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Why remain faithful in Marriage

FOR GOD – The Bible declare God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:10-16) We made a vow before God and witnesses; “what God has brought together, let no man separates” Jesus made it very clear that Moses offered the people divorce letters, but before God there is no separation. (Matthew 19:4-8) As believers we have no right to divorce unless our partner has already committed adultery, and when your spouse who is an unbeliever seeks to be separated. (1Corinthians 7:27-28) We are joined to each other in covenant, and we cannot separate. As believers we belong to God, and we are His dwelling place, how can we allow the members of his body to be defiled? (1 Corinthians 6:16-19) God will judge adulterers and divorcees. (Hebrews 13:4) Joseph resisted the daily seduction of Potiphar’s wife because of his love for God. He asked her, “How … could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). God wants us to develop a passion for Him that is greater than our passion to sin!
FOR TRUE LOVE – So many people say: “I do not love my spouse anymore, should I stay in a loveless marriage for the sake of marriage?” This reveals a great deception where these people value “love” more than they value obedience to God. Love is now their god. They believe that love will make them happy. Erotic romantic love makes you feel empowered, you feel invincible, you feel alive, your happiness is focussed on your lover, and you cannot get them out of your head. People even give their lovers’ god-like names, and become poetic of the wonderful, glorious, illuminated, transcending experience. The sad truth is, that all this is a chemical reaction in the brain that releases dopamine that wears off over time. Love is what brings a couple together, but we need more than mere romantic love to remain together. Do the 1 Corinthians 13 love test, and discover God’s kind of love.
FOR HONOR – Honour is the stuff heroes are made of. Honour is what makes our lives reach over time and generations. We remember people either for their honour or their failure. Honour your father and mother that you may have a long life. Honour is a form of godliness where we are touching divinity. When we do the honourable thing, doing what is right, we expose the quality of our heart and character. Choosing the path of honour is not easy, sacrificing our lives in the process. People who get divorced for any other reason than adultery, physical abuse and manipulation towards criminal behaviour has no honour. Marriage is honourable, it is holy. Hebrews 13:4. Honour God, honour family, and honour yourself!
FOR IT IS MY CALLING AND RESPONSIBILITY – When we consider and fulfil our various roles: husband as leader and wives as helpmate we bring honour to the relationship. When we allow emotions and circumstances to override our responsibility, position and role we open the door to various kinds of evil. We leave our partner uncovered, exposed to attack. Make your calling and identity sure. (1 Peter 1:10) You are not an adulterer, liar, thief, a betrayer and unfaithful person! But giving in to sin, distorts God’s destiny and calling over your life, and soon you will become exactly that. Respect yourself and God’s call upon your life enough to not sell your birth right for a morsel of bread. Cheating is not a mistake, it is a choice. Loyalty is a responsibility not a choice.
FOR LEGACY – We model right living to our children and thus build a legacy for our children to follow. We give up rights and privileges now, so in the future our children may have it easier. Marriage faithfulness is the foundation of building a legacy for our children. The family unit becomes the bases of family enterprise that provides for generations to come. Once we brake this up, we divide not only the family but also the family’s provision. So many children today have lost hope and faith in the sanctity and purpose of marriage because they have so few examples to follow. Children now have to make and discover their own way, because this generation selfishly only provided for themselves. Children do not learn through their ears, they learn through their experiences. What experience are you creating for your children? Your decision will affect them for the rest of their lives.
FOR KEEPING YOUR WORD – One of my best friends were married for 22 years when his wife contracted colon cancer. She became very sick, and they did not enjoy the pleasures of marriage anymore. He had to take care of her, she was in much pain and as a result became difficult and unreasonable at times. After she passed away, I asked him one day; “why did you remain faithful?” His quick and prompt reply moved me; “I gave my word!” That’s it! We do not always have much to give as humans, but our word! Many people’s words has become meaningless without substance, because you cannot take them on their word. You made a vow before God and witness, you should therefor get all those people together, and try to convince them why you are now seeking a divorce.
FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY – Marriage provides financial security if we work hard and are faithful with what we have received. Together husband and wives build together to establish a home, and provide for their children, saving also for their old age, and in some cases they have to help provide for their respective parents too. Divorce destroys this nest egg. Wives who have not been working full-time, are thrown back in the corporate world often at old age to start at the bottom again. They have lost the security and safety of marriage. The children are often also the victims of financial difficulty, because of the losses and costs of divorce. Thus also losing the safety and security home should have provided. It is unbelievable to see what people are willing to pay for giving up their marriages, if they have spent the same money and effort on working at their problems the marriage could have been saved.
FOR PERSONAL GROWTH – Walking out of a relationship most people have little understanding on what contributed to the breakup. We can usually tell in elaborate detail what our partners have done wrong, but we do not see our own error. We then enter the new relationship, with the same baggage and unchanged. Conflict in a relationship is sometimes necessary to expose the areas in our lives where we are not Christ like. People get divorced mostly because they have been hurt by a partner’s un Christ like behaviour. When we live to grow in Christ’s humility, meekness, gentleness, the fruit of the spirit, godly character, faithfulness, loyalty and love no one in the world would want to leave and separate. There can thus be no justification for divorce, but our own fickle hearts and unrestrained passions.
FOR NOT BECOMING A ‘THIEF’ – When getting involved emotionally with a married person, you are setting up a scene of fraud and theft. You taking something that belongs to someone else. Have you ever felt the powerless feeling when walking into your house that has been robbed? You are that person stealing! You are also the thief that is about to steal the trust and respect of the partner that have committed their life to you. The pain of betrayal is like mourning the death of a loved one, but they are still alive and hurting you continually. One lady whose husband was unfaithful wrote in a letter to him: “you have robbed me for keeps, you make your partner an adulterer. How will it feel if your partner would leave you for someone else? The one person I allowed in, with whom I had no defence or secrets betrayed me!
FOR OLD AGE PARTNERSHIP – Most breakups in relationships happens around the first 7 years and then once the children have left home. This is when couples have to recommit themselves and renew their vows, because they’re not the same people they once were. Yet the period we need a partner the most is in old age! As we grow older we become fragile and more and more dependent on each-other. Many times the one partner becomes more dependent. Difficult adults become very difficult old people. This is why we had to grow, adapt and change as individuals in character and person, to become the best we can be at the end. It is in old age where we appreciate it the most, the lives we have lived. This was the intend at the beginning was it not? Growing old together!
FOR FRIENDSHIP – In divorce you lose not only a partner but you lose your friends too. When a couple gets divorced it brings an end to most of the friendships they have once shared. Friends have to decide with which partner they are going to side. Those who keeps their distance to not get involved, remain uninvolved altogether. As friends we were supposed to get old together. Divorce has such a huge ripple-effect on the extended family and friendship circle we belong to. This is why a healthy family is the bedrock of society’s moral fibre and strength.
FOR ENDURANCE – Being single is terrifying. The dating scene is so clouded, where hidden motives thrives, and pretence, broken hearts seeking solitude. The uncertainty of finding love again, as specially getting older is a huge challenge. Sexually it is about making that special connection, finding the one! We all seek intimacy, to know and to be known… But this really becomes quite a challenge if we have no way to know, to be certain to find that special person. Enduring with the one you do know is certainly much easier.
FOR THE RIGHT FOUNDATION – A relationship build on adultery and someone else’s heartbreak is doomed for failure. There will always be trust issues and respect issues. The divorce rate after the second marriage is considerably higher. Once you have been unfaithful, it is easy to do it again.
FOR LOYALTY – We all treasure loyalty and fear the abandonment of the one we love. Yet some are willing to do exactly that and betray their partner, helpmate our spouse. Beware of turning your heart and seek to be nourished elsewhere. All relationships go through difficulty, the routine of daily living, the boring shores of responsibility and duty. One may feel entitled to justify your unfaithfulness because of core needs not met within marriage. The bible instructs us to drink from your own fountain, the wife of your youth. (Proverbs 5:18) All sexual needs should be met within marriage. (1 Corinthians 7:1-5) Learn to be content whether you get what you want or not. Marriage is about give and take. If only one member in the relationship do all the sacrifices it will lead to disillusionment and discouragement. Kindle and rekindle the fire within the relationship and stay in the boat.
FOR IT IS WORTH IT – I would love to ask every person who ever walked out and committed adultery, whether it was worth it in the end? Years later after all the damage caused has settled down, and the new relationship now also becomes routine, was it worth it?
Fight for you marriage, it is worth it!


