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South Africa needs more than an economic solution, it needs a moral transformation.

It has been said: “South Africa needs an economic solution.” The main reason for war is; Economic gain or survival.[1]  Even territorial expansion, and nationalism has economic undertones. The huge price and sacrifice of war is justified by the believed future financial gain.

Helene Lewis Opperman, wrote a terrific book on psycho-History “Apartheid Britain’s Bastard Child”[2] explains in great detail how the power-hungry greed of Rhodes, was the main drive behind the Boer war.

The current discrepancies of inequality, 37% unemployed citizens, white people generally earning more than black people, the impenetrable market monopolies, passive economic gains of capital requiring no real labor, feels unfair and unjust. These wrongs needs to be corrected. Populist political parties propagate a ‘Robin Hood’ short term approach, as the apparent solution.  The Political Sphere constitutes opposing parties competing against the other, resulting in divisions on local Municipal platforms, instead of fighting for all South Africans.  The greatest threat and danger currently in SA is the premise that theft, expropriation without compensation, forceful over-powering, entitlement as a just compensation, retribution for the mistakes and pain of the past.  This is a short-term band-aid solution and does not deal with the source of the pain.

Inequality is as old as civilization.[3] Think about your first spelling test in grade one. There are those who passed, and those who did not. Even children sharing the food, there is inequality, for one’s food is nicer than the other. Traveling and visiting different countries, one is acutely aware of perceived well-being proficiency and comforts in one country, vs another’s abject deprivation, shortages, lack and broken systems.  Before God we are considered equal, but in talent, intellect, physical abilities, we are not. The Biblical theme is to use that what one has received each according to their own ability and multiply it. Multiplying one’s talents, resources, gifts and abilities involves business, and hence an economy or market.

The market is also as old as man-kind. At first, we bartered goods, to get what we need. Later currencies were introduced. But central to market is relationships, which involves communication, ethics, morality, and perceived goodness.

In September 1970 Milton Friedman published an article in The New York Times Magazine, “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits.” Friedman, who has received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976, is probably the most influential economist of the second half of the twentieth century. His views have become the mainstream economic thinking. [4] Greed and profit for too long has been the focus of Capitalism, at the cost of moral and ethical right-wiseness. Eventually pure market capitalism implodes on itself, as the inequality increases exponentially culminating in more protests, civil unrest, crime, influx of immigrants, and civil war.

Henry Hazlitt, reveals that economics and ethics: …are, in fact, intimately related. Both are concerned with human action, human conduct, human decision, human choice… There is hardly an ethical problem, in fact, without its economic aspect. Our daily ethical decisions are in the main economic decisions, and nearly all our daily economic decisions have, in turn, an ethical aspect. [5]

The Bible addresses a wide range of economic topics. For example, the parables of the pounds (Luke 19:12-26), of the hired servants (Matthew 20:1-16), and of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) are essentially economic in nature. They deal with money, interest (usury), profit and loss, wages, entrepreneurship, and contractual relations.  The Bible does not directly expound principles of economics. It does, however, provide the essential framework for the systematic development of economic science.

He who is loose and slack in his work is brother to him who is a destroyer and he who does not use his endeavors to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide. Proverbs 18:9 AMP

“Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth or a foot out of joint.” Proverbs 25:19 AMP

“One sinner destroys much good.” Ecclesiastes 9:18b


Neclect discipline and correction – Poverty and shame come to him who neglects discipline (Prov. 13:18)

Not living a life of purpose – he who follows worthless pursuits will have poverty in plenty (Prov. 28:19)

Talking and not doing – mere talk tends only to poverty (Prov. 14:23)

Wickedness – their abundance, wealth and pre-eminence will not remain (Ezek. 7:11)

Pride – the Lord will cast Tyre’s wealth into the sea (Zech. 9:4)

Spending unwisely – she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather worse (Mark 5:26); when he had spent everything (Luke 15:14)

Laziness – do not love sleep lest you come to poverty (Prov. 20:13)

Letting things go – a negligent hand causes poverty (Prov. 10:4)

Wrong priorities – he who loves pleasure will become poor (Prov. 21:17)

Addiction – the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty (Prov. 23:21)

The greatest exclusion is racism: People feel excluded by definition of their race, not their performance. This is a huge problem: For sentiments, perceptions, are very hard to break. Yet leaders like Madiba, Vusi Thembekwayo, Thuli Madomsela, Judge Mogoeng Mogoeng, and others are breaking these perceptions by a Christ-centred ethic, fairness, values of hard work and common good.

“Changing a nation does not start with the president, it starts with the church.”[6]

“Reform the Church to reform the land” [7]

As a recent survey of the history of Christianity in sub-Saharan Africa notes, ‘South Africa is a nation of black Christians’ (Isichei, 1995: 299-322). While South Africa is certainly not an exclusively Christian country, Christian discourse, practices and social formations have come to predominate in public and personal religious life. Notoriously unreliable census data can only hint at the magnitude of Christian affiliation. Although declining from 77 per cent in 1980, Christianity still accounted for the religious affiliation of 66 per cent of the South African population in 1991. By any reckoning, Christianity provides the basic religious frame of reference for the majority of South Africans.[8]

One can only pray for the true Christians, sons and daughters of God, followers of Christ, to arise in South Africa:

For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].Rom 8:19

Evidently, if we say South Africa needs an economic solution, we need to acknowledge that in reality we need a moral solution.






[2]Helene, Lewis Opperman. Apartheid Britain’s Bastard Child,

[3]Branko Milanovic The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality



[6]New Nation Movement

[7]Dr Andre Pelser

[8]Chidester. David, Tobler. Judy, and Wratten. Darrel, Christianity in South Africa: An Annotated Bibliography, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997


10 thoughts that should never enter your mind.

There is a demonic ongoing siege on our minds!

It is therefore important to raise the defence of the knowledge of Christ and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:4-6 “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God” Rom 8:7.

10 type of thoughts never allowed:

The following are a list of cognitive distortions; thoughts we should never allow to have any occupation in our minds.  These thoughts have no outcome, cannot be accomplish, it occupies your mind and lead to death and destruction.

  1. Blaming: Anna Russell ‘Psychiatric Folksong’ touches on this very human tendency, to always blame others, instead of taking responsibility and own up to our own weaknesses. This sinful tendency was evident at the original sin.  Genesis 3:8–13.

At three I had a feeling of

Ambivalence toward my brothers

And so it follows naturally

That I poisoned all my lovers.

But now I’m happy; I have learned

The lesson this has taught,

That everything I do that’s wrong

Is someone else’s fault.

We believe it is someone else’s fault, instead of seeing and recognising our part.  The reality is: blaming does not change anything. If someone has done you evil: rebuke them Luk 17:3. Or go and make a case at the police, and let the law take its course, to punish the wrong doer.  Blaming, leads to gossip and slander, and murmuring. Faith cannot exist in this atmosphere.

  1. Suspicion: apprehensive, careful, cautious, doubtful, incredulous, jealous, mistrustful, sceptical, watchful, in doubt, questioning, suspect, suspecting, unbelieving, without belief, without faith. Suspicion is the belief that others are deceptive or malevolent without evidence. A suspicious mind is the result of a lack of intimacy or deep meaningful friendships. Trust issues often come from early life experiences and interactions. These experiences often take place in childhood. Some people do not get enough care and acceptance as children. Others are abused, violated, or mistreated. These things may lead to difficulty trusting as an adult. Social rejection in one’s teens may shape their ability to trust. Some teens are bullied or treated as outcasts by peers. This can influence later relationships. Being betrayed or belittled by others impacts self-esteem. Self-esteem also plays a large role in a person’s capacity to trust. People with low self-esteem may be less likely to trust others. Those with higher self-esteem may be more self-assured. Jesus knew people’s thoughts, and what is in them, yet he never became suspicious and cautious, he continued to love, heal, deliver them and do good. John 2:23-25 He knew that Judas will betray Him Mat 26:25, and Peter would deny Him Mat 26:34, yet He kept His course.
  2. Guessing: “Folly is pleasure to him who is without heart and sense, but a man of understanding walks uprightly [making straight his course]. Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.”Prov 15:21-22. Academic studies forces you into a pattern, of grounding your thoughts on empirical researched facts. This requires hard work, confrontation, and deliberate scrutinization of statements or information. Presumptions not based on factual data, is foolish.  Guessing also leads to the imagination getting out of hand. Guessing has led to people making grave mistakes in their life.
  3. Worry: If worry worked, start a business and employ professional worry-ers, who can grow the business! Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life.Mat 6:25 “Be anxious for nothing” Phil 4:6 Worry causes you to only see the troubles, not the solutions. You get fixated with what can go wrong, instead of the possibilities. Worry cannot produce anything. If you have reason to worry, act on it. This is good and healthy. If worried about your finances: Reduce your expenses, start saving, give up some luxuries.
  4. Projecting: We usually project our own views, character, values, and views on others, thinking they ought to think like us. The truth is however: most people do not. “This person should have done this or that, because it is what I would have done.” Is totally unproductive.  This is what led Elijah to become so depressed after calling fire from heaven. 1 Kings 19:4. He was expecting that Ahab & Jezebel would turn their hearts to God and repent of their evil. They did not, instead they send messengers to kill him.
  5. Negative faith: Getting bad news, be usually by faith can imagen the worst. This has not yet happened, but we believe it. This is faith, but faith based on your fears, not on God’s spoken word. A good heart is willing to take risks to act against negative expectations and belittling stereotypes when dealing with a person. Paul said, “Love believes all things, hopes all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7). I think he meant that love strives to believe and hope for the best, not the worst.
  6. Regrets: Jeremiah regrets the day he was born. Jer 20:14-18 This is totally counter-productive. Replaying the past in your head, trying to achieve a better outcome, has no effect on reality. It is a total waste of time. “do not cry over spilt milk” Embrace your mistakes and makes them lessons. There is no waste in Nature, everything is recycled to create new life.  Learn to use mistakes, failures, miss-haps, and even bad circumstances to rise, to grow, to produce new life.
  7. Shame, guilt, condemnation: Learn to discern between misplaced-shame, and good healthy shame. Peter explains that Christians who do what is right have no reason to feel ashamed for what is right. Yet when they do wrong, they will stand ashamed.1 Pet 4:16. Therefore there is no condemnation in Christ Rom 8:1. Most people feel guilty all the time, or that they are not good enough. Surely they have not yet been awakened to His righteousness. 1 Cor 15:34 and have not yet received His sonship. John 1:12.
  8. Futile thoughts. Job 15:31; Ps 94:11 “became futile in their thoughts” 2 Kin. 17:15; Jer. 2:5; Eph. 4:17. Not serving God is futility. Sin leads your thought to become dull. You cannot think straight.  There is no outcome. If I have to go and do this:  Will God be glorified? 1 Corinthians 10:31 Will it build, edify or breakdown? 1 Cor 14:26 Can anyone do something about it? James 1:22 (Doers of the Word) What will be the end-result? What will be the fruit or consequences? What will be the outcome? Is it faith? 2 Cor 13:5; Is it scriptural? Heb 4:11; Is it faith? 2 Cor 13:5 Is it scriptural? Heb 4:11 Does it reflect the fruit of the Spirit? Gal 5:21-22
  9. Cause & Effectthinking (The book of Job, his friends was locked into this type of thinking) Some religious people can only think in linear patterns of cause and effect, black and white, dualism. Beware of overthinking, analysing… the thought is perfected in the doing, not the thinking. The friends of Job were convinced that the cause of Job detriment was his sin, if he would only repent, God will favour him again.  In the end none of them knew God, not even Job. God is sovereign. He can do anything.




