

A good example of false loyalty: And he walked in all the sins of his father, which he had done before him; his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David. 1 Kings 15:3

Jesus showed no loyalty to the institutions of man: 

Cleaned the temple (Mat 21:12-16)

His own family – But He answered and said to the one who told Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, “Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” (Mat 12:46-50)

King Herod – Luke 13:32 And He said to them, “Go, tell that fox”

Scribes & Pharisees – Mat 25 the condemnation of the woe’s 

This does not mean Jesus was rebellious and operated alone in disdain against every formal institution. He consistently called out the wrong (harmful to the ecosystem) conduct that holds people in bondage.

When Loyalty to God is expressed by our loyalty to a godly cause.  

“But Ruth replied: Don’t plead with me to abandon you or to return and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live; your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord punish me, and do so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.” (Ruth 1:16-17, CSB)

“Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as much as himself. Then Jonathan removed the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his military tunic, his sword, his bow, and his belt.” (1 Samuel 18:3-58, CSB)

Now when Moses saw that the people were unrestrained (for Aaron had not restrained them, to their shame among their enemies), then Moses stood in the entrance of the camp, and said, “Whoever is on the LORD’s side—come to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together to him. And he said to them, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘Let every man put his sword on his side, and go in and out from entrance to entrance throughout the camp, and let every man kill his brother, every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.’ ” So the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses. And about three thousand men of the people fell that day. Then Moses said, “Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, that He may bestow on you a blessing this day, for every man has opposed his son and his brother.” Exo 32:25-29