Why remain faithful in Marriage

FOR GOD – The Bible declare God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:10-16) We made a vow before God and witnesses; “what God has brought together, let no man separates” Jesus made it very clear that Moses offered the people divorce letters, but before God there is no separation. (Matthew 19:4-8)  As believers we have no right to divorce unless our partner has already committed adultery, and when your spouse who is an unbeliever seeks to be separated. (1Corinthians 7:27-28) We are joined to each other in covenant, and we cannot separate. As believers we belong to God, and we are His dwelling place, how can we allow the members of his body to be defiled? (1 Corinthians 6:16-19) God will judge adulterers and divorcees.  (Hebrews 13:4) Joseph resisted the daily seduction of Potiphar’s wife because of his love for God. He asked her, “How … could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). God wants us to develop a passion for Him that is greater than our passion to sin!
FOR TRUE LOVE – So many people say: “I do not love my spouse anymore, should I stay in a loveless marriage for the sake of marriage?” This reveals a great deception where these people value “love” more than they value obedience to God. Love is now their god. They believe that love will make them happy.  Erotic romantic love makes you feel empowered, you feel invincible, you feel alive, your happiness is focussed on your lover, and you cannot get them out of your head. People even give their lovers’ god-like names, and become poetic of the wonderful, glorious, illuminated, transcending experience. The sad truth is, that all this is a chemical reaction in the brain that releases dopamine that wears off over time.  Love is what brings a couple together, but we need more than mere romantic love to remain together. Do the 1 Corinthians 13 love test, and discover God’s kind of love.
FOR HONOR – Honour is the stuff heroes are made of.  Honour is what makes our lives reach over time and generations. We remember people either for their honour or their failure.  Honour your father and mother that you may have a long life.  Honour is a form of godliness where we are touching divinity.  When we do the honourable thing, doing what is right, we expose the quality of our heart and character. Choosing the path of honour is not easy, sacrificing our lives in the process.  People who get divorced for any other reason than adultery, physical abuse and manipulation towards criminal behaviour has no honour.  Marriage is honourable, it is holy.  Hebrews 13:4. Honour God, honour family, and honour yourself!
FOR IT IS MY CALLING AND RESPONSIBILITY – When we consider and fulfil our various roles: husband as leader and wives as helpmate we bring honour to the relationship.  When we allow emotions and circumstances to override our responsibility, position and role we open the door to various kinds of evil. We leave our partner uncovered, exposed to attack. Make your calling and identity sure.  (1 Peter 1:10) You are not an adulterer, liar, thief, a betrayer and unfaithful person! But giving in to sin, distorts God’s destiny and calling over your life, and soon you will become exactly that. Respect yourself and God’s call upon your life enough to not sell your birth right for a morsel of bread.  Cheating is not a mistake, it is a choice.  Loyalty is a responsibility not a choice.
FOR LEGACY – We model right living to our children and thus build a legacy for our children to follow.  We give up rights and privileges now, so in the future our children may have it easier. Marriage faithfulness is the foundation of building a legacy for our children. The family unit becomes the bases of family enterprise that provides for generations to come. Once we brake this up, we divide not only the family but also the family’s provision.  So many children today have lost hope and faith in the sanctity and purpose of marriage because they have so few examples to follow.  Children now have to make and discover their own way, because this generation selfishly only provided for themselves.  Children do not learn through their ears, they learn through their experiences.  What experience are you creating for your children?  Your decision will affect them for the rest of their lives.
FOR KEEPING YOUR WORD – One of my best friends were married for 22 years when his wife contracted colon cancer.  She became very sick, and they did not enjoy the pleasures of marriage anymore. He had to take care of her, she was in much pain and as a result became difficult and unreasonable at times.  After she passed away, I asked him one day; “why did you remain faithful?” His quick and prompt reply moved me; “I gave my word!” That’s it! We do not always have much to give as humans, but our word! Many people’s words has become meaningless without substance, because you cannot take them on their word.  You made a vow before God and witness, you should therefor get all those people together, and try to convince them why you are now seeking a divorce.
FOR SAFETY AND SECURITY – Marriage provides financial security if we work hard and are faithful with what we have received. Together husband and wives build together to establish a home, and provide for their children, saving also for their old age, and in some cases they have to help provide for their respective parents too. Divorce destroys this nest egg.  Wives who have not been working full-time, are thrown back in the corporate world often at old age to start at the bottom again. They have lost the security and safety of marriage.  The children are often also the victims of financial difficulty, because of the losses and costs of divorce.  Thus also losing the safety and security home should have provided.  It is unbelievable to see what people are willing to pay for giving up their marriages, if they have spent the same money and effort on working at their problems the marriage could have been saved.
FOR PERSONAL GROWTH – Walking out of a relationship most people have little understanding on what contributed to the breakup. We can usually tell in elaborate detail what our partners have done wrong, but we do not see our own error.  We then enter the new relationship, with the same baggage and unchanged. Conflict in a relationship is sometimes necessary to expose the areas in our lives where we are not Christ like. People get divorced mostly because they have been hurt by a partner’s un Christ like behaviour.  When we live to grow in Christ’s humility, meekness, gentleness, the fruit of the spirit, godly character, faithfulness, loyalty and love no one in the world would want to leave and separate.  There can thus be no justification for divorce, but our own fickle hearts and unrestrained passions.
FOR NOT BECOMING A ‘THIEF’ – When getting involved emotionally with a married person, you are setting up a scene of fraud and theft. You taking something that belongs to someone else.  Have you ever felt the powerless feeling when walking into your house that has been robbed? You are that person stealing! You are also the thief that is about to steal the trust and respect of the partner that have committed their life to you.  The pain of betrayal is like mourning the death of a loved one, but they are still alive and hurting you continually. One lady whose husband was unfaithful wrote in a letter to him: “you have robbed me for keeps, you make your partner an adulterer.  How will it feel if your partner would leave you for someone else?  The one person I allowed in, with whom I had no defence or secrets betrayed me!
FOR OLD AGE PARTNERSHIP – Most breakups in relationships happens around the first 7 years and then once the children have left home. This is when couples have to recommit themselves and renew their vows, because they’re not the same people they once were.  Yet the period we need a partner the most is in old age! As we grow older we become fragile and more and more dependent on each-other. Many times the one partner becomes more dependent.  Difficult adults become very difficult old people.  This is why we had to grow, adapt and change as individuals in character and person, to become the best we can be at the end. It is in old age where we appreciate it the most, the lives we have lived.  This was the intend at the beginning was it not? Growing old together!
FOR FRIENDSHIP – In divorce you lose not only a partner but you lose your friends too. When a couple gets divorced it brings an end to most of the friendships they have once shared.  Friends have to decide with which partner they are going to side. Those who keeps their distance to not get involved, remain uninvolved altogether. As friends we were supposed to get old together.  Divorce has such a huge ripple-effect on the extended family and friendship circle we belong to.  This is why a healthy family is the bedrock of society’s moral fibre and strength.
FOR ENDURANCE – Being single is terrifying.  The dating scene is so clouded, where hidden motives thrives, and pretence, broken hearts seeking solitude.  The uncertainty of finding love again, as specially getting older is a huge challenge.  Sexually it is about making that special connection, finding the one! We all seek intimacy, to know and to be known… But this really becomes quite a challenge if we have no way to know, to be certain to find that special person.  Enduring with the one you do know is certainly much easier.
FOR THE RIGHT FOUNDATION – A relationship build on adultery and someone else’s heartbreak is doomed for failure.  There will always be trust issues and respect issues. The divorce rate after the second marriage is considerably higher. Once you have been unfaithful, it is easy to do it again.
FOR LOYALTY – We all treasure loyalty and fear the abandonment of the one we love. Yet some are willing to do exactly that and betray their partner, helpmate our spouse.  Beware of turning your heart and seek to be nourished elsewhere.  All relationships go through difficulty, the routine of daily living, the boring shores of responsibility and duty.  One may feel entitled to justify your unfaithfulness because of core needs not met within marriage.  The bible instructs us to drink from your own fountain, the wife of your youth. (Proverbs 5:18) All sexual needs should be met within marriage. (1 Corinthians 7:1-5) Learn to be content whether you get what you want or not.  Marriage is about give and take. If only one member in the relationship do all the sacrifices it will lead to disillusionment and discouragement. Kindle and rekindle the fire within the relationship and stay in the boat.
FOR IT IS WORTH IT – I would love to ask every person who ever walked out and committed adultery, whether it was worth it in the end? Years later after all the damage caused has settled down, and the new relationship now also becomes routine, was it worth it?
Fight for you marriage, it is worth it!


