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Die Groeipad van die gelowige

Doen die SELFTOETS – Kliek HIER

Ontwaak tot Jesus Christus

Vanuit ʼn suiwer skriftuurlike perspektief: Het Jesus ooit ‘n appèl gemaak dat mense Hom moet aanbid? Nee, Hy het nie. Sy appèl oor en oor was: “Volg my.” (Mat 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; 10:38; 16:24; 19:21). Jesus soek dus nie ons admirasie nie, Hy soek ons gehoorsaamheid. Natuurlik is aanbidding ‘n belangrike deel van me geestelike lewe en groei, maar lofprysing is nie wat ons red nie. Lofprysing, aanbidding, godsdiens beoefening is nie ons middelaar nie, Jesus is.

Doop in Water

Doop is ’n baie kontroversiële onderwerp tussen Christene.  Die een ding waaroor  almal egter ooreenstem is die feit dat elke gelowige gedoop moet word, want daaroor is die Bybel baie duidelik.  Die probleem is hoe en wanneer? Ons weet dat die kern van die evangelie handel oor die aflê van die ou mens, en die opneem in die geloof van jou nuwe Christus natuur.  TOE sê Jesus vir sy dissipels: As iemand agter My aan wil kom, moet hy homself verloën en sy kruis opneem en My volg  (Mat 16:24-25; Gal 2:20; Phil 3:18).

Doop in die Heilige Gees

Die wonderlike natuurlike voorsiening wat God gee word dikwels deur satan verdraai of vervals sodat ons dit verwerp. Uitgehonger aan God se liefde, koop ons dan makliker in tot die swak  nabootsing wat satan ons aanbied. Ons as mens het almal ‘n geestelike spirituele honger. 

Skakel met die liggaam

Skakel en raak deel van die Familie: Die wese van kerkwees is die samekoms van gelowiges  (Acts 2:42, 46). Die wese van hierdie samekoms is dat ons mekaar sal opbou, stig en versterk in bediening (Matt. 22:39; Acts 2:44-45; 1 Cor 14:26).

Leer die Wil/Woord van God

Rus jouself toe vir bediening (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 2:42). Elke volgeling van Jesus hoort deurgaans in ‘n Bybelskool. 

Aanbid in Gees en in Waarheid

Aanbid die Here in Gebed en Lofprysing (Matt. 22:36-37, Acts 2:43, 47; Acts 2:42). God is Gees en moet in Gees en waarheid aanbid word (Joh 4:35). 

Lei iemand om ‘n volgeling van Jesus te word

Lei iemand om ‘n volgeling van Jesus te word (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 2:41, 47). Daar is niks wat mens so verkwik en versterk as die voorreg om iemand na die Here toe te lei nie.  

Dien die gemeenskap met Jesus se lewe.

Dien die gemeenskap en Wêreld met Christus en help vorm gemeenskap na die beeld van Jesus Christus (Col. 1:28).

Social Relevance

Rebuilding Trust in SA

A Christ-Centred value-based Morpho-genesis Collaborate Approach.

From the perspective of the wonderful outcomes of the speed of trust, we as civil society has come to a complete halt. [1]  There seems to be little trust anywhere.  The result of a determining legacy of more than five hundred years of self-determination at the cost of others, monopolies, division, and racism.  The dark side of capitalism: Self-interest.[2] The invisible ethical counterbalance of mutuality heals this vested-economic-selfish interest and makes is sustainable on the long term. According to Paretto’s efficiency theory, if we do not balance self-interest with mutuality, we inevitably become an unstable unequal society and collapse on ourselves. [3]

An additional result of self-interest and consequent mistrust in civil society and its formal agencies is that we work in silos, sometimes even against each other, with little impact, and hopelessly ineffective.[4] There is no common deep-rooted singular purpose than connects all these silos.  This low-outcome, inefficiency is perhaps the biggest contributor to broken trust in a nation. Society seems to have lost complete trust and respect for just about every formal institution.  Banks, churches, government departments are no longer the trusted agencies of a healthy society observing the low attendance rate at civil meetings, the hype of cryptocurrencies, and huge number of NGO’s in the Country.[5]

In one of my discussions with a trusted National Elder Mkangeli Matomela, we spoke at length about the phenomenon we have discovered at all the land summits, held in 2018-2019. [6]  Individual farmers with a personal conviction that they had an encounter with Jesus, and His way of ordering the world, is having a meaningful change of heart. At huge personal expense land, resources and market access were shared with the poor through a collaborative intentional knowledge transfer process. The only place you will find healthy mature TRUST is in the true Church, true followers of Christ type of churches, ministries and movements. A type of church that is: spirit filled, Evangelical Christ centred, contemplative inner wellness centred, socially relevant where every believer function in their God-Given ministry. During our Country-wide Bridge Building Land Summits I began to meet such churches and ministries. During COVID 19, churches are at the forefront of food distribution and poverty alleviation relabelling the importance of Faith Based Initiatives to bring diverse societies together and REBUILT TRUST. The focus is not doctrinal differences but doing the work of Christ. 

Mkangeli Matomela is one such leader, one of the pioneers of the New Nation Movement. I asked Matomela, “what do you think white people need to do to gain the trust of the black man?’ The enthusiastic wise Matomela answer without hesitation, “you need to just say you are sorry, and learn to share.” Sure, I responded, I get that. African cultures are known for sharing.  I put this to him, ask me the same question. What question? Matomela reflected. “What should black people do so they can earn the trust of the white man?” “Oh yes.”  “Well ask me.” I persisted. He laughed and then ask me politely: “What should black people do so they can earn the trust of the white man?” Be competent, successful and build something” I reflected. “Oh yes, that is right” Matomela replied: “white people are known for their hard work, and spirit of excellence”

This is the conundrum is it not? Successful people find it difficult to share, and if they share it is with conditions. Poor people yearn for inclusion and opportunity but lack the resources to gain the necessary skills to show-case or proof their success.  Of course, our conversation is a gross generalisation, for there are many black people who are tremendously competent, and there are many white people who are not, and there are white people who are extravagant in their sharing and there are black people who do not share.  

Trust can fundamentally not be achieved or sustained without upholding and keeping a value base throughout all operations. I propose the following basic values, as agreed upon through the various Bridge-Building summits:


Intrinsic dignity worth

Personal responsibility







Freedom of choice

Sanctity of life


Matomela the champion of a value-based society agrees, by sharing the “ilima’ concept with me. Tilling the land, ukulima, Farmers are called “abalimi”. Tilling the land was a collective, collaborative and cooperative effort of the whole community. Communal cultivation, working-bee for cultivating (when neighbours help to cultivate a large field Field ploughed by communal cultivation).[7] In African consciousness one can only be an effective tribe in a locality if everyone pulls their weight, taking mutual responsibility of the whole.  

Unfortunately, things are looking gloomy for the ruling party who are not known for collaborating with all parties and stakeholders at lower structural levels. What have the ANC built in 25 years of reign? What values are they known for? The Grote Schuur hospital at one point known as one of the best hospitals in the world is a shadow of its former glory. The same applies to SAA, Eskom, Transnet, and many others.  Do not feel sorry for the ANC, and please do not become defensive if you’re loyal to the party. If you are chosen to rule, take responsibility. The ANC have the power, what did they accomplished with it? BBBEE did not help, as it alienated one part of our citizenry to save another section. The ANC have the best policies and plans, they fail to execute it. Most importantly! Do not label these dismal failures to a race deficiency. I suggest we all failed, because we failed to collaborate, unite our diversity and ALL together build a new Country.

May president Rhamophosa, who currently did so well leading us through this turbulent global pandemic, seize the moment and facilitate more think-tanks, public-private-people-partnerships, public engagements and forums. But for success he will have to earn our trust, and that begins with owning up to the mistakes, and then making the tough decisions on behalf of the whole nation not just one part of the populous. Margareet Visser substantiate this point in her thesis “Farm Workers’ Living and Working Conditions in South Africa: key trends, emergent issues, and underlying and structural problems”. 

