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Life in this physical world often resembles a desert—dry, barren, and devoid of hope. But what if we could uncover a path from the desolation of our everyday lives to Eden, the “promised land” of spiritual fulfillment and radiant happiness?

To discover this transformative path, let us delve into a thought-provoking scripture about Jesus’ choice and alliance with His true family:

“When His mother and brothers came to Him but could not approach Him due to the crowd, someone informed Jesus, ‘Your mother and brothers are standing outside, desiring to see You.’ He replied, ‘My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and act upon it.'” (Luke 8:19-21).

A Redefinition of Family

This redefines the concept of family. In Luke 8:19, we witness a pivotal moment when Jesus’ immediate family sought to meet Him. However, instead of emphasizing blood-ties, Jesus redefines family based on spiritual connections. He declares that those who hear and act upon the Word of God are His true family. Our spiritual family represents a community of believers united by a common faith in Jesus Christ. It is a place where we find love, support, encouragement, and accountability, fulfilling our relational and spiritual needs through fellowship.

God’s Original Design 

This concept of spiritual family aligns with God’s original design for humanity. In Genesis 2, we encounter the Garden of Eden, a place symbolizing perfect communion between God and humanity. It represents abundant provision, peace, and harmony. In this garden, mankind enjoyed unhindered fellowship with their Creator. Similarly, our spiritual family, united by faith in Christ, reflects the restored paradise of the Garden of Eden. As we abide in Christ and nurture our relationships within the community of believers, we experience the fullness of God’s provision, love, and grace. It becomes a place of spiritual abundance, where the fruits of the Spirit flourish.

The Consequence of Disobedience and Rebellion 

However, when we choose disobedience, we distance ourselves from the blessings of our spiritual family. Disobedience erects barriers between us and God, hindering fellowship and stifling spiritual growth. It leads to a desert-like existence characterized by spiritual dryness, isolation, and fruitlessness. Disobedience not only separates us from God but also hampers our relationships within the spiritual family. It breeds alienation, division, and a lack of genuine connection. We find ourselves wandering in a spiritual desert, parched and devoid of the life-giving support and nourishment found in the community of believers.

The Multi-level Generational Provision of Church 

Just as older trees in a forest provide shade and nourishment to younger plants, a lifestyle of obedience within our spiritual family creates pathways of provision for the next generation. Obedience to God’s Word and His leading allows us to grow strong in our faith and become sources of spiritual nourishment for those who come after us.

Older, mature believers who walk in obedience can offer guidance, wisdom, and mentorship to younger believers, helping them navigate through life’s challenges and trials. Their obedience serves as a compass, guiding the next generation towards the abundant life found in Christ. Through obedience, we model Christlikeness to the next generation. Our actions, attitudes, and choices become a testament to God’s transformative power, inspiring and encouraging others to walk in obedience as well. Like the shade provided by older trees, our obedience creates an environment where the next generation can flourish and grow.

Growth and Expansion 

A fruitful and healthy spiritual family has the power to grow and expand, just like a thriving forest. As each member of the family embraces obedience, love, and unity, the family becomes a dynamic force that impacts its surroundings. The influence of a vibrant spiritual family can extend beyond its immediate boundaries, transforming deserts into gardens.

A spiritual family that radiates the love, grace, and truth of Christ can have a profound impact on the culture and society around them. Like a forest that changes the landscape, a fruitful spiritual family can bring about transformation, shifting the spiritual climate and restoring areas that were once desolate. It infuses hope, healing, and restoration into barren and dry places, changing the spiritual habitat. When a spiritual family is fruitful and vibrant, it inspires and encourages others to embrace a life of obedience and faith. As this multiplication of fruitfulness takes place, the influence of the spiritual family expands, reclaiming and transforming deserts into gardens. The desert mentality of hopelessness and spiritual barrenness is replaced with a flourishing environment of spiritual life and abundance.

Cultural Transformation 

The term “culture” originates from the Latin word “cultura,” which stems from the verb “colere,” meaning “to cultivate” or “to till.” In its original agricultural sense, “cultura” referred to the act of tending and nurturing the land, growing crops, and raising livestock. Over time, the term evolved to encompass a broader meaning, including the cultivation and development of intellectual, artistic, and social aspects of human life. Today, “culture” refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, arts, and social behaviors that characterize a particular group, society, or civilization.

The Bible provides us with 4000 years of historic data, demonstrating how culture can either provide a nourishing, healthy, abundant habitat for families to thrive or lead to self-destruction. Tribes like the Amalekites, Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites, Philistines, Moabites, Edomites, and even Israel no longer exist due to their practices of disobedience against God’s will.