Why does the modern man need salvation?

Why does the modern man need salvation?
Salvation from what:
Bad habits?
Relationships gone bad?
Spiritual disconnection?
Moral decay?
A humanistic Worldview?
Being alienated from God, and church?

Possibly modern man needs salvation from all of the above, but mainly mankind is lost without Christ!

Christ is salvation!

Knowing, loving, believing, following Christ is salvation! He is the anchor of my soul, the unsearchable riches and wisdom of God. He is peace, hope and love. He is oneness with God! He embodies the timeless, sustained presence, and favour of God. He is forgiveness and acceptance from God. He is the best way to do life. He became the ‘son of man’ or ultimate human, to reveal the divine in our humanity.

We are lost, drowning, dying, and desperate until we are awakened to His righteousness.

God did not give us a saving buoy, He gave Himself.

How do I become a follower of Christ?

Say the welcoming word to God—”Jesus is my Master”—embracing, body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead. That’s it. You’re not “doing” anything; you’re simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That’s salvation. Rom 10:9-10. (The Message) Salvation is a theological term. How can one describe this encounter with Jesus in more general life terms? It is best explained as the moment one begins to believe: Like the centurion who believed if Jesus would only speak a word his servant would be healed. Luk 7:1-9, or the Tax Collector: “Lord have mercy one me, a sinner.” Luk 18:9-14, or the thief on the cross “Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom.” or Paul’s exclamation: “Lord, what do You want me to do?” Acts 9:6, or Zacchaeus who made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. Luk 19:6 or Nicodemus the theologian who was told that he should get born again. John 3:1-3. How one is saved, is a divine mystery but what is evident, faith comes like a spark of fire into the heart of man, when a person receives Him John 1:12 and awakens to righteousness. 1 Cor 15:34; Rom. 13:11; Eph. 5:14

Share with someone.

After the demon-possessed man met Jesus and was delivered of his torment, he also asked this question; “Can I come and stay with you?” Jesus however, told him: “Go home to your own people. Tell them your story—what the Master did, how he had mercy on you.” Your testimony of knowing, and experiencing Jesus is the fuel that flames the fire. It is important to confess your faith, too someone. Rom 10:9. Say to someone; “I am saved” or “I am now a child of God” or “I am now following Jesus” or directly share your story of how Jesus made Himself real to you. Each one of us has a unique story to tell.

Hear & Obey

“Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me, and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. Mat 16:24 (The Message Bible) This new path you have chosen is an ancient path, a tested path, you do not know the way He has to lead you. It is also imperative that you walk back on your own life path, and repent, reconcile, and make restitution if necessary of all the wrong you have done. This is the first part of your journey, leaving al the baggage of past hurts and disappointments behind. It is a path of holiness and right-wiseness in doing what is right. One remains on this path till the end of one’s life, enduring until the end, and finishing the race of your purpose.

No individual salvation.

Getting to know Jesus, is not a solo mission. As you walk and connect with fellow pilgrims, and acknowledge His work in them, you get to know more of Him. He reveals Himself to you directly, but also indirectly. God is a family, and He rules and reigns the world as a family. In God’s family, one is trained on how to be wise and mature about relationships. As we connect more deeply with other people, we also connect more deeply with God. He uses people to demonstrate the incarnation of His love, mercy and grace collectively. No one person will individually attain the full stature of Christ. But together we make known His manifold wisdom to principalities and powers Eph 3:10 as He builds His church Mat 16:18, and bring us into His fulness together Eph 4:11-16.

The Holy Spirit Reveals Christ.

“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven” Matt 16:17 It was on this direct implicit revelation rock foundation the NT church is built. In the New Testament order, everyone can know God and enter His throne with boldness. Heb 4:14-16; 10:19. Everyone who hears His voice is part of His flock. John 10:27 Furthermore the: the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26 The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to you. Being led by the Holy Spirit is what distinguish us from the World as His children. Rom 8:14

There are not enough books to contain the knowledge to be obtained of Jesus Christ, the express image of God. Heb 1:3. Yet as we make seeking Him and His righteousness, His right-doing, right wiseness and divine Will the principal, the pre-eminent focus of our lives, we get all the other things being added to us. Mat 6:33 Wealth, peace, joy, provision, favour, seems to follow us, as we lost interest in running after that what is temporal.

Selfish, ego-centric, self-centred, greed, pride, arrogance, produce death and destruction. Self-serving motives of self-interest distort the image of Christ. When Christ becomes our focus, our centre, our consciousness, our identity, our way of doing life we begin to heal, and do good. Only Jesus Christ can save us from ‘self’ and lead us to a life of total self-forgetfulness, love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rom 14:17

Social Relevance

Report of the restoration of land and the dignity of the people Conference in the Cape of Good Hope Castle.