The fortunes of producers and workers are linked. It is therefore necessary that they try to find linked solutions to their problems, but also temporarily suspend their adversarial positions towards each other to address inequality in the value chain.

When government tries to help the farmworkers at the detriment of the producers, they invariably weaken the livelihood of the farmworkers. Government should rather seek to help these parties collaborate and come up with the solutions themselves. 

Maybe too many people are in the wrong positions of leadership all-together. What if we elect individuals to government after scrutinising first what they have built and accomplished in life for the common good for ALL instead of cadre deployment and nepotism.

The sobering reality is TRUST is at its endemic lowest point. 

Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) have several sources and channels which generally fall within three major categories: business-related activities (e.g. trade misinvoicing); criminal activities (e.g. drug trade, human trafficking, illegal arms dealing, smuggling of contraband and tax evasion); and corruption and money laundering. According to the Report of the High-Level Panel (HLP) on IFFs from Africa commissioned by the African Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (2015),[8] over the last 50 years, Africa has lost in excess of USD 1 trillion in IFFs. A recent report by the AU Commission[9] indicates that “estimates of these amounts hover between USD 50 and 80 billion annually and seem to be on an upward trajectory. [10]

For the majority of the people to pay their taxes voluntary, we need a competent state! We live in a consumer age, where once we’ve paid for a product when it fails it gets replaced. We are paying huge amounts of taxes but are not getting adequate service delivery. As a result, we hear of tax-revolt type of reactions throughout the Country. But beware, taxpayers cannot fight for their vested interest, without acknowledging the big portion of society that is not paying taxes. 

The biggest portion of voters are loyal to the ANC, because they receive their livelihoods from the ANC. Somehow our diverse sentiments for certain political parties are still rooted in fear and animosity against certain apposing racial groups.  We hence vote the same sentiment into power and expect different results. It is a good thing that society organise themselves into formal agencies and collectives. Eventually all these agencies will have to get together and negotiate a consensus development strategy of economic mutuality and inclusion. 

All cultures in South Africa have their own bias and perspective of History mostly seeing each other as opponents.  We struggle to find a singular national uniting narrative. What is the one thing that will make South Africa great again? What is South Africa’s singular greatest export offer? Germany is known for its precision; the Swiss for their quality and durability; Italy for its passion and Rwanda for its rise out of an atrocious genocide. 

Maybe collaboration can be the way we as South Africans cultivate a new national narrative.  


Our recent success at the Rugby World Cup – where Siya Kolisi contributed collaboration as their reason for success is a welcome start. Collaboration can only work if we stop pointing the finger and begin to take hands.  No one political party can solve the complex problems in our nation alone. No one political party can and will ever be able to unite us as ONE Nation because it is by default divisive and based on the self-interests of their constituency.  Current Party politics divide our people because it is based on lobbying for various people’s vested interests.  This is not wrong, it is natural that various entities protect their vested interests, but not at the detriment of the whole!

It is only when all citizens at most local ground level finds purpose in common good, reach consensus through robust debate, and become an collaborative ILIMA community that one will ever achieve the speed of trust and eventually bring well-being to all. So many policies are made in boardrooms without sufficient public participation at the most local level. I suggest that poor participation and overall attendance of ALL stakeholders is because of lack of trust and respect.

Matthew Taylor strongly proposes a movement of citizen assemblies,[11] formed as a pragmatic, multi-dimensional, non-partisan, non-ideological collaboration of collaborations which will eventually advance a new National Narrative of trust and respect. These local Citizen Assemblies will however not be properly formed if existing trusted non-partisan leaders in the community is not leading and hosting the initiative. This is where I believe the CHURCH have such an important role to play!! The job of the church is reconciliation, healing and restoration. The job of the church is to provide a value-based ethical bridge for people to begin to trust each other again.  No one else can achieve this, and regain the speed of trust so quickly and effectively.

Our National voter turn-out is 47%, the lowest in the world.[12]  One needs a cross-section of society at the most local level, representing all the sectors, and organised agencies to rediscover a local mutual economic consensus and buy-in, a sense of ownership led by a new breed of authentic servanthood leaders and respected elders who display and proof they have no self-vested interests. These leader’s interests are served through the healthy outcomes of the 8 dimensions of the well-being of the whole community. (Spiritual, Mental, Vocational, Intellectual, Relational, Emotional, Physical, Environmental).   [13]  The developmental consensus achieved at CODESA that produced the Constitution and eventually our Constitutional Democracy was our first collaborative success. We can do it again, by coming together as South Africans, leaving our political ideological, cultural hats at the door, and negotiate a new economic development plan as ONE Nation. This however cannot be done only on the highest level, since by default we are excluding the broader excluded economy. The economy is also too complex and multi-facetted geographically and demographically. This debate needs to happen at ground level, and there consensus needs to be achieved.

To quote Prof Deon Pretorius the originator of the Morphogenetic Approach to Social Development [14] on the success of the Nordic Model of National Social Development we need to realise that building trust takes time: 

To understand this debate properly, one needs to acknowledge that the Nordic Model has been developed through perpetual reforms. It is the product of an ongoing morphogenetic process. It does not build on a single blueprint or grand design but has evolved gradually. And because parties from both sides of the political spectrum have contributed to the development of the model for more than a century, it is founded on a general consensus. All parts of society have played a part in this process. Labour unions, employers and cooperative movements have been heard, as well as represented, by their respective parties in multiple cross-bloc political compromises.[14] The Sunday River Valley is a good example where all stakeholders leave their “hats” positions, status, and ideologies at the door to negotiate through robust debate well-being for all.

The immerging debate on electoral reform and non-partisan independents becoming part of parliament as chosen by their constituencies strengthens the argument and hypothesis of this blog. [15] People want to take ownership again. People are tired of party politics not delivering on their promises. Ideologies do not feed the poor, nor provide employment. The Church again is rising to the challenge to train and prepare young people a Biblical Governmental Worldview. COVID 19 is providing us with a once in a lifetime opportunity to collaborate for our collective common good, intrinsic value and dignity, and mutual responsibility as good stewards of what we have.   

There simply is no other way! 

South Africans who could immigrate, did exactly that. Those who are now staying, have to make this country work. We should stop comparing, stop complaining. Let’s get together and begin to collaborate, and in the process build and rediscover understanding, empathy and eventually trust.

[1] Covey, S. and Merrill, R., n.d. The speed of trust.

[2] James, Harvey & Rassekh, Farha. (2000). Smith, Friedman, and Self-Interest in Ethical Society. Business Ethics Quarterly. 10. 659-674. 10.2307/3857897.

[3] As understood by the Pareto Efficiency Principle: Pareto efficiency, named after the Italian economist and political scientist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), is a major pillar of welfare economics.


[5] There is an estimated 200000 NGO’s operational in SA.



[8] report_26feb_en.pdf

[9] African Union Commission (2019). Domestic Resource Mobilization: Fighting against Corruption and Illicit Financial Flows. AUC Publishing, Addis Ababa.






[15] 21 February – Kgetlengrivier Municipality in Shambles | Carte Blanche | M-Net

A powerful, nonpartisan solution to fix U.S. Politics | Katherine M. Gehl | TEDxMileHigh – Michael Louis & Mmusi Miamane


Die ‘Ek Is’ Beginsel

Die ‘ek is’ beginsel – God se teenmiddel teen minderwaardigheid.

Die mees belangrikste uitspraak in jou lewe begin met: “Ek is…”. Jesus se versoeking het die “ek is” uitspraak in Sy lewe bevraagteken: “As jy dan regtig die Seun van God is…” (Mat 4:3). As die vyand ons onkant betrap rondom ons identiteit, dan vang Hy ons in Sy strik van leuens om uiteindelik sy wil te doen (2 Tim 2:26).

