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7 ways how you can make you relationships more spiritual.

I believe our deepest desire for oneness and intimacy in relationships can only be met on a spiritual level. Although there is much to explore and discover on an emotional, and psychological level, the most neglected connection is a spiritual one. Our Spiritual connection is also our eternal bond, the permanency we all seek in intimate relationships.
God is a relational God, as revealed in the mystery of the Trinity. We do not worship three Gods, but one God. Yet He is revealed to us in three different distinct persons, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Oneness or unity originates from the Triune Godhead: Jesus said: “I and My Father are one!” The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, and therefore He is in unison with God the Father and God the Son. The most profound prayer in the Bible is the one where God the Son, speak and pray to God the Father. It is God speaking His desire to Himself, that we would be one with Him as He is one with the Father and the Spirit. (Joh 17:21b) Unity brings peace and tranquillity into a group. Unity draws the presence of God onto the scene. The blessings of God include protection and prosperity to all who are part of that unit. The Greek word ‘homothumadon’ means to be ‘one mouthed’. The Hebrew word for unity is ‘yachad’ and it refers to a unit or a commando group.
God created two pathways for us to attain the unity and oneness that exists in the Godhead: Marriage and Church.
Today we see various models of ‘church,’ both historical and modern. What seems to be very rare is a spiritual expression of “church,” a manifestation thereof that goes beyond the church member cards and orientation programs; the superficial get-to-know-one-another-better functions and large crowds gathering to attend various special programs. These activities and program have its benefits, but we seek a deeper connection. Remember, the church is a spiritual entity! God is a Spirit and wants to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth. The church should be more than just activities, programs, and buildings.
The Spirituality of church ultimately means: How spiritual are the members? A simple biblical definition of Christian maturity is to grow into the likeness of the character and life of Jesus Christ. The spiritual maturity of church members is thus determined by how much they do and act like Jesus. The same applies to the two partners in a Marriage Covenant relationship. The oneness we seek in marriage can be obstructed when one partner is not saved. If both are saved, often they attend different churches, making spiritual union difficult and strained. It is thus imperative for a spiritual union to take place that couples attend the same church, both take the same Bible courses together, to remain in spiritual sync else the one can Spiritually outgrow the other.
God commands His blessings where brothers dwell together in unity. Ps 139. Unity is one of the most important keys to create an atmosphere where God reveals His manifest Presence. Like in the book of Acts, powerful things happened to the church when they were together in unity, of one mind, heart and soul.
Acts 1:14 Early apostolic gathering – continued with one accord
Acts 2:1 they were all with one accord in one place
Acts 2:46 continuing daily with one accord in the temple
Acts 4:32 those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.
Acts 5:12 they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch
Acts 8:6 and the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Phillip


Being made righteous in Christ, we are made one with Him. (Rom 7:4; Rom 9:1; 1 Cor 15:22; Eph 3:6, 12, 21; Col 2:6, 10, 11-1; Rev 1:9) According to Eph 4:1-4 We cannot create, or work for unity, we can only preserve the Unity we received as a gift in Christ Jesus. We never want the unity of man. Man build Babel to their own glory, and God had to divide their languages. In the church and marriage, we should always operate and work from this point of unity, the Unity that God gives. Doing this is a fundamental point to consider and understand, especially when one does not feel or experience unity with your partner or friend. We are already one. “What God has joined, let man not separate.” Mat 19:6 Practically it is constructive when we are in disagreement on something, to take one step back, begin in unity, and that what we agree on, before discussing the issue causing the conflict. We do not allow our emotions and carnal mind deceive us into believing we are separate, distant, and isolated. Adam & Eve believed this lie, which when they eat of the fruit, they will be like God. They already were made in His image, had communion and free fellowship with Him, they were already one. They did not have to do anything to become more one.


Dr. Roy M. Gray taught in Miracle Valley, Arizona that unity cannot be created it can only be preserved. He explained that unity comes through the preaching of the Word. The saints are a band of God that is inwardly transformed by the Word of God. Only when the focus is on Christ and His Word, will unity become the standard in the spirit. Dr. André Pelser
The early church devoted themselves daily to Apostolic Doctrine. (Acts 2:42) The Word is a discerner, and when you study the Word prayerfully, it will transform you. (Heb 4:12; 1 Tim 3:16) In this instance doctrine is important to achieve spiritual oneness because one is taught to think right, that will lead to believing right, that leads to right-living. This right-living enforces the bond of unity, whereas when people live as they like, they are carnal minded not spirit-minded making oneness impossible. Unity means to be in one accord or to agree. (Amos 2:3) In the Book of Amos, the prophet asks: “how can two people walk together, except they are in agreement as one?” How can there be a spiritual union, if there is a doctrinal disagreement of beliefs? Study all these NT scriptures referring to being of one mind. (Rom 12:6; 14:5; 15:6; 2 Cor 13:11; Phil 2:2; 1 Pet 3:8)


Paul explains the dynamics of the church using the metaphor of a human body. Remember that in a body there are no dead parts, no passive, inactive members! No spectators. “The kingdom of God come not with observation” Luk 17:20 In a body, every part exists for the sake of the other parts. The human body is a magnificent collective genius of parts functioning as one! Spiritual unity is thus not achieved until you become more conscious of the other than of self. We are not to seek our interests, but the interests of others. (Phil 2:1-11) Moreover, in our pursuit of deepening our spiritual connection, we should become aware of another’s needs as the Spirit reveals it, not because these private needs were made known in usual ways. Spirit-led actions strengthen the bond of unity, building confidence not only in God’s love but in the other person’s sensitivity to hear and obey. (Phil 1:9)
If one member suffers, even slightly, the whole body suffers. (1 Cor 12:26) This verse reveals a collective consciousness. Doubtlessly everyone immediately feels the weight and pressure if one ‘part’ malfunctions. For the body to operate efficiently, each person in the group must serve! In the body of Christ, we have equal care for the house of God. (1 Cor 12:25) Each one serves according to his/her level of faith, expertise, internal natural gifting, and grace. This spiritual union is proof of how God intended His body to function supernaturally. Look at this beautiful poetry as Paul define the operation of a church as a body. “Speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” (Eph 4:14-16)


For any deep relationship to develop, we need to know one another in the spirit. Judging people by their cover is a common problem in the world, but it ought not to be so in the True Church. When I grew up, our church had “get-to-know-one-another” events, usually after the Sunday evening service. I believe most people only came for the snacks and cake! Is it possible to get to know someone by casually chatting 10 minutes after the church service? Some suggest that you get to know a person by working with him or her; however, this is not altogether true either for many people portray a different persona in the workplace. Another suggestion is to undertake a hike or to experience a crisis together. There is truth in this, but does this mean that we all have to have some shared crisis before we get to know a person? Surely not! The way of the spirit is more accurate and also quicker! Jesus knew the heart of Nathaniel even before he had met him. (John 1:47) Similarly, the Lord revealed to Ananias not only the change in Saul (Paul) but also his destiny before he met him. (Acts 9:10) Jesus knew what was in the Pharisees’ hearts. Jesus knew the woman at the well in the spirit. (John 4) Imagine a church where people know each other in the spirit, where everyone knows their place and function, and naturally work together without complaining and strife because they do not feel threatened by one another.


That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. (Philippians 3:10) The word ‘know’ at the beginning of this verse means to know firsthand, to have proof of, to be entirely sure. Paul’s desire is to know God personally and intimately. But, in the same sentence, he explains that this knowledge of God is to have fellowship in His sufferings – note the word sufferings is in the plural! There is nothing that binds people together more than facing trouble together. Paul goes a step further; we should conform to His death. This word, “summorphos”, means: to take on the same form and likeness of someone. We should, therefore, live in the same manner as Jesus did, because He gave His life in obedience to the Father. We should too, daily and in every circumstance be willing to deny self and surrender, yielding in obedience completely to Him. This attitude and lifestyle of every person in the group become the adhesive that unites us on a higher level. In serving one another, we lay down our lives for each other. Joh 15:13
The understanding of Spiritual fellowship also gives us a whole new perspective on our personal suffering. Like Paul, we know that our suffering is to the benefit of the body, and therein we fulfill the sufferings of Christ. (Col 1:24) For example, being publically corrected is humiliating. Nevertheless, by receiving it positively personal growth is established, and everyone learns.


In the discussion of the first principle, I have used biblical examples of how people were brought together, not by circumstance, but by Divine guidance, e.g. Ananias and Paul. Another example is Peter and Cornelius. (Acts 10) Phillip was divinely led to meet the servant of the court of Ethiopia. (Acts 8:26) A spiritual church is also a spiritually connected church! It even goes beyond this. In Paul’s letter to Philemon (with whom he has a good relationship), Paul asked Philemon to accept Onesimus, his former slave as a brother. His relationship with Philemon was the stepping stone to introduce Onesimus. This example provides us with a powerful insight into the spiritual mechanisms of the church. For instance: I call on my friend Johan in Cape town, asking if he knows someone in the printing industry… one of his friends owns such a business. By linking us, Johan acts as the catalyst and originator of a new relationship. Without knowing each other, Johan’s friend, and I begin our relationship on a deeper level, due to our common friend, Johan.
We need much integrity concerning this methodology. Looking in the spirit is the way that the Spirit helps us to interact and relate on multiple levels.


