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Siege the Gates

In a time when it’s easier to be consumed by fear, doubt, and apathy, Jesus’ timeless words in Matthew 16:18 challenge us to rise to the challenge with audacious faith: 

“I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 

This scripture affirms that when we combine our faith with audacious tenacity, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. In this article, you’ll explore what this scripture means, how it applies to our lives, and how we can encourage and inspire ourselves and others. 

Note that this verse is not about us taking a defensive position but an invitation to siege the gates of hell! The promise is: They will not prevail.  

These words are a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of our faith. But what do they mean for us today? How can we apply this message to our lives, communities, and world?

Religious and Political Resistance against the Early Church 

To understand the meaning of this verse, we need to look at the historical context in which it was written. At the time, the Christian church was a small and persecuted minority, facing opposition from the Roman Empire and other powerful forces. But despite this opposition, the early Christians persevered, spreading the message of Christ, and building a solid foundation for the church to grow.

In this passage, Jesus is telling us that no matter how strong our enemies may seem, we can overcome them. He urges us to be courageous and stand up for our beliefs, even against adversity.

Remember “Lord of the Rings”?

Just like in the movies, Lord of the Rings, where the heroes had to launch a surprise attack to turn the tide of battle, we too must be willing to take risks and think outside the box to finish God’s call on our lives: Commissioned to Go, Commanded to Love.  

The best way to defend is to siege the enemies’ gates! So, what does it mean to “siege the gates”? It means we must take bold and decisive action to overcome the forces that seek to destroy us. This might mean taking a stand against injustice in our communities, standing up for our faith in the face of persecution, or reaching out to those in need with compassion and kindness. Whatever the challenge, we must be willing to face it head-on, with the knowledge that we are not alone.

We’re Not Alone

“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matt. 19:20). We have the power of faith on our side, and with this faith, we can accomplish great things.

Let us take heart from the words of Jesus and siege the gates of our enemies. Let us be bold and courageous in the face of adversity and never forget that we are not alone. With faith and perseverance, we can overcome even the most overwhelming odds and build a better world for ourselves and future generations.

We’re Always in a Spiritual Battle

Additionally, the idea of “sieging the gates” can be seen in other scripture passages as well. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, Paul writes: “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. This passage emphasizes the idea that our battles are not physical but spiritual in nature and that we must rely on the power of God to overcome our enemies.

In Ephesians 6:10-11, Paul also reminds us to put on the armor of God, saying: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” 

Take a Stand – By Grace in Faith

You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you.” 2 Chron 20:17 

H3320. יצב yasab: A verb indicating to stand, confront, and take one’s stand. It is used in a reflexive stem to station oneself, to take a firm stand.

Women, Heroes of Faith

We also remember the radical Heroines of the Faith on MOTHER’S DAY – Esther, Deborah, Ruth, Priscilla, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, and Corrie Ten Boom!  

Remember, we are not weak! He is building His Church! That means we’re not alone, we have a great cloud of eternal witnesses that are cheering us on, but also, in this life, we have a family, His BODY, standing alongside us in collective resistance against evil. 

We are more RIGHT than WRONG 

The devil is an ancient accuser constantly reminding us of where we fail, where we have missed it, and how others have sinned! Look up and see that the harvest is white! It is time to call all people to repentance! Forget about yourself and win the lost at all costs! No more excuses! The liberal culture war is relentless, and the tide is rising; the church looks weak and fragile! But God has given us the KEYS of the KINGDOM. Keys Plural! It means we have the key to every locked door! If we pray and wait on the Lord, He will show us the right key to unlock that door!  

To subdue nations before him And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut: Isa 45:1 

#boldness #radikaleGeloof #Aksie #Verlossing #Bevryding #Onverskrokke #Vreesloos #Deurbrake #Oorwinning 


The Realm of Faith

MOST people only have occasional vacations in Faithland. We need to migrate, move positions, change residence and choose to permanently make our home in HIM. 

Imagine you are transported to a whole other universe, a planet different in atmosphere and geography.  Like swimming underwater or being in space, you will experience different sensory sensations, smells, food, sounds, tastes, and imagery where different social laws, gravitational forces, language, and functioning are present.  