Dit is wesenlik belangrik dat ons elkeen moet weet ‘wie’ ons is. Jou skeppingsdoel is in werklikheid Christus (Rom 8:29). Alhoewel ons nooit fisies soos Jesus kan wees nie, wil God dat ons soos Hy sal dink, optree en leef. Hy is die beste manier om te leef. Sy waardes en motiewe is suiwer! Hy is die volmaakte wil van God. Ons is dus die mooiste mense, wanneer ons die meeste soos Hy is. Die basis van ‘belief therapy’ wat in tronke en rehabilitasie sentrums gebruik word is: Wat jy oor jouself glo, bepaal jou gedrag en keuses.

Maar ons skeppingsdoel gaan ook verder as dit. God het ‘n plan met elkeen van ons, en sodra ons daardie plan verstaan kan ons ‘n lewe van sin en betekenis leef (2 Pet 1:10). Die “ek is” het eerstens nie te doen met wat ons kan doen en vermag nie. Because God created us as ‘Beings’ not ‘Doings’! Mense wat deur trauma gaan wil net iemand teenwoordig hê, jy hoef niks te doen nie. Ouer mense wat teen die einde van hulle leeftyd nie meer al die dinge wat hulle eers kon doen meer vermag nie, is nie nou minder werd en belangrik nie. Hulle teenwoordigheid, wie hulle was is vir ons belangrik! Jy is eerstens ‘n gees mens. Wie jy in die Gees is, jou teenwoordigheid, jou gesindheid is bepalend. Iemand met ‘n verkeerde gees, kan ‘n hele vertrek mense negatief beïnvloed. Die teendeel is ook waar! Iemand met ‘n positiewe ingesteldheid kan geskiedenis verander!

Kyk na die rots waaruit jy gekap is:
Dis waarom Paulus die broeders vermaan: “Want let op julle roeping, broeders” (1 Cor 1:26). Hulle moes onthou hoe God hulle geroep het. Hulle was nie vername mense nie. “Aanskou die rots waaruit julle gekap is en die holte van die put waaruit julle gegrawe is.” Isa 51:1. Jou redding en die manier hoe God jou red, kan betekenisvol wees om jour roeping te verstaan.

Die man wat die bekende EE3 Evangelisasie tegniek en kursus ontwikkel het, het juis deur die twee diagnostiese vrae tot bekering gekom: Waarvan het die Here jou verlos?, en hoe het Hy jou verlos wat ook nou vir ander van hulp wees? “Hy, al was Hy die Seun, het gehoorsaamheid geleer uit wat Hy gely het; en nadat Hy volmaak is, het Hy vir almal wat Hom gehoorsaam is, ’n bewerker van ewige saligheid geword.” (Heb 5:8-9). Selfs Jesus het ‘n liggaam nodig gehad wat hom voorberei is deur generasies heen (Heb 10:5). Selfs jou ouerhuis en omstandighede waarin jy gebore is, is belangrik. Moet nie dit as ‘n vloek sien nie.

Vind Jouself in die Woord:
Johannes die doper moes homself in die Woord sien, om sy roeping te verstaan (Mal 3:1 vergelyk Mar 1:2). Paulus het geglo dat hy deur spesiale roeping lewendig gemaak is (Gal 1:1 Sien hoe Paulus sy roeping sien en verstaan: “Maar toe dit God behaag het, wat my afgesonder het van die skoot van my moeder af en deur sy genade geroep het, 16 om sy Seun in my te openbaar, sodat ek Hom onder die heidene sou verkondig.” (Gal 1:15-16).

Profetiese Woord en Openbaring:
“Die woord van die Here het dan tot my gekom en gesê: Voordat Ek jou in die moederskoot gevorm het, het Ek jou geken; en voordat jy uit die liggaam voortgekom het, het Ek jou geheilig; Ek het jou tot ’n profeet vir die nasies gemaak.” (Jer 1:5.) So het die Here vir Abraham, Moses, Samuel en nog baie ander geroep om vir Hom te werk. Wanneer ons God ontmoet, kry ons ons identiteit. Ons is juis identiteitloos omdat ons Hom nie ken nie.

Adam en Eva het in ongehoorsaamheid die verhouding wat hulle met God gehad het verbreek en weggestap en sodoende hulle identiteit verloor. So het Esau dan sy eersgeboortereg verag (Gen 25:34). Ons eie drange en vleeslike begeertes mislei ons. Ons dink ons is die somtotaal van ons drange en begeertes. God het ‘n hoër doel met ons as mens, daarom het Hy ons geskape met goddelike vermoëns.

Paulus was eers op ‘n verkeerde pad, omdat hy in die tradisies van sy voorvaders geloop het en nie geweet het wat hy doen nie (Han. 9:3-6). Hy het ook deur profetiese woord van Ananias sy roeping ontvang (Han. 9:15-16).“Maar deur die genade van God is ek wat ek i.s” Paulus maak hierdie kragtige stelling in (1 Kor 15:10). Hierdie is ‘n diep geestelike paradoks: Om self te verloën (Mat 16:24; Rom 2:20) en uiteindelik net jouself te wees.

Madame Guyon het dit verduidelik dat God soos met ‘n slang die gif uit ons ‘self’ wil haal om ons uiteindelik onsself gesond terug te gee. Die selfsug, ambisie, selfregverdiging, passiwiteit, trots, van die eie-ek verwoes ons lewe. As ons egter sterf tot hierdie self, gee Hy ons ‘self’ terug om in nederigheid, ootmoed, gehoorsaam aan Hom te lewe. Daar is ‘n unieke deel van die beeld van Christus in ons elkeen opgesluit. (Philemon 6)


Die Krag van Goddelike Self-beheersing


Iemand wat geduldig is, is groter as ’n oorlogsheld, en iemand wat homself kan beheers, is groter as iemand wat ’n stad inneem. (Spreuke 16:32)

Die vermoë om nee te sê, terug te hou, plesier en beloning uit te stel, is sinoniem met koningskap, adellikheid, en volwassenheid. Dit is inderdaad baie moeiliker as emosionele impulsiewe oorgawe aan begeertes en drange.  Dit is immers wat ons onderskei van ons dierlike instinkte. Jesus is ‘n perfekte voorbeeld van onthouding, inperking en selfdissipline – WEES bemagtig in HOM om ook koninklik te regeer in hierdie LEWE.

In hierdie era van wetteloosheid en anargie mag ons die krag van Sy genade ontdek wat in ons die vermoë werk om onsself te weerhou en te dissiplineer om gematig en in beheer van ons fakulteite te wees vir Sy heerlikheid en eer, Amen.  

Die bekamping van die Gees van Anargie of Wetteloosheid wat vandag vinnig in ons wêreld versprei, het ons die beperking van die Heilige Gees nodig om in ons lewens toe te neem. As ons in geloof vra, kan ons glo dat die Gees se wonderlike weerhoudingskrag van vandag af in ons lewens sal toeneem.

Jesus het homself daarvan weerhou om die hulp van Engele te roep – Mat 26:53 

Dit was een van die apostoliese onderwerpe wat Paulus met Felix bespreek het – Acts 24:25

4 keer word genoem as ‘n belangrike kwaliteit geestelike leiers moet besit – Titus 1:7-8; 2:2; 2:5; 3:2.

Dit word genoem onder die lys van deugde wat elke gelowige moet hê – 2 Pet 1:6

Dit is een van die vrugte van die Gees – Gal 5:23. 

Spesifieke gebiede waar inperking toegepas moet word.