Although Paul was not present in the flesh, he was present in the spirit. (Col 2:5) This means church goes beyond the parameters of meetings and address lists. This is not an excuse for not meeting or attending church services. However, it does imply that if I have revealed my heart and is in unity with a group, I can physically be far away and still be one with that group. On the other hand, if I take offense and become bitter towards the group, and thus choose not to attend any further meetings, I’m not only cut off physically but spiritually as well. A while ago Chantál attended a Conference in America and was away for 21 days. She shared her notes with me every day, and she could follow what was happening at home base via our Church app. We experienced a wonderful spiritual union during this time, by making an effort of being present in one another’s lives. In this way, people who cannot attend meetings regularly can stay present by following and keeping tabs on Social Media. The opposite is also true, some people live in the same house, but they are not present in each other’s life. They have already turned their hearts away from the other, and will eventually separate and divorce.
Becoming more and more spiritually one is a wonderful gift and provision God has made for us, as revealed through Jesus. He often said and declared His oneness with the Father. It was this union that gave Him the power, authority and right to do what He has done, while on earth. God wants our churches and marriages to experience this same spiritual union, so that the World can believe in the Son, whom He has sent. Joh 17:21


The Marriage Covenant

“The strength of a nation lies in the houses of its people” —Abraham Lincoln

The Hebrew word for covenant is beriyth, which means “a solemn agreement with binding force.” Though its etymology is uncertain, beriyth may come from a root word meaning “to cut.” The connotation is that of a cutting of the flesh causing blood to flow out; thus, the Hebrew expression speaks of “cutting covenant
Time after time, the Scriptures describe marriage as a covenant. In Proverbs 2:16-17 we read, “[Wisdom] will save you also from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words, who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God.” These verses indicate that the wife, in marriage, enters into a sacred covenant with God and her husband. In Malachi 2:14 we read that the husband, in marriage, also enters into a covenant with God and his wife: “She is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.”


And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.” 24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.  (Ge 2:23–25).
Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Mt 19:6).

The oneness of covenant is beautifully illustrated in an old wedding tradition called the “covenant of salt.” Diane Warner, author of The Complete Book of Wedding Vows, explains that when a husband and wife pour individual bags of salt into a single, third bag, they are symbolizing the total mesh-ing of their two lives into one, to the point that separation is virtually impossible:

Dennis Rainey a well known Christian family life speaker writes that

“For the past two years I have had a growing concern that the Christian community has passively watched the “dumbing down” of the marriage covenant. Marriage has become little more than an upgraded social contract between two people—not a holy covenant between a man and a woman and their God for a lifetime. In the Old Testament days a covenant was solemn and binding. When two people entered into a covenant with one another, a goat or lamb would be slain and its carcass would be cut in half. With the two halves separated and lying on the ground, the two people who had formed the covenant would solemnize their promise by walking between the two halves (Ed note: see Covenant: A Walk into Death) saying, “May God do so to me [cut me in half] if I ever break this covenant with you and God!” You get the feeling that a covenant in those days had just a little more substance than today.” (from The Covenant of Marriage)

The security given to guarantee the fulfillment of a covenant was usually an oath. For men, it was an oath of such solemn character that it partook of the nature of I will or testament. The idea is that just as a testator cannot change his will when dead, so neither can a covenanter change his covenant. One way in which this was signified was by the slaying of an animal, dividing it into two parts, and then the passing of both parties between the halves (Gen 15:9).

“Divorce,” writes Jim Smoke in his book Growing Through Divorce, “is the death of a marriage and is usually surrounded by a cast of players that includes the husband and wife as combatants, the children as the mourners, and the lawyers as the funeral directors.” During the past fifty years, we have trivialized divorce, claiming that it’s no big deal; privatized divorce, saying that it’s no one else’s business; and glorified divorce, promising freedom and happiness. Lies. All lies! “Till death do us part” has been replaced by “as long as I’m happy.”


“I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?” Job 31:1


The psalmist says this about a good man: He “keeps his oath even when it hurts” Psalm 15:4 Deut 23:23


2 Kings 23:2-3 King Josiah made a public covenant before all the people.


2 Sam 24:24 “No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing.”


There are restrictions and obligations.  You give up friends, self-interests, even your own dreams by making a covenant of Marriage. But it has to be both parties that equally make sacrifices.


Gen 17:10–11 Circumcision. Why put the sign in one’s most private part?
The heart is secret, and it is in the heart where one first remain loyal!


Promises of blessing when the covenant is kept, or warnings of punishment when the covenant is broken


The Hittite treaties called a long list of deities to witness the document. In the Sinai and other biblical covenants pagan gods were obviously excluded. Instead, memorial stones could be a witness (Ex 24:4; cf. Josh 24:27); heaven and earth were called upon as witnesses (Deut 30:19; 31:28; 32:1; cf. 4:26); the scroll of the law was deposited by the side of the ark to be a witness (Deut 31:26); and Moses’ song itself would remind the people of their covenant vows (Deut 31:30–32:47). In the covenant renewal service at the end of Joshua’s life the people themselves acted as the witnesses (Josh 24:22).


revival occurred in Israel after Athaliah, the idolatrous Judean queen, was dethroned. We read in 2 Kings 11:17 that Jehoiada, the priest, “then made a covenant between the LORD and the king and people that they would be the LORD’S people.”


“A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Covenant marriage, as divinely planned, is a binding together of three persons: a man, a woman, and Almighty God. As long as the couple stays in close contact with each other and with God, they have an unbreakable bond.


The LORD said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes” (Hosea 3:1). Isa 54:6-8; Ps 89:28-29; 33-34


Col 2:13-14; Gal 3:14; Heb 7:22; 9:15
To marry by contract is to say, “Now, that I’ve signed on the dotted line, what do I get? How are you going to meet my needs—and even my greeds?” The focus is on receiving. In contrast, to marry by covenant is to say, “I am giving myself to you unconditionally. What may I bring to this relationship? How may I serve you?” The focus is on giving. Be-cause of this difference in focus, covenant and contract bring entirely different attitudes to a marriage relationship, as the following chart shows:


Contract Attitude Covenant Attitude
You had better do it! How may I serve you?
What do I get? What can I give?
What will it take? Whatever it takes!
It’s not my responsibility. I’m happy to do it!
It’s not my fault. I accept responsibility.
I’ll meet you halfway. I’ll give 100 percent.
I’ll be faithful for now. I’ll be faithful forever.
I am suspicious. I am trusting.
I have to. I want to.
It’s a deal. It’s a relationship

A few years ago, an Alabama couple won a “Happy Marriage” contest with this description of their marriage:
We gave…when we wanted to receive.
We served…when we wanted to feast.
We shared…when we wanted to keep.
We listened…when we wanted to talk.
We submitted…when we wanted to reign.
We forgave…when we wanted to remember.
We stayed…when we wanted to leave.¹⁵


“Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
17      Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.”
(Ru 1:16–17).


Bewaar jou Hart

❤Jou hart is kosbaar, bewaar hom ❤
Kom ons wees eerlik, die lewe is nie maklik nie. Elke dag het sy uitdagings en teleurstellings, ook in verhoudings. En dan veral in die huwelik.
Hoe gemaak om my hart rein te hou, gefokus op my huweliksmaat! Daar is soveel verleiding, soveel dinge wat aanspraak maak op ons hart en tyd!
Vir my as gelowige gaan alles oor reg dink. Wat ek in my gedagtes toelaat, of nie. Ons kan verseker nie help dat ‘n sekere gedagte by ons opkom nie, maar ons moenie verkeerde gedagtes ‘entertain’ nie. Ons weet dat dit wat die hart van vol is, sal by ons monde uitkom.
Dikwels is ons verbaas en selfs verras oor iets wat ons sê, want ons eie harte bedrieg ons so maklik.
Die Bybel sê so mooi en duidelik. “Bo alles, wees versigtig met wat in jou hart aangaan. Wat jy dink, bepaal alles wat jy doen. Moenie lelike dinge sê nie. Bly ver weg van lawwe praatjies. Kyk reguit vorentoe; bly gefokus op wat voor jou is.”
Iets wat ek weet, en my hart gereeld voor ondersoek is trots. Ons weet die Here sê: “He gives grace to the humble” en ek is afhanklik van die Here, van Sy genade.
Begin sommer vandag deur te erken dat jy afhanklik is van die Here. Dat jy Hom nodig het om wys op te tree, om die regte besluite en keuses te maak. Erken dat jy deur die Heilige Gees gelei wil word en nie op jou eie insigte wil staatmaak nie! Kom ons word gelei deur die woord van God, wat ons harte suiwer.
Kom ons gaan dan die heiligdom binne, ja tot voor God, met ’n opregte hart en absolute vertroue, terwyl ons harte deur besprinkeling gesuiwer is van ’n skuldige gewete en ons liggame gewas is met skoon water. HEB 10:19-20, 22 NLV
Ons is verantwoordelik vir dit wat in ons eie harte aangaan. Ons kan niemand anders blameer vir dit wat ons dink of doen nie. Mediteer dikwels oor die mooi in mense, maar veral ook jou huweliksmaat. Kyk uit vir die Christus wat jy wel in hulle sien. So help dit ons om vry van offence te bly, en kan ons aanhou om vir ons hartsmens, ons huweliksmaat lief te wees!
As gelowiges is ons boodskappers van geloof, hoop en liefde! Maar heel eerste aan ons eie huis, ons huweliksmaat!
So dikwels laat ons mense en situasie toe om ons lewens te dikteer, maar ons het die verantwoordelikheid om ons eie harte te beskerm en te bewaar! Neem die verantwoordelikheid ernstig op.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
—Proverbs 4:23
Wenke om my hart te bewaar in ons huwelik :