15 Steps of Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Sien hierdie kragtige PPT oor Egbreuk vir meer antwoorde:
How does adultery “happen?” People don’t just decide one day to hop in bed and be unfaithful to their spouse. Adultery is the culminating act of a dozen or more tiny steps of unfaithfulness. Each step in itself does not seem that serious or much beyond the previous step. Satan draws a person into adultery one tiny step at a time. And he does this over time so that our conscience is gradually seared. This makes it easier to take “just one more step” thinking such a tiny step won’t hurt us.
The following “15 steps” which analyze how adultery “happens” are based on scores of interviews, counseling, and correspondence with church folk who fell into unfaithfulness. Our question: “How did this happen… what were the tiny steps which led to this mess?” While the order varied from case to case, the following is the general progression which surfaced in most incidents. This is not some sort of theoretical list. These are the actual steps taken by scores of church people who wound up committing adultery and regretting it later. Some of these people sobbed deeply as they shared, hoping that their own pain and failure might save other marriages. This information comes to you at great expense.
This chapter doesn’t have any preaching or analysis… that is left to you. Here we offer you cold word-for-word quotes. You and your Sunday School class can draw out the lessons. How did these lives get ruined? How does it start?
1. Sharing Common Interests. (Deel gemeenskaplike belange)
“We just had so much in common, it was uncanny.”
“She and I both enjoyed music, and we were attracted to each other.”
“He was so spiritually-minded… I’d been looking for someone to share my spiritual struggles with.”
“We both loved horses, and started riding together.”
“We both shared a burden for the church and especially children’s work.”
“She was the first woman I’d ever met who liked the outdoors, even hunting and fishing — I was fascinated!”
2. Mentally comparing with my mate. (Vergelyk my maat, fokus op tekortkominge)
“My husband wasn’t interested much in spiritual things, but this man knew so much about the Bible.”
“She was slim, attractive, and dressed sharp — quite a difference from my wife who didn’t take care of herself much at that time.”
“She was so understanding and would listen to me and my hurts — my wife was always so busy and rushed that we didn’t have the time to talk.
“My husband just would never communicate — he’d come home from work and just sit there watching TV. I finally gave up on him. Then this man came along who was worlds apart from my husband — he was gentile, loved to talk, and would just share little things about his life with me.”
3. Meeting emotional needs. (Bevredig emosionele behoeftes)
“He understood how I was feeling and offered me the empathy I was hungering for.”
“She was there when I needed her.”
“My ego was so starved for affirmation that I would have taken it from anyone — I guess that’s what started the whole thing.”
“No one had ever really believed in me until he came along. He encouraged me, inspired me, and believed so deeply in what I could become.”
“My wife was busy with the kids and not at all involved with my work. This girl admired me and treated me like I was really somebody. It felt so good.”
4. Looking forward to being together. (sien uit daarna om mekaar te sien)
“I used to dread going to work, but after we started our friendship, I would wake up thinking of how I would see him later that day… it seemed to make getting up easier.”
“I would think of being with her the whole time I was driving to work.”
“I found myself thinking of him as I got dressed each morning, wondering how he would like a certain outfit or perfume.”
“I looked forward to choir practice every week because I knew he would be there.”
“Every time I drove by her house I would think of her and how we’d see each other that Sunday.”
5. Tinges of dishonesty with my mate. (Begin oneerlik te handel met my maat)
“When my wife would ask if she was with the group I’d pretend I couldn’t remember… right there I started building a wall between us.”
“I would act like I was going to practice with our ensemble, but actually I was practicing a duet with him.”
“Once my wife asked about her, but I denied everything, after all, we hadn’t done anything wrong yet. Now I see that this was one of those exit points where I could have come clean and got off the road I was speeding down.”
“Whenever we got together as couples I would act like I didn’t care about him, and afterward I would even criticize him to my husband. I guess I was trying to hide my real feelings from my husband.”
6. Flirting and teasing. (Flirtasie en speelse grapies)
“I could tell from the way she looked at me. She would gaze directly into my eyes, then furtively glance down my body then back into my eyes again — I knew then that she was interested in more than my friendship. But, I was so flattered by her interest that I couldn’t escape.”
“Then we started teasing each other, often with double-meaning kind of things. Sometimes we’d tease each other even when we were together as two couples. It seemed innocent enough at first, but more and more we knew it really did mean something to us.”
“We would laugh and talk about how it seemed like we were “made for each other” so much. Then we’d tease each other about what kind of husband or wife the other one would have been if we’d married each other.”
“He had those killer eyes. When he’d look at me in that “special way” I would just melt. It was hopeless fighting my urges — he had me.”
7. Talking about personal matters. (begin oor persoonlike sake te praat en deel)
“We would talk about things — not big things, just little things which he cared about, or I was worried about.”
“We’d meet together for coffee before church and just talk together.”
“I was having problems with my son and she seemed to understand the whole situation so much better than anyone else I talked with. I’d tell her about the most recent blow-up and she would understand so well. We just became really deep friends — almost soul-mates. That’s what’s so weird about all this — we never intended for it to go this far.”
“I had lost my Dad just before we got to know each other and he had lost his mother a few years earlier. He seemed to understand exactly what I was going through and we would talk for hours about how each of us felt.”
“I was so lonely since my husband died and hungry for someone to share life with. Then he began to call just because he cared. I loved hearing his caring voice at the other end of the line, even though I knew he was married.”
“We spent so much time together at work that I swear she knew more about me than my wife ever did — or even cared to know.”
8. Minor yet arousing touch, squeeze, or hug. (Ligte aanrakings, drukkies, met gevoel)
“He never touched me for months. Then one night after working late, we were walking toward the door when he said ‘You’re so special, thanks for all you do…” then he turned and hugged me tenderly, just for a second. I loved how I felt for that moment so much that I began to replay it over and over again in my mind like a videotape. Now I know that I should have stopped it all right then. I never intended to ruin my family like this.”
“She was always hanging around our house and was my wife’s best friend. Often she would stay late to watch TV, even after my wife went to bed. She would sit beside me on the couch and I was drawn to her like the song says… like a moth to the flame.”
“He would often pat me on the shoulder — you know, in appreciation for a good job I’d done. But I knew it meant more than that.”
“The first time she touched me was when we were doing registration together. We were sitting beside each other. I’d say something cute or funny and she would giggle, then under the table she’d squeeze the top of my leg with her hand. That was really exciting to me.”
“Every time she shook hands with me at the door she seemed to linger, sort of holding my hand more than shaking it. No one else would notice, but I knew there was more to her touch than appeared to the eyes. She knew too.”
9. Special notes or gifts. (spesiaale geskenke, en boodskappe)
“He would write these little encouraging notes and leave them in my desk, pocketbook, or taped to my computer. They didn’t say anything which could be traced. If anyone found them they wouldn’t suspect anything. But we both knew what was going on, we just didn’t want to stop yet.”
“I would sometimes call him and leave a short message on his answering machine. He would leave little notes in my Bible.”
“He would buy me a little gift — not that expensive, but it always showed he had taken extra thought to get exactly what I liked. Of course everyone else thought he was just being a good boss.”
“She started leaving unsigned notes to me in my desk sharing her feelings for me. It scared me at first, because I thought someone would find one. But after a while I found myself looking forward to the next one, even though I knew the risk.”
10. Inventing excuses to call or meet. (Dink verskonings uit om mekaar te ontmoet)
“I started figuring out ways I could drop off something at her house when her husband was gone. He and I knew each other and I would always return borrowed tools in the afternoon when I knew she’d be there alone.”
“I would wait until the end of the workday then I’d call him just before closing time about something I’d made up as a ‘business question’ and we’d talk.”
“The more entangled we got, the more I planned times where he and I could practice together. We started meeting more often.”
“She started arranging her schedule so that her husband dropped her off at committee meetings. I would hang around and offer to take her home, acting with as much nonchalance as I could muster up.”
11. Arranging secret meetings. (Beplan geheime ontmoetings)
“By now we both were so far gone that we started meeting secretly at the mall parking lot. It know now how foolish this was, but I was driven by something other than good sense at that time.”
“We started arranging to work evenings on the same nights, then we would leave early and meet each other in the dark parking lot.”
“I started making sure he knew my travel schedule so we could attend the same conferences. We still weren’t involved physically at that time, but there was such excitement and romance to it all… even the secrecy seemed to make it more exciting.”
“She would sometimes call me just before lunch and we’d sneak through a drive-up together, and then spend the rest of my lunch hour talking quietly to each other.”
12. Deceit and cover ups. (Misleiding en verdoeseling)
“Once we were meeting secretly I had to invent all kinds of stories about where I’d been to satisfy my wife. By now I had built a towering wall of dishonesty between us.”
“Pretty soon my whole life was full of lies. I’d lie about where I was going, where I’d been, and who I’d been with. The more suspicious my husband got, the better liar I became. But he knew something was going on. It’s hard to lie without people suspecting it.”
“I joined several groups so that I would have an excuse to be away in the evenings.”
“She would ask when I’d gotten off work. I’d simply lie about it, and she never knew what hit her. How can I ever regain her trust now?”
“We agreed that if anyone saw us driving around we would both tell the same story: that my car wouldn’t start, he stopped to help, an we were going together to get a new fuse to replace the broken one he’d discovered.”
“By now my whole life was a lie, so I began telling them regularly to cover up our little meetings.”
13. Kissing and embracing. (Soen en vashou, en omhelsings)
“The whole thing seemed so exciting by now. I was such a fool. We were meeting secretly and both of us were fearful of being caught. But that only seemed to increase our common ground. When we’d meet, we would embrace as if we’d not been together for years — like in the movies when someone comes home from the war.”
“Once we started meeting secretly the end came fast. We kissed and hugged like two teenagers going parking for their first time.”
“It just felt so good to be hugged and loved by somebody who really cared about me.”
14. Petting and high indiscretion. (Sekuele voorspel en onbetaamlike gedrag)
“At this point my glands took over. I forgot reason altogether and was willing to risk everything for more.”
“It was like I was a teenager again — going too far, then repenting and promising to do better; then just as quick I was hungrily seeking more sin.”
“When my husband and I were dating we struggled with ‘how far to go.’ Well, here I was again struggling over the same issue. Friendship with this guy didn’t seem so wrong. But now were we’re going further than I ever intended. But, I felt curiously justified going exactly as far as I had with my husband when had been dating. In a way, I think some of my resentment against my husband’s constant pressure on me started coming out. I’m not saying that it wasn’t wrong. Just that I kind of felt justified.”
“At about this time I began fooling myself into thinking I was heroic for not going “all the way.” That’s what I wanted to do. But by doing “everything but” I fooled myself into thinking I was successfully resisting temptation. What I didn’t realize was that, not only was what I was doing wrong, but that eventually I would take the next step. It’s just not possible to freeze a relationship — you have to go ahead with it, or break it off totally.”
15. Sexual intercourse. (Sekuele omgang)
“Soon I quit resisting and was swept into outright adultery.”
“One thing led to another and finally we ended up in bed with each other.”
“Though we never intended it to go that far, we eventually went all the way and had sex.”
“One night we couldn’t seem to stop ourselves (at least we didn’t want to) so I completed my journey of unfaithfulness to my husband — I had sex with this man.”