Heers oor jou aptyte vir voedsel in die teenwoordigheid van konings – Prov 23:1; 29:11

Inperkingsvorm werk te hard op soek na rykdom – Prov 23:4

Heers oor jou emosies – Prov 25:28

Beheer en beperk jou seksuele aptyte – Song of Solomon 2:16

Bedien die Here in vas en gebed – Acts 13:1-3

Inperking ter wille van die evangelie – 1 Cor 9:22

Wees gematig in alle dinge – 1 Cor 9:25

Lei jou liggaam op en verhard dit onder volledige beheer 1 Cor 9:27

Verstaan jou metron van gesag en invloed – 2 Pet 2:12

Hoe doen ons dit? 

Solank as wat julle hier op aarde is, is daar drange wat vir julle sal probeer oorheers. Sulke drange moet julle doodmaak. Hier noem ek veral enige onsedelikheid en onbehoorlikheid, maar ook ander verkeerde drange en begeertes. Dan is daar nog die begeerte na rykdom wat nooit genoeg kry nie—dit is net so goed asof ’n mens ’n afgod aanbid. 6Dit is oor hierdie soort ding dat die straf van God sal toesak op almal wat ongehoorsaam was aan Hom. (Lees Col 3:5-17)

“Doodgemaak” of “sit die ou man af” = Bekeer jou van verkeerde gedrag.

Trek die nuwe mens aan, barmhartigheid, vriendelikheid, nederigheid, sagmoedigheid, lankmoedigheid, verdra mekaar, trek liefde aan! v12 – 15 

Laat die woord van God ryklik in jou woon v16 

Boodskap van Ap Andre Pelser: 

Sonder inperking vergaan mense. Dit is noodsaaklik om die gebiede te ken wat vir ons buite perke is as kinders van die Here. Wanneer ons dié grense oortree, maak ons onsself oop vir die vyand wat niks daarvan dink om ons lewens binne ‘n oomblik te vernietig nie. Selfs al het ons die vryheid van seuns van God, moet ons hou by die weerhoudende invloed van die Heilige Gees.  Die Gees kan bedroef word oor ons onwilligheid om na Hom te luister. Hy mag ook uiteindelik geblus word as ons volhard in ons hardkoppigheid. Laat ons vandag vergifnis vra as ons die Heilige Gees met ons hardnekkigheid bedroef en weerstaan. Kom laat ons weereens die teëhoudende invloed van die Gees in ons lewens verwelkom. Dae word meer boos as ooit tevore omdat die vyand weet dat sy tyd op aarde kort is. Hy het gekom om soveel siele as moontlik te steel en dood te maak en te vernietig; maar Jesus het gekom sodat ons lewe kan hê en dit in oorvloed. Wees onderwerp aan die goddelike inperking van die Heilige Gees wat jou hart, verstand en dade bewaak.Beoefen inperking in die hoeveelheid wat jy eet en drink.  Beheer jouself om te vinnig te praat of te antwoord.  Plaas inperking op jou uitgawes, ook oor hoe jy jou tyd bestee.  Sonder inperking vergaan mense: geen perke en geen grense lei tot self-vernietiging. 


The Power of Restraint


Moderation is better than muscle, self-control better than political power. (Proverbs 16:32) MSG

The ability to say no, hold back, postpone pleasure and reward is synonymous with being kingly, nobility, royalty and maturity. It is indeed much more difficult than emotional impulsive surrender to lusts and urges, but that is what distinguishes us from our animal instincts. Jesus is a perfect example of abstinence, restraint and self-discipline – BE empowered in HIM to also reign royally in this LIFE.

In this age of lawlessness and anarchy may we discover the power of His grace working in us the ability to restrain and withhold ourselves, to be temperate and in control of our faculties for His Glory and honour, Amen.  

Combating the Spirit of Anarchy or Lawlessness that is fast spreading in our world today we need the restraint of the Holy Spirit to increase in our lives. If we ask in faith, we can believe that the Spirit’s wonderful restraining power will increase in our lives as from today.

Jesus restrained himself from calling the help of Angels – Mat 26:53 

It was one of the apostolic topics Paul discussed with Felix – Acts 24:25

4 times it is mentioned as an important quality spiritual leaders should possess – Titus 1:7-8; 2:2; 2:5; 3:2.

It is named under the list of virtues every believer should have – 2 Pet 1:6

It is one of the fruits of the Spirit – Gal 5:23. 

Specific areas where restraint should be applied.

Rule over your appetites for food in the presence of Kings – Prov 23:1; 29:11

Restrain form working too hard in search of wealth – Prov 23:4

Rule over your emotions – Prov 25:28

Control and restrain your sexual appetites – Songs 2:16

Ministered unto the Lord in fasting and prayer – Acts 13:1-3

Restraint for the sake of the gospel – 1 Cor 9:22

Be temperate in all things – 1 Cor 9:25

Train and harden your body to bring it under complete control 1 Cor 9:27

Understand your metron of authority and influence – 2 Pet 2:12

How do we do it? 

Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. (Read Colossians 3:5-17)

“Put to death” or “put off the old man” = Repent of wrong behavior.

Put on the new man, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bearing with one-another, put on love! v12 – 15 

Let the word of God dwell in you richly v16 

Message from Ap Andre Pelser: 

Without restraint people perish. It is vital to know the areas that are off limits to us as children of the most High God. When we overstep the boundaries we open ourselves up to the enemy who would think nothing of destroying our lives in an instant. Even though we have the liberty of sons of God, we need to abide by the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit can be grieved by our unwillingness to listen to Him. He may also be quenched eventually if we persist in our stubbornness. Let us ask for mercy today and for forgiveness of grieving the Spirit and let us once again welcome the restraining influence of the Spirit in our lives. Days are becoming more evil than ever before because the enemy knows his time on earth is short. He has come to steal and kill and destroy as many souls as possible; but Jesus has come that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Be under divine restraint of the Holy Spirit guarding your heart, mind and actions. Exercise restraint in eating and drinking, responses to others

Place restraint on expenditure, on how time is spent and where you go

Without restraint people perish: no limits, no boundaries leads to destruction. 


Jesus the ultimate behavioural Agent of Change.

The Power to Change

According to JB Peterson, of a hundred people prescribed a drug, one-third of them won’t fill the prescription. Half of the remaining sixty-seven will fill it, but won’t take the medication correctly. They’ll miss doses. They’ll quit taking it early. They might not even take it at all. Every year we make New Year resolutions, we do not keep. We buy gym equipment we never use. We start diets we never finish. 50% of children will drop-out of School at Grade 9. Only 26% of graduates finish their 3-year-degrees on time. Some people are stuck in an abusive relationship. Others cannot get themselves to forgive an offence. Many people are bound to destructive habits and substance abuse. 83% of prisoners will recommit a crime within 9 years of their original imprisonment.

For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not do, that I practice. (Rom 7:19)

The Bible is a collection of stories of people who made a radical change in their life. Abraham leaving his homeland Ur of the Chaldeans, on a promise that he will be the father of many, a new kind of people / culture / race. Moses had an encounter at a burning bush looking after sheep and became a leader of slave-nation. Joseph rejected and sold into slavery by his brothers to become a prisoner became second-in-charge of Egypt. David a shepherd boy became a king. Daniel exiled, lost his name and his manhood but became an administrator in Babylon, Persia under three kings. The Prophets were a collection of farmers, officials and judges who had a voice to speak directly to kings and rulers. The point is: The Bible is a collection of personal transformational stories.

Let’s look at our main Text: But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Cor 3:18)

Secondary Readings:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom 12:1-2)

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you. (Gal 4:19)

The Greek word for transformation used in these above mentioned verses is metamorphosis. The definition of metamorphosis is “a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.”

Jesus announced and gave an invitation to change and receive Heaven ~ God’s Kingdom order of things (Mat 4:17). The first miracle Jesus did (John 2) is important because of the “first-mention” principle ~ He changed water into wine. He did that in an instant. It was a beautiful image that He did in a moment that a repetitive ceremonial “mitzvah”- washing could not do over a lifetime. He explained this concept theologically to Nicodemus in John 3 ~ the importance of being born again (1 Pet 1:23). The change Jesus offers is not pasting an outward plaster on the deep bruising hurt, He changes us from within! He changes the INSIDE (2 Cor 5:17).

