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The Realm of Faith

Most people only have occasional vacations in faithland. We need to migrate, move positions, change residence and choose to permanently make our home in HIM. 

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Spiritual Intelligence – The mind Of Christ 

There is a common consensus that we are the creation of our thinking.  The way a person thinks determines them.  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  (Prov 23:7) All thinking starts with an axiom, hypothesis, assumption, idea, structure, filter, basis, or premise. Learn from 1 cor 2:3-16 how to receive the Mind of Christ a whole new approach to dealing with the troubles of this world.

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Breath Is Life.

Breath Is Life Currently, many people feel emotionally, mentally and financially out of breath and short of breath. It’s like we’ve lost our rhythm. Jesus

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The Power Of The Blood Of Christ

Discover the deeper and broader dimensions of the Blood of Christ and what it means in your active relationship with the Lord. Learn about the “chemistry of blood based on physiological research and how it relates spiritually from Adam to Christ.

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We are all searching for Eternity.  

We are all searching for eternity, for the good life, fine dining, financial success, prominence, significance, for a better life, immortality.  But the search is not over until we find eternity in the person of Jesus Christ.

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Generational Blessings and Curses

All life is generational. Some of it is a blessing, and some of it is a curse. Most people do not take well to the statement: “You’re just like your mother or your father”. Whether you like it or not, there is more of your parents and grandparents in your DNA, as you realise. JESUS offer us a way to come into His Spiritual Inheritance Blessing! Become a follower of Jesus Christ today!

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The Creative Power of our Words

Everything is intricate beyond imagining. Everything is affected by everything else. Words are the glue that holds everything together. Words can heal but also create an EDEN-Like world out of the chaos.

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Redeem your time

Redeem Your Time

Not enough time in your day? Feel you have become a slave of time? Redeem your time by eliminating the 7 major time traps.

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