15 Steps of Unfaithfulness in Marriage

Sien hierdie kragtige PPT oor Egbreuk vir meer antwoorde:
How does adultery “happen?” People don’t just decide one day to hop in bed and be unfaithful to their spouse. Adultery is the culminating act of a dozen or more tiny steps of unfaithfulness. Each step in itself does not seem that serious or much beyond the previous step. Satan draws a person into adultery one tiny step at a time. And he does this over time so that our conscience is gradually seared. This makes it easier to take “just one more step” thinking such a tiny step won’t hurt us.
The following “15 steps” which analyze how adultery “happens” are based on scores of interviews, counseling, and correspondence with church folk who fell into unfaithfulness. Our question: “How did this happen… what were the tiny steps which led to this mess?” While the order varied from case to case, the following is the general progression which surfaced in most incidents. This is not some sort of theoretical list. These are the actual steps taken by scores of church people who wound up committing adultery and regretting it later. Some of these people sobbed deeply as they shared, hoping that their own pain and failure might save other marriages. This information comes to you at great expense.
This chapter doesn’t have any preaching or analysis… that is left to you. Here we offer you cold word-for-word quotes. You and your Sunday School class can draw out the lessons. How did these lives get ruined? How does it start?
1. Sharing Common Interests. (Deel gemeenskaplike belange)
“We just had so much in common, it was uncanny.”
“She and I both enjoyed music, and we were attracted to each other.”
“He was so spiritually-minded… I’d been looking for someone to share my spiritual struggles with.”
“We both loved horses, and started riding together.”
“We both shared a burden for the church and especially children’s work.”
“She was the first woman I’d ever met who liked the outdoors, even hunting and fishing — I was fascinated!”
2. Mentally comparing with my mate. (Vergelyk my maat, fokus op tekortkominge)
“My husband wasn’t interested much in spiritual things, but this man knew so much about the Bible.”
“She was slim, attractive, and dressed sharp — quite a difference from my wife who didn’t take care of herself much at that time.”
“She was so understanding and would listen to me and my hurts — my wife was always so busy and rushed that we didn’t have the time to talk.
“My husband just would never communicate — he’d come home from work and just sit there watching TV. I finally gave up on him. Then this man came along who was worlds apart from my husband — he was gentile, loved to talk, and would just share little things about his life with me.”
3. Meeting emotional needs. (Bevredig emosionele behoeftes)
“He understood how I was feeling and offered me the empathy I was hungering for.”
“She was there when I needed her.”
“My ego was so starved for affirmation that I would have taken it from anyone — I guess that’s what started the whole thing.”
“No one had ever really believed in me until he came along. He encouraged me, inspired me, and believed so deeply in what I could become.”
“My wife was busy with the kids and not at all involved with my work. This girl admired me and treated me like I was really somebody. It felt so good.”
4. Looking forward to being together.  (sien uit daarna om mekaar te sien)
“I used to dread going to work, but after we started our friendship, I would wake up thinking of how I would see him later that day… it seemed to make getting up easier.”
“I would think of being with her the whole time I was driving to work.”
“I found myself thinking of him as I got dressed each morning, wondering how he would like a certain outfit or perfume.”
“I looked forward to choir practice every week because I knew he would be there.”
“Every time I drove by her house I would think of her and how we’d see each other that Sunday.”
5. Tinges of dishonesty with my mate. (Begin oneerlik te handel met my maat)
“When my wife would ask if she was with the group I’d pretend I couldn’t remember… right there I started building a wall between us.”
“I would act like I was going to practice with our ensemble, but actually I was practicing a duet with him.”
“Once my wife asked about her, but I denied everything, after all, we hadn’t done anything wrong yet. Now I see that this was one of those exit points where I could have come clean and got off the road I was speeding down.”
“Whenever we got together as couples I would act like I didn’t care about him, and afterward I would even criticize him to my husband. I guess I was trying to hide my real feelings from my husband.”
6. Flirting and teasing. (Flirtasie en speelse grapies)
“I could tell from the way she looked at me. She would gaze directly into my eyes, then furtively glance down my body then back into my eyes again — I knew then that she was interested in more than my friendship. But, I was so flattered by her interest that I couldn’t escape.”
“Then we started teasing each other, often with double-meaning kind of things. Sometimes we’d tease each other even when we were together as two couples. It seemed innocent enough at first, but more and more we knew it really did mean something to us.”
“We would laugh and talk about how it seemed like we were “made for each other” so much. Then we’d tease each other about what kind of husband or wife the other one would have been if we’d married each other.”
“He had those killer eyes. When he’d look at me in that “special way” I would just melt. It was hopeless fighting my urges — he had me.”
7. Talking about personal matters. (begin oor persoonlike sake te praat en deel)
“We would talk about things — not big things, just little things which he cared about, or I was worried about.”
“We’d meet together for coffee before church and just talk together.”
“I was having problems with my son and she seemed to understand the whole situation so much better than anyone else I talked with. I’d tell her about the most recent blow-up and she would understand so well. We just became really deep friends — almost soul-mates. That’s what’s so weird about all this — we never intended for it to go this far.”
“I had lost my Dad just before we got to know each other and he had lost his mother a few years earlier. He seemed to understand exactly what I was going through and we would talk for hours about how each of us felt.”
“I was so lonely since my husband died and hungry for someone to share life with. Then he began to call just because he cared. I loved hearing his caring voice at the other end of the line, even though I knew he was married.”
“We spent so much time together at work that I swear she knew more about me than my wife ever did — or even cared to know.”
8. Minor yet arousing touch, squeeze, or hug. (Ligte aanrakings, drukkies, met gevoel)
“He never touched me for months. Then one night after working late, we were walking toward the door when he said ‘You’re so special, thanks for all you do…” then he turned and hugged me tenderly, just for a second. I loved how I felt for that moment so much that I began to replay it over and over again in my mind like a videotape. Now I know that I should have stopped it all right then. I never intended to ruin my family like this.”
“She was always hanging around our house and was my wife’s best friend. Often she would stay late to watch TV, even after my wife went to bed. She would sit beside me on the couch and I was drawn to her like the song says… like a moth to the flame.”
“He would often pat me on the shoulder — you know, in appreciation for a good job I’d done. But I knew it meant more than that.”
“The first time she touched me was when we were doing registration together. We were sitting beside each other. I’d say something cute or funny and she would giggle, then under the table she’d squeeze the top of my leg with her hand. That was really exciting to me.”
“Every time she shook hands with me at the door she seemed to linger, sort of holding my hand more than shaking it. No one else would notice, but I knew there was more to her touch than appeared to the eyes. She knew too.”
9. Special notes or gifts. (spesiaale geskenke, en boodskappe)
“He would write these little encouraging notes and leave them in my desk, pocketbook, or taped to my computer. They didn’t say anything which could be traced. If anyone found them they wouldn’t suspect anything. But we both knew what was going on, we just didn’t want to stop yet.”
“I would sometimes call him and leave a short message on his answering machine. He would leave little notes in my Bible.”
“He would buy me a little gift — not that expensive, but it always showed he had taken extra thought to get exactly what I liked. Of course everyone else thought he was just being a good boss.”
“She started leaving unsigned notes to me in my desk sharing her feelings for me. It scared me at first, because I thought someone would find one. But after a while I found myself looking forward to the next one, even though I knew the risk.”
10. Inventing excuses to call or meet. (Dink verskonings uit om mekaar te ontmoet)
“I started figuring out ways I could drop off something at her house when her husband was gone. He and I knew each other and I would always return borrowed tools in the afternoon when I knew she’d be there alone.”
“I would wait until the end of the workday then I’d call him just before closing time about something I’d made up as a ‘business question’ and we’d talk.”
“The more entangled we got, the more I planned times where he and I could practice together. We started meeting more often.”
“She started arranging her schedule so that her husband dropped her off at committee meetings. I would hang around and offer to take her home, acting with as much nonchalance as I could muster up.”
11. Arranging secret meetings. (Beplan geheime ontmoetings)
“By now we both were so far gone that we started meeting secretly at the mall parking lot. It know now how foolish this was, but I was driven by something other than good sense at that time.”
“We started arranging to work evenings on the same nights, then we would leave early and meet each other in the dark parking lot.”
“I started making sure he knew my travel schedule so we could attend the same conferences. We still weren’t involved physically at that time, but there was such excitement and romance to it all… even the secrecy seemed to make it more exciting.”
“She would sometimes call me just before lunch and we’d sneak through a drive-up together, and then spend the rest of my lunch hour talking quietly to each other.”
12. Deceit and cover ups. (Misleiding en verdoeseling)
“Once we were meeting secretly I had to invent all kinds of stories about where I’d been to satisfy my wife. By now I had built a towering wall of dishonesty between us.”
“Pretty soon my whole life was full of lies. I’d lie about where I was going, where I’d been, and who I’d been with. The more suspicious my husband got, the better liar I became. But he knew something was going on. It’s hard to lie without people suspecting it.”
“I joined several groups so that I would have an excuse to be away in the evenings.”
“She would ask when I’d gotten off work. I’d simply lie about it, and she never knew what hit her. How can I ever regain her trust now?”
“We agreed that if anyone saw us driving around we would both tell the same story: that my car wouldn’t start, he stopped to help, an we were going together to get a new fuse to replace the broken one he’d discovered.”
“By now my whole life was a lie, so I began telling them regularly to cover up our little meetings.”
13. Kissing and embracing. (Soen en vashou, en omhelsings)
“The whole thing seemed so exciting by now. I was such a fool. We were meeting secretly and both of us were fearful of being caught. But that only seemed to increase our common ground. When we’d meet, we would embrace as if we’d not been together for years — like in the movies when someone comes home from the war.”
“Once we started meeting secretly the end came fast. We kissed and hugged like two teenagers going parking for their first time.”
“It just felt so good to be hugged and loved by somebody who really cared about me.”
14. Petting and high indiscretion. (Sekuele voorspel en onbetaamlike gedrag)
“At this point my glands took over. I forgot reason altogether and was willing to risk everything for more.”
“It was like I was a teenager again — going too far, then repenting and promising to do better; then just as quick I was hungrily seeking more sin.”
“When my husband and I were dating we struggled with ‘how far to go.’ Well, here I was again struggling over the same issue. Friendship with this guy didn’t seem so wrong. But now were we’re going further than I ever intended. But, I felt curiously justified going exactly as far as I had with my husband when had been dating. In a way, I think some of my resentment against my husband’s constant pressure on me started coming out. I’m not saying that it wasn’t wrong. Just that I kind of felt justified.”
“At about this time I began fooling myself into thinking I was heroic for not going “all the way.” That’s what I wanted to do. But by doing “everything but” I fooled myself into thinking I was successfully resisting temptation. What I didn’t realize was that, not only was what I was doing wrong, but that eventually I would take the next step. It’s just not possible to freeze a relationship — you have to go ahead with it, or break it off totally.”
15. Sexual intercourse. (Sekuele omgang)
“Soon I quit resisting and was swept into outright adultery.”
“One thing led to another and finally we ended up in bed with each other.”
“Though we never intended it to go that far, we eventually went all the way and had sex.”
“One night we couldn’t seem to stop ourselves (at least we didn’t want to) so I completed my journey of unfaithfulness to my husband — I had sex with this man.”


Hoe bly mens vir ‘n leeftyd getrou aan jou huweliksmaat?