The realm of faith is a spiritual dimension and “spiritscape”.  The term “kingdom of heaven” is explicitly referring to a place, a government, a reign, a jurisdiction, a walled garden under God’s control.  

Jesus permanently lived in the realm of faith, the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven.  God was His source, success, provision, home, safety, and confidence.  

Jesus did not have knowledge of heaven, He was heaven on earth.  Jesus was doing godly things, He was God in human form. He did not try to be spiritual, He was full of the Spirit continually.  

The Church is Primarily a Culture of Faith

People are known for their faith and is what separates us from the world. We do not gossip, slander, criticize, and talk about people but we talk about our faith, what we believe.  Our main topic of discussion is mostly about our faith in God and our journey of faith. Church creates an atmosphere of faith.  

Faith is POWER that can only be exercised in the realm of God. To exercise faith, you must, ONE; take a journey to the heart and soul of CHRIST. By this, I mean that Faith is exercised, NOT from your own heart, but from the heart of CHRIST. When you exercise faith, you must align or merge your heart with that of CHRIST, in such a way so that there is no difference between the two of you. And from that point, every one of your decrees and declarations become a law binding on ALL.[1]

Inevitably, once you have “moved location”, and received faith citizenship, your authority and jurisdiction changes.  You become an ambassador of another Kingdom and realm. You have a certain diplomatic immunity. This world cannot touch you.  

This message is an invitation to move positions. 

“Man Is What He Believes”

Fundamentally, beliefs are basically the guiding principles in life that provide direction and meaning in life, the preset, organized filters to our perceptions of the world (external and internal), like ‘internal commands’ to the brain as to how to represent what is happening, when we congruently believe something to be true. [2]

People’s faith determines their reality, not reality their faith.

Spiritually Mature People Migrate Their Inward Consciousness to Heaven, in Christ Jesus.  

They have received a new identity, a new consciousness.  

  • I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Cor 5:21) 
    the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God (Gal 2:20) 
  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)
    Therefore there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1) 
  • I am a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Cor 5:17) 
  • I am seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Eph 2:6) 

People Who Have Migrated to the Realm of Faith…

Receive a New Vocation 

Jesus called the disciples: I will make you “fishers of men”. Perhaps applied to your environment, you could also become a farmer of people. Your goal in life is no longer profit and survival, you are to invite people to a new kind of existence in God.  The realm of faith is uneasy for the flesh.  The rich young man, could not receive this new purpose  (Mat 19:16-20:7; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 18:18–23).  

  • We are all called to be salt and light. (Mat 5:12-30; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34, 35).
  • The ministry of reconciliation is our calling. (Rom 5:11, 18) 
  • We all received the call to disciple people in our ethos. (Mat 28:19)

Learn Obedience Through Suffering  

The redeeming acts of faith are the gold nuggets that give us spiritual authority.  “though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,” (Heb 5:8-9).

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ”. (1 Pet 1:6-7) 

Because we live from the realm of faith, we live by spiritual instruction, conviction, and focus.  Understanding gives light, understanding God’s will gives you meaningfulness, and purpose to know what to do.  Getting to know the scriptures gives you a godly framework to filter world events through the eyes of faith, and present revealed truth. “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth.” (2 Pet 1:12) 

Act on Small Pieces of Heavenly Evidence 

Everything in the faith realm is received, and cannot be worked or achieved by the dead works and sweat of our flesh.  To receive anything is to be awakened and alert to small instructions, small mustard size seeds of revelation, and acting on it!

Although we are totally heavenly-minded, we live completely in the now! We know by the Spirit, what words and actions will apply to current situations.  Faith is always a moving energy ~ passivity, procrastination, uncertainty, doubt, hesitation are the enemies of faith!

Faith is to receive a conviction from heaven about something and then walking it out according to your faith in patience. 