The Genius of God at Work, in His Church, His Body, His representatives on earth.
The church is awaking from her slumber, and are taking a stand for healing, mediation and reconciliation.  The Mediation Foundation for Peace and Justice[1]organised a conference at the Cape Castle for the restoration of land and the dignity of the people under the leadership of Alan Nelson.
The African Christian Union[2]was founded by Apostle Gregory Kruyer to speak to the societal issues of Africa and they have been working to bring the gospel to all the five groupings of the Khoi Khoi, and bushman people. (Korana, Bushman, Griqua, Cape Khoi and the Nama.) On 19 May 2017 a royal degree was signed to protect their heritage according to International Law and basic principles of minority protection, and to declare their royalty and sovereignty as the first nations in Southern Africa.  The signing of this decree is significant as it brought unity to them as a collective.
Princess Chantal Revell is really the one who carries the spiritual burden of the Khoi. She holds it all together and has been on the journey of the restoration of her people for 18 years. She is on the national Khoi council, a statutory body and has connections with all the various groups although she is a princess in the Korana royal house.
Special care was taken to lead them to Christ, offering counselling and support. A 7 day fast was undertaken leading up to the anointing ceremony of this day, 8/8/2018. This was done prophetically to lay down their Kingdoms to the King of King Jesus Christ. Also breaking the curse of slavery and poverty that has rested upon these peoples for centuries.  The apostles of the city came and anointed these Kings and Queens as the Priest of old, to rule wisely, righteously, and bring peace to their people. Their kingdoms were thus declared and honoured, as the Bible ascribes in the Law, that we should honour our parents so that we may have a long life.
Calvyn Gilfellan CEO of the Castle of good hope, the oldest Colonial building in the Country welcomed all the guests by reminding them of the prophetic significance of the date. 8/8/18 Speaking of 3 times new Birth, 352 years since the arrival of Jan van Riebeek.  August is also declared Diversity Month, and the room used for the conference is called “allermans barracks”. The purpose of the meeting was to prophetically declare the restoration of first nations in South Africa. May God use this building (to many a tombstone of pain and suppression) as the birthplace of a new foundation. Let’s unite.
The Keynote speaker was Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng. His message was from Jeremiah 30. The only way to achieve a truly sustainable solution to the emotional land expropriation issue is through peace, unity and shared prosperity.
Mogoeng Mogoeng the head of South Africa’s judiciary – a part-time pastor – challenged those present, who were mostly members of the First Nations (Khoi and San) royal houses, to seek the return of their land through peace and forgiveness. Speaking to the media outside the event, Mogoeng said the country needed to go back to basics if it wanted the best land expropriation solution.
“We need to get the foundation right. For us to resolve any of the serious problems that confront South Africa, we’ve got to deal with ourselves as a people.
“We are too divided to achieve anything,” he added.
The critical starting point therefore was for South Africans, black, white and especially First Nations people, to recognise that the overemphasis placed on artificial differences has taken citizens back.
“We need to recognise that we are one people, one nation. As long as we are divided, we are not going to achieve anything. This is a critical beginning that our country has everything that each and every one of us needs to prosper and realise our full potential.
“Let’s unite. Let’s pursue peace. Let’s love and respect ourselves because you can’t give what you don’t have.” Mogoeng also said there were so many things that enjoined and united South Africans as people, for too long the country has focused on what separated it.
“The rest of the African continent looks to South Africa for guidance and solutions because of the incredible capacity we’ve displayed for compromising and bridging our differences, and the infrastructure we have here.”  Mogoeng said he would visit a group of “mega farmers” in Parys at the end of August to engage and take his message to them. “The message is the same: don’t despair about the land issue. We are a peace-loving people as South Africans, and there is no solution that relates to the land issue except one that caters to all of us, that unites us, and is enduring.
“If we ever think we have arrived at a solution, but it is such that it benefits some but not all, it won’t last long. We will play games to try and sustain it, but it can never sustain forever. “That which will unite us and sustain peace, is the kind of solution that we must pursue.”
He again emphasised that solutions driven by love, reconciliation, peace and shared prosperity “will last forever. If not, it will fail, and it’s just a matter of time”.
There was a strong church presence during Mogoeng’s address and a ceremony to honour the First Nations royalty present. Mogoeng led those present in a prayer and asked God to lead the way as South Africans find solutions to what was a heart problem. “Nobody wants to be dehumanised, nobody wants to be exploited. So I understand where the anger comes from. But it is time to forgive,” he challenged everyone. If they do so, God would find a way for land to be returned to those who deserved it and for all in the country, black and white, to prosper together, he said.[3]
Mogoeng plainly focused our attention that the only Unifier is the one who knows the secrets of the heart and the future.  Jesus Christ!
A Judge understand judicial processes, it was significant that he directed us all, but specifically the descendants of the first nations of South Africa, to the Biblical healing process. Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous… for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased.Jer 30:12-14.
In legal terms, this is a profound truth.  You were inflicted with wounds because of someone’s transgression against you, but because of the transgressional sins that you have entered in, your wounds are not healing.  Sins like hatred, bitterness, and resentment can do that to a person. For a person to heal of the inflicted wounds of someone else’s sin, you have no other option, but to forgive, and bless and pray for your enemies.
We are looking to people to heal our wounds, but do not repent of our own iniquity.
After 24 years, our best efforts have failed us, to unite this nation and foster prosperity for all.  The strong arm of our own efforts and strength has not availed. We need to turn our heart and eyes to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.
There are also many promises in the portion of scripture, whirlwinds of revival, restoration of what was lost, glory and restitution. However, please understand that no promise are without conditions.”  Stop the thinking of receiving and getting.  Adam worked. Prov 22:29 Those who are diligent will be brought before kings. Every single promise in the Word is always with conditions, and requirements first to be accomplished and fulfilled before the promise is released.
The message and person of the Chief Justice gives hope! There were many decrees and declarations made during the meeting of the birth of a New Nation. A united, peaceful and prosperous nation!
During the lunch break I was introduced to Chris Pienaar, a unionist from Paarl, with the most perfect Afrikaans accent, yet he is black. He smiled warmly: “one day I will tell you my whole story.” With a twinkle in his eye, he told me of how many times he would introduce himself over the phone, and then when arriving at the appointed meeting, see the confusion on faces, they expected a white person. After many years of winning CCMA cases he realised something has to change. They were winning cases, but destroying relationships, and destroying any future provision and favour for that individual.  They are working on a new type of workers Union based on a Christ-centred relationship mediation approach.
In the end of the meeting, once the royalties were honoured, blessed and declaration of anointing received. The moderator of the NGK church Nelis Janse van Rensburg spoke. He emphasised and offered a sincere apology for the abuses of the past. Declaring that the church will continue to apologise, again and again, until all receive the healing and restoration that Christ offers.  As the NGK church they have started a process called ‘the season of human dignity’. Together we will discover and affirm the human dignity given by God in Christ to us all and the implications of this discovery and affirmation for the church.
The values for this process are:

  • Listening
  • Respect
  • Embracement
  • Selflessness

At a certain point he said: “we want to bow before you and ask forgiveness” at that moment I felt we had to demonstrate this. We knelt before the royal guest, and started repentance from the heart, praying for another. There is so much pain! It is immeasurable! Yet as soon as we finished, these dear old leaders reciprocated and instantly gave forgiveness.
Something was released in the heavenlies as the Holy Spirit disrupted the program and many tears flowed. The atmosphere changed and healing was released.
This day was evidence of the restoration of the Hut of David, where all the gentiles come and bow their knee to the King of all kings.
As we now go out to our cities and town, may we seek more ways to reconcile, make peace, listen, talk, share stories, humble ourselves and see a nation healed, and a new nations awaken and rise up in righteousness.
May we see in our lifetime the healing of the nations in South Africa.


The missing Link in the Land Reform debate: Healthy Relationships

Our Country is facing a Relationship Crisis not a Land-reform or Economic crisis.

The original sin of apartheid is not the 1993 land act, it was the violation of a relationship.

With a consumption per capita Gini coefficient of 0.63 in 2015, South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. Being the most unequal society points not to the numerical values of amounts in our bank accounts, but the national deficit of broken relationships due to corruption, greed, lies, deceit, entitlement, disrespect, hatred, suspicion, and self-interest.

We are seeing growing public indignation at the perceived disconnect between perks for a few and the rights of the many. [1]

The guiding principle of the South African Government, as captured in the NDP, is that “no political democracy can survive and flourish if the mass of our people remaining in poverty, without land, without tangible prospects for a better life. Attacking poverty and deprivation must be the first priority of a democratic government”.Much has been done by Government to provide free primary health care; no-fee paying schools; old age and child support grants; housing; and free basic services (water, electricity and sanitation) to poor households. Although these policies and interventions have resulted in notable gains in poverty reduction since 1994, the country continues to face the challenge of high poverty, high inequality and high unemployment. This points to a deeper problem namely a relational problem: Trust between civil society and government is on an all-time low because of corruption, incompetence, incapacity, laziness, entitlement, and egotistical self-interest.

In their groundbreaking book, based on years of research, Pickett and Wilkinson provides hard evidence to show, how almost everything – from life expectancy to depression levels, violence to illiteracy – is affected not by how wealthy a society is, but how equal it is. The Age of criminal responsibility is lower in more unequal countries.
Infant mortality rates are higher in more unequal countries.
Levels of trust are higher in more equal countries.
Health and social problems are worse in more unequal countries.
Life expectancy are lower in more unequal countries.[2] Inequality points to one thing: Profit, and materialism has become more important than people.

Although the EFF is right in putting it’s finger on this throbbing nerve in South Africa, it has no plan to solve or heal it. Land grabs, race hatred, African Nationalism, expropriation without compensation, nationalizing the country towards a socialist state has been done by the previous Apartheid Government and failed. It failed because it divided our Nation, who whether we believe it or not, are more united than most believe or are willing to accept.

Cultural integration took place whether unconsciously whether we all liked it or not and cannot be stopped.  Most Black South Africans opposed white supremacy and colonialism through the liberation struggle, yet new languages were adopted, lifestyles altered, and values affected.  We all lost some part of our original cultural heritage in effect.   An aspect of division to many, but in fact actually proof our interdependence is the issue of the Afrikaans language. The white Afrikaner’s claim to the language proved to be incoherent with the facts as explained by Robert C. H. Shell, the tower of Babel: The Slave trade and the Creolization at the Cape 1652-1834. Creolization: The mixing of people brought a cultural blend which ultimately led to the formation of new identities. The complexity of the early Slave trade, where year after year new cultures and languages were brought to the Cape, and working together necessitates that one understands each other, a new mixed language evolved.[3]   Afrikaans by definition is a mixed language.  Many whites have been raised by black or coloured mothers.  Then there is the question of intermarriage, resulting in possibly very few people who can claim a 100% pure ancestral lineage, based on DNA testing.   Our History are so closely linked and integrated like different colours of sand mixed in one container it is impossible to separate.  Even if integration is from 9 – 5 O’clock, the work place has offered a neutral ground of tolerance, and relationships had to be fostered and maintained.

As a strong Christian-value based nation we need to recognize the Bible is a compilation of relationship rules. Sin is basically about breaking relational rules and thus breaking relationships. Relationships is the glue that keeps all the parts together.

The priority in SA should be relationship reform, not land-reform.

Fundamentally the Christian faith is built upon our relationship with a relational God. God is in essence a harmonious relationship of not three Gods, but one God in three persons.  Before the fall God established four fundamental relationships for each person; a relationship with God, with self, with others, and with the rest of creation. These relationships are the building blocks for all of life.  When these relationships are functional and healthy, humans experience the fullness of what God destined for mankind.

Sin is in essence a betrayal and termination of these relationships.

Sins like: Pride, envy, greed, covetousness, idleness, egotism, and rage

Sin in its fullest sense refers to disorientation from right relationship with God, which then leads to disorientation from right relationship with self, others, and all of creation. That disorientation results in wrongdoings. Sin is dislocating God from the center of reality. Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda

As ideological economic and political system, neither pure capitalism nor pure socialism leads to an ideal outcome: for South Africa, rather, the solution lies in constitutionalism enacted correctly.