Dit is die belofte wat feitlik elke man en vrou aan mekaar sweer voor die Here en getuies op hulle troudag. “Ek belowe ek sal getrou aan jou wees… tot die dood ons skei.” Tog breek ons hierdie belofte so gou vir byna elke rede onder die son. “Ek is nie meer lief vir jou nie” of “ek voel eensaam” of “my maat verstaan my nie, ek voel nie meer in voeling met my maat nie.” of “My maat doen dit… of dat…” Die feit is ons regverdig ons ontrouheid. Ons bou innerlik ʼn regsaak op om ons optrede te regverdig.
Die verdere hartseer is dat die party wat ontrou is dikwels meer woede toon en meer verontreg voorkom as die maat teenoor wie oortree is, selfs nadat hulle oortreding ontbloot is. Hoe is dit moontlik? Die onskuldige party wat meestal ook al hierdie emosies en bogenoemde dinge en redes ervaar het, was nie ontrou nie, het nie losmaking gesoek nie, en kom op ʼn dag met ʼn skok agter dat die ander party al vir ʼn geruime tyd ontrou is! Die onreg in egbreuk is: Die getroue party het ook al die negatiewe elemente van die verhouding beleef, en het nietemin getrou gebly. Jy leef in ʼn illusie as jy dink, net jý beleef alleenheid, onvervuldheid, tekort aan erkenning, onbevredigde behoeftes en begeertes, en onregverdigheid. In honderde berading sessies het ek dit feitlik elke keer eerstehands beleef, dat beide partye meestal dieselfde negatiewe dinamika in die verhouding ervaar. Die misleiding en sluier word vinnig gelig wanneer die rolle omgeruil word. Wat sal jy doen as jou maat ontrou is?
Egbreuk begin as ‘n misleiding van die hart. Ons beleef ‘n negatief, en in plaas daarvan om direk met dit te deel totdat oplossings verkry word gooi ons die handdoek in, en begin inwaarts skei, onttrek, terugtrek, wegdraai, ontknoop.
Die dialoog en redes hoekom mense ontrou was, dui ook verder op die misleiding: Want as mens sal ons altyd ons verkeerd regverdig.
“Kan ʼn mens nie maar twee mense dieselfde tyd liefhê nie?” Dit is ʼn fantasie uit die put van die hel!! Want ons almal weet jou hart kan nie op twee persone fokus nie: Jy sal of die een haat en die ander een liefhê; die een aanhang en die ander verag. (Mat 6:24) Tydens die tydperk van ontrouheid, het jy nog liewer vir jou maat geword, meer geduldig, sagter, meer ingestel op sy/haar gevoelens? Nee die waarheid is, terwyl jy jou hart vir iemand anders oop gemaak het, het jy begin om jou maat te verag, te haat en het jy stadig maar seker al hoe verder weg begin beweeg. Dit is hoe mens agterkom hier is fout, want op intieme vlak verloor maats selfs hulle behoefte vir seksuele bevrediging by hulle maats, want hulle word nou êrens anders gevoed.
“Ons het dit nie gesoek nie” is die ander verduideliking wat mens telkens hoor by getroudes wat ontrou was. Dit is ook nie die waarheid nie. Elke huwelik gaan deur moeilike tye, mens verander, ons liggame verander, ons behoeftes verander. Jou maat verander nie sy of haar slegte gewoontes nie. Ons stry oor dieselfde goed oor en oor. Daar is dae wat ons werklik nie lief voel vir mekaar nie. Ons stry en bereik nie ʼn ooreenkoms nie. My maat gee nie in nie en is onverbiddelik. Ons maak mekaar seer, en voel alleen, onvervuld, en gekrenk. DAN DRAAI MY HART. In plaas daarvan dat ek aanhou “engage” aanhou praat, dinge deurwerk, met my maat ‘stoei’ totdat ons ʼn deurbraak kry… gee ek op, en stilweg begin my hart draai. Ek skei lank alreeds in my hart. God se antwoord teen huweliksontrou is: ‘n Gelukkige en vervulde (gees, siel en liggaam) verhouding met jou maat. (1 Kor 7:1-5) Die waarheid is; jy is nie gelukkig nie maar het nie die moed om met jou ongelukkigheid te deel nie. Jy het al probeer, maar jou maat… Sy/hy sal nooit verander nie… Ons het al gegaan vir hulp maar dit het nie gehelp nie… Die “maars” is ʼn baie lang lys. Die waarheid is, jy het nie hard genoeg probeer nie, as die een oplossing nie werk nie, dan probeer jy iets anders. Die verhouding is dit werd! Die mens het al baie moeiliker goed reg gekry. Ons het ʼn ruimtetuig geland op Mars! Daar is so baie onmoontlikheid wat oorwinnings geword het omdat iemand dit regtig WOU doen.
Die vraag bly dus: Hoe bly ek vir ʼn leeftyd aan my maat getrou? Is liefde genoeg? Ja liefde is genoeg, maar saam met liefde kom karakter. Liefde is ʼn emosie, liefde is ʼn uitvloeisel van die keuse en die fokus van my hart. Maar liefde is onvoorspelbaar. Liefde is met tye eenvoudig nie genoeg nie. Wat doen jy wanneer jou maat jou nie meer kan terug liefhê nie, soos wanneer jou maat siek word en dalk Altzeimers kry. Wat doen jy wanneer jou maat te siek raak om vir jou te sorg, en jy moet jou maat versorg? Dis tog dit wat ons belowe het. “In siekte of gesondheid”.
Karakter: Integriteit, Respek, Eerbied, en Lojaliteit!
Karakter: dit is wat my getrou hou aan my maat aan die einde van die dag. Om die regte ding te doen, aan te hou doen, al voel ek wat! Om ontrou te wees is ʼn skending van my eie karakter en waardes. Ek is ʼn persoon van my woord, my ja is my ja. Ek is eerbaar en lewe met eerbied en lojaliteit! Ons leer nie ons kinders hoe om lief te hê nie, want dit gebeur vanself. Ons leer ons kinders hierdie waardes, omdat hierdie waardes nie vanself kom nie. Dis ʼn keuse elke dag, om deur temptasie my hart gefokus te hou. Die huweliksverbond gaan oor baie meer as net liefdesgeluk! Dis ʼn verbond van trou, eerlikheid, deursigtigheid en vennootskap. Dis die boustene van ʼn gesonde samelewing. Wanneer ons as samelewing ons waardes verloor begin ons op ʼn afdraande die afgrond binne jaag! Ons is nie meer vir ons kinders en kleinkinders rolmodelle nie. Wanneer ons ingee tot ontrouheid, assosieer ek myself met leuens, ek word ʼn leuenaar. Ek lieg vir myself, my maat, my kinders en familie. Om uiteindelik in skaamte te moet erken, ek is vals, wat julle gesien het was ʼn leuen. Ons huwelik, die liefde, die mooi saam, die vakansies, die neseier opbou, die veiligheid van huis; alles ʼn leuen!
Temptasies kom, daar is niemand wat nie al versoek is en voor temptasies te staan gekom het nie. Die skrif sê egter ons moet temptasie “endure” verdra . (Jak 1:12) Ons gee nie in nie, ons karakter word getoets. Ons kies om aanhoudend en voortdurend ons hart te bly draai na mekaar. Partykeer met moeite! Maar ons doen dit, omdat dit is wie ek is! Wanneer ek ingee, verraai ek nie net my maat nie, maar myself! Seksuele sonde is eerstens primêr teen myself. (1 Kor 6:18) Want ons is tempels van die Heilige Gees. Ons is God se verteenwoordigers op aarde. Uiteindelik staan elkeen wat gesondig het en in gegee het vir die temptasie, in skaamte. Kinders van die Here is NIE ontrou nie Ongelukkig moet ons deesdae sê: “veronderstel om ontrou te wees nie)!
Ons het ons identiteit in God verraai vir die luste van die vlees. (Rom 6:12) Soos Esau ons geboortereg verkoop vir ʼn pot lensiesop. (Heb 12:16) Die bietjie kos maak nie op vir die geweldige prys wat ons op die ou einde moet betaal nie.
Hoe bly ek dus getrou aan my maat oor ʼn leeftyd? Omdat ek my woord gegee het, veg ek om te alle tye in eerbied, integriteit, lojaliteit en respek te leef met my maat elke dag ten spyte van enigiets wat my maat doen of nie doen nie. Dit is wie ek is! Ek kies om te veg vir ons verhouding, want ons huwelik is ʼn monument van bogenoemde waardes. Omdat hierdie waardes die boustene is van ʼn gesonde samelewing veg ek met alles in my vir dit! Dis tog die waardes waarop ons volhoubare besighede bou. Dis is ook die waardes waarop ons ons gesinne bou. Liefde vloei spontaan en natuurlik uit hierdie waardes wanneer ons dit leef en doen. Liefde maak dit lekker, maar is nie my vertrek plek nie. Omdat ek kies om aanhoudend my hart te draai, groei liefde in vlakke en in diepte tot die punt waar ek soos God begin liefhê, en ek en my maat een word soos God een is. Dit is wat ons almal soek, maar nie altyd bereid is om die prys voor te betaal nie. Dit kos harde werk, karakter! Soos God se karakter ook in my groei, en ek al hoe meer transformeer na Sy beeld, word eerbied, lojaliteit, integriteit en respek nie goed wat ek doen nie maar die persoon wie ek is!
Die Bybel sê dat ons, ons ouers moet eer. (Mar 7:10) Maar hoe eer ʼn mens iemand? “Hierdie volk nader My met hulle mond en eer My met die lippe, maar hulle hart is ver van My af.”
As jy iemand eer is jy gehoorsaam:
Jesus maak dit duidelik in hierdie gedeelte, dit help nie julle eer my met julle lippe, maar julle doen nie wat ek sê nie. (Mat 15:6-8) As jy werklik iemand eer, doen jy wat die persoon van hou, en wil gedoen hê.
Eerbied is ʼn lewenswyse: Ons word deur Paulus verder vermaan om “die een moet die ander voorgaan in eerbetoning” Petrus sê dat ons “almal moet eer” (1 Pet 2:17) Eer is dus ook ʼn ingesteldheid ʼn manier hoe ek optree teenoor iemand vir wie ek baie agting het. Ons eer hooggeplaastes, en eregaste, die Bybel leer ons leer met hierdie eerbied met alle mense, jou broers en susters in die Kerk, en jou vrou! Net so moet julle, manne, verstandig met hulle saamlewe en aan die vroulike geslag, as die swakkere, EER BEWYS, omdat julle ook mede- erfgename van die genade van die lewe is — sodat julle gebede nie verhinder mag word nie. (1 Pet 3:7) Ons word te familiêr met die mense in ons huis, ons sal vir hulle enigiets sê, dinge wat ons nooit in die openbaar sal sê nie. Wanneer ons dit doen dan eer ons nie ons maat nie.
As jy iemand eer, hou jy daardie persoon die heel tyd ingelig: Dit is hoe Jesus die Vader geëer het. Joh 15:19; 5:20, 30; 6:38; 8:28; 12:49; 14:10, 24, 31; 15:5; 16:13 Ek eer nie my maat as ek vir my maat geheime het, of hom of haar nie ingelig hou van my besluite, waar ek gaan, en wat ek mee besig is nie. Wanneer ek nie my maat inlig nie wys ek deur my dade, dat my maat nie vir my belangrik is nie, dat ek nie haar of sy insette nodig het nie, en dat ek nie eintlik glo hy of is deel van die span nie.
As jy iemand eer is jou ja, ja en jou nee, nee!: Maar kyk, in hierdie stad is ‘n man van God, en die man is geëerd: alles wat hy spreek, kom sekerlik uit; laat ons nou daarheen gaan; miskien kan hy ons inlig oor die tog wat ons onderneem het. (1 Sam 9:6) Iemand wat ʼn persoon van sy of haar woord is, leef eerbaar. Wanneer jy ontrou is, verloor jy hierdie vertroue wat iemand in jou woord het. Skielik word alles wat jy sê in twyfel getrek.

Lojaliteit is ʼn kwessie van die hart. Ontrouheid vind lankal reeds in die hart plaas voordat dit in die openbaar bekend word. Daarom sê Jesus dat iemand wat self net na ʼn vrou kyk en haar begeer, het alreeds in sy hart met haar egbreek gepleeg. (Mat 5:27-29) ʼn opregte hart is ʼn onverdeelde hart. IN Psalm 101:2b word ons op geroep om: “In my huis wil ek lewe met ‘n opregte hart.”
Die hart is baie bedrieglik (Jer 17:9) en dit is in die hart waar ontrouheid begin (Mat 15:19). For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you. Ons kan die leuens van ons hart vir mense wegsteek maar nie vir God nie. (1 Sam 16:7b) Daarom moet ons bo alles altyd sorg dat ons, ons hart bewaar. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. (Spr 4:23)
Lojaliteit teenoor my maat, beteken om my maat in my hart eerste te stel. God is altyd heel eerste in ons harte, maar daarna is dit ons eggenoot, dan ons kinders, werk, kerk en familie. Wanneer ons hierdie orde verbreek, is ons dislojaal. Wanneer ek my ma of pa, bo my maat stel, of eerder hulle guns wil behou as my maat sin is ek dislojaal. Wanneer ek enigiemand se belang bo my maat sin stel, is ek ontrou aan my maat.
In die huwelik verloor ons iets van ons individualiteit, om dit uiteindelik juis terug te wen. Hoe gesonder die verhouding is, hoe meer ruimte is daar vir gesonde individualiteit. ʼn Goue reël in hoe jy te werk gaan met die teenoorgestelde geslag is: om nooit jouself te bemark as enkel nie. Ek is getroud, ek dra ʼn ring sodat almal dit kan sien. Ek gebruik gereeld die woord “ons”. Ek stel nie net myself voor nie, maar ook my maat al is sy nie by nie. Ek wys ʼn foto van my maat, en stel hom of haar altyd in die heel beste lig. Ek is een van die mees gelukkigste mense op aarde om met “Eggenoot se Naam” getroud te wees. As ek stories vertel sluit ek my eggenoot in die verhaal in. “ONS was daarheen op pad en toe het…” Ons Praat nooit negatief of sleg van ons maat teenoor ʼn ander persoon nie. Ek is versigtig hoe ek my maat aanspreek en hanteer wanneer my maat ʼn fout in die publiek maak. Liefde maak toe! (1 Kor 13) Ek praat nooit neerhalend met my maat nie, en soveel te meer voor ander mense. Ek spot nie met my maat nie. Ek is nie sarkasties of afbrekend nie.

Respek is die “awe” (ontsag) wat ek vir my maat het. Ek kyk op na my maat. Respek moet verdien word, maar al hoewel my maat dalk my respek verdien omdat hy ʼn goeie atleet is, is hy nie so netjies nie, en het hy irriterende gewoontes. Ons respekteer mense gewoonlik in een area, maar dit is nie so maklik wanneer ons met die mens getroud is nie. Mense het almal foute. Nou hoe nou gemaak? Bybelse respek is in die geloof. Omdat ek my maat in die Gees sien. Ek respekteer byvoorbeeld my vrou omdat sy ‘n goeie ma is, my man omdat hy ʼn getroue voorsiener is, maar ek moet meer in my maat raaksien om die hele persoon te respekteer. Sien ek Christus in my maat? Sien ek my maat se roeping in die Here, en waarheen God met my maat op pad is? As ek hierdie dieper en meer permanente geestelike eienskappe begin raaksien, sien ek my maat in heeltemal ‘n ander lig.
Respek het ook met gesag te doen. In ʼn huwelik is die man dalk meer gesaghebbend wat rekenaars betref, dan onderwerp die vrou haar in respek in daardie area aan die man. Die vrou is dalk goed met finansies, en die man onderwerp hom weer in daardie area aan die vrou. Wanneer ons dit regkry word huwelik ʼn wonderlike vennootskap.