Die Hoofpriester kry Skoon Klere

Die Here het my ’n visioen laat sien van die hoofpriester Josua wat voor die Here se engel staan. Satan het aan Josua se regterkant gestaan want hy wou beskuldigings teen hom inbring. Die Here sê toe vir Satan: 

“Ek veroordeel jou, Satan! Dit is Ek, die Here, wat self vir Jerusalem uitgekies het, en Ek veroordeel jou! Hierdie Josua het ek gered soos ’n stuk hout wat uit die vuur gegryp is.” (Open 12:10-12)

Josua het voor die engel gestaan met vuil klere aan. 4Die engel sê toe vir die ander wat voor hom staan: 

“Vat daardie vuil klere van hom weg,” en vir Josua sê hy: “Ek het jou sonde weggeneem en nou gee ek jou pragtige feesklere om aan te trek.”

Ek sê toe: 

“Bind ’n skoon tulband om sy kop.” 

Hulle sit toe vir hom ’n skoon tulband op en trek vir hom die nuwe klere aan terwyl die Here se engel staan en kyk. Die engel gee toe vir Josua hierdie plegtige versekering van die almagtige Here: 

As jy lewe soos Ek beveel het en my

opdragte uitvoer, sal jy:

  • seggenskap hê oor my tempel en al die geboue wat daarby hoort, en
  • Ek sal jou toelaat om saam met hierdie engele in my teenwoordigheid te kom. (Heb 4:14-16; 10:19)

Josua, luister nou hier, jy en die ander priesters wat by jou is. Dat julle behoue uit die ballingskap teruggekom het, is reeds ’n bewys van die wonderwerke wat Ek gaan doen. Ek sal my dienskneg stuur wat genoem word Die Spruit. (Sag 6:12-13) Hy is die wettige erfgenaam van Dawid. Kyk hierdie klip wat ek voor Josua neersit, het sewe kante soos ’n geslypte juweel. Ek, die almagtige Here, sal self woorde daarop graveer en Ek sal hierdie volk se sonde in een dag wegneem. Wanneer dit gebeur, sal julle rustig kan woon en elkeen sal sy buurman kan uitnooi om by hom te kom sit in die skaduwee van sy vyebome en sy wingerdstokke.”

’n Goue kandelaar en twee olyfbome

EN die engel wat met my gespreek het, het teruggekom en my gewek soos ’n man wat uit die slaap opgewek word. En hy het vir my gesê: Wat sien jy? Toe antwoord ek: Ek sien daar ’n kandelaar(Open 2 -3) heeltemal van goud, en sy oliekan bo-oor hom en sy sewe lampe op hom; telkens sewe aanvoerpype loop na die lampe wat bo-oor hom is. Ook twee olyfbome langs hom, een aan die regterkant van die oliekan en een aan die linkerkant daarvan.

Daarop het ek begin spreek en aan die engel wat met my gespreek het, gesê: Wat beteken dit, my heer? En die engel wat met my gespreek het, antwoord en sê vir my: Weet jy dan nie wat dit beteken nie? En ek het gesê: Nee, my heer. Toe antwoord hy en sê vir my: Dit is die woord van die HERE aan Serubbábel, naamlik: Nie deur krag of deur geweld nie, maar deur my Gees, sê die HERE van die leërskare.

Wie is jy, groot berg? Voor Serubbábel sal jy tot ’n gelykte word! En hy sal die sluitsteen te voorskyn bring onder uitroepe van: 

Genade, genade oor hom!

En die woord van die HERE het tot my gekom en gesê: Die hande van Serubbábel het die fondament van hierdie huis gelê, en sy hande sal dit voltooi; dan sal jy weet dat die HERE van die leërskare my na julle gestuur het.

Want wie verag die dag van klein dinge, terwyl daardie sewe—die  van die HERE wat die ganse aarde deurloop—met blydskap die skietlood aanskou in die hand van Serubbábel?Daarop het ek begin spreek en aan hom gesê: Wat beteken hierdie twee olyfbome aan die regterkant van die kandelaar en aan die linkerkant daarvan? En ek het toe nogmaals gespreek en vir hom gesê: Wat beteken die twee olyftakkies aan die kant van die twee goue pype wat goud uit hulle laat uitstroom?

Toe antwoord hy my en sê: Weet jy nie wat dit beteken nie? En ek het gesê: Nee, my heer. En hy sê: Dit is die twee gesalfdes wat by die Here van die ganse aarde staan.