The Preamble of our Constitution declares that the people of South Africa recognize the injustices of the past, honour those who have suffered for justice and freedom, and respect those who have built and developed the country. It then declares that South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in their diversity, and that the freely elected representatives of the people of South Africa have adopted the Constitution as supreme law, to

  • heal the divisions of the past and create a society based on democratic values, social justice and basic human rights;
  • lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by the law;
  • improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of all people; and
  • build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations.

In conclusion, the prayer is delivered that God may protect our people and may bless South Africa!

The Constitution of South Africa was birth when opposing parties reconciled, united, and began to work together as one Nation on founding a premise, a set of laws to protect and guide all the diverse people of SA towards healthy relationships.

The one most basic ingredient that is most needed, in any solution offered by any party, is the missing link of healthy, respectful, reciprocal, valued relationships.

Solutions driven by love, reconciliation, peace and shared prosperity will last forever. We need to recognise that we are one people, one nation. As long as we are divided, we are not going to achieve anything. Mogoeng Mogoeng

Human rights vs Human Wrongs:

  • We have chosen human rights, at the cost of mutual reciprocal responsibility.
  • We have chosen economic gains and profits at the cost of the people working for those profits.
  • We try to correct wrongs by laws and policies but ignoring the intricate network of relationships involved.
  • We tried to silence the poor with grants, and houses, but in the process have forgotten and abandoned the fact they were crying for dignity and inclusion.
  • We try to give more people work but regarded them as objects and figures on growth charts, dehumanizing them.
  • Unions won CCMA cases but lost relationships, vital inherent provision to the worker’s future.
  • Politicians win votes from a minority electorate, but did they build a nation?
  • Leaders lobby for votes, where they should have built bridges.

There is no one size fit all solution to the very complex Land Reform issue, for this reason we have no other option but that local communities begin to directly engage, build trust and empathy through listening and dialogue, and together find their win-win fitting solutions.

Like with the hearings we need to move from town to town, with a team: We need to mobilize specialized teams of peace-makers, mediators, and problem-solvers all over South Africa, to assist with this process.

You cannot transform precarious informal settlements to dignified communities without public participation, thus unlocking the value and richness within that communities. Outside interventions is not sustainable. Finding the plans and ideas in a community and bring them into fulfillment is what brings lasting change.  Long-term, lasting relationships is the glue that keeps all the parts together of any type of intervention.  Only the local community can provide that lasting energy, not National government nor State departments.  Sustainable poverty alleviation is only successful when we help reconnect broken relationships.  The poor are protesting not only for jobs, money, houses, they’re grieving because main stream society has forgotten, neglected and abandoned them.

The land reform projects failed mainly because farming is difficult, and a farmer needs the help, support, guidance, peer-to-peer mentorship and advice of his or her neighbors. We grow and learn through a network of relationships, and a process of applying that knowledge, making mistakes, and making improvements, until we become good at it, then we can begin to help others. Any intervention that ignores this process will fail.  It is all about growing and maintaining healthy relationships.  Presenting any programs, solutions without building the actual relationships between all parties, is why projects and land-reform fail and thus become unsustainable.

The Paternistic role the relationship between Farmer and Labourers as a “paternalistic despotism of a racialized kind because it became a position of dominance and class discarding the relationship.  Farmers who build healthy relationships with their workers, and their wives and children, creates a fruitful village, a closely-knit farm-family that look after the other’s interests.  When the government tried to take over this role, which they could not even fulfil, the farmer withdraws, and further deprivation occurred. Let the farmer take up his or her role, and monitor it, assists, guide, and nurture it.   Government fought for the rights of the poor, by ESTA, labour legislation and minimum wages, excluding the farmer, instead of working through the farmer.  Enforcing and enhancing a relationship!

Lessons Learned when healthy relationships are missing

Building a company, a business where the CEO and management are disconnected with the workers and labourers will not remain profitable, cost-effective or productive. Relationships count.

Trying to connect people through religious activities to buildings, organisations and rituals dissatisfy our yearning to connect to God and fellow believers. Church should lead by example to reconcile man, to God, to self, to their neighbours, and to purpose.

Creating a program to uplift farmworkers without building healthy relationships between workers and managers/farmers, workers with workers, and workers with their families is not sustainable.

Developing leaders on the farm/business without the management having a healthy relationship with the leaders leads to the very leaders becoming the voices of dissonance and rebellion, and protest in the end.

Training and capacity building without the relational ingredient lead to workers being trained by the farm but finding employment elsewhere. Relationships is what keeps people loyalty.

Building infrastructure without public participation and engagement leads to people getting what they not really need nor want.  A Relief, then Rehabilitation, then Developmental approach to poverty alleviation is now considered the best practise worldwide. [4]

Economic empowerment without developing and growing together leads to the empowerment project becoming a separate entity often in competition with the farm.

Values and rules enforced without respecting and modelling it within the relational framework leads to rules never being internalise and eventually becoming a piece of paper in a file. Rules should be modelled from the highest to the lowest level on the farm to become part of the organisational culture.

Unions won CMMA cases but lost relationships, and thus alienated the worker from any future provision and care, embedded in the relationship.

Even marketing based on building and maintaining relationships are proven to be most effective.

There is simply no single one thing any of us can do, without a network of friends and family.

Many jobs are lost because of a struggling economy. But many people are losing their jobs because of relationship issues, miscommunication, unethical behaviour, gross negligence, low work ethic and production levels, lack of integrity and character. Healthy relationships is the consequence of an healthy heart and soul. Love your neighbour as yourself.

True Christians should be the most employable people on the planet, because of the serving, meek and humble attitude, their integrity, passion and highest standards.

It is not time to make things right in SA, and build bridges, reconcile, make peace, seek justice, love mercy, and rebuild the ancient ruins of right living!


[1]World Economic Forum, The new Social Covenant.

[2]Wilkinson & Pickett, The Spirit Level (2009)

[3]Elizabeth A Eldredge, Fred Mouton. Slavery in South Africa captive Labor on the Dutch Frontier,

[4]Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert, When helping Hurts, how to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself. Pg 139


Caring for the poor is the church’s mandate, not politician’s.

Caring for the poor is the church’s mandate, not politician’s. When politicians only fight for the plight of the poor, it will always be at the cost of those who are not poor. The mandate of politicians is providing good governance, for ALL it’s citizens! Poverty alleviation is a complex task, that cannot be addressed through a factory approach like SASSA, and one size fits all housing projects in SA. The poor is crying for true friends, that gets involved, and stay involved. Taking care of the poor is going to cost your all. You cannot approach it like sport-fishing, catch and release, where the prize is an photo trophy. This is why we all have to get involved as the church, no one person, philanthropist, or humanitarian can save the poor.

Summary of “When helping hurts” How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself. Steve Corbett

What was the focus of Jesus’ Ministry?

And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me

To preach the gospel to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”

Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:17–21 NKJV

When Jesus’ Ministry was tested and questioned by John the baptist:

Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.” Luke 7:22–23 NKJV

Jesus Focussed on the poor: and wants us to focus on the poor:

“Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Matthew 25:44–46 NKJV

This is the fulfillment of the OT plan God had for Isreal:

Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17 NKJV

except when there may be no poor among you; for the LORD will greatly bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance— Deuteronomy 15:4 NKJV

God gave Moses numerous commands instructing Israel to care for the poor. The Sabbath  guaranteed a day of rest for the slave and alien (Ex.  23:10–12). The Sabbath year cancelled debts for Israelites, allowed the poor to glean from the fields,  and set slaves free as well as equipping the slaves to  be productive (Deut. 15:1–18). The Jubilee year  emphasized liberty; it released slaves and returned  land to its original owners (Lev. 25:8–55). Other laws about debt, tithing, and gleaning ensured that the  poor would be cared for each day of the year (Lev.  25:35–38; Deut. 14:28–29; Lev. 19:9–10). The commands were so extensive that they were designed to achieve the ultimate goal of eradicating poverty among God’s people: “There should be no poor  among you,” God declared (Deut. 15:4).

God’s form of Government, and productive enterprise is always considering the poor.

God judges our worship as fruitless and futile if we neglect the poor: Read Isaiah 1:10-13, 16-17; Isaiah 58:1-3, 5-10

Personal piety and formal worship are essential to the Christian life, but they must lead to lives that  “act justly and love mercy” (Mic. 6:8).

Throughout the New  Testament, care of the poor is a vital concern of the  church (Matt. 25:31–46; Acts 6:1–7; Gal. 2:1–10; 6:10;  James 1:27). Perhaps no passage states it more succinctly than; “By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”

1 John 3:16–18:

God’s answer to the poverty question of mankind is His kingdom:

The kingdom is the renewal of the whole world through the entrance of supernatural forces. As things are brought back under Christ’s rule and authority, they are restored to health, beauty, and freedom. Jesus Ministry started preaching the Kingdom: Mat 4:17 instructing His disciples to do the same: Luke 9:2; Luke 10:9 and the first church did the same: Acts 4:34; 10:45 The way God shows His Kingdom to the World is by using the poor, the weak and simple to display His glory: Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? James 2:5 NKJV For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence. 1 Corinthians 1:26–29 NKJV

Poor people typically talk in terms of shame, inferiority, powerlessness, humiliation, fear, hopelessness, depression, social isolation, and voicelessness. God established four foundational relationships for each person: a relationship with God, with self, with others, and with the rest of creation. These relationships are  the building blocks for all of life. When they are functioning properly, humans experience the fullness of life that God intended, because we are being what God created us to be.