Integriteit gebeur in jou private lewe. Die dinge wat jy doen wat niemand sien nie. Die gedagtes wat jy nooit uiter nie. Integriteit word veral toegepas in die deel van jou lewe wat niemand sien nie. Dis die kern van die ware jy. Dis die besluite wat jy neem waarvan niemand ooit sal weet nie, of waarvoor jy nooit erkenning sal kry nie. Baie mense kan self-opofferend dienskneg wees, en heiligheid regkry voor mense, maar dis wanneer niemand sien nie waar dit regtig tel. Geestelike volwassenheid is wanneer ons publieke lewe en private lewe in sinergie met mekaar is. Daar is dus geen tweeledigheid (dualiteit) in my optredes privaat en publiek nie.
Why is it that so few men finish well? “They learn the possibility of breing fruitful without being pure… they begin to believe that purity does not matter. Eventually they become like trees rotting inside that are eventually toppled by the storm. Jim Downing
Integriteit het te doen met innerlike waarheid. Die opregtheid van eerlike mense wys vir hulle die koers. Die valsheid van onbetroubare mense bring hulle ondergang. (Spr 11:3) Integriteit is ʼn basiese bestanddeel van leierskap. Moses moes manne van integriteit (waarheid) aanstel. (Eks 18:21) Die integriteit van ʼn kleipot in die ooste is bepaal deur dit in die son te laat staan vir ʼn tyd, sodoende sou enige krake wat met was of vet toegesmeer is maklik wys. Ongeveins, onbesproke, deursigtig, onomkoopbaar, onkreukbaarheid. Dit het ook te doen met eerlikheid. Daar is nie boekgehou van die geld wat aan die opsieners van die bouery gegee is nie, want hulle was eerlik en getrou. (2 Kon 12:15) Getrouheid is die mees basiese bousteen en onderbou van ʼn gesonde samelewing. Ons as ouers leer integriteit in ons kinders, sodat hulle suksesvol kan wees. Daarom moet ons ook in integriteit, getrouheid, eerbaarheid, lojaliteit, respek met ons maat saamleef. Wees getrou in die kleine en jy sal getrou wees ook in die groter dinge. (Luk 16:10)
Ontrouheid verbrokkel hierdie waardes se krag in ons lewe. Een keer se ontrouheid, en jy sukkel die res van jou lewe om gesig te gee aan hierdie waardes. Soos ʼn goeie naam, kry jy dit net een keer in jou lewe. Daarna moet jy maar toesmeer, stilbly, en jou skaamheid probeer toemaak, soos Adam en Eva. Klink dit asof mense wat getrou in huwelike bly dan glad nie sondig nie? Is hulle maar nie ook met geheime dinge besig nie? Wel as hulle is, gaan die son van die lewe die krake uitwys op een of ander tyd! Daarom moet ons almal, let wel ALMAL! Die wat in huwelike staan en die wat ʼn misstap begaan het onsself opbou in Goddelike Karakter! Hoe meer SY karakter deel word van ons lewe en bestaan hoe kleiner die mag van die duiwel om ons te versoek. Die volheid van goddelike karakter is die teenmiddel teen ontrouheid. Hoe meer ons ontwikkel en groei in ons karakter, hoe beter kans het ons om temptasies te weerstaan.
Versoekings sal nooit ophou nie, maar as ek en my maat beide as dissipels en leerlinge van Christus SY pad begin stap, wys Hy die onreinheid en valsheid in ons harte uit, en ons groei, bly groei om meer soos Hy te word. Die perfekte huwelik is wanneer beide persone só in Christus gegroei het en bly groei. Ek deel met die foute van ons verhouding deur self meer soos Jesus te word. Wanneer my maat dieselfde doen, begin ons verhouding in eenheid en sinergie in Hom te groei. Dan word die huwelik wat God bestem het dit moet wees. ʼn Heilige Goddelike eenwording! In stede van na my maat se foute te kyk, staan ek deursigtig voor God en laat Hom die donker in my hart wys. Uiteindelik besef ek dat ek méér foute het as my maat. Dat ék tekort skiet om my maat se behoeftes te vervul. In Sy teenwoordigheid word ek sag en soos klei in Sy hande, Hy vorm my en maak my soos Hy wil! Wie wil nie getroud wees met so ʼn maat nie? Iemand wat sag is, nederig, liefdevol, vol van passie, vredemakers, ongeveins, eerlik, standvastig, gehoorsaam, regverdig, wys, onselfsugtig, gemaklik. Die foute wat ons oënskynlik in die begin weggedryf het van mekaar is op die ou einde deel van die mens wat God nog moet verander. Dis die eienskappe van ons menswees wat nog nie onder Jesus se heerskappy is nie.
My gevolgtrekking is dus: Die enigste manier om vir ewig getrou te wees aan my maat is om elke dag meer en meer te word soos Jesus, in karakter, lewenstyl en gesindheid! As beide partye tot hierdie proses verbind is… het ons hemel op aarde!


Kyk met nuwe oë na die hemel

Elke dag word ons gekonfronteer deur die agteruitgang, verbrokkeling, verwoesting, en gebrokenheid van hierdie wêreld. Ons sien duidelik die verganklikheid, die kortstondigheid, en die tydelikheid van hierdie bestaan, tog hou ons soms krampagtig daaraan vas terwyl die Vader vir ons iets talloos beter in stoor het.

Daar is ‘n sterk konnotasie tussen wat ons begeer en hoe ons die hemel sien. Mense se beelde van die hemel is meestal gebaseer op die dinge wat hulle die graagste in die lewe sal wil hê. Vir die Moslem is dit ‘n Haarlem met baie vroue, vir die Boeddhiste is dit ‘n plek van vrede en stilte. Vir Christene is, die hemel ‘n plek waar ons nie meer gaan swaarkry, trane stort en siek wees nie. Mense gebruik die woord hemels, wanneer hulle ‘n heerlike ete beskryf, of die seksdaad, of ‘n lekker oomblik tussen vriende, avontuur en oomblikke van ekstase. Hemel is waar jou hart is. (Mat 6:21) Die hemel waarna ons smag lê opgesluit in ons begeertes. Die dinge wat ons begeer dui uiteindelik op die tipe hemel wat ons sal wil hê.

Dit kan egter nie hemel wees nie! Hemel is die plek waar God se begeertes en wil seëvier. Omdat ons egter nie ʼn idee het waaroor God se hemel en koninkryk gaan nie, het ons gee natuurlike behoefte daarvoor nie. Leef ons maar die beste lewe wat ons kan leef, en hoop maar op die beste. Ons hou krampagtig vas aan ons stukkies hemel en wil nie laat gaan nie. Ons hou vas aan hierdie lewe, en maak hierdie lewe se dinge so waardevol dat ons dit uiteindelik aanbid, en God se plan heeltemal uit ons versier verloor. Geld, tyd, take, werk, en materiële rykdom word so belangrik, dis al waarvoor ons leef, veg en bestaan. Jesus moedig ons aan om te werk vir ewige voedsel. Joh 6:27; Mat 4:4; Joh 4:13-14

Die aarde is oorgegee aan verval en gebrokenheid

Dit is ook die rede hoekom ons as mens so hard probeer om van die aarde ‘n beter plek te probeer. Ons raak perfeksionisties, ons strewe na die volmaakte. Sommige soek na ware liefde, ander na welvaart om gemaklik en sonder probleme te probeer leef. Ander probeer weer elke moontlike kuur om jonk te bly. Alles is ‘n gejaag na wind, ‘n eindelose soeke na ‘n stukkie hemel. Ons probeer hemel maak hier op aarde! Die hartseer is: al hierdie dinge is kortstondig, dit bly nie mooi nie alles is uitgelewer aan verganklikheid. Maak nie saak hoe hard ons probeer, netjies maak, orde skep, regmaak en mooimaak nie, alles verval weer en verwelk onder die krag van verderflikheid. Roem, eer, respek, aansien, is vlietende oomblikke van glorie, maar op die ou end is alles weer vergete. ʼn Dwelm verslaafde leef vir sy volgende “high” daardie oomblik van “invincibility” maar dit hou nie. Hoe hoër die hoogte van ekstase so laag val ek in diep depressie en verdriet. Die tragedie is sulke persone mis uit op die lewe en eindig op in hulle middeljare, as hulle die dwelms oorleef, met niks, geen geld, eiendom, gesin of lewe. Elke keer as ons probeer om van hierdie lewe te ontsnap en ons eie hemel te skep ontken en verloor ons die geskenk wat God wel vir ons in hierdie lewe opgesluit het.

Die woord hemel kom 149 keer voor in die NT.

Kyk ek maak alles nuut: Rev 21:5; Mat 19:28

Loon /Reward Mat 5:12; 6:1-4, 20; 16:27; Rev 22:12

Regeer: Gen 1:28; Exo 19:6; Rev 5:10 oor stede Luk 19:12-19;

Huise: Isaiah 65: 17–19, 21; Mat 19: 28–29; Mat 25:31-36

Yes, Revelation implies “there was no longer any sea” (Rev 21: 1). But many scholars believe this is alluding to the fact that the ancients, including the Jews, held the sea to be a habitation of evil.

Ons sal skyn soos die Son: Mat 13:43

Ons sukkel om te go en verstaan dat “Hemel” regtig beter is: Philippians 1: 23

JESUS is Hemel

Christus is die enigste antwoord en ingang tot ‘n ewige hemel. Hy is ook nie net die deur nie, hy is ook die verpersoonliking van die hemel. Waar hy is, is hemel. (Mat 4:17) Hy is die presiese verpersoonliking van die Vader. (Heb 1:3) As jy Hom sien en leer ken, sien jy die Vader. Hy versoen ons weer met die Vader. (Col 1) As gevolg van sonde is die aarde uitgelewer aan verderf en verbrokkeling. Dis hoekom die aarde uitroep met reikhalsende verlange na die openbaarmaking van die seuns van God. (Rom 8:19-25) Soos ons gelykvormig word aan die beeld van die Seun (Rom 8:29) bring ons hemel aarde toe. Hemel wag vir ons, maar ons kan ʼn stuk van die hemel alreeds hier beleef wanneer ons Sy lewe en manier van lewe leef.

Dis hoe Jesus ons geleer het om te bid; “laat u koninkryk kom, u wil geskied, hier op aarde soos wat dit in die hemel is.” Hemel kan net kom, as daar mense is wat die wil van God doen. Jesus se lewe is God se wil. God se wil is nie meer ‘n geheimenis nie of misterie nie. God se wil is dat ons moet glo in die een wat Hy gestuur het, Jesus Christus. Soos wat Hy ons leer en help en laat opgroei in die wasdom van Jesus se lewe, begin die landskap om ons verander, alles waarmee ons in aanraking kom verander. ‘n Dorre woestyn word ‘n oase!

Hemel is ‘n aarde sonder Sonde

Sonde verwoes lewens, breek af wat mooi en edel is, takel ons liggame af, verbrokkel verhoudings, verskeur en verwoes gesinne, maak dood. God het Christus gestuur om ons lewe en lewe in oorvloed te gee. Jesus red, genees en herstel. Jesus restoureer en maak ons heel. Hierdie restourasie kan nie volkome gebeur terwyl ons nog op aarde is nie. Dis hoekom ons ‘n verheerlikte liggaam gaan ontvang wanneer ons ontslaap. As hierdie aardse liggaam alreeds verheerlik was, sou ek mos nie nog ‘n verheerlikte liggaam nodig hê nie?