This experience can only be received as a gift. We cannot work this Change. He works it in us (Phil 2:13). The power of Jesus to change us is greater than the power of Satan to enslave us.

Additionally, Jesus is calling His followers a group of radically changed and transformed people to become Change-Makers – social transformers! His purpose statement makes it clear: “Let your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven”. In other words, let’s make this world like paradise. “Oh how I long for heaven in a place called Earth.” This Purpose Statement Jesus made is profound and powerfully transformative because it gives us a reason to change. It gives our lives meaning! Meaning is important, for it makes us feel good. It is empowering for we can see the real proof of meaning in the good we produce and do. We get positive feedback from the people we have helped and served, nurturing a new positive feedback cycle.

The destruction of the addictive, distorted, slavery-feedback-cycle of self-centered, narcissistic, empty, disillusioned self-destructive life is cancelled and redeemed. We become like our Saviour: who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10:38).

Paul understood the phenomenon first-hand, he converted from a learned Jewish Pharisee to an apologist for the Jesus Movement. In this passage, he explained a progression from intermittent OT divine encounters to a NT permanent transformative power. Moses had an encounter with God that changed him, but it did not change the Jews. They could not look at God’s glory that transcended through him so he had to wear a veil in public. Later, when the immanent glory of God retracted, he kept wearing the veil, fashioning an illusion of superior religiosity. What a terrible delusion! This truth uncovers the poor play-acting of religious pious outward actions and rituals, and performance without the inner glory! No one is transformed under this cloud of fleshly purposed intent.

Someone asks me recently: What does truth feel like? Freedom is my immediate response. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor 3:17). True victory over sin; missing the mark of changing this world to become a paradise, is celebrated in a responsible sense of freedom. Freedom is not to indulge in passions, self-wills and desires that eventually makes me a prisoner of my vices.

Freedom is to partner with God and produce good. Think of the Freedom one feels, when giving to someone in need or achieving a difficult task. Imagine the freedom of climbing a mountain reaching the summit! To achieve these glorious pursuits, one had to give up expedience, comfort, and risk failure.
Finally, this climax of this passage is: But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Biblical change is not about programs, rituals, methods, books, facts, or knowledge. Change is a person: when people saw Him, with an unveiled face they changed – period!! Paul, Peter, the man on the cross, and the many sick He healed and delivered all experience this transformational reality – an encounter with the Truth!

This encounter with Jesus is like tuning a guitar. It is never done once and for all. We lose “tune” very quickly because of atmospheric conditions and use. We need to continue to walk with God like Adam and Eve in the garden, keep proximity, so to remain in Him (John 15) and continue to Love Him and do His commands. This journey becomes a path of making small corrections, like keeping a car on the road. Walking with Jesus means walking with fellow sojourners and pilgrims. This collective salvation and revelation of Christ in and among us, not only inspire change through testimony, but also accountability in discipleship.

This change is continual, as we are constantly offering new wineskins to receive the continual new wine of the Holy Spirit!

The ecosystem of the JESUS Movement is all about CHANGE: 

  1. Hearing and discerning the Voice of God
  2. Baptism 
  3. Communion
  4. Faith 
  5. The Washing and regeneration of the Word
  6. Being continually Filled with the Spirit
  7. Community 
  8. Discipleship 
  9. Discipline 
  10. Meaningful Fruit and Practise 

What has He changed in your life lately? This remains the immanent question. What is Christ reforming in you lately? He is the ultimate and most sustainable agent of change! We are a reformational Church, still continually transformed and changed to grow and mature in our faith. If nothing is changing in your life, you are not walking along with Jesus anymore. Every time we meet Him in the scriptures, we are changed. Every time we fellowship together breaking bread, we are changed. Every time we serve, exhort, build another up through the gifts of the Spirit we are changed. Every time we worship in Spirit and in truth we are changed! Every time we do good to others, we are changed! Changed into the likeness of Christ, where the fruit of the Spirit becomes permanent produce.


Die postuur van ‘n aanbidder.