  1. Ons fokus ons harte, ons aandag en liefde na mekaar.
  2. Ons gaan slaap nie kwaad nie.
  3. Ons bly nie kwaad vir mekaar en leef met onvergifnis in ons harte nie!
  4. Ons haal nie die heeltyd mekaar se foute aan nie!
  5. Ons kraak nie ons maats in die publiek af nie.
  6. Ons is nie dislojaal aan mekaar nie (in woord, daad of hart nie).
  7. Ons lieg nie vir mekaar nie!
  8. Ons spandeer nie al ons tyd en geld net aan onsself nie.
  9. Ons gee niemand anders prioriteit in ons lewe nie.
  10. Ons attensies is gerig op net my eie huweliksmaat.
  11. Ons verwag nie die heeltyd dat die ander party die opoffering moet maak nie, ons maak aanpassings.
  12. Wanneer ons oor iets verskil gee ons nie ons posisie van eenheid prys nie.
  13. Ons is NOOIT op enige manier (seksueel ; of in ons harte) ontrou aan mekaar nie! ❤️
  14. Ons bid vir mekaar, en bid gereeld saam vir beskerming in ons huwelik.
  15. Ons is afhanklik van die Heilige Gees om ons te help, en is gewillig om te verander.
  16. As jou hart op enige manier vandag seer is, gebroke is, bring dat na die Here. Hy spesialiseer daarin om gebroke en seer harte weer heel te maak! Hy is ons lieflike verlosser, die een wat alles weet! As iets vir jou onmoontlik lyk, by God is alle dinge moontlik. Amen

Gebed vanuit ‘n regeerder se perspektief

Hoe bid mens vanuit die posisie van geregtigheid? Ons is met Christus beklee met Christus, en op grond van Sy geskenk van genade staan ons in Sy heiligdom.  (Heb 10:19) Ons bid nie meer van buite soos toeskouers en weeskinders nie. Ons is erfgename, deelnemers, deelgenote van Sy geregtigheid. Ons het gekom by die heilige berg van die Here sonder vrees. (Heb 12:21) ons bid vanuit die troonkamer! (Efe 2:6)

Soms wanneer jy sekere mense hoor bid, dan klink hulle gebede soos die weeklag van bedelaars op die straathoeke.  Die doel van gebed is gesprek.  Hoekom klink sekere mense se gebede so gans anders? Ons praat nie so met mekaar nie?  Geen kind vra vir sy Ma vir ‘n appel op so ‘n huilerige manier nie.  Die tipe gebede klink egter baie godsdienstig en vroom.  Teen sulke gebede het Jesus ons gewaarsku. Want dit is vol voorgee, en dis vals (Mark 12:40) lang gebede van voorgee voor mense (Mat 6:5); ydele herhaling (Mat 6:7). Die woord ydel, wys op betekenlose, sinlose woorde.

Jakobus getuig van die groot krag van die gebed van die regverdige, (James 5:17-18) deur na Elia te verwys wat vir reën gebid het. (1 Kings 17:1 & 1 Kings 18:1) Hoe bid mens vir iets wat God alreeds toegestem het?

Daniel het die skrifte ondersoek en gevind dat Jeremia profeteer dat die Ballingskap net 70 jr gaan duur. (Jer 25:12; 29:10) Toe begin hy intree vir die volk se verlossing, maar weereens op grond van ‘n profetiese woord wat God alreeds gegee het. (Dan 9:2) Dus het God klaar gesê dat dit gaan gebeur, tog moes Daniel dit bid.  Kon God nie self Sy Woord vervul nie? Natuurlik! Maar tog wil God ons gebruik as Sy verteenwoordiging hier op aarde.

Toe Moses om hulp roep dat die Here die volk moet red, met die Egiptenare kort op hulle hakke, en hulle vasgekeer is teen die rooisee.  Die Here het toe vir Moses gesê: “Vir wat staan jy so benoud en roep na My? die mense moet begin beweeg. Vat jou herderstok in jou hand en hou dit uit oor die water.” (Ex 14:15–16) Die Here het dus alreeds die opdrag gegee, Moses het alreeds ‘n mandaat van die Here gehad, nou moes hy net dienooreenkomstig optree.

God het die mens gemaak om te regeer

26En God het gesê: Laat Ons mense maak na ons beeld, na ons gelykenis, en laat hulle heers oor die visse van die see en die voëls van die hemel en die vee en oor die hele aarde en oor al die diere wat op die aarde kruip. 27En God het die mens geskape na sy beeld; na die beeld van God het Hy hom geskape; man en vrou het Hy hulle geskape. 28En God het hulle geseën, en God het vir hulle gesê: Wees vrugbaar en vermeerder en vul die aarde, onderwerp dit en heers oor die visse van die see en die voëls van die hemel en oor al die diere wat op die aarde kruip  (Gen. 1:26-28).

4As ek u hemel aanskou, die werk van u vingers, die maan en die sterre wat U toeberei het5wat is die mens dat U aan hom dink, en die mensekind dat U hom besoek? 6U het homn weinig minder gemaak asn goddelike wese en hom met eer en heerlikheid gekroon. 7U laat hom heers oor die werke van u hande; U het alles onder sy voete gestel: 8skape en beeste, die almal, en ook die diere van die veld, 9die voëls van die hemel en die visse van die see, wat trek deur die paaie van die see  (Ps. 8:4-9).

16Die hemele is hemele vir die HERE, maar die aarde het Hy aan die mensekinders gegee.  (Ps. 115:16).

God het ons gemaak om Sy handewerk te versorg, bewaak en te beskerm.  Ons is Sy verteenwoordigers wat opereer in die gesag en krag wat Hy gegee het, om Sy wil te doen.  Soortgelyk opereer ‘n ambassadeur in die gesag van die regering wat hy verteenwoordig, en het outoriteit om te heers namens sy heersers.

Satan het ons outoriteit gesteel

6En die duiwel vir Hom: Ek sal U al hierdie mag gee en hulle heerlikheid, want dit is aan my oorgegee, en ek gee dit aan wie ek wil. 7As U my dan aanbid, sal alles aan U behoort  (Luk. 4:6-7).  Ons het ons gesag aan hom oorgegee!   31Nou is dit die oordeel van hierdie wêreld, nou sal die owerste van hierdie wêreld buitentoe gedryf word.  (Joh. 12:31).

30Ek sal nie veel meer met julle spreek nie; want die owerste van hierdie wêreld kom en het aan My niks nie  (Joh. 14:30).

11en van oordeel, omdat die owerste van hierdie wêreld geoordeel is  (Joh. 16:11).

God het algehele outoriteit

Alhoewel God algeheel en soewerein in beheer is, en niks nodig het nie, het Hy ons gekies om Sy krag en heerskappy op die aarde uit te voer en te demonstreer.

24Die God wat die wêreld gemaak het en alles wat daarin is, Hy wat Here van hemel en aarde is, woon nie in tempels met hande gemaak nie.  (Hand. 17:24).

25Ook word Hy nie deur mensehande gedien asof Hy aan iets behoefte het nie, omdat Hy self aan almal lewe en asem en alles gee.  (Hand. 17:25).

2Wie het eerste aan My gegee, dat Ek hom moet vergelde? Wat onder die ganse hemel is, is myne.  (Job 41:2).

10want al die wilde diere van die bos is myne, die vee op berge by duisende. 11Ek ken al die voëls van die berge, en wat roer op die veld, is van My. 12As Ek honger het, sal Ek jou dit nie nie; want die wêreld is myne en sy volheid.  (Ps. 50:10-12).

Ons is God se generaals op aarde

17En net toe Agab El¡a sien, vra Agab vir hom: Is dit jy, jou beroerder van Israel?  (1 King 18:17).

Hoekom moes Elia nog bid as God dit in elk geval wou doen?  Elia was God se verteenwoordiger op die aarde, en moes dus bid en die reën opkommandeer was God bestel het.  Dit gaan alles oor gedelegeerde outoriteit, waar die ondergeskikte geen outoriteit het as dit nie deur die meerdere bemagtig is nie.  Dit is hoekom die koning vir Elia die “moeilikheidmaker” noem.  Nie God nie!

1Verder, broeders, bid vir ons dat die woord van die Here sy snelle loop mag en verheerlik word net soos by julle;  (2 Thes. 3:1). Hoekom beveel Paulus ons om te bid, as dit God se wil is vir Sy woord om sy snelle loop te mag neem?  Weer eens moet ons ons gegewe outoriteit op die aarde beoefen volgens God se bevele.  Wie se wil is dit dat dit moet reën?  God s’n.  Wie se inisiatief?  God s’n.  So hoekom moet ons dan bid?  Daniel het die skrif verstaan en gesien dat dit geprofeteer was deur Jeremia, dat Juda na 70 jaar van gevangenskap bevry sou word.  Alhoewel God dit alles deur sy gekose profeet gesê het, het Daniel verstaan dat sy aandeel daaraan was om te bid.

19En Ek sal jou die sleutels van die koninkryk van die hemele gee; en wat jy ook op die aarde mag bind, sal in die hemel gebonde wees, en wat jy ook op die aarde mag ontbind, sal in die hemel ontbonde wees.  (Mat 16:19).

As ek vir iemand my huis-sleutels sou gee, beteken dit dat hulle nou vrye toegang tot die huis het, en kan kom en gaan soos hulle wil. Op dieselfde wyse, sê hierdie vers duidelik dat God die sleutels van Sy koninkryk aan die Kerk gegee het.