Poverty is the result of relationships that do not work, that are not just, that are not for life, that are not harmonious or enjoyable. Poverty is the absence of shalom in all its meanings. Every human being is suffering from a poverty of spiritual intimacy, a poverty of being, a poverty of community, and a poverty of stewardship.The materially poor are trapped by multiple, interconnected factors—insufficient assets, vulnerability, powerlessness, isolation, and physical weakness— that ensnare them like bugs caught in a spider’s web.  Imagine being caught in such a web.

According to Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, it is this lack of freedom to be able to make meaningful choices—to have an ability to affect one’s situation—that is the distinguishing feature of poverty. Poverty alleviation is the ministry of reconciliation: moving people closer to glorifying God by living in right relationship with God, with self, with others, and with the rest of creation.

Material poverty alleviation is working to reconcile the four foundational relationships so that people can fulfil their callings of glorifying God by working and supporting themselves and their families with the fruit of that work. We are building people, leaders, community, an economic base, and capacity, not a product for profit.

God’s Order of Priorities

The focus Of Jesus Ministry for 3 years was: Preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom, in power, and signs and wonders following.  Acts 10:38 This should be the primary focus of the church too! It is the keystone habit and focus that pulls all the other things we do in line.

The fruits of this focus will be:

  • People giving and sharing Acts 4:34-35
  • His love overflowing out of a healed heart.
  • Fruit of the Spirit, goodness. Gal 5:21-22
  • Rebuilding of the hut of David – Nations added Acts 15:16-17
  • Continuously being filled with the Spirit Eph 5:18; Col 3:16 and resulting spontaneous expressions of worship.

The danger of abandoning the First Command, leads to all the other acts becoming dead rituals of humanitarian philanthropy without the Spirit, people being taken cared for, but never hearing the gospel, never getting filled in the Holy Spirit, never seeing the Kingdom Demonstrated and thus never come to the faith. This is a great paradoxical mystery, but the church should always be actively and seamlessly involved in both the supernatural and the humanitarian, like Stephen who was working at the tables serving the widows, and did mighty signs and wonders. Acts 6:8.


My Submission during the Land Expropriation… Hearings

As a pastor, a father, a community leader, a bridgebuilder, a peacemaker and social strategist I am fighting for equality, inclusion, cohesion, and the common good of all.

On the deepest level, people are crying and grieving for an economic solution. However, you cannot fix the economic recession, huge inequality, and precarious poverty with one idea “expropriation without compensation”. The deep-rooted land reform question is simply too complex to solve, in one populist statement: This is a Robin Hood approach, of taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We remember Robin Hood for his bravery, but he did not build a nation.

Emphatically, I do believe that any man or women, who really wants to farm, should be given the opportunity, but redistribution of ALL land and ALL property, is scaring away the very people the young prospecting entrepreneur needs for mentoring and support.

Expropriation without compensation should be an option in clearly defined circumstances, such as absentee landlords, unused land, hopelessly indebted land, land held by speculators, land acquired by illegal means such as corruption or fraud, and unproductive land, and the value of land upheld. The experts of law disclosed that the Constitution does not need to be changed for this purpose.

Whether the Constitution remains unchanged, or changed. Whether people will receive land or not, eventually it will be discovered; money and prosperity follows and prevail where there is Justice, Fairness, Generosity, Order, Integrity, Faithfulness, Passion, Innovation and Hard work.

As a matter of fact the innermost heart of humanity isn’t about ownership. Jesus Christ practised a life of making many rich, yet he owned no land, and left behind no earthly possessions.

A man’s true wealth is not determined by what he owns, but by what he gives away.

In the end, it is how we stewarded the land that determines whether we produced enough, delicious, beautiful fruit, commodities and produce.

I have personally seen that in our various attempts to train people farming, from small garden projects to herb garden initiatives, a small percentage of the original attendees actually succeed in farming. It takes a certain love, passion and determination to be a farmer. Farmers are also not made in classrooms, nor in political rallies.

Let us rather take the hand of the existing farmers, glean all the knowledge we can from them, work with them, partner with them, and grow a vibrant sector that can flourish with the strength of the youth and the wisdom of the old.

The first step of any reconciliation process, is to first see and recognise the inherent treasure and riches in another. Then to form trusted, reciprocal, respectful friendships that become partnerships, and so collective potential be unlocked!

For this to happen we need to decentralise the process to the lowest level, where parties in the spirit of nation-building  can meet, and find solutions together that is for the common good, builds dignity, and is inclusive.

Then we will see all people in South Africa prosper together!


‘n Oproep tot VREDE in Suid Afrika

Die Here is besig om ‘grond’ te gebruik om ons oë oop te maak in SA.[1] Nog nooit het ons oor enige saak so baie gepraat en geredeneer, as tans oor die Grond Kwessie nie.

“Nadat Hy dit gesê het, spoeg Hy op die grond en maak met die spoeg ‘n bietjie klei aan. Toe smeer Hy die klei aan die man se oë en sê vir hom: “Gaan was jou in die Siloambad.” Siloam beteken die een wat gestuur is.” (Joh 9:4-21)

Ons verlossing gaan daarin lê dat ons nie onsself as grondeienaars sien nie, maar gestuurdes. President Cyril Ramaphosa se woorde “stuur my” is dalk meer profeties en rigtinggewend as wat ons dink.[2]

Daar is ’n spreekwoord in Swahili wat sê: “Wanneer twee bulle baklei, is dit die gras wat daaronder ly.” Dit is algemeen bekend dat Sosialiste/Kommuniste nie werklik omgee vir arm mense nie, hulle is net in wese woedend teenoor rykes.[3]Suiwer Kapitalisme verryk die individu ten koste van die geheel.[4]  Ons land is verdeeld tussen die wat veg om hulle rykdom te behou, die ekonomie in stand te hou, terwyl ander uitroep vir verlossing van ‘n geskiedenis van uitsluiting, marginalisering en die sinkgat van armoede.[5]

Die beste oplossing vir grondhervorming is nie “die beste plan” nie, maar is een waar swart en wit bymekaar kan kom met vergifnis en dienende harte om saam die oplossings te vind.[6]

Wanneer ons hande vat, kan niemand vingers wys nie. Ons verskeie kulture is baie meer geïntegreerd as wat ons dink. Swart en bruin ma’s het baie wit kinders help grootmaak. Ons genetiese poel is so vermeng dat baie min Suid-Afrikaners daarop kan aanspraak maak dat hulle ‘n suiwer wit of swart ras is. Ons tale is deurweef met stukkies en brokkies van die ander.[7]Ons oorspronklike inheemse kulture is verlore en word nog net in museums bewaar. Ons almal gaan elke dag winkel toe en ons koop dieselfde produkte. Ons is almal Suid-Afrikaners, inheems, uniek, ’n diverse Nasie met ’n spesiale boodskap van vrede en harmonie.

Ons almal soek mens-waardigheid, sosiale regverdigheid en waarheid. Ons land gaan gebuk en is besig om te sneuwel onder landswye korrupsie, leuens en bedrog van beide die regering en privaat-sektor leierskap. Ons verklaar dit is genoeg![8]

’n Nuwe maatskaplike verbintenis (Social Covenant) moet gesluit word tussen die mense, die privaat en die staatsektor sodat die lewensomstandighede van alle Suid-Afrikaners verbeter kan word.[9] Hierdie verbond kan net in die lokale gemeenskap op grondvlak geskep word waar leiers en mense nie meer oor mekaar praat nie maar met mekaar.[10]  Om die Konstitusie te verander of nie, beleide te skryf, en druk op die regering toe te pas gaan nie harte verander nie. Ons benodig ‘n wesenlike harts-verandering waar boere en werkers, en gemeenskappe hulle harte na mekaar draai, en saam begin oplossings soek.  Hou op protesteer en baklei, en begin innoveer, skep en bou aan ‘n nuwe toekoms, waar armoede aangespreek word, en burgers in vrede met mekaar saamwoon.[11]

Die enigste manier waarop hierdie LAND gaan oorleef, is om inklusief te dink, te praat, en te doen, om nie meer van hulle te praat nie, maar van ons.

Ons almal hunker na waardigheid, regverdigheid en vrede. Daar is geen waardigheid in korrupsie, bedrog, diefstal, leuens en oneerlikheid nie. Ware waardigheid is wanneer ons bou aan ’n beter toekoms vir almal, ook ons kinders. Daar is geen regverdigheid as net een groepering wen nie, en daar is geen vrede as ons nie almal deel is van die oplossing nie.

Ons kan ’n nuwe nasie word deur saam te werk, saam te bou en saam te regeer. As Rwanda na die ergste volksmoord in menseheugenis as ’n nasie kan opstaan deur saam te werk, hande te vat, korrupsie uit te wis en geregtigheid na te streef, kan ons verseker ook.[12]

Ons demokrasie is in sy onstuimige tienerjare. As ons egter by die waardes hou wat ons voorgeslagte en verskeie leiers, asook Madiba nagestreef het, sal ons ontwikkel tot ’n volwasse, jong verenigde nasie wat die wêreld in die oë kan kyk.

Mag die leuse “Eendrag Maak Mag”[13] nuwe definisie kry vir alle Suid Afrikaners.

Vrede gaan egter nie maklik kom nie! Ons sal almal moet hard werk en bid daarvoor, met alle erns, geduld en deursettingsvermoë.”Ek het een groot vrees in my hart, die dag wanneer witmense hulle tot liefde gewend het, sal uitvind dat swartmense hulle gedraai het om te haat.”[14]

Here stuur my! ‘n kampvegter vir Vrede!


[1]Gideon Basson, tydens ‘n mannegebed byeenkoms in Citrusdal, 25 Julie 2018.