God laat toe dat ons wel deur Christus ‘n stukkie hemel hier op aarde beleef, om ons ‘n voorsmaak te gee van wat wag vir ons. (Rom 1:20) Want Sy onsigbare dinge kan van die skepping van die wêreld af in sy werke verstaan en duidelik gesien word, naamlik sy ewige krag en goddelikheid, sodat hulle geen verontskuldiging het nie Die skepping getuig en wys ons hoe die hemel werklik gaan lyk.

Hoe sal ons die hemel beskryf? Niemand was al daar nie, sommige het ‘n veraf blik gekry. Hemel is die aarde se glorie sonder die gebrokenheid van sonde en nog soveel meer. Dink net hoe wonderlik sou die aarde wees sonder sonde! Dit is die kern van die koninkryk boodskap wat Jesus verkondig het. (Mat 4:23; Mar 1:15; Luk 8:1; Acts 1:3)

Wanneer die volkome kom, sal ons totaal verlos wees van sonde. Ons is saam met die aarde uitgelewer aan die verdorwenheid van sonde, alhoewel nie meer slaaf van die sonde nie. Ons moet almal tot sterwe kom, alhoewel ons wat in die Here sterf nie sterf tot die ewige verderf nie maar die ewige lewe. Ons verander net ‘n seisoen, soos van winter na somer. Ons lewe gaan voort in Christus sonder die beperkinge van sonde en die teenswoordige wêreld. Want nou sien ons deur ‘n spieël in ‘n raaisel, maar eendag van aangesig tot aangesig. Nou ken ek ten dele, maar eendag sal ek ten volle ken, net soos ek ten volle geken is. (1 Cor 13:12

Wat is die koninkryk? Dis waar God heers, en Sy wil geskied. In sy Koninkryk/hemel/woning is dinge soos dit moet wees. Byvoorbeeld: Ons word nie meer siek nie, genesing het uit Jesus gevloei na elkeen wat siek is, omdat die koninkryk naby gekom het. (Mat 4:23; Luk 9:11) Ons lewe vir ewig, dood het sy angel verloor. (1 Cor 15:54-56) Dit is die restourasie van alle dinge waarvan die skrif praat. (Acts 3:21)

Dis asof met elke sonsondergang en sonsopkoms, die Here ons attent wil maak op die heerlikheid wat kom.

Die skepping getuig van God se karakter en skeppingsvermoë. Daar is soveel mooi, en verwondering in die skepping. Hemel is soveel meer. Ons hou soms so krampagtig vas aan hierdie lewe en wêreld, omdat ons in wese eintlik nie glo in dit wat kom nie. Ons huil oor ‘n kind se vroeë dood, en die lewe waarop die kind uitgemis het sonder om te besef dat die eintlike lewe eers hierna gebeur. As die kind in die Here is, het hy of sy uitgemis en ontsnap van hierdie gebroke, sondige, verwoestende wêreld. Hoekom sou ons die kind hier wil hou om eers te ly onder sonde? Jesus rig ons gereeld in sy leringe na die ewigheid. Deur vir ons te wys op die loon wat ons dan sal hê, ( Mat 5:12; 46; 6;1-6; 16, 18) en dat hierdie krone en eer nie kan verwelk nie. (1 Cor 9:25)

Why are you grieving? The question felt strange, insensitive. Why? You very well know why. But his question had the same tone the angels used when the disciples came to the grave of Jesus on Easter morning: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24: 5). Jesus went on, Craig is not dead; you know that. So let us talk about your loss. He began to help me differentiate between grief and devastation, between “good-bye for now” and what felt like utter loss. All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the Restoration of Everything You Love by John Eldredge[1]

Ons harte en begeertes is waar hemel is. (Mat 6:21) Ons hemel is soms ‘n klein stukkie proe van sorgelose geluk toe ons jonk was. Vir die res van ons lewe loop ons in sirkels om weer dié oomblik te proe. Ons hardloop op soek na dit wat was. Ons drink uit leë bottels, en begeer net-nog- ʼn-keer oomblik. Hemel is waar mense God se wil leef en doen. Wanneer ons soos Jesus dien, liefhet, vergewe, aanraak, ophef dan laat ons mense deel aan die hemel wat nou in ons harte leef. Hemel het nou tuiste gevind in ons harte. Vrede en vreugde diep in jou gees, al gaan dit ook hoe swaar. Ons is nou alreeds besig om ‘n stuk van hemel te leef, wanneer ons intiem is met God.

Uiteindelik gaan God ʼn nuwe hemel en aarde maak. (Isa 65:17; Rev 21:1) Hy gaan alles nuut maak. (Rev 21:5) Hemel is meer ʼn werklikheid as hierdie wêreld. Ons gaan nie in die hemel een baie lang kerkdiens hou nie. Kom ons kyk net hoe Jesus saam met sy dissipels vir eet en kuier na sy opstanding. (Joh 21:12)

Ons lewe met die medalje in ons sak. Die hoop is in ons harte. (Col 1:27) Daarom kyk ons met groot verwagting na die wenstreep. Daarom fokus ons, hart gedurig op Hom! Ons kyk nie na mense nie, want hulle gaan ons faal, selfs if possible not all the elect will make it. Ons kyk nie na die omstandighede nie, want dinge gaan erger raak, ons weet dit, want ons leef in die eindtye. Ons kyk nie na valse drome en ideale nie, ons hou ons oë stewig gefokus op ons enigste hoop Jesus Christus in en onder ons. (Heb 12:2)

Hemel hier op aarde is om die wil van God te doen.

En die wil van God is geopenbaar Jesus die Christus. Wanneer ons Hom leef en ons harte op Hom rig, ondek ons die rykdom en oorvloed van Sy genade. Moet ons dan nou ophou regmaak, mooi maak, en ophef? NEE! Hemel is die plek van gehoorsaamheid. My loon en ewigheid is opgesluit in of ek gehoorsaam is of nie. Inteendeel: Gehoorsaam is ʼn plek. Al wat God van my wil hoor as ek eendag in die hemel gaan arriveer is: was ek gehoorsaam of nie? So baie gaan sê Here, Here? (Mat 7:21) Wanneer ek my lewe oorgee en myself verloën sluit God die hemel vir my oop in Christus. Dis immers die enigste manier om God te dien en te volg. (Mat 16:24) Wanneer ek my drome, begeertes en ideale vir Hom gee en nie meer probeer om dit self te verwesenlik nie, maak God my drome waar. Hierin is ʼn groot sleutel opgesluit: WAARVANDAAN kom oorloë en vegterye onder julle? Kom hulle nie hiervandaan, van julle welluste wat in julle lede stryd voer nie? 2Julle begeer en julle het nie, julle pleeg moord en is naywerig en julle kan niks verkry nie. Julle veg en maak oorlog, en julle het nie, omdat julle nie bid nie. 3Julle bid en julle ontvang nie, omdat julle verkeerd bid, om dit in julle welluste deur te bring. 4Egbrekers en egbreeksters, weet julle nie dat die vriendskap van die wêreld vyandskap teen God is nie? (Jam 4:1-4) Wanneer ons godsdiens probeer om God se arm te draai om my hemel te probeer kry, slaan die hemel se deure vir my toe. Dis juis wanneer ek oorgee, en Hom vertrou om hemel aan my te openbaar soos wat Hy wil, dan gebeur dit spontaan.

Lewe vanuit Sy rus

Hierin kan ek dus totale rus vind in Hom. Ek hoef nie die hele wêreld te probeer red nie. Ek hoef nie die aarde ʼn beter plek te probeer maak nie. Ek kan nie die verganklikheid van die aarde stop nie, en dit is ok! Al wat God van my verwag is om Hom te gehoorsaam! Dit is na my mening ook die hoogtepunt van geestelike volwassenheid: Om Hom juis te gehoorsaam wanneer ek nie daarna voel of lus is nie. Dis die kern en wese van ons godsdiens/dissipelskap in Christus. Ek moet net doen wat Hy sê! Wanneer die opdrag van Hom kom, dan gee Hy genade en krag om die opdrag uit voer. Hy werk saam met ons! Wanneer ek op my eie dit doen, staan ek alleen.  Ons hou ook nie op om mooi  na die wêreld te kyk nie, want ons is Sy Rentmeesters, wat sal rekenskap gee.

Ons redding en vrymaking is ook nie net vir onsself nie. Ons wil vry wees van self, selfsug, selfbewustheid en die “shame” van ons foute, om uit gehoorsaamheid te dien, te gee, te help, instrument te wees! Ons wil vry wees van skuld, en geldelike verknorsing en resessie, nie om self lekker te leef nie, maar om te kan gee. Ons werk nie om ons eie hemel te skep nie. Ons werk om te kan gee. (Eph 4:28) Ons wil so vry wees dat ons sonder verskoning, bagasie, en attachments net kan gehoorsaam!

Ann Unsworth het ons geleer:

‘hold on loosely’

Ons is burgers van God se koninkryk, hier woon ons in tentwonings, ons is bywoners, ons werklike huis is by Hom, ʼn ewige tuiste. (Phil 3:20) Ons is hou liggies vas aan die dinge van hierdie lewe, omdat ons, ons oë gevestig hou op ʼn ewige hoop! Die somtotaal van my lewe is gehoorsaamheid aan God, that is it! My loon is by Hom!



Die Ekstase van ‘n Christus Gevulde Lewe

Jesus die bron van ons VREUGDE

God verlang dat ons Hom sal dien met vreugde en blydskap.

Die Here se hart vir ons is, dat ons die lewe en alles wat Hy ons gegee het sal geniet! Ons hoef nie hierdie vreugde te soek en deur pynigende rituele te gaan om dit te ervaar nie, Hy werk ware “bliss” geluk, vreugde en passie in ons deur Christus! Omdat jy die Here jou God nie met vreugde en vrolikheid van hart weens die oorvloed van alles gedien het nie, Deut 28:47 God beplan werklikwaar vir ons lewe en lewe in oorvloed! (Joh 10:10)

Daarteenoor … “On the celebration of the birthday of their prophet and other festivals, they work themselves, by the constant repetition of “Allah, Allah,” into a state of unconscious ecstasy, “in which they plant swords in their breasts, tear live serpents with their teeth, eat bottles of glass, and finally lie prostrate on the ground for the chief of their order to ride on horseback over their bodies.”

GLORY . A major biblical concept, in the word “glory” is the translation in KJV of a variety of Hebrew and Greek words, the most common being kābôd in the OT and doxa in the NT. Developing from the Hebrew concept of “weight, heaviness, worthiness,” the term “glory” in a doctrinal sense is used of God in (Ps 19:1 and (63:2), speaking of the heaviness, awesomeness, or intrinsic worth of God’s being.

Central to the OT usage of the term is the idea of the “glory of Yahweh” (Isa 6:3). In this sense, glory is linked to revelation, and consists of the manifestation of God’s nature. The specific issue in (Isa 6) is the revelation of holiness, and the majestic holiness and glory of God are closely related. At times in the OT this manifestation approximates an overpowering physical appearance of glory, splendor, or brilliance (Lev 9:23; Ex 33:18 ff.). This is theologically represented by the terms “presence,” or “Shekinah glory.”