Profetiese bedoeling

Dit is belangrik om eers by die Here te hoor, “wat die Gees vir die gemeente sê”, voordat ons proklamasies maak. God se wil is geopenbaar in sy Woord;  vir elke gegewe situasie kan ons dus Sy wil ken.  Hy praat ook deur sy profete:

“want die Here God doen niks tensy Hy sy raadsbesluit aan sy knegte, die profete, geopenbaar het nie” (Amos 3 : 7).

“‘n Mens kan niks aanneem as dit hom nie uit die hemel gegee is nie” (Joh. 3 : 27).

As ons dus God se bedoeling of plan verstaan, het ons deur die geloof ‘n mandaat om dit tot vervulling te laat kom, deur ons gebede en proklamasies.

Die taal van konings:

Konings gee bevele:

13Maar in die eerste jaar van Kores, die koning van Babel, het koning Kores bevel gegee om hierdie huis van God te bou.  (Esra 5:13).

Bevelvoerders spreek ‘n woord:

8Want ek is ookn man wat aan gesag onderworpe is, en ek het soldate onder my; en vir hierdie een ek: Gaan! en hy gaan; en virn ander een: Kom! en hy kom; en vir my dienskneg: Doen dit! en hy doen dit.  (Luk. 7:8).

Regeerders roep op/eis:

22En hulle : Cornelius,n hoofman oor honderd,n regverdige en godvresende man, watn goeie naam het by die hele Joodse nasie, hetn goddelike openbaring ontvang deurn heilige engel, om u te laat haal na sy huis om te hoor wat u sal   (Hand. 10:22).

Jesus het die wind en demone bestraf:

26En Hy vir hulle: Waarom is julle bang, kleingelowiges? Toe staan Hy op en bestraf die winde en die see, en daar hetn groot stilte gekom  (Matt. 8:26).

18Daarop bestraf Jesus hom; en die duiwel het van hom uitgegaan, en die seun het gesond geword van daardie uur af  (Matt. 17:18).

Jesus het die vyeboom vervloek:

20En toe die dissipels dit sien, was hulle verwonderd en : Hoe het die vyeboom so onmiddellik verdroog? 21Maar Jesus antwoord en vir hulle: Voorwaar Ek vir julle, as julle geloof het en nie twyfel nie, sal julle nie alleen doen wat met die vyeboom gebeur het nie; maar al julle ook vir hierdie berg: Hef jou op en werp jou in die seesal dit gebeur. 22En alles wat julle in die gebed vra, sal julle ontvang as julle glo.  (Matt. 21:20-22).

God roep die onsienlike ‘n realiteit:

Hy is immers ’n God wat dooies lewendig maak en deur sy roepstem dinge wat nog nie bestaan nie, aanspreek asof hulle reeds werklikheid is.  (Ro 4:17). Hierdie skeppings mag word aan God toegeskryf, maar ek glo is ook op ons van toepassing, omdat ons leef in Sy geregtigheid! Ons kan ook nie enige iets tot werklikheid roep nie, net dit wat God alreeds gemandaat het.

Die krag/waarde van saamstem gesamentlike Gebed

Die volgende onderskeid is baie belangrik. Daar is ‘n verskil tussen persoonlike gebed en gesamentlike gebed. Persoonlike gebed  is jou tyd saam met die Here.  6Maar jy, wanneer jy bid, gaan in jou binnekamer, sluit jou deur en bid jou Vader wat in die verborgene is; en jou Vader wat in die verborgene sien, sal jou in die openbaar vergelde  (Matt. 6:6).  16Maar Hy het Hom in verlate plekke teruggetrek en gebid  (Luk. 5:16).  Dan bid jy vir persoonlike dinge, en tyd hoef nie ‘n faktor te wees nie.  Dis waar jy ook voor die Here wag, jou gedagtes op Hom gefokus en jou gees oorgegee.  So word ONS die instrument waardeur die Heilige Gees kan bid26En net so kom ook die Gees ons swakhede te hulp, want ons weet nie reg wat ons moet bid nie, maar die Gees self tree vir ons in met onuitspreeklike sugtinge.   (Rom. 8:26).   20Maar julle, geliefdes, moet julleself opbou in jul allerheiligste geloof en in die Heilige Gees bid   (Judas 20).  Dit raak Sy inisiatief.   24En as jyn geruis van voetstappe in die toppe van die balsembosse hoor, moet jy gou maak, want dan het die HERE voor jou uitgetrek om die leër van die Filistyne te verslaan.  (2 Sam. 5:24).

In gesamentlike gebed sien ons die krag waar gelowiges die wil van God saam verklaar, en daartoe saamstem. 19Weer Ek vir julle: As twee van julle saamstem op die aarde oor enige saak wat hulle mag vra, dit sal hulle ten deel val van my Vader wat in die hemele is. 20Want waar twee of drie in my Naam vergader, daar is Ek in hul midde  (Matt. 18:19-20).  Daar is situasies en omstandighede wat vereis dat mense sal saambid en saamstem12En nadat dit vir hom duidelik geword het, kom hy by die huis van Maria, die moeder van Johannes wat ook Markus genoem word, waar baie in die gebed bymekaar was.  (Hand. 12:1210En die hele menigte van die volk was buite, besig om te bid op die uur van die reukoffer  (Luk. 1:10).

Kom ons sien ‘n pragtige voorbeeld van hoe lyk ‘n gebed waar die gemeente saambid. En nou, Here, hoor hoe dreig hulle ons. Gee dat ons, u diensknegte, u woord met waagmoed sal verkondig. Steek u hand uit en bewerk genesing, en laat daar tekens en wonders plaasvind deur die Naam van u heilige Dienaar, Jesus.” (Ac 4:29–30).

Hier is ‘n paar sleutelwoorde om te onthou wanneer ons bid. 

Gee dat”

“laat daar”

“mag daar”

Sien Paulus se gebede: (Eph 1:16-22; 3:13-21)

Verstaan geestelike gesag. Soos wanneer mens in die hof, of in ‘n regeerder se teenwoordigheid sou optree. Jou woorde is respekvol en versigtig.  Jou woorde getuig van nederigheid en eerbied.  So baie gebede waarna mens soms luister, klink soos die geraas van iemand wat buite die stad staan en skree. Onthou: Maar toe Mígael, die aartsengel, met die duiwel in woordestryd was oor die liggaam van Moses, het hy geen oordeel van lastering durf uitspreek nie, maar het gesê: Die Here bestraf jou!  (Jud 9) Dis duidelik dat sommige Christene nie geestelike gesag verstaan nie: hulle verag heerskappy. v8

Die grootste bewys van ons kindskap in Christus is dat Hy ons gebede beantwoord: Want ons bid nou Sy wil.

Ons ontvang Sy geregtigheid, die pêrel en skat van groot waarde. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22 (NKJV)

Wat julle ook al sou vra in my Naam, dit sal Ek doen sodat die Vader deur die optrede van die Seun verheerlik sal word.” (John 14:13)

As julle in My bly en my woorde in julle, sal julle vra net wat julle wil hê, en julle sal dit verkry”  (Joh. 15:7).

Dit is nie julle wat My uitgekies het nie, maar Ek wat julle uitgekies het om julle in staat te stel om te gaan vrugte dra, vrugte wat sal hou. Só sal die Vader aan julle gee net wat julle ook al in my Naam vra.” (John 15:16

En op daardie dag sal julle My niks meer uitvra nie. Ek verseker julle, wat julle ook al van die Vader vra op grond van my Naam, sal Hy aan julle gee.” (John 16:23)

Die beste voorbeeld van hoe om te bid!

Christus word die meeste in Sy kinders verheerlik, wanneer ons volgens sy Wil bid en verklarings maak, en Hy dit beantwoord. Dis deel van ons geskenk van geregtigheid en kindskap in Jesus Christus. Die mooiste voorbeeld van hoe ons moet bid, is om na Jesus se gebed te luister wanneer Hy Lasarus opwek uit die dood. Vader, Ek dank U dat U My verhoor het; en Ek het geweet dat U My altyd verhoor, maar ter wille van die skare wat rondom staan, het Ek dit gesê, sodat hulle kan glo dat U My gestuur het. En nadat Hy dit gesê het, het Hy met ’n groot stem geroep: Lasarus, kom uit! (Jn 11:41–43)

Jesus vra nie die Vader nie, Hy het alreeds die antwoord gekry. Hy maak bloot ‘n verklaring in gebed van die gegewe antwoord en voer dan die opdrag uit. So wil God ons ook gebruik om sy Woord uit te voer en te leef.

Nou wat van die “smekinge” waarvan die Bybel praat?

Dan 9:23

1 Tim 2:1; 5:5

Heb 5:7

ἱκετηρία – Suplication – Equivalent to a supplication or humble and earnest prayer (Heb. 5:7).

Ek glo die fokus van smeking in hierdie geval is intersessie soos wanneer ons vir iemand se onthalwe bid en intree.  Tog smeek ons nie soos bedelaars nie! Ons is Sy kinders, vennote, medewerkers, Heilige Koninklike Priesterdom! (1 Pet 2:9) Dit wys ook daarop dat ons nie God hiet en gebied nie. Ons het nie gesag op ons eie nie, ons het bloot gedelegeerde gesag.  Die gesag is ook nie vir die uitbreiding van MY koninkryk nie, maar God sin! Soms smeek ons die Here vir genade vir ‘n goddelose generasie, en mensdom.