[3]George Orwell, The road to wigan pier, 1937 (Chap 11) Mentioned in chapter 1 of Jordon P Peterson, Maps of meaning, the architecture of believe

[4]Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Harvard University Press, 2013


[6]Dr Arno van Niekerk, Facebook Post. Facebook post. 4 Julie 2018

[7]Elizabeth A Eldredge, Fred Mouton. Slavery in South Africa captive Labor on the Dutch Frontier, Pg 141994.

[8]Arno van Niekerk. Genoeg. Hoekom is ons hier. 2015


[10]New Nation, Landbou Thinktank Consensus. 21 Julie 2018, Bloemfontein

[11]Read Full Transcript of Barack Obama’s South Africa Speech | Time.pdf Madiba’s 100 year Celebrations July 17, 2018

[12]Stephen Kinzer, A Thousand Hills: Rwanda’s Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It


[14]Alan PatonCry, The Beloved Country



How to overcome an Offence

In the same way, an octopus hides (through clever camouflage) you will never know it is there, offense takes root in our heart, capturing us to do the will of satan. (2 Tim 2:26) When you try to remove an octopus, it defuses a dark cloud of ink, to even more obscure your view. It is not easy to see and recognize offense in one’s heart. Not even reading these notes will reveal it. The octopus is highly territorial and will defend its position. You need to ask the Holy Spirit to expose the root and stone of offense in your heart. You will also need to study the characteristics and symptoms to help you discover its position in your consciousness and attitude. But knowing it is there and seeing the signs still does not bring freedom, you uproot the source of offense. You have to act according to the way of Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you out of the trap of satan.

Offended people produce satanic evil fruit, such as hurt, anger, outrage, jealousy, resentment, strife, bitterness, hatred, and envy. Some of the consequences of taking offense are insults, attacks, wounding, division, separation, broken relationships, betrayal, and backsliding.

Offense: “Skandalon” – laying a trap in someone’s way. The Greek word has the meaning of the little stick, used to catch birds. When people hurt us, it is a test, a potential trap. We should become wise and alert to see through the plans of the enemy, and not allow ourselves to be captured.

The ink/smoke screen the enemy uses to disguise is pride. Pride keeps us from dealing with the truth. It distorts our vision. We can never change when we think everything is fine. Pride hardens our hearts and dims the eyes of our understanding. It keeps us from the transformation of heart—repentance—that will set us free.

No matter what the scenario is, we can divide all offended people into two major categories: (1) those who have been treated unjustly and (2) those who believe they have been treated unjustly.

Psalm 55:12–14 It’s the ones closest to us that hurt us the most. Sometimes it is family! Church family, natural family, and close friends are the ones that hurt us because our defenses are often down towards these insiders. We tend to pretend more towards those outside, but the ones closest to us they see the true-self, when we are tired, lazy, self-indulgent. Intimacy is to be totally transparent without fear of being judged. “naked and not ashamed”

We take offense when:

  1. We have false expectations – of someone, of God, ourselves. God always tells us straight what we are getting ourselves into, not to create a false expectation. (John 16:1) An expectation that does not come to fulfillment leads to disappointment. (Prov 13:12)
  2. Our inner picture clashes with the outward appearance. Friends and family/spouse do not see/understand us. We feel they should know our heart. Jesus spend 3 years with His disciples, and they did not get it, until after His resurrection. They slept, while He was in agony. They did not get the fact that He must suffer and die.
  3. We are opinionated – (Rom 12:16) High-minded, wise in your own opinion. Wisdom of the World (1 Cor 1 & 2). The things of the Kingdom, does not always make sense to the natural mind. (1 Cor 1:18-31) You need to know and study the Word of God, through the revelation of the Spirit, to get to know God, and understand His ways.
  4. We do not like or agree with the demands of the gospel, fear of suffering. (2 Tim 3:12) The word of God will be tested in your life. When you start doing right, believing and obeying the Word, there will be opposition. Expect it!
  5. We Reject Correction because of pride – Not legitimate sons – Hebrews 12. True sons receive and ask for correction. We love to please our father, and corrections bring change and growth.
  6. We listen to rumors based on lies, agreements. (Lev 19:16; 1 Tim 5:13; Prov 17:9; 18:8; 20;19)
  7. We trust our own feelings. (Prov 16:25)
  8. We do not love sincerely – love is not easily offended (1 Cor 13:5).
  9. We are not rooted and grounded in the Word of Truth – Eph 4:15. The more we know the Word, and discover the truth, the more we mature in God, to no longer be tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine. We look and judge, and proof our lives, and people through the Bible. The Word heals our perspective to look at people without filters of offence, human judgment, preconceived ideas, racism, exclusivity, and pride.
  10. We are too sensitive – have not died to the flesh (Pro 14:17) (Love is not touchy).
  11. We try to hide sin & disobedience. Sin is deception and will always try to self-justify, and be self-righteous, vindicating self.
  12. We have been exposed to false doctrine, false prophecy and false teaching. Many people became disillusioned because of false teachings. (2 Cor 11:13; Gal 2:4; Col 2:16 23; 2 Pet 2:1-18)

How do you deal with offenses:

Study (Luk 17:1-7) to see the steps, of how you should deal with offenses.

We cannot help, and prevent offenses to come: v1 “Temptations (snares, traps set to entice to sin) are sure to come” Scott Peck says in the first line of chapter one, (the road less traveled) “Life is an obstacle course” But surely when we fall from an obstacle, we do not remain on the ground crying and complaining. We do get up again, and we try again, until we succeed! Many people do never get over life’s hurts and offenses and remain in their own self-made prison of resentment, bitterness, and anger. They make vows in their heart, to be never be hurt again, ending up isolated and distant from the very sources of provision and personal growth.

Although God does not give offense, He uses offense to make as emotionally and spiritually mature. The enemy uses offense to stop us from growing and maturing. The obstacle course is not your enemy, it can became your friend and coach that make you stronger, if you learn to embrace the pain.

v3 “Take heed to yourselves” You must take responsibility of your won well-being. Yes your parents are supposed to look after you and help you, but if they for some reason cannot help and support, do not moan and groan. Get up and do something. Neither is your spouse responsible for your happiness. Yes a husband should take care, cherish and love you. But you yourself are responsible, to become complete in His love first. God is love, and it his Love that complete and fulfills us. (Ephesians 3:16-20)

v3b If your brother sins against you, REBUKE HIM; and if he repents, forgive him. The emphasis in this portion of scripture is to correct wrong behavior. Because of our hurt, we focus so much on our own pain, that we do not in the end are able to help the offender to change. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE is an approach to justice that aims to involve the parties to a dispute and others affected by the harm (victims, offenders, families concerned and community members) in collectively identifying harms, needs and obligations through accepting responsibilities, making restitution, and taking measures to prevent a recurrence of the incident and promoting reconciliation. – See more at:

This is I believe God’s primary reason, why we need to overcome offense, so that we can help the offender on a path of healing. This is how we break the cycle of retaliation, where people continue to hurt another because we ourselves have been hurt.

This is the gift of repentance that Paul speaks about to the Corinthian church. “You have been made sorry” (2 Cor 7:9) “For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation” (v10) “you sorrowed in a godly manner:

– What diligence it produced in you, (speúdō – Careful, Diligence, earnest effort)

– what clearing of yourselves, (apología; to give an answer or speech in defense of oneself)

– what indignation, (aganáktēsis – under a great burden which results in indignation what fear, reverance)

– what vehement desire, (epipothéō – to desire earnestly. Earnest desire, strong affection)

– what zeal, (zḗlou – to be hot, fervent. Zeal, used in a good sense

– what vindication! In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter (v11) (hagnós – Freedom from defilements or impurities)

The healing and complete restoration of the offender is the redemptive purpose of God. Repentance is a gift from God but Esau could not find it. “he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears” (Heb 12:17) When God works repentance, it brings lasting change. When studying the abovementioned list, it names all the ingredients necessary for the sinner to come free. Oh how wonderful to witness the greatest miracle – salvation! A Life changed and transformed! (2 Cor 5:17) The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment. (Joh 16:8) He works this change in us. Not just bringing conviction of sin, but also convincing us of our right standing before God, having no fear of judgment.

I believe when we arrive at this place regarding sin, we will be willing to: a) humble ourselves b) be 100% truthful and honest c) obey and follow instructions. He works it in us.

5 Steps of true Repentance.

1) UNDERSTANDING – true repentance occurred when the offender deeply understand and see the damage and pain that was caused to the victim. Forgiveness is easy to give, when one recognize that the offender has understanding of the “why” and “cause” of the error and sin. David prayed the following phrase in his repentance of adultery: “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom” (Ps 51:6)

2) REMORSE – Tears of change and enlightenment, not of regret. Some people cry not because they are really sorry about their sin, they only regret being caught. The tears of regret is an awful deception, because the desire of self/sin/death has not yet fully conceive, and we still want to sin. (James 1:14-15)

3) RESTITUTION – Physically repair and fix what has been broken. Do what is necessary for the offended victim to be healed. What do the victim need to be done.

4) TURN – 180 degree turn and walk away. Abandon the sin. You are more than a sinner. It is not who you are. “yet not I, but sin…” (Rom 8:20) You continue to walk away from sin, and transgressing against people by grace through faith.