Lofprysing wat God behaag. Die objek van ons lof is die Here, God van hemel en aarde, verlosser en koning van ons hart! Ons fokus is nie die orkes, die sangleier, die liedjies, of die bewegings nie. Ons fokus is God en God alleen. Ons lofprysing en aanbidding is nie gefokus om mense te vermaak nie. Jy kan ook nie eintlik ʼn toeskouer van ons aanbidding wees nie. As aanbidding span fasiliteer en help ons mense om elkeen sy/haar individuele offer van lof aan God te bring. (Heb 13:15) Die fokus is egter nie net op die individu se konneksie met God nie, ons fokus ook op mekaar om saam ons lof en eer aan die Here te bring. Omdat God nie in offers belang stel nie, maar in gehoorsaamheid is ons vandag nog steeds saam met die Heilige Gees en die Woord op ʼn pelgrimsreis om die lof te ondek wat God behaag. (1 Sam 15:22) Ware lofprysing is nie net die sing van liedjies nie, maar ʼn regte lewenswyse gebaseer op Jesus Christus en sy Koninkryk bedryfstelsel. (Amos 5:23-24; Mat 5-6) Soos wat ons meer vrymoedig raak om nie meer lof te gebruik om by God uit te kom nie, maar Hom te loof en prys op grond van die voltooide werk wat Jesus Christus alreeds vir ons gedoen het om ons te regverdig, maak ons gedurig nuwe ondekkings soos Hy Sy hart aan ons ontbloot. Lofprysing is dus ʼn geloofsweg om elke dag meer en meer God se hart te ondek soos ons in die geloof op grond van die kruis in Hom leef en wandel. Aanbid Hom in gees en waarheid. (Joh 4:24) Dit beteken om Hom te loof met opregtheid, eerlikheid, ongeveinste, lof wat nie omgee wat die mense sê nie. Waarheid spreek van die egtheid van ons fokus. Ons bid nie gebede om deur mense gehoor te word nie. (Mat 6:5-8) Aanbidding deur die Gees spreek van aanbidding wat uit jou hart kom, deur die Gees in jou geplaas tot God se eer. Dit is die kern van ons hele aanbidding is om terwyl ons sing en aanbid die Heilige Gees se hulp te soek, dat Hy ons help. Want niemand kan God werklik aanbid of sien sonder dat die Vader Homself deur Sy Gees aan ons openbaar nie. (Mat 16:17; Matt. 11:27; 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 1:16) Lofprysing begin die dag wanneer God vir jou ʼn werklikheid word. Wanneer jy God persoonlik sien, beleef of ervaar sal jy Hom loof en prys. Niemand sal jou hoef te leer hoe om dit te doen nie. Dis ʼn spontane reaksie op die werklikheid van Sy bestaan in jou lewe. Die probleem is dat baie mense oor die jare in ʼn kerk groot geword het, waar God net op een sekere manier geloof en geprys word. As gevolg van kulturele invloede en humanisme het aanbidding in die kerk vervreemd geraak met die voorskrifte en voorbeelde wat die Bybel leer. Spontane lofprysing gebeur hoogstens in ons binnekamer of in privaatheid. Die meeste mense wat in die kerk grootgeword het se reaksie oor ons lofprysing is: “Ons hou daarvan en dit is mooi, maar dit is vreemd” Mense is dit nie gewoond nie, en weet nie wat hulle moet doen nie. Ons begeerte is om ons eie opinies en idees neer te lê en soos kinders te word sodat die Heilige Gees ons kan leer deur die Woord hoe ons God moet aanbid in Gees en in Waarheid. Hoekom Loof ons die Here so? Ons loof die Here volgens Bybelse Voorskrifte en nie ons eie opinie of mensgerigte planne nie. Nadat Dawid se eerste poging om die Ark terug te bring na Jerusalem misluk het omdat hy nie die voorskrif wat God neergelê nagekom het nie, maak Dawid groot voorsorg en stel verskeie families aan om hulle lewe te wy aan die ontwikkeling van lofprysing en aanbidding soos God dit verlang. Want omdat julle in die begin nie by was nie, het die Here onse God teen ons uitgebreek, omdat ons Hom nie gesoek het soos dit behoort nie. (1 Kron 15:13) Dit is dan ons doel om die skrif te ondersoek en presies soos die woord vir ons voorskryf God te aanbid met ons hele hart, krag en verstand. Loof die Here met jou alles, die hele mens is betrokke. “Jy moet die Here jou God liefhê met jou hele hart, jou hele siel, al jou krag en jou hele verstand” (Luk 10:27) Dit impliseer eenvoudig dat jy die Here moet liefhê met jou gedagtes, jou emosies, jou liggaam, jou alles! Ons hele menswees is teenwoordig en betrokke om God voluit lief te hê. God is dus die fokus van ons hart. Ons alles, ons wil, ons lewe, ons begeertes, ons drome ons passies, ons gedagtewêreld is gerig om God te loof en te prys. Geen meer dualisme (verdeling in opponerende kompartemente) Lofprysing is nie ʼn offer om God se guns te probeer verdien nie. Die ondekkings wat ons gemaak het oor tyd rakende lofprysing is nie ʼn nuwe lys van werke om God te probeer behaag en so Sy guns te wen nie. Jesus het alreeds God se guns vir ons bekom. Soos ons in Sy teenwoordigheid staan en leef sien ons Sy hart en liefde om selfs in ons dade van lofprysing, óns aan te raak en te seën. Dis is wonderlik om te ondek hoe elkeen van die dade van lof, eintlik gerig is tot ons voordeel. God het nie ons lofprysing nodig nie, maar soos ons Hom meer en meer loof en prys verander ons perspektief, ondervind ons genesing, restoureer Hy ons lewe, en word ons getuies van Sy liefde. Daar is al so baie mense wat kan getuig dat hulle genesing, bevryding en redding ontvang het tydens ons lofprysing. Verskillende tipe Liede en die sing van Geestelike Liede, ʼn nuwe lied, “the song of the Lord” Terwyl julle saam psalms en lofgesange en geestelike liedere sing. Sing en jubel met julle hele hart tot eer van die Here. (Efe 5:19) Psalms is skrifgefundeerde melodieë met begeleiding van ‘n musiek instrument. ‘n Deuntjie wat jy sal onthou. “op die wysie van…” Gesang = ‘n uitgewerkte musikale verwerking van ‘n lering, poësie, lofsang. Gesange is liede wat meer skrifgebonde is en die fokus is op die woorde wat ons sing. Tydens gesange staan ons gewoonlik stil en konsentreer op die inhoud van die woorde wat ons sing. Geestelike liede is liedjies wat uit ons gees kom, dit word op die oomblik geskep volgens dit wat ons in ons hart ervaar en in ons gees sien. Dit is ook die tipe liede waarvan Paulus in Korintiërs 14:15 praat. Ons sal met ons verstand sing, maar ook met ons gees. In vers 14, verduidelik Paulus dat iemand wat in tale bid, of dan in die gees bid se verstand nie betrokke is nie, die woorde kom deur die Gees. Wanneer ons dus in die gees bid of sing, gebeur dit in tale. Maar Paulus lê in die hoofstuk juis klem op die feit dat ons eerder moet profeteer en die taal moet uitlê, sodat mense daardeur opgebou kan word. Tale is gerig tot die Here, en nie ʼn mens nie. (1 Kor 14:2) Die vraag is: is alle liede nie per definisie geestelik nie? Hoekom die verwysing dat dié liede dan nou meer geestelik is as psalms en gesange. Dis duidelik dat geestelike liede verwys na die oorsprong. Psalms en gesange kan ons sing met ons verstand omdat ons die woorde en lirieke ken, maar geestelike liede is deur die gees geïnspireer en werk soos tale en profesie, dis bonatuurlik. Wanneer ek ʼn nuwe lied begin sing, is die deuntjie sowel as die lirieke spontaan en uit die gees. Net so min as wat ek die profetiese woord kon uitdink en uitwerk, so min kan ek ʼn nuwe geestelike lied oefen of uitwerk. Wanneer mens dit eers regkry om in die gees te sing, raak dit ʼn fontein wat nie opdroog nie. Jy kan vir ure aangaan, want in die gees is daar nie beperkinge nie. Soms het dit spontaan in die byeenkoms gebeur dat iemand ʼn lied gesing het, hier word nie melding gemaak van ʼn sangleier nie, maar dat elkeen ʼn lied kon sing en bydra tot die opbouing en stigting van die liggaam. (1 Kor 14:26; Heb 2:11-12) Die term “nuwe lied” kom 19 keer in die Bybel voor, en beteken juis net dit: sing ʼn lied uit jou hart. Soos jy nie ʼn gebed kan aflees wanneer jy met God praat nie, maar eerder uit jou hart met God praat is dit die fokus van ʼn nuwe lied. (Ps 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 149:1) Dit is glad nie moeilik vir mense wat vervul is met die Heilige Gees om spontaan lof aan God te bring nie. (Hand 2:11; 10:46) Die klem op al die bogenoemde skrifgedeeltes is die spontane lofprysing wat onvoorbereid gebeur. Dit is ook wat die mense gedoen het toe hulle palmtakke voor Jesus se donkie gegooi het en uitgeroep het “Hossanna, Hosanna in die hoogste hemele” (Mat 21:9-11) Die gebeurtenis staan in sterk teenstelling met die organiseerde Godsdiensbeoefening van die Fariseërs in die tempel en hierdie spontane feestelikheid op straat. Die rol van die aanbiddingsleiers teenoor die rol van die gemeente. In 2 Kron 29:25 – 29 sien ons hoe die volk die Here loof en prys. “Terwyl die brandoffer aangebied is, het die lofliedere tot eer van die Here begin. Hulle is begelei met die trompette en ander instrumente van Dawid, koning van Israel. 28Die hele gemeente het die Here aanbid terwyl die sangers gesing en die trompette weerklink het” In die gedeelte kan ons aflei dat die aanbidding van die volk baie spontaan was, die volk het nie noodwendig die liedjies geken of saamgesing nie. Later sou hulle spesifieke liede sing en saamsing. “Koning Hiskia en die amptenare het die Leviete beveel om die Here te prys met die psalms van Dawid en Asaf die siener. Hulle het met vreugde lofliedere gesing, neergebuig en aanbid.” Lofprysing as gebed en intersessie. Ek sal aan hulle vreugde gee in my huis van gebed, hulle brandoffers, hulle offers op my altaar sal vir My aanneemlik wees, want my tempel sal uitgeroep word tot ’n huis van gebed (tephillah) vir al die volke. (Je 56:7) Tephillah is ‘n gesang wat as ‘n gebed aan God gesing word. Die Bybel is vol voorbeelde van hierdie tipe gesange. Ps 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 55, 57, 70. So is ook ons klaagliedere en versoeke aan God gesing. Ps 22, 94, 102, 109, 140. Verder is mense bemoedig en versterk deur sang. Ps 66, 100, 103, 113, 114, 150. Profeteer deur musiek. Dawid en die amptenare in beheer het die seuns van Asaf, Heman en Jedutun vir ’n besondere diens afgesonder. Hulle was mense wat onder begeleiding van liere, harpe en simbale as profete opgetree het. Hier volg besonderhede oor die manne wat ’n funksie gehad het in hierdie diens. (1 Kron 25:1) Moreover David and the captains of the host set apart for the service certain of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals: and the number of them that did the work according to their service was: (1 Chro 25:1) Hoor dit, alle volke, luister, alle bewoners van die wêreld, geringes sowel as aansienlikes, tesame ryk en arm! My mond sal louter wysheid spreek, en die oordenking van my hart is net verstand. (Ps 49:2-4) My mouth shall speak wisdom, And the meditation of my heart shall give understanding. I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will disclose my dark saying on the harp. (Ps 49:2-4) Skryf dan nou vir julle hierdie lied op, en leer dit aan