‘n Paar Praktiese Wenke

Is ‘n vurige gebed dan verkeerd? Die vurige gebed vann regverdige het groot krag(Jak. 5:16).   44En toe Hy inn sware stryd kom, het Hy met groter inspanning gebid, en sy sweet het geword soos bloeddruppels wat op die grond val.  (Luk. 22:44). Nee dit is nie, maar elke gebed wat ons bid is nie altyd so vurig nie. Die geldige emosie pas tog by die agtergrond en konteks van die situasie, anders is dit bloot godsdienstigheid.

Bid vir spesifieke dinge en verwag dat God spesifiek antwoord    24Daarom Ek vir julle: Alles wat julle in die gebed vra, glo dat julle dit sal ontvang, en julle sal dit verkry.  (Mark. 11:24).   5En Hy het vir hulle gesê: Wie van julle saln vriend en sal middernag na hom gaan en vir hom : Vriend, leen my drie brode,

Mag ons, ons gebede herhaal? Nie ydele herhaling nie. Maar jy hou aan om te bid totdat jy die deurbraak in die Gees voel.  Daniel het aanhou bid (2 weke), al het die Here hom al met sy eerste woorde geantwoord. Moenie moedeloos word en tou opgooi nie – volhard! Lees Luk 18:2-8.  5So is Petrus dan in die gevangenis bewaak; maar daar hetn aanhoudende gebed tot God deur die gemeente vir hom opgegaan  (Acts 12:5).

Bid die Woord. Nie soos rympies sonder geloof nie. Maar memoriseer die skrif, en gebruik dit as riglyn en platform om jou gebed te lanseer. Lees die skrif en bid dit dan in jou eie woorde, maak dit jou eie. Fokus veral in die begin op die gebede van die apostels wat ons in die NT vind. (Eph 1:15-21; 3:14-21; Col 1:9-13) 13Daarvan spreek ons ook, nie met woorde wat die menslike wysheid leer nie, maar met die wat die Heilige Gees leer, sodat ons geestelike dinge met geestelike vergelyk  (1 Cor. 2:13).  8Hierdie wetboek mag nie uit jou mond wyk nie; maar bepeins dit dag en nag, sodat jy nougeset kan handel volgens alles wat daarin geskrywe staan; want dan sal jy in jou weë voorspoedig wees, en dan sal jy met goeie gevolg handel.  (Josua 1:8).


God favours the not-good-enough

God favors the not-the-good-enough! David was not Samuel’s first choice. (1 Sam 16) Paul reminds the church in Corinth, “Not too many wise and noble” (1 Cor 1:26) The disciples Jesus chose did not make the mark of the Rabbi’s who would visit every town, searching for possible young candidates to follow in their footsteps. Jesus entrusted the disciples with the building of the doctrinal foundations of the early church, being His eternal witnesses! He did not choose the best theologians, Rabbis and Pharisees for this job, but fishermen, zealots, a doctor and a tax collector.

The OT Priests came from the tribe of Levy. When Jacobs blessed his sons, he did not speak a blessing over Levi. Let my soul come not into their council; O my glory, be not joined to their company.
For in their anger they killed men, and in their willfulness they hamstrung oxen. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel. (Gen 49:6)

A couple of generations later Moses blessed the tribe of Levi. And of Levi he said, “Give to Levi your Thummim, and your Urim to your godly one, whom you tested at Massah, with whom you quarreled at the waters of Meribah; who said of his father and mother, ‘I regard them not’; he disowned his brothers and ignored his children. For they observed your word and kept your covenant. They shall teach Jacob your rules and Israel your law; they shall put incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar. Bless, O Lord, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; crush the loins of his adversaries, of those who hate him, that they rise not again.” (Deut 33:8-11) The Tribe of Levi was not afraid to stand for God, against their fellowmen-men when they made a golden calve.

Sometimes because of failing too many times, we give up the hope and the likelihood of ever being holy again. We accept our stain, as part of our DNA. Paul explains that “Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.” Rom 7:20. I have heard so many people repent saying; “This is not who I am!”  God did not create us to be sinners; he created us in His image!

Sin is a distortion of that Godly image. While on the path of sin, We eventually believe in this distorted picture of sin (mistaken identity).

Seeking His righteousness, leads us on a different path, where we behold Him, and we are changed from Glory to glory. “and we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor 3:18) The devil reminds you of your sinfulness, Jesus reminds you of your destiny. (Rom 8:29)

David most likely wrote:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! (Ps 139), long after his sin with Betsheba,

Does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

Sometimes we want to lower God’s standards so that we can attain them instead of believing and receiving His righteousness that enables us to do the impossible. “But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God” Luk 18:27 “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” John 1:12 His gift of righteousness is the power you need to overcome weakness and destructive patterns in your life! (2 Cor 5:21)

Turn to God, and look into His eyes, you will not see judgment in His eyes. The woman who was caught in the act of adultery, had no defense, no justification, no excuses, she was ready to receive only punishment. Jesus said to her: “I do not condemn you either. Go on your way and from now on sin no more.” (John 8:11) No mistake you have made can prevent you from coming to the throne of Grace. “Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” Heb 4:16

He wants to enable and empower you through His grace to live a holy and pure life. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Phil 2:13

God wants to use your mistake and failure to encourage and help others to also come to His throne of Grace. Your failure and triumph in Him become your testimony and your message!

Come today and turn away from you sin, and the path of destruction that you are on. Come and make peace with God, let Him put you on a new path of righteousness and holiness in HIM. Repent and see the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. He is here!