In the NT the glory of the Lord is seen in connection with Jesus Christ in a variety of ways. The birth narrative in the Lucan account shows that the first advent of Messiah was marked by the appearance of the glory of the Lord (Lk 2:9, 14, 32). This glory, the fullness or sum of all the perfections of the Godhead, was veiled during the earthly incarnate ministry of Christ, except for a brief glimpse at the transfiguration (Lk 9:28 ff.), and at crucial points in Christ’s ministry (Jn 2:11; 11:40). (Heb 1:3) delineates Jesus Christ as the effulgence or radiation of the glory of God.

By sovereign grace, the NT believer is seen as sharing to some extent in this glory now (Rom 8:30; II Cor 4:6). In the resurrected state the believer will be conformed to the glorified Saviour to a far greater extent than now realized, and will share in the eschatological glory of Christ (I Pet 5:4; Rev 21:23). He will be free of the fallen nature and have a resurrection body. Pfeiffer, C. F., Vos, H. F., & Rea, J. (1975; 2005). The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia.

Die mens is geskape met ʼn soeke en begeerte vir ekstase. God het bedoel dat ons hierdie ekstase vind in Hom (Ps 119:16; Job 22:25-26), jou huwelik (Spr 5:18) en die Liggaam van Christus (Joh 17:21). Wanneer ons ons hart wend en fokus op enige goedkoop alternatief, raak ons een met ʼn objek (substance) en verloor ons ons menslike en goddelike eienskappe. Dit is die kern van alle tipes van verslawing. Ons diepste begeerte in verhoudings is om met iemand een te word, ʼn sielsgenoot te vind met wie ons kan oud word. Ware geluk is nie geluk as dit nie met iemand gedeel kan word nie. Verslawing lei tot diepe eensaamheid en ʼn konstante verwydering van sulke sinvolle verhoudings. God het ons dan ook geskape om in eenwording ekstase te ondervind.

Spiritual ecstasy is an altered state of consciousness characterized by greatly reduced external awareness and expanded interior mental and spiritual awareness which is frequently accompanied by hallucinations and emotional/intuitive (and sometimes physical) euphoria. Eksase bring mee dat ons “invincible” voel, ons voel kragtig en “bold”, jy kan onthou, jy het helderheid, beleef euphoria, en jy is ontspanne.

Omdat ons nie hierdie ekstase eerstens in Hom kry nie, (Mat 6:33) en ook nie in ons maats nie, soek ons dit op ander plekke, en vul die honger in ons hart met musiek, seks, dwelms, voorskrifmedisyne, alkohol, sport, en kos. Alhoewel daar opsigself niks boos is omtrent enige van hierdie “substances” nie, is dit bedoel as aanvullers en nie die kern en wese van ons ontvlugting nie. Hierdie dinge offer kortstondige ontvlugting en ons “voel” tydelike beter, maar hierdie middels bied nie die krag, vermoë en genade om ons probleme te oorkom nie. Dit kan net die Here doen!

Ons het ecstacy die meeste nodig wanneer ons “vulnerable” weerloos is: Moegheid, uitbranding, alleenheid, verveeldheid, stres, spanning, angs, en woede.

Die volgende chemiese middels word natuurlik en spontaan in jou liggaam vrygestel wanneer jy intimiteit met jou maat bereik.

Dopamine: Elevated levels of dopamine in the brain produce extremely focused attention. This chemical causes people to focus intensely on the object of my affection at the exclusion of everything else around them. A release of dopamine is associated with craving and dependency in addiction. Inside the brain, dopamine plays important roles in motor controlmotivationarousal, cognition, and reward,

Norepinephrine: This chemical generates exhilaration and increased energy by giving the body a shot of natural adrenaline. Norepinephrine has also been linked to raising memory capacity. Whatever stimulus is being experienced in the presence of this chemical is “seared” in the brain.
An increase in norepinephrine from the sympathetic nervous system increases the rate of contractions in the heart.[6]

Testosterone: Testosterone is known as the hormone of sexual desire in both men and women. Key hormone of desire, triggering feelings of positive energy and well-being.

Oxytocin: The flood of oxytocin at climax acts as a natural tranquilizer, lowering blood pressure, blunting sensitivity to pain and stress, and inducing sleep.

Serotonin: This natural chemical is released right after climax, exercise, breathing, ecstasy bringing on a deep feeling of calmness, satisfaction and release from stress. Anti-depressant drugs like Prozac are designed to increase levels of serotonin.

Buite die raamwerk van intimiteit en eenwording in ons verhouding met God, ons maat, en die liggaam, word die einste middel wat ons gebruik vir ontvlugting ons tronksel. Ons wat geskape is na God se beeld, raak slaaf van geskape middels.


Hierdie middels werk gewoonlik in ons diepste wese en affekteer ons “reptilian en mammal” brein, alhoewel ons in ons logiese rasionele denke weet en wil om nie in te gee nie, hunker ons diepste wese na hierdie middels, en word ons in die tregter van goedkoop ekstase ingetrek. Die enigste manier om dit te voorkom, is om in ons diepste wese God te ontmoet en te beleef, en met Hom eenwording te ervaar. Sy liefde laat ons blom, skyn, gloei van Sy heerlikheid. Soos wat Moses se gelaat gegloei het.

The Reptilian Brain

This brain is the first to be developed. It is responsible for autonomic bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and temperature control. It is also responsible for the most important human needs, such as survival, feeding and mating.

This brain is part of your subconscious mind. It has a set of pre-programmed instructions that it will always execute. This brain cannot change or learn from past experiences. It only understands images, and does not understand language.

Some of the traits associated with the reptilian brain are: aggression, dominance, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, fear, worship, submission, greed, sex, and seeking a mate.

The Mammalian Brain

This is the type of brain developed by most mammals on top of their reptilian brain. It is your emotional brain – this is the brain that is responsible for making you feel the way that you do. This brain creates chemical messages that allow you to store information in memory. The more emotionally charged the message is, the stronger effect on the brain it is going to have.

This part of the brain is able to learn from past experiences. It ensures that you feel pleasure from the activities intended for your survival, such as eating and sex. This function helps to ensure that you will continue to repeat the favorable behaviors. The emotional brain is also able to learn to associate pain with activities that may threaten your existence, such as getting burned or getting hit by a car.

We like to think that we make most of our decisions based on what we think is right. In actuality, however, we make most of our decisions, on what we feel is right. And this “feeling” is the response that we get from our emotional brain.

The Primate Brain

This is the thinking brain. It controls such things as thinking, language, and creative thinking. This brain is responsible for telling us who we think we are.

Unfortunately, this brain does not have a priority over its two predecessors. For example, in an emergency situation, your brain can cause you to automatically react in a certain way, without you ever having to think about it. This function is crucial to our survival, but it can also present some real problems if our subconscious mind decides to take over, as it often does, in non-emergency situations.

Jesus is pure vreugde!

Die voorhangsel is geskeur (2 Kor 3:7-4:6) Die heerlikheid en glorie wat net vir die hoë priester bedoel was, het nou in ons kom woon. Soos wat ons vanuit hierdie diepe intimiteit met Hom leef, is daar deurentyd momente waar Sy vreugde tasbaar in ons word.

Toe Johannes nog in sy moeder se buik net in Jesus se teenwoordigheid kom, het hy met vreugde opgespring. Want kyk, toe die geluid van jou groet in my ore klink, het die kindjie in my skoot van vreugde opgespring.
Lukas/Luke 1:44 En die engel sê vir hulle: Moenie vrees nie, want kyk, ek bring julle ‘n goeie tyding van groot blydskap wat vir die hele volk sal wees, Lukas/Luke 2:10 Elke keer wat ons Jesus ontmoet, Hom beleef, die Woord vir ons duidelik word, Hy met ons praat, ons lei, ons wys deur iemand anders wat Jesus leef, in die alles vind ons ware vreugde!!!

Kyk net na die volgende “mindmap” en sien die vrymaking en verlossing van jou redding!

Die koninkryk van God (hemel, vrede, vreugde) het gekom, en tuiste in ons hart gevind! (Luk 17:21) Hierdie koninkryk is nie ʼn destinasie nie, maar ʼn bedryfstelsel. Soos wat ons in gehoorsaamheid in Sy genade leef, vul Hy ons lewe met vreugde, nie net subjektiewe ervarings van vreugde nie, maar vreugde wat ander lewens raak. Daar is ʼn plek vir ʼn ekstatiese ervarings in die Here. (2 Kor 5:13) Maar God wil hê ons moet hierdie vreugde deel!

Die Heilige Gees vul ons met vreugde!

Want die koninkryk van God is nie spys en drank nie, maar geregtigheid en vrede en blydskap in die Heilige Gees.
Romeine/Romans 14:17 En die dissipels is vervul met blydskap en met die Heilige Gees. Handelinge/Acts 13:52

Dis beter om te gee as om te ontvang.

dat onder baie beproewing deur verdrukking hulle oorvloedige blydskap by hulle diepe armoede oorvloedig was in hulle ryke milddadigheid. 2 Korintiers/Corinthians 8:2

‘n Gelukkige huwelik!

Geniet die lewe met die vrou wat jy liefhet…

Mag jou fontein geseënd wees, en verheug jou oor die vrou van jou jeug — Pred 9:9 die lieflike wildsbokkie en aanvallige steenbokkie; laat haar boesem jou altyd vermaak, mag jy in haar liefde gedurigdeur bedwelmd wees. Spreuke/Proverbs 5:18

Die vreugde van om ‘n siel te wen.

En hulle is deur die gemeente uitgelei en het Fenícië en Samaría deurgegaan en vertel van die bekering van die heidene, en aan al die broeders groot blydskap verskaf. Handelinge/Acts 15:3

Eenheid is vreugde!

maak dan nou my blydskap volkome deur eensgesind te wees: een in liefde, een van hart, een in strewe. Fillipense/Philippians 2:2 Ek doen ‘n beroep op julle almal, broers, in die Naam van ons Here Jesus Christus, om eensgesind te wees. Daar moet geen verdeeldheid onder julle wees nie. Julle moet een wees in dieselfde gesindheid en met dieselfde oortuiging. 1 Korintiers/Corinthians 1:10

Geniet die gawe van jou werk!

Kyk, wat ek as ‘n goeie ding gesien het, wat voortreflik is, is dat iemand eet en drink en die goeie geniet vir al sy arbeid waarmee hy hom vermoei onder die son gedurende die getal van sy lewensdae wat God hom gee; want dit is sy deel. 18 Ook vir elke mens aan wie God rykdom en skatte gegee het, en wat Hy in staat stel om daarvan te eet en sy deel te neem en hom te verheug by sy moeitevolle arbeid, is dit ‘n gawe van God.19 Want hy dink nie baie aan sy lewensdae nie, omdat God hom laat besig wees met die vreugde van sy hart. Prediker/Ecclesiastes 5:17

In hierdie tyd van verdrukking en probleme op baie vlakke, landbou, ekonomie, verbrokkelings verhoudings gee die Here vir ons ʼn sleutel!

“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree; And it shall be to the Lord for a name, For an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” Jesaja/Isaiah 55:12-13