die kinders van Israel; lê dit in hulle mond, dat hierdie lied vir My ’n getuie teen die kinders van Israel kan wees. (De 31:19) Maar bring nou vir my ’n siterspeler. En toe die siterspeler op die snare speel, het die hand van die Here op hom gekom, (2 Konings 3:15) Then Hezekiah commanded them to offer the burnt offering on the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song of the Lord also began, with the trumpets and with the instruments of David king of Israel. (2 Kr 29:27) Dans En Mirjam, die profetes, die suster van Aäron, het ’n tamboeryn in haar hand geneem; en al die vroue het uitgegaan agter haar aan, met tamboeryne en in koordanse. (Exodus 15:20) Daarby het Dawid met alle mag gedans voor die aangesig van die Here; en Dawid was omgord met ’n linneskouerkleed. (2 Samuel 6:14) Laat hulle sy Naam loof in koordans, Hom psalmsing met tamboeryn en siter. (Psalm 149:3) Loof Hom met tamboeryn en koordans, loof Hom met snarespel en fluit (Psalm 150:4) Die beste voorbeeld van hoe hierdie “koordanse” gelyk het is ons volksdanse of die Indiese Groep Danse. Dans vir die Here is so spontaan en natuurlik soos ʼn kind wat skielik aan die das raak vir sy ma en pa. Ons moet nie probeer om die dans te veel te vergeestelik nie. Sommige mense glo dat koordanse verwys na ʼn in ʼn geestelike vervoering, in-ʼn-trans tipe beweging. Alhoewel dit verseker kan gebeur dat ons só meegevoer kan raak in die teenwoordigheid van die Here, is dans bloot ʼn reaksie op wat God gedoen het. Omdat hy ons gered het, omdat ons gevul is met Sy vreugde volg ons liggaam spontaan ons hart en begin ons jubel en dans. Selfs Jesus het spontaan in ‘n dans losgebreek! Jesus het die Vader geprys – Luk 10:21 In dieselfde uur het Jesus Hom in die gees verheug en gesê: Ek loof U, Vader, Here van die hemel en die aarde, dat U hierdie dinge verberg het vir wyse en verstandige mense en dit aan kindertjies geopenbaar het. Ja, Vader, want so was dit u welbehae. (Lu 10:21) Agalliao = Om te spring, om in die lug te spring van blydskap, ekstaties en uitermatig bly en vol vreugde. Die dans was gewoonlik gelei deur ʼn dansleier. (Miriam – Eks 15:1-20; Jefta – Rig 11:34; Barak en Dobora -Rig 5) Dit is ook waarskynlik dat Koning Dawid spontaan begin het om die dans te lei. (2 Sam 6) Die gebruik van tamboeryne tydens die dans was ook algemeen – (2 Sam 6:5; 6:19-20; 6:22) Volgens Wiseman was Mikal se probleem juis dat sy veronderstel was om as Koningin die Vroue se groep te lei, maar sy het geweier. Die doel van hierdie gesamentlike volksdanse, was om die volk te verenig in hul aanbidding en omdat hulle as nasie God gedien het. Die Jodedom is ʼn teokrasie – naamlik: ʼn volk waar God die Koning is, en die kultuur bepaal. Dit staan teenoor ʼn demokrasie, waar die mense die leiding en kultuur bepaal. Dans was dus deel van hul kultuur om vir die ander volke te wys, dat hulle nie dans vir plesier, self verheerliking of seksuele konnotasies nie, hulle dans vir die Here! Profetiese aksies en beweging is die dans: Toe die Here die dans herstel het in ons kerk, het ons begin besef dat net soos daar verskillende ekspressies is in Lofprysing is daar verskillende fokusse in die dans: Die musiek en fokus van die lofprysing bepaal dan ook die vorm wat die dans gaan aanneem. Sou die fokus oorlogvoering en oorwinning wees, dan is die dans meer ekspressief en meer manlik, sterk, vorstelik. Sou die fokus van die aanbidding wees, hoe lief ons die Here het, raak die dans meer vloeiend en vroulik van aard. Soms is die dans kinderlik, en gefokus om die kinders te kan laat deelneem, ander kere is die dans diep en intens en ernstig. Die dans het al hoe meer ʼn fisiese ekspressie geword van wat ons as kerk gesamentlik moet doen. Sou die fokus byvoorbeeld wees dat gedurende ons aanbidding die Here ons lei om die oes te gaan insamel, dan beeld ons dit uit in die dans. Die dans word dan ʼn sterk visuele metafoor en profetiese teken van wat die Here besig is om vir die kerk te sê. In Ou Testamentiese tye was dit ook algemeen dat die mans en die vrouens apart in groepe gedans het, en baie keer teenoor mekaar gestaan het in die dans. Mans sou dan ʼn sekere boodskap aan die vrouens dans, en die vrouens wees aan die mans. Dit is baie praktiese omdat mans se liggame anders werk as vroue sin, en sekere bewegings beter vertoon by mans as by vrouens. Daarom sal jy opmerk in ons dienste dan daar gewoonlik ʼn man dansleier voor staan met die mans agter hom, en die vrouens het ook ʼn dansleier met die vrouens agter haar. Soos in die tyd van Dawid, het die hele volk nie altyd saam gedans nie, die dansers was uitgekies en het die volk voorgegaan in die dans. Tog was daar tye waar die hele volk saam gedans het. Toe ons kerk anders begin sien, nie meer as ʼn organisasie of klub nie, maar as ʼn liggaam waarvan elke lid deel vorm en aktief sy of haar rol speel, het ons besef dat God die hele gemeente wil bevry en genees deur die dans. So alhoewel ons ook dans leiers het, wil ons graag dat die hele gemeente saamdans, anders is dit weer ʼn kwessie van toeskouers teenoor “performers”. Dans is so bevrydend, en al hoe meer New-Agers is besig om die krag van dans te ondek, en hou dans kampe waar mense soos die Indiane om ʼn vuur dans. Dans behoort aan die Here, en ons is besig om dans weer terug te eis van die vyand wat dans verwring en besmet het vir sy doeleindes. Dar is vir my niks lekkerder om te sien hoe die kinders lofprysing geniet as gevolg van die dans nie. Hulle is natuurlike dansers en is nie gepla oor wat die mense sou sê nie, en nou dans ons vir die Here! God jubel en juig oor ons. Die Here jou God is by jou, ’n held wat verlossing skenk. Hy verheug Hom oor jou met blydskap; Hy swyg in sy liefde; Hy juig oor jou met gejubel. (Sef 3:17) Suws = om bly te wees, vreugdevol, verblydend, vrolik en opgeruimd. Rinnah = jubel, ‘n skril geluid, van blydskap of rou, uitroep van vreugde en blydskap, proklameer. Selah. Die woord word meer as 70 keer gebruik in die OT. Die betekenis van die woord is onduidelik, maar sommige dink dit is ʼn “A liturgical mark (sālal, ‘to lift up’; Akkadian sullu, ‘prayer’), perhaps to lift up the voice or the hands in prayer. It may have come into use, possibly in the exilic period, in connection with psalms used in public worship to denote those places at which the priest should pronounce a benediction. Some take it to mean ‘to lift up’ the eyes, for the purpose of repeating the verse, thus the equivalent of ‘da capo’. Others would derive it from an Aramaic root sl, ‘to bow’, and so interpret it as directing the worshipper at this point to prostrate himself.” Vir ons beteken dit dat daar tydens aanbidding tyd vir refleksie en meditasie moet wees. Lofprysing is nooit eenrigting nie, ons wil ook op die Here wag, en hoor wat Hy wil sê tydens die aanbidding. Verder gebeur die volgende sporadies en spontaan tydens ons Aanbidding. Hande Klap – Ps 47:2; Jes 55:12 Juig, toejuig, uitroepe – Esra 3:11; Ps 95:1-2 Sang – Ps 100:4; Ps 101:1; Ps 105:2 Op jou aangesig lê – Gen 17:3 Kniel en neerbuig – Ps 95:6; Esra 9:5; Efe 3:14 Staan – Gen 18:22 Ophef van hande – Ps 63:5; Ps 28:3; 1 Tim 2:8; 1 Kon 8:54 Antifonies – (Weerklink, ego) Ps 107; 136; Neh 12:31, 40-42 Wat moet jy doen tydens aanbidding? Bono die bekende popgroep U2 se hoofsanger wat ‘n belydende Christen is; sê dat alle musiek ‘n vorm van aanbidding is. Die een persoon aanbid sy verlore liefde, of ‘n plek, of ‘n persoon ens. ens. Wanneer ons dan dans en saam hande klap op die ritme van ‘n mooi liedjie waarvan ons hou is ons besig met ‘n vorm van aanbidding. Wanneer ons egter God moet aanbid dan is ons geïnhibeerd en voel ons ongemaklik. Beweeg en sing saam. Al kan jy nie al die bewegings doen nie, of al ken jy nie die liedjies nie. Neem deel. Dis familie! Ons is mos nie vreemd saam met familie nie? Ons wys die gereedheid en gesindheid van ons hart, deur onsself nooit te vervreemd van familie nie. Sou jy gelowiges van ʼn ander taal en nasie besoek het, sou jy nie eers die woorde kon verstaan nie, maar nog steeds saam neurie en deelwees! Moet net nie die werk van die Gees teëstaan nie, of verag soos Migal, Saul se dogter nie. (2 Sam 6) Niemand word verplig om enigiets te doen tydens aanbidding nie, ons doel is om mense te lei en te help om hulle eie lofoffer aan die Here te bring. Fokus dus op die Here, en loof Hom met jou hele hart. Soms is daar tyd vir individuele aanbidding. Toe buig die man hom neer en aanbid die Here (Ge 24:26) En as Moses in die tent ingaan, kom die wolkkolom af en gaan by die ingang van die tent staan, en dan spreek Hy met Moses. En as die hele volk die wolkkolom sien staan by die ingang van die tent, staan die hele volk op en buig, elkeen aan die ingang van sy tent. Dan spreek die Here met Moses van aangesig tot aangesig soos ’n man met sy vriend spreek. (Ek 33:9-34:8) Die belangrikheid van korporatiewe aanbidding. Daarna het Dawid aan die hele vergadering gesê: Loof nou die Here julle God. Toe het die hele vergadering die Here, die God van hulle vaders, geloof; en hulle het gebuig en voor die Here en voor die koning neergeval. (1 Kr 29:20) Wanneer ons byeenkom is dit nie eintlik nie die tyd vir individuele aanbidding nie, alhoewel ons meestal daarvoor tyd inruim. Die liggaam wat saam die Here soos een mens aanbid, is welbehaaglik vir die Here! (Hy woon onder die lofsange, let wel meervoud, van Sy volk) Ps 133:1 Die gees waarin ons aanbid. God sien ons hart en nie ons lofprysing bewegings nie. Jy kan dans, spring en juig maar God sien die hart waarmee jy dit doen. Dit is wesenlik belangrik dat ons sonder toorn, bitterheid, twis, onenigheid ons hande op steek na die Here. (1 Tim 2:8) Die Gees van aanbidding is die Gees van Christus nl: diens, onderwerping, die ander hoër ag, sensitief, nugter en ongeveins. Dit is wat die dinamika van korporatiewe aanbidding so kragtig maak, ons leer om saam die Here te loof en eer. Die hele gesin, en die hele gemeente loof die Here saam. Niemand staan eenkant of vervreem nie. God se koninkryk is insluitend, niemand word uitgesluit nie. Daarom neem ons mekaar in ag, ook in die keuse van die liedjies. Jonk en oud, lê ons eie smake en voorkeure neer om God saam te aanbid. Al hierdie ‘saam’ aksies is gesetel in die verloëning van self. Dit is in sterk teenstelling waar lofprysing maklik kan ontaard in selfgerigtheid, self verheerliking, mens verering, vleeslikheid en wedywering, vleeslike drif en fokus op menslike prestasies. Nederigheid, diensbaarheid, eenheid, ootmoed, gehoorsaamheid is die Gees van Christus wat moet heers in ons aanbidding.
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What Differentiate a Biblical Kingdom-centered Enterprise from the rest?