Happily forever after… is a Choice

????Wanneer happily forever after eindig in die land of forgetfulness!????
Lieflike vroue! Ek glo dit gaan goed! Heel waarskynlik is jou dag of week nie probleemvry nie, en dan wil ons vir mekaar sê, welcome to my world, our world. Ek is ‘n vrou met haar oë gevestig op die Here. Ek is ‘n vrou soos jy wat elke dag uitdagings het. Ek is nie ‘n blogger nie, ek’s nie bekend of vreeslik interessant nie. Ek’s nie eers fancy nie, ek is net ‘n vrou. ‘n Vrou van God, en ‘n vrou vir my man Jan.
Die wese van ons vrouwees, menswees raak my diep, en daarom die skrywe.
Ek is doodgewoon, ek skryf sommer in Afrikaans en Engels, sommer in een nota.  Ek is nie altyd gehoorsaam aan dit wat ek weet reg is vir my lyf of my gees nie, ek maak foute, ek sê jammer, en soms maak ek weer dieselfde foute. En tog is ek diep bewus en afhanklik van die Here. Want ek weet net Hy het die vermoë om my beter te maak, wonderlik te maak, soos HY. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
Ek het onlangs ‘n vroue oggend gehou met die tema : Wonderful.  Die van julle wat my goed ken sal weet dat die Saterdag se bediening nogal moeilik was. Die vyand wou regtig nie hê die woord moes afgelewer word nie! Maar Jesus is groter, en ten spyte van ‘n wag voor my mond (dit is die beste beskrywing wat ek tans het) het Hy Sy wonderful werk gedoen. Ons was getoets aan ons eie woorde : It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
Terwyl ek bedien het, het iets gebeur wat ek nog nooit beleef het (terwyl ek bedien nie).  Ek het ‘n visioen (soos ‘n rolprent gesien) waarin die Heilige Gees vir my dinge ‘wys’ (soos in die Boere-oorlog) NB – hierdie het egter niks te doen met politiek of die Engelse nie ???? maar die geestelike oorlog waarin ons is, soos die manne verlam en swak gemaak is deur die vroue en kinders in konsentrasie kampe te sit, gaan die vyand ‘n sterk aanval loods teen ons mans (Jesus vra ons as Hy weer kom, sal Hy nog geloof op die aarde vind?). Die vyand hou daarvan om ons gevange te hou. Manne se geloof sal lou word deur dit wat rondom hul gebeur, net eers dit … en toe vanoggend rondom 04:00 gaan die visioen voort en sien ek manne, vroue en kinders met bebloede klere (egskeiding is soos geweld, soos om ‘n bloedbaadjie aan te trek). Ek sien manne, vroue en kinders ontnugter, sonder geloof, flou in die geloof. Oop targets vir die vyand. Ek hoor hoe die Heilige Gees my bemoedig om aan te hou praat oor verbond, aan te hou om vroue te equip, lief te hê en te waarsku. Bewaar jou hart meer as enige iets, want daaruit is die oorsprong van lewe! Veral wanneer jy swaar trek, emosioneel, finansieël of fisies alleen is, of net alleen voel. Die vyand is slu, en hy is die vader van leuens! Verander jou dialoog, jou self-talk, neem jou gedagtes gevange. Rig dit op God se Woord, daarin is die oorsprong van lewe. Moenie jouself bejammer nie, die vyand spesialiseer in ‘simpatie’. Hy wil kom vir ons mans, die hoofde van ons huise, die beskermers en voorsieners, en hy kom net om te verwoes! Hy wil die liefling van jou hart teen jou gebruik! Kom ons wees wakker, sonder vrees, maar uiters waaksaam. SY perfekte liefde verdryf alle vrees. (1 Joh 4:18) Ons is ons mans se helpers, hul volmakers. Kyk wat is in jou hart, en draai jou hart gedurig na jou Eerste bruidegom, dan na jou aardse liefling. Die vyand haat God se gesin. Die Vader, onse Vader, se hart is egter gesin! Sy hart is vir ons. Ons hoef nie in die land van forgetfulness (vergetelheid) te woon nie. (Ps 88:12) Sy naam is Wonderful, en Hy het ‘n wonderlike hoopvolle toekoms!
Niemand van ons trou tog met ‘n skei-mentaliteit nie. Ons hoop en glo ons storie is die “they lived happily after storie” … en tog lyk die realiteit so anders. Ons stoei in die huwelik, met mekaar, met emosies, met min geld,  soms te veel geld, die kinders, skoonouers, ons werk en soveel meer ‘afhanklikes’ wat ons besig hou, ons tyd nodig het. En in al hierdie take (balle wat ons in die lug probeer hou), verloor ons soms so ‘n stukkie van onsself, die misterie van vrouwees. Ons voel nie altyd ge-waardeer of geliefd nie. En is dit juis in hierdie onbewaakte oomblikke van jou hart wat die vyand inkom en sy aanval loots.  Dit is gewoonlik baie subtiel, dit is juis nou dat ons ons harte moet bewaak. Dit is in hierdie oomblikke wat ons nie ons gedagtes net vrye teuels kan gee nie, nee ons moet ons gedagtes gevange neem. Ons moet ons gedagtes bind aan die woord van God, aan Sy gedagtes. Is dit altyd maklik, nee verseker nie, net moontlik. Hy is, is die great enabler. Hy help ons, en maak dit vir ons moontlik om die wêreld, en ons eie verkeerde gedagtes te oorwin.
Hy wil in die tyd wanneer ons na Hom toe draai, by Hom skuil, Sy karakter wat wonderful is, aan ons bekend maak, sodat ons kan wegstap van die (place of forgetfulness), sodat ons uit die plek van die ‘dood’ kan kom, na die lewe, waar Hy is. As jy saam met Jesus uit die land van forgetfulness kom, is die lewe beslis nie perfek nie, (kom ons jok nou nie vir mekaar nie), jy sal net ‘n nuwe vlak van wonderful ontdek.
Wonderful beteken : Excellent; great; marvelous: Amazing ; astonishing ; To be filled with admiration, amazement!
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6 NKJV
JESUS word genoem: Sar Shalom – die Prins van vrede. God IS in beheer!!!! Selfs in ons vreesagtigste en hartseerste tyd!
“And the Angel of the LORD said to him, “Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?” Judges 13:18 NKJV
“Your testimonies are wonderful; Therefore my soul keeps them. The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.” Psalms 119:129-130 NKJV
“This also comes from the LORD of hosts, Who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in guidance.” Isaiah 28:29 NKJV
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.”  Psalms 139:14-15 NKJV
Ons is voorwaar wonderbaarlik geskape, Marvelous are Your works … iets van daardie mooi en awesomeness is ook in jou en my. Sonde, ons verkeerde besluite en eet van die appel van kennis van goed en kwaad, neem iets van daardie heerlikheid weg, ons verloor ons glans, ons vrymoedigheid, ons verloor Sy heerlikheid.  Ons moet ons mans vry maak van ons perfekte verwagtings, vryspreek van perfek wees, voorsien, gee van hulself. He doesn’t need to be perfect, to be wonderful.
Moenie dit wat kosbaar en wonderlik is, weggee nie. Bewaar jou hart. Selfs al is jy met ‘n moeilike man getroud. As vroue loop ons verseker nie almal dieselfde pad nie. Dit voel of party van ons ingeskryf is vir die advanced kursus. Ek weet dit, elkeen van ons sal voor hindernisse te staan kom, elkeen van ons sal weer ons harte moet vasbind aan ons geliefde, want ons kry seer, en ons maak seer. Ek weet dat Sy perfekte liefde en genade (Sy amazing grace) genoeg vir jou sal wees, vir my sal wees. Sy genade gee ons die bonatuurlike vermoë om die vyand/die verkeerd te oorwin.
“Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?” Psalms 88:12 NKJV
“We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.” Psalms 75:1
Isaiah 29:14-16 (ESV) therefore, behold, I will again do wonderful things with this people, with wonder upon wonder; …
Geliefde vroue, vroue van die Here, kom ons bid gedurig vir mekaar. Kom ons wees eerlik met ons harte en emosies. Ons doen wat reg is, en laat ons nie lei deur hoe ons voel nie. Kom ons bewaar ons harte, sodat daar oor ons staan : unavailable. (vir ander mans, en die vyand se leuens). J
❤Wonderful Gedig – geskryf vir Saterdag 13 Mei 2017 se wonderlike vroue oggend.
U word genoem Wonderful, counselor en mighty God!
Here, ek wil dit so graag glo
Maar hier in die land van forgetfulness
Waar ek nou al so lank woon
Het ek gewoond geraak
aan die vyand se leuens en hoon
Ek is onseker, Here ek het gefouteer
Wysheid het plek gemaak vir die doodsgeur, die doodsreuk
Kan ek regtig net kom
Here, kan ek net kom aansit by U tafel
U tafel van genade, versoening en
Vergifnis, ook vir my
Twyfel, shame en sonde hou my weg!
Here asb vergewe my!
O jinne, Wat gaan die mense sê?
Ek draai weg van rede
En ontmoet die Prins van vrede
Vandag Here, lig ek my oë op na U
en U buig, en U buig om my te ontmoet!
Want U word genoem,
Wonderful, counselor en mighty God!


Eternal Perspectives – Eternal Judgement

Eternal judgment is one of the basic doctrines of the church of God. Hebrews 6:1-2. Eternal judgment is equal in importance to repentance, faith, baptism, etc. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines judgment as “a legal decision, order or sentence given by a judge.” In eternal judgment, God decides a person’s reward or punishment for all eternity.

The word “judgement” occurs 293 times in the Bible, whereas “grace” appears 166 times and “love” 304 times. God is trying to warn us of the impending judgement. The word Judgement in Greek has something to do with a crisis. It denotes a separation which leads to a decision or bringing to trial (Gr: Krisis). A crisis happens when you’ve ignored something long enough that it demands immediate attention.


For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” John 3:17-19

John 5:24 If you have Everlasting Life you shall not come into condemnation. The judgement was at the Cross. Satan was judged and his power was broken. The sins of the world were judged and put away as Christ became sin for us. When we believe what Christ did for you and accept it as a gift from God you no longer walk in condemnation. (Romans 8:1-2)

Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified) Gal 3:13 AMPLIFIED

True believers have no fear of judgement – A man once came to the famous evangelist, D. L. Moody, and said that he was worried because he didn’t feel saved. Moody asked him, “Was Noah safe in the ark?” “Certainly he was,” the man replied. “Well, what made him safe, his feeling or the ark?” Our salvation doesn’t rest on our feelings, but on Christ our Savior. If we’re in Him, we’re secure and protected from the storm of judgment that is coming on the world. Our feelings rest on the absolutely truthful promises of Jesus.

1 John 4:17-19 no fear for Judgement – LOVE


Athletes use exercise judgements to improve their performance.

David loved God’s Judgments!

Psalms 18:22 For all His judgments were before me, And I did not put away His statutes from me.

Psalms 19:9-10 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Psalms 36:6 Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgments are a great deep; O Lord, You preserve man and beast.

David sings a song on God’s Judgments, about how he loves it! Psalms 119:7, 13, 20, 30, 39, 52, 62, 66, 75, 102, 106, 108, 137, 156, 160, 164, 175

This is why we receive correction from mature believers to guide us in the truth.  Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness Heb 12:11


Judgment seat of Christ: Those judged here will be all true believers: …We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (Romans 14:10) …For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.(II Corinthians 5:10)

The Great White Throne judgment is recorded in Revelation 20:11-15. The unrighteous will be judged and because of their sin cast into a lake of fire along with Satan and his angels.


Rom 2:6-8 “will render to each one according to his deeds”:

Rev 2:23 “give to each one of you according to your works.”

Mat 12:36 “Give account: for every idle word man speaks”

Heb 4:13 give account for my life

1 Pet 4:5 give account for my life

Mat 25 Parable of virgins, talents, judging between sheep and goats is all about giving account of our lives in the end. The account is the disciples we have made, that were destined to be drawn to God through our obedience.  (Mat 28:19) Ultimately judging between the sheep and the goats. “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Mat 25:37-40

I AM the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit. John 15:1-2

God expects us to carry the fruit of Christ in our lives!! Being fruitful and mature in Christ is the ultimate goal and destiny God has with us. Christlikeness is the fruits of righteousness. Gal 5:22

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” Mat 7:19

But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” Mar 4:20

But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. Rom 6:22



James 1:12

Revelation 2:10

FAITHFULNESS (Even unto death)

Overcome Temptation

1 Peter



(Head of the flock)

2 Timothy 4:7-8



(Fight the good fight of faith)

1 Thessalonians 2:19 SOUL WINNING

(Our hope)

1 Corinthians 9:25



Eternal Perspectives – Generations


God’s grace is always in the now. (Every day has its own trouble Mat 6:34 His mercies are new every morning Lam 3:22-23) The truth is a paradox where two opposing truths are equal in value and importance. The opposite truth to living in the now is focusing on eternity.  We are living in the now with our eye on eternity. This seems impossible and contradictory; how can you be in the now, and yet focused on eternity? Is eternity not in the future? No, eternity is now.