5) CONFESSION – You cannot demand forgiveness, you have no rights or privileges. Your have to earn trust and respect. Say: “Would you please forgive me?” The victim has the right to initially refuse, and when ready give forgiveness. You cannot ask forgiveness and use the word “but”. This is not forgiveness. Except full responsibility for your actions. You partner cannot be blamed if you disobey God, you chose to disobey. Adam blamed God: “It is the wife you gave me” Eve blamed the snake. (Gen 3:12-13)

Get to the root of the offense

There is no reconciliation between God and man without blood. Through the blood of Christ we have been atoned, reconciled. Rom. 5:10-11, the word ‘reconcile’ used in this passage means to change a person for the purpose of being able to have fellowship together. The verb katallássō is found only in Rom. 5:10; 1 Cor. 7:11; 2 Cor. 5:18- 20, and the subst. katallagḗ (G2643) is found in Rom. 5:11; 11:15; 2 Cor. 5:18, 19. The word implies two people who are at variance with each other and who are brought together because of a change that occurs. When the words are used in reference to the variance that exists between God and man, the change never occurs in God, but always in man who is the sinner. This is the meaning of the verb in Rom. 5:10, “We were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled we shall be saved by his life.” Such reconciliation to God necessitates His changing us, through the new birth (John 1:12; 3:3). It is also the meaning of the subst. in Rom. 5:11, “And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement [katallagḗ, reconciliation.

1) The Blood – There can thus be no reconciliation unless there is blood. Blood represent repentance and forgiveness. You cannot leave errors and sin without speaking up, and repent. You need to humble yourself! You need to go low! This is the only way to deal with offense! Only blood can remove the stone of offense. In order for you to forgive completely, and actually forget the hurt, you need to repent. Repent of the offense taken: bitterness, hardness, unforgiveness, criticism, alienation, resentment, fear of man, ungodly vows, pride. These negative emotions and actions is the fuel that keeps the memory-fire of the offense going. Once the fire gets no more new fuel/logs to burn, it dies out naturally. The oxygen that feeds the fire of offense burning in our hearts, are these specific sins, and un-Christlike actions and feelings.

2) Confront and verify the truth – Keep on engaging and maintain contact. Most of the time when we offended, we either attack or we flee. Both these attempts have disastrous results. People, who are in covenant relationship with each other, do not have the privilege to disengage! In the covenant ritual, an animal is killed. This is to symbolize that in the same way that after our death we cannot change our will and testament, in the same way we CANNOT break this covenant. We are instructed to break relationship with believers who have sinned (1 Timothy 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 5:11-13; Romans 16:17 But the intention is to bring the brother or sister to repentance. (2 Cor 2:5-8) These disciplinary actions are temporary of nature, seeking repentance and change. God’s Judgment is eternal.

3) Do not symphonize (agree) with a person who is offended. Do not listen nor agree with their accusations. The person discussed is not physically present to explain their side of the story, or able to defend. Beware that a secondary offense is much more vehement than the original. Have compassion! Compassion and love moves you to do something about the problem. Bring the parties together, and be the facilitator, peacemaker that reconcile. (Mat 5:8) Blessed are the peace makers.

4) Take back your boldness, entrance towards God – (Eph 2:11-14) The Enemy wants to rob us of our right standing, so that through shame, guilt we loose our confidence and faith in God. Offense is satanic! It is void of God’s nature and the fruit of the Spirit. It separates! God gave His Son to reconcile us with Himself, He is the way, not your holiness and works. You originally came and made contact not because you were holy, but because He sanctified you and called you close. Reclaim your access to God, the door is still wide open. He has not moved. (Heb 10:19)

5) Know you own boundaries – know yourself. Remain in grace. Often when we stretch our own boundaries of obedience, we enter into a dangerous zone, where the enemy can easily reach us, and trip us. For example, If you are an emotional person, beware of the people you allow into your life. You do not have to be friends with everyone. Do not go unless you are send, and do not help unless you are asked.

6) We can only be offended to the measure that you are insecure. Seek to discover and find the reason for offense in yourself, not the offender. Ask the question. “Why does this offends me so much?” If someone else told me this, it would have meant nothing, but when my husband said it, I was furious! Why is this? What is the root of the insecurity. We deal with insecurities by facing them, stop self-pity and wallowing, get going and do something about it. Improve what you are doing! Learn to get your identity and approval from God. Your life is hidden in Christ. (Col 3:2) Insecurities are areas in our lives where we are not yet mature in Christ. Discover Christ in your insecurities and let Him validate and vindicate you.

7) Keep yourself in the love of God, restore the joy of my salvation. We live by faith. The fruit of faith is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Once we have lost our joy, peace, we will loose our righteousness, and in the end that will lead to doubting God’s Love.

We justify the transgressional sin in our lives. We feel entitled to the anger, because of the wrong. It is in trails of our faith that these impurities of the flesh are revealed. God refines us as Gold through afflictions, trials, and tribulations, the heat of which separates impurities such as unforgiving, strife, bitterness, anger, envy, and so forth from the character of God in our lives. Isa 48:10 and 1 Pet 1:6-7

Characteristics of an offended person

– HARDNESS (Pro 18:19) It is rather hard to win and soften an offended person. When we retain an offense in our hearts, we filter everything through it.

– Love does not seek its own, but hurt people become more and more self-seeking and self-contained. Pr 18:1 ISOLATE THEMSELVES

– So an offended Christian is one who takes in life but, because of FEAR, cannot release life. 1 Joh 4:18 Fear is most of the time the root, fear of man, fear of suffering, fear of being hurt and rejected, fear of commitment and failure, fear of loss, fear of death. This fear blinds you, and filters out the entire positive perspective, and thus causes such a person to not being able to reason logically. The emotion hinders godly perspective, only looking at the rock of offense.

– STONE/Rock of offense. The wrong deed becomes the focus, we cannot see beyond it. When offended with someone, you feel you see a secret truth about that person (usually one aspect), and that everyone else is blinded. (Who sees the whole person, even with their mistakes, but also with their goodness) Offense DEMONIZE an aspect of a person’s life, to justify the total rejection of that person.

– ALIENATION OF THE MIND Col 1:21 (imaginary rejection)

– Their moral understanding is darkened and their reasoning is BECLOUDED. [They are] alienated (estranged, SELF-BANISHED) from the life of God [with no share in it; this is] because of the ignorance (the want of knowledge and perception, the WILLFUL BLINDNESS) that is deep-seated in them, due to their HARDNESS OF HEART [to the insensitiveness of their moral nature]. (Ephesians 4:18 AMP)

– void of the spirit of life, God breathe into dust, without His presence we become like dust again, no life, dead, lifeless, carnal.

– Offended people become DISCONNECTED from God. When we filter everything through past hurts, rejections, and experiences, we find it impossible to believe God. We cannot believe He means what He says. We doubt His goodness and faithfulness since we judge Him by the standards set by man in our lives. But God is not a man! He cannot lie (Num. 23:19). His ways are not like ours, and His thoughts are not ours (Isa. 55:8–9). If for some reason you are offended with God, (by questioning Him), it would in essence mean that He has to ask you forgiveness. This is a prideful. People often question “Where was God when…” God asks:” where were you? I have not moved.

– And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. —Mat 24:10 Let’s examine this statement. If we look closely we can see a progression. An offense leads to BETRAYAL, and betrayal leads to HATRED. a Betrayal in the kingdom of God comes when a believer seeks his own benefit or protection at the expense of another believer. The Bible states clearly that anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him (1 John 3:15).

– RETALIATION – Jesus being crucified never retaliated. (1 Pet. 2:21–23). Read and study Joseph’s life, “I served my master with honesty and with integrity for over ten years. I’m more faithful than his wife. I stayed loyal to God and my master, daily fleeing sexual immorality. What is my reward? A dungeon! Ps 105:18 yet because Joseph endured in faith and obedience Gen 50:19–20; Rom 8:29

– LOOSE YOUR PERSONAL REVELATION and faith in Jesus. John the Baptist at conception received the spirit, was personal witness to the Father publicly endorsing His son. Yet when left in a prison, because of standing for truth, he became offended at doubted that Jesus is the Messiah. Mat 11:3, 6.

– UNFAIRNESS – You feel ENTITLED to your judgement, bitterness, anger and resentment.

– Offense SABOTAGE you from the SUPERNATURAL Mark 6:1 first he did powerful things… His family is offended… v5 he could not do any mighty works… He marveled at their unbelief. You cannot initiate anything supernatural when in the wrong camp. Favor brings an atmosphere of faith, offense is anti favor. Disgust, contempt, judgement, criticism leads to dehumanization, leading to demonizing, and ultimately rejection, alienation and in the end murder and death.

– OFFENSE IS A SPIRIT Mat 16:21 – far be it from you Lord… Peter in a few verses previously saw Jesus as the son of God, yet he interpreted this revelation as earthly rule and glory… He did not see the road of suffering. What Jesus was saying was against his expectation. “Get behind me satan.” Peter’s expectation was wrong and satanic. We think earthly. From the perspective of dust. Jesus expose satan working in Peter’s heart.

– TRIALS AND TESTS locate a person. In other words, they determine where you are spiritually. They reveal the true condition of your heart. How you react under pressure is how the real you reacts. It is in trails of our faith that these impurities of the flesh are revealed. God refines us as Gold through afflictions, trials, and tribulations, the heat of which separates impurities such as unforgiveness, strife, bitterness, anger, envy, and so forth from the character of God in our lives. Isa 48:10 and 1 Pet 1:6-7

Being offended at God

There is no legitimate reason for us to take offense. These following examples of people had a valid reason to be offended, but they did not. Mat 5:39-45 These are the true sons of God. We find TEKNON used in Romans 8:15–16. It says that because we have received the spirit of adoption, “the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children [teknon] of God.” When a person receives Jesus Christ as Lord, he is a child of God by fact of the new birth experience. (See John 1:12.) The other Greek word translated sons in the New Testament is HUIOS. Many times it is used in the New Testament to describe “one who can be identified as a son because he displays the character or characteristics of his parents.”