And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the LORD, there was no more spirit in her. Then she said to the king: “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. However, I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes; and indeed the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard. Happy are your men and happy are these your servants, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom! Blessed be the LORD your God, who delighted in you, setting you on the throne of Israel! Because the LORD has loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness.” (1 Kings 10:4-9)

How We serve GOD.
The queen of Sheba recognized how Solomon served God. “his entryway by which he went up to the house of the LORD” His commitment and loyalty to God was thus visible, and evident not hidden. What about the entryway was special? Maybe the fact that it was close to his Manor, Workplace? The entryway was closely accessible and clearly, the pathway indicated frequent use. When leaders and business owners serve God it should be visibly evident in everything they do. “Therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness.” Justice and righteousness cannot be hidden, it is evident in everything you do, the way you do transactions, conduct meetings, discipline workers, determine prices, negotiate deals.

How we Serve our CUSTOMERS.
“the food on his table” what made the food different? Was it the taste, presentation, abundance, opulence, variety? Something stood out. It was noticeably different, of high standard and quality. We honour customers by treating them like kings and queens. We give them special treatment. We make them feel special.

How we Serve our STAFF.
“the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers” This little descriptive sentence is very interesting. What about the way he treated his servants, his staff was distinctively different? Their seating, apparel and their service. For servants service to be notably different, means they were alive, connected, happy, friendly, conscientious. Opposed to being dull, robot-like, and disconnected. Their seating was different? What about it? Well, servants never sit. They certainly do not sit with Kings and Queens. Solomon must have had a seating arrangement for his servants to be included in the proceedings. He thus treated his servants like kings and queens too.

What Kind of PRODUCT we Produce.
And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon…” She did not hear his wisdom yet, she saw his wisdom in what he created with it. The house that he had built, the food on his table… Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings. (Prov 22:29) Work done in the Spirit and in union with God is worship and glorifies God. Work can be done in the Spirit, for daily labour is not ungodly, secular, or sinful. (Exo 31:3,5; 35:31) Work is part of our creational purpose, subdue, and multiply. (Gen 1:28) When we work by the Spirit it will not be laborious, it will be innovative, precise and intentional. In the Spirit, you will be able to focus and accomplish. Your work will be a blessing! Your work will be a sermon, an extension of His grace and character in you. You work will reveal God, the same way His creation reveals Him. Your work will be excellent, and spectacular, rich in precise detail, order and creative. Believers being in the spirit has done many new inventions. Work in the spirit makes this world better because it resonates heaven! (Mat 6:10)

What Kind of LEGACY we Leave.
God is seeking fruit that will endure. Fruit today are produced for the consumer’s eyes, not their stomach. Jesus calls for fruit that remains. (John 15:16) Anyone can produce fruit that looks great externally, but can it remain? Does it have any true nutritional value? who’s work will endure (1 Cor 3:12-15) Many businesses only want to make a quick profit, God wants us to leave an after-taste, a residue, and legacy that will make people remember the experience. “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom” Solomon’s fame, and reputation was talking about, the news spread. He was doing thing differently. Even centuries later, his wisdom poems and principles are studied in the book of proverbs. Believing followers of Christ leaves good behind.