John 8:58 before Abraham was I am 

Rev 1:4 his who is, and who was, and who is to come 

Rev 1:8 Alpha & Omega, who is, who was, and who is to come 

2 Pet 3:8 with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thought years like a day

Exo 3:14 I am what I am

God is past, present and future all at the same time. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” Eccl 3;10-11

God declares the end from the beginning, Isa 46:10


One of the practical ways of living in the now yet having your sight on eternity is making disciples.  Making disciples is the purest way of duplicating yourself, your life, your principles, and ways for generations.  Raising your children in the ways of the Lord.  Having children, and raising them is a form of discipleship.  God values family very highly.  The family is God’s way of maturing us into adulthood.  Physiologists and educators can list the adverse effects of a broken family, absent parents, child abuse due to bad parental role models and low-income family structures.  We can suppose that most of the social problems we experience today are because of a broken family unit.  This lack of being conscious of the following generation is clearly evident studying the Kings.  Not many leaders in the Bible succeeded to raise their kids in the fear of God.  Eli, the High Priest, became vile because he did not restrain them (1 Sam 3:13) Samuel’s children also did not serve God. They turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice. This speaks of a lack of godly character. (1 Sam 8:3)

Interesting that some of the righteous Kings in Judah did not follow their own father’s legacy but chose to go back and follow in David’s footsteps. And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or the left. (2 Kings 22:2) There were also Kings who did not consider the legacy they left for their Children, knowing that their children would suffer the consequences of their father’s doings. So Hezekiah showed off all the riches of Judah to the son of King of Babylon and consequently received the damnation by the Prophet Isaiah that this very Kingdom will come and carry all these riches away.  He was only so happy that the judgment will not happen in his lifetime. So Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good!” For he said, “Will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?” (2 Kings 20:15)


Numbers 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and — fourth generation of them that hate me;


Ps 12:7 Preserve the Word from generation to generation

Ps 78:3-8 Declaring and showing to the following generation the praises of the Lord, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.  — That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments:


While adults can switch religions, this is rare. The recent Pew Research study of the changes in world religions estimates that of the 8.1 billion believers in 2050, just 65 million (less than one percent) will have switched into their belief (chart).

People don’t pick their religion by throwing a dart at a grid of the hundreds or thousands of religions of history. They don’t even roll the dice and pick a religion based on its popularity at the moment (31% Christian, 23% Muslim, 15% Hindu, etc.). The religion of young adults is very strongly correlated with that of their culture.

In a groundbreaking study, Johns Hopkins University researchers followed nearly 800 Baltimore schoolchildren for a quarter of a century and discovered that their fates were substantially determined by the family they were born into.

“A family’s resources and the doors they open cast a long shadow over children’s life trajectories,” Johns Hopkins sociologist Karl Alexander says in a forthcoming book, The Long Shadow: Family Background, Disadvantaged Urban Youth, and the Transition to Adulthood.

Only 33 children moved from birth families in the low-income bracket to the high-income bracket as young adults; if a family had no bearing on children’s mobility prospects, almost 70 would be expected. And of those who started out well off, only 19 dropped to the low-income bracket, a fourth of the number expected.

“The implication is where you start in life is where you end up in life,” Alexander said. “It’s very sobering to see how this all unfolds.”


Fathers, Young Men and Children – 1 John 2:14-15

the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good thingsTit 2:3

In church we create an habitat of extended family, where all the adults demonstrate the same godly values and character to the children.  Together reinforcing godliness in the children. Everyone sees every child as their child. We take collective care of another’s children.

We therefor worship expressively as a family. Children models and follow the parents in worshipping God. Children grow up in an environment where worship is normal, spontaneous and engaging.  God is intimately close in our worship and children who are sensory focused experience God in various ways in the meeting. People telling emotional testimonies being vulnerable is a powerful sign to children. The power of the spirit manifesting in meetings through healing, miracles, and the gifts of the spirit effects them deeply.


We are sometimes more concerned as parents to see our children succeed in the goals and accomplishments of secularism, materialism, individualism, and selfish ambition.

Bill Johnson shares on Ps 78 and the importance of children experiencing the works and deeds of God, so that they will have hope and keep on serving God. He then also reveals how he and his wife deliberately exposed their kids to:

–    Family Church Life

–    The Supernatural

–    Poverty

We are not only called to provide for our children financially, once they are earning their own income they abandon God and church.  We should provide our children with an eternal rooted lifestyle.  Children learn through their experiences not their ears.  Prepare them for eternity.

In our journey with God we are very conscious of those who walked before us, and also those who are following.  I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.John 4:38


Holy Communion / Nagmaal

1 Cor 11:23 Faith At the Lord’s Table, FAITH’S CONFESSION. Just as the act of water baptism outwardly declares or confesses an inward experience of salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus, each observance of the Lord’s Table is a powerful occasion for faith’s confession. In the ordinance, the Christian confesses before all heaven that he not only has believed, but that he has not forgotten. “In remembrance” involves more than just memory; the word suggests an “active calling to mind” (Wycliffe).
The word “for” introduces the reason the Supper is continually repeated. It is an acted sermon, for it “proclaims” the Lord’s death. The outward act of faith, as the bread and cup taken, is explicitly said to be an ongoing, active confession—literally “you are proclaiming” (1 Cor 11:26). Each occasion of partaking is an opportunity to say, proclaim, or confess again: “I herewith lay hold of all the benefits of Jesus Christ’s full redemption for my life—forgiveness, wholeness, strength, health, sufficiency.” The Lord’s Supper is not to be simply a ritual remembrance, but an active confession, by which you actively will to call to memory and appropriate today all that Jesus has provided and promised through His Cross.
At Jesus’ institution of the Lord’s Supper with His disciples (Matt. 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:15–20) the bread and cup were part of a meal, with the bread probably broken near the beginning (cf. “when He had given thanks,” 1 Cor. 11:24) and the cup taken at the end (cf. “after supper,” v. 25). By the time Paul wrote, the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in two stages which consolidated the partaking of the bread and cup at the end of a communal meal. The worship with the bread and cup came to be called the “Eucharist” (Didache 9:1; Ignatius Letter to the Philadelphians 4), from the Greek word for “thanksgiving” (eucharisteō). The communal meal was called the Agapē (Jude 12; Pliny Letters 10. 96. 7), a Greek word for “love.”
one factor contributing to those divisions is evident here, namely, economic differences in the church (1 Cor 11:21).
1 Cor 11:20–21. The Lord’s Supper should have been the remembrance of a preeminently selfless act, Christ’s death on behalf of others. Instead the Corinthians had turned the memorial of selflessness into an experience of selfishness and had made a rite of unity a riotous disunity. While one brother went hungry because he lacked the means to eat well, another brother drank to excess.
The Communion:
1 Cor 11:24 Broken for you refers to both Jesus’ substitutionary role as Savior as well as the One who bore our pain and sicknesses (Isa 53:4-6)
1 Cor 11:25 The new covenant, sealed by the blood of Jesus, was prophesied in Jer. 31:31-34. That covenant was new in its nature and in its content, securing the forgiveness of sins and writing the law of God in the hearts of believers. The old ritualistic system is replaced by the gospel of Christ, which He established by His death (see Heb. 8:7-13).
To act in a spirit of selfish disregard for the needs of a brother was to despise the church of God, composed not of lifeless stones but of living people who could be grievously hurt. The bread represented the incarnate body of Christ unselfishly assumed (Phil. 2:6–7) and unselfishly given on the cross for the benefit of others (2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:8), that kept needing to be remembered (cf. 1 Cor. 4:8–13).
1 Cor 11:25. The wine was a poignant reminder of Christ’s blood, without the shedding of which there could be no forgiveness from sin (Heb. 9:22) and through which cleansing and a new relationship (covenant) with God was made (Heb. 9:14–15). The word “covenant” referred to a relationship in which one party established terms which the other party accepted or rejected. The focus of the Old Covenant was the written Word (Ex. 24:1–8). The focus of the New Covenant is the Living Word (John 1:14–18). Christ intended the cup to be a representational (cf. John 10:9; 1 Cor. 10:4) reminder of Him: do this … in remembrance of Me.
The body of Christ is the church, which consists of individual believers (cf. 1 Cor. 12:12, 27). His body, the church, is also pictured by the bread of Communion (1 Cor 5:7; 10:16–17). Thus to sin against another believer is to sin against Christ (1 Cor 8:12).
One body of diversity – (1 Cor 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11)
They should seek out the wronged brother and ask his forgiveness. Only then could a true spirit of worship flourish (cf. Matt. 5:23–24)


Sien die geveg op tuisfront en raak betrokke ons het jou nodig

Lê julle daarop toe om die eenheid wat die Gees tussen julle gesmee het, te handhaaf deur in vrede met mekaar te lewe. (Eph 4:3).