God told Chantál: “Are you angry at Me?” No answer… “If you are angry at me, then you expect Me to apologize?” Oh Lord, what arrogance and blindness we have! God is never wrong! He does not need to explain Himself. (His thought is not our thoughts Isa 55:8-9) Many people say, where is God, where was He when that happened? God is always there, and He didn’t move. But we moved away. We took our eyes of Him, and started looking at the storm.

Biblical accounts of offense:

Some of these characters had reason to take offense against God, but they did not, and their faith was counted to them for salvation. God is a good God, and wants our ultimate good, bringing us into rich fulfillment. (Ps 66:12) Yet what He does, doesn’t always make sense at the time, it is only later that we see His hand and protection.

  1. God asks Adam why he disobeyed. Adam blames God for “That woman you gave me,” causing him to sin (Gen. 3).
  2. God doesn’t accept or receive Cain’s sacrifice. Cain is angry with God for not taking his sacrifice. He kills Abel.
  3. Noah is ridiculed for many years after God tells him to build a gigantic boat on dry land. His obedience led to ridicule and slander.
  4. God tells Abraham that he will be the father of nations (That is also what his name means). He must wait until he is 100 and his wife is 90 for the son that he was promised.
  5. Joseph had reason his brothers deliberately wanted to kill him. (Gen 37:20-21) Joseph refuses to sleep with the wife of his boss. Jilted and angry, Potiphar’s wife accuses him of attempted rape and Joseph is sent to prison for years. Joseph was innocent in being put in chains in prison (Ps 105:18)
  6. Moses reluctantly agrees to go back to Egypt and speak to Pharaoh. Pharaoh increases the work on the Israelite slaves so that they are beaten. Their lives now more difficult than before, his own people curse Moses for doing what God told him (Exodus 5).
  7. Job suffers, unknowingly participating in God’s bet with Satan that Job will not curse God if his blessings are removed.
  8. Daniel thrown in lion’s den while in his 80’s.
  9. David anointed to be King, runs from Saul for 10+ years. Rejected, betrayed, sleeps in caves (1 Sam. 19-30). Saul sought to kill David, David looked to Saul as a spiritual father from greatly loving David (1 Sam 16:21) to wanting to kill him, “and Saul ‘eyed’ David from that day forward (1 Sam 18:8-9) Yet David’s heart did not turn into offense (1 Sam 24:11-13) who can stretch out his hand against God’s anointed (1 Sam 26:11)
  10. The angel Gabriel said to Mary, “Greetings favored one!” Joseph wants out of the relationship. They both must receive the stares and shaming from family, friends and relatives.
  11. John the Baptist, Jesus cousin, dies an ignoble death in prison. (Matt. 11:4-6). John was in prison because he spoke out against Herod’s illicit relationship with his brother’s wife. He was not given a Godly command to do this, else he would not have been offended in prison. When God gives you a command, and you suffer as a result there is grace to endure. Like Paul being send to Rome. He knew the danger, but was fearless. In the end Herodias ensure John’s death, because of her own offense being corrected publicly.
  12. Jesus’ states his mission is to “proclaim liberty to captives,” (Luke 4:18). But he leaves this sentence out when answering John (Matt 11:4-6)
  13. Jesus tells us to visit prisoners but we have no record of him visiting John (Matt. 25:39-40).
  14. Knowing our tendency to get offended, he says, “Blessed is he who is not offended by me.” (Matt. 11:6)
  15. Jesus heals on the Sabbath knowing it will offend the religious leaders (Mark 3:1-6).
  16. Jesus calls a foreign woman a dog. She overcomes the offense, comes after him and receives a miracle (Mark. 7:24-30).
  17. Jesus ruins the economics of an area when 2,000 pigs are drowned (Mark 5:1-20). He is asked to leave.
  18. Jesus is often frustrated with people and tells them, i.e. “O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me” (Mark 9:19).
  19. Jesus curses fig tree when it was not the season for figs (Mark 11:12-14).
  20. Jesus tells observant Jews they must eat his flesh and drink his blood. “This is a hard saying, who can listen to it?” “Do you take offense at this? Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?” (John 6:52-66). The truth offends, some departed, but the disciples remained “you have the Words of eternal life” (Joh 6:60, 61, 66)
  21. Because of his trust in His Father, Jesus allowed himself to be offended, betrayed, rejected, humiliated and tortured to death. “Father forgive them for the know not what they do” (Luk 23:34)
  22. Jesus expects that he will make us stumble and be broken. “But he looked directly at them and said, ‘What then is this that is written: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone’? Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him’” (Luke 20:17-18).

These Biblical accounts show that much can be learned as they and we walk through the struggles of offense. In the midst of offense, we can wallow in self-pity or trust in our Lord God to make it right in His time, however long it takes. Remember, we are not looking for God to prove His love through our circumstances, the Cross of Christ proved God’s love. It may not seem fair, but there is purpose, His purpose in allowing offense. We’ve died to ourselves, our life is now lived with and for God. (Galatians 2:20) We may grieve our loss, but we don’t cry for ourselves, but for those who hurt us who don’t know how to love.

Nothing demonstrates that we’re not dead to ourselves like offenses. Wrestle with offense, placing it at the feet of God. Ask Him for wisdom. He may require you to wait. In the meantime, practice praising and thanking God for what you do have and not focusing on the loss. But let Him vindicate you, waiting for His miracle, His work as you press forward in faith, trusting. For God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

The way of the Kingdom is our escape Button

Love is never selfish, never quick to take offense. 1 Cor 13:5

Proverbs 19:11 “A man`s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.”

When Jesus dies on the cross he exclaimed: “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do” (Luk 23:34) Why did he not say: “I forgive you” He made intersession for the people, asking God to not hold His death against them. Jesus is love! Jesus is forgiveness. This is the crux of the life He taught: Love your enemies, Pray for those who spitefully use you, Bless those who curse you! (Mat 5:43-44)

When we intercede for someone in prayer, God restores His love in our hearts. This is how He heals us from taking offense. He gives us compassion for the offender. We do not live anymore; we have been crucified with Christ. (Gal 2:20) We do not accuse someone before God. When intercede, we put our self in their shoes. This is when we will begin to see what God sees, a broken heart, and a heart needing a Savior!

Offense in essence is a lack of love, our hearts have turned. But by praying and interceding for our offenders and enemies we gain God’s heart, we see as He sees.

When His love floods our heart, we forgive and surrender everything to God. Faith is restored in Love. (Rom 5:4)


All land belongs to God.

 As a pastor, I’d say that although I recognise people’s needs, although I know about historical, deliberate displacement of families and the emotional trauma thereof, although I am able to feel, as deeply as I can, the straightforward pain of being imposed upon, and being reduced to poverty, the question of correcting all these realities can’t be reduced to ownership of land.

 The fact is that the innermost heart of humanity isn’t about ownership. This is a currently hyped politically opportunistic venture into persuasive words to stir emotions and gather votes.

 I am a pastor. My vision and concern is to hold care for the human heart supreme, and by so doing, to honour God. Remove God from the equation, and you have humans fighting and squabbling and grabbing land much as predators and scavengers fight over food.

 We are more than that.

 I could spend a lot of time pointing to what Jesus Christ practised, but I can cut to the chase: he owned no land, and had no need to, because he created it.

 His was the sun that volcanoed out our still-cooling earth: his is the mysterious crust on which we walk, wondering how we have come to be here. His is the strange vigour of life which we realise as we engage with our ongoing sense of purpose.

 Owning land means nothing if we don’t know how to husband the land, and the husbanding of families, as a point of significant engagement, has a long way to go, in our country. The hard work, the economic challenges, the discipline of development have been largely ignored in the call for compensation.

 As we argue with one another, and make presentations about what land belongs to whom, we forget how to honour the land, as we try to beget honour for ourselves. Land owes no-one anything. If we feel strongly that we are owed land, let’s not become arrogant and fall prey to ignorance. The entirety of history reflects boundaries and ownership claims. South Africa is no special exception.

 We have the opportunity and the ability to rise above self-pity, greed and opportunism. Our rhetoric and purpose should reflect this. Practically, there is no solution to ownership. Stewardship is a more relevant word, and husbandry the practicality. Owning land means nothing. You have to know what to do with it, and with educational aspirations being as dismal as they are at this time, handing over land for the sake of handing over land is futile.

 I am a pastor. I object to the political rhetoric that destabilises, for the sake of political purposes, our human sense of collaboration. Let the dispossessed speak to the possessors, let owners speak to those who do not own, let us allow the language of collaboration rather than promote the rhetoric of antagonism.

 And let us remember that stewardship and husbandry of land mean more to the people than ownership of land.

 It’s of little use to own a car if you don’t know how to drive it.

 It is of no use to claim land if ownership is the main intention, and fruitfulness neglected.

 Let us be practical as well as ethical, spiritual as well as material, and frank in our words with each other.

 And let us remember that he who created not only land, but also the celestial heavens, dwells in our real hearts.

 I am a pastor, not a politician. I do not seek votes. I seek the conviction of hearts and the concrete building of God’s kingdom. I seek economic opportunity. I seek minimisation of impediment to meaningful work. I seek family foundations. I seek that which really can be done, not the naive daydream of empty ownership, the rhetoric of which sprouts from manipulative politicians. I seek the real walls of healing homes, not the pretended paint that covers nothing.


Jan Oosthuizen

(Thanks to Dr Wally Willies for putting words to my voice)