Die eenheid wat God gee is ‘n bonatuurlike eenheid van diversiteit. Eenheid wat deur ‘n mens bereik word is die eenheid van konformiteit. Die eenheid van ‘n mens is ‘n piramiede waar een mens bo op die mensgeboude berg verheerlik word. Dit is Aardse Babelgeboue om die vermoë van die mens te bewys.  Die eenheid wat God gee is Christus. Daar is nie eenheid as Hy nie in die middel staan nie. Soos die sonnestelsel (waar planete om die son sentreer) beweeg ons elkeen in ons wentelbane om Christus, Hy is ons fokus. Dit is Sy swaartekrag wat ons aangetrek het, en ons in ons wentelbane hou.  Ons kyk nie na ‘n mens nie, ons kyk na Jesus.  Heb 12:2

Ons kan dus nie eenheid bewerk nie, ons kan net die eenheid wat God gee, handhaaf, in stand hou en beskerm. Dis ook ‘n voldonge feit dat die krag van die Kerk ons eenheid in Christus is! Al die deurbrake en kragtige uitstortings van die Heilige Gees in die handelinge van die Apostels en eerste kerk het gebeur waar daar eenheid is.  Rom 7:4; Rom 9:1; 1 Cor 15:22; Eph 3:6, 12, 21; Col 2:6, 10, 11-1; Rev 1:9

Een van die gevare van Sosiale Media, Facebook en die internet is: Ons word bewus gemaak van uitdagings en probleme, ook wêreld gebeure waaraan ons nie eintlik iets kan doen nie, buiten ons gebede.  Ons gedagtes en onderbewussyn word dan geheel en al geokkupeer deur probleme wat ons verhoed om nie teenwoordig te wees in die lokale krisisse naby ons huis nie. In ‘n oorlog is daar verskillende gevegsfronte wat terselfdertyd verdedig moet word.  Die lokaliteit waar jy gestasioneer is bepaal die oorlog waarin jy betrokke is.  Jy beteken niks vir jou lokale kompanjie as jy nie wesenlik teenwoordig is nie.  Ons gedagtes kan nie opgeneem word in ’n skyngeveg nie. Moenie toelaat dat daar ‘n geveg in jou gedagtes ontstaan nie. Die vyand wil ons uithaal, besig hou, en dan is ons uiteindelik nutteloos vir ons vriende, familie en medestryders.

Natuurlik wil niemand van  ons nutteloos wees nie! Ons hart is om te help, maar die vyand het ons in sy strik gevang, deur nie teenwoordig te wees in die hier en nou nie. Elkeen in Sy liggaam is toegerus met wonderlike gawes (funkies) en daar is ‘n spesifieke funksie en rol wat net jy kan verrig.

Ek wil graag vandag ‘n beroep doen op  al die medestryders in die geloof in die Olifantsriviervallei, meld aan by die geveg hier op die tuisfront!

Die Here is die Generaal van die Weermag, en Hy stuur arbeiders vir elke gevegsfront regoor die Wêreld. “Moenie bang wees nie; hou aan met preek en moenie stilbly nie, 10want Ek is by jou. Niemand sal jou aanval of jou kwaad aandoen nie, want in hierdie stad behoort baie mense aan My.” (Ac 18:9–10) Al wat God van elkeen van ons vra is om gehoorsaam te wees. As die Here ons wel na ’n sekere gevegsfront oor ons grense stuur, stuur Hy ons nie alleen nie, Hy stuur ons met die beskerming en hulp van die lokale Kompanjie. Die sinergie en samewerking van die hele liggaam betrokke maak ons soveel meer effektief as ‘n solo-aanval.

As Geestelike Leier en Apostel geroep en aangestel nie deur my eie wil of ambisie nie, maar deur die genade van  God wat ryklik in ons wil en werk, wil ek jou wys op die geveg hier op tuisfront.  Mag die Heilige Gees ons oë oopmaak vir liggaam waarvan God jou deel gemaak het. Visualiseer net vir oomblik hierdie omgewing sonder ons kerk… Dank die Here dat HY ons gestuur het, en bekwaam gemaak het, gevul het met Sy Heilige Gees om Sy heerlikheid te mag dra (Host) in die Olifantsriviervallei!

Mag ons die geveg sien waarby ons betrokke is.

Dankie Here vir die oorlog veterane wat hulle lewens neergelê het vir die saak van Christus.  Wat met hulle hele hart, hul hele lewe, tyd en geld betrokke is. Om in gehoorsaamheid duisternis terug te stoot in Jesus se naam! Ek dank God elke dag vir hierdie vegters, getroue  soldate in die geloof.  Saam (deur Jesus Christus as ons Hoof) is ons besig om geskiedenis te maak, en van ‘n woestyn ‘n geestelike oase te maak, soos Hy beloof het. Eden, My delight!

  • Ons is al ‘n geruime tyd besig met die gemeente planting in Vredendal. Ons wil ‘n veilige tuiste vir Geesvervulde gelowiges wees. Hier was nog nooit in die geskiedenis van hierdie gebied ‘n kragtige Herlewing en uitstorting van die Heilige Gees nie. Ons begin nou iets daarvan beleef. God het ons hier geposisioneer om ‘n Goddelike Vesting op te rig rondom gesonde Leer en Waarheid, waarvan Christus die Hoeksteen is. ‘n Gemeente wat soos ‘n liggaam funksioneer, nie ‘n organisasie nie. ‘n Gemeente wat Sy Koninkryksgesag demonstreer in Woord en Daad. ‘n Akkurate Gemeente waarvan Christus die hoof is wat die donker en duistere magte in die gebied ontwapen en oneffektief maak. Wees deel van die gemeente, help bou, leef jou roeping uit.  Moenie net kom om te ontvang nie, maar kom om te gee. Elkeen het so baie om te gee.  Sien die geveg in die Gees, bid saam, stry saam in die  geloof, help en ondersteun Jan-Hendrik en Monica Kleynhans. Bid vir hulle as leiers. Wees getrou in jou finansiële bydrae. Wees asseblief teenwoordig.
  • Die Here bou Sy kerk, en ons roeping tot die armes is ‘n geestelike mandaat en verantwoordelikheid. Daarom is ons in elke dorp op een of ander manier betrokke om aan die armes die koninkryk te verkondig. HP  Momsen is besig in Riverview Citrusdal om die jongmense en pastore te bedien met weeklikse Bybelstudie,  die een  week in Afrikaans, die daaropvolgende week in Engels.  Ilse Rontgen, Hanneke  Ferreira, Jean janse van Rensburg en HP Momsen bedien en beraad weekliks mense op afspraak vir bevryding en genesing.  Ons bedien tans 82 kinders  in ons kleuterskool  Ubuntu in Riverview  Eersdaags gaan ons moet skuif na ‘n nuwe terrein, en nuwe geboue moet opgerig word.  Ons gee ook kos vir bykans 60 kinders drie keer per week. Hierdie kinders moet bedien word, met liefde, omgee en belangstelling. Jolanda Basson & Juan-dré bedien die kinders, bou verhoudings en herstel sodoende die ondersteuning netwerk om die kind. Jan-Hendrik bedien weer die jongmense van Vredendal deur Identity 129 op Vrydagaande.  Elna Pretorius leer ons kinders deur die Bybelskool materiaal op Vrydagaande te behandel in Citrusdal. Elkeen van die  bedienings geleenthede is ‘n geveg teen duisternis. Bid vir hulle, raak betrokke, dien en help hulle om selfs meer effektief te wees. Ons dank die Here ook vir WP en Karien van der Merwe wat ons Apostoliese leiers in Citrusdal is. Dankie dat julle die mense liefhet en besoek.
  • Ons huiskerke is die eerste linie van die gevegsfront, dis hier waar jy in aanraking kom met die daaglikse “battles” van jou geestelike familie en vriende. Wees daar vir mekaar, help, luister, ondersteun, hou kontak, bid mekaar. Onthou ons leuse: “Jy is welkom om enigiets te vra, as jy ook sal bereid wees om ’n ‘nee, ek kan nie’ te verwelkom.  Sodoende hou ons die verhoudinge heilig.
  • Willie en Wena is besig om werkloses en plaaswerkers op te lei, en hulle te leer oor Werksetiek en Werk is heilig, dit is goddelik om te kan werk. Dit is goddelik om jou roeping en skeppingsdoel te vind en te leef.  Indien God in jou hart werk om ‘n sekere behoefte te vervul, rapporteer gerus aan my en dat ons jou help, om die geestelike Net van die Here nog verder te verbreed.
  • Neil & Olivia Hall besig met Hebron Community Projects, om die mens in die Paleisheuwel omgewing te bedien, deur hulle gemeenskap Sentrum, en sportveld. Hulle bied allerhande lewensverandering programme aan vir mans, vrouens en kinders.  Verskeie Boere in ons gemeente is besig om beter na hulle mense te kyk, deur Infrastruktuur ontwikkeling en opleiding.
  • Indien jy ‘n boer is of eienaar van ‘n besigheid kan jy al die mense wat vir jou werk befonds om die Work-4-a-Living kursus te voltooi. Verskeie plase bied ook nou kleuterskole vir hulle mense.  Jeanie Stander bied ‘n Naskoolsentrum aan vir Plaaskinders op Tweeriviere, befonds deur Namakwaland Sitrus en Capespan boerderye. Jeannie het hulp nodig, vrywilligers wat teenwoordig sal wees by tye om haar te help.
  • Ons is betrokke  op Radio Namakwaland met  drie verskillende  programme,  Maandae  Middae 15:00  met Chantál op Barshou. Dinsdae Oggende saam met Jan op onder Konstruksie 7:15, en Woensdae bied  ons tafelgesprekke aan om 11:00. Bid vir hierdie programme, dat ons “boldness” sal hê om vreesloos die waarheid te verkondig.
  • Desmond Booysen en HP Momsen is betrokke op van ons plase om verhoudinge te restoreer op alle vlakke. Ons bly veg teen alle vorme van rassisme in ons gemeenskap, deur vredemakers te wees op alle vlakke waar God ons guns gee.
  • Jan is betrokke by die munisipaliteit en Provinsiale Regering rakende die Khayelitsia Influx krisis in    Deur gesonde verhoudinge te bou, is ons instrumenteel om beter skakeling tussen rolspelers te bekom.
  • Ons Bybelskool is nie net daar om mense geestelik toe te rus nie, maar is ook ‘n geveg vir Waarheid. Ons het Bybelskool op Maandae (Clanwiliam), Dinsdae in Citrusdal, en Donderdae in Vredendal. Deur die verkondiging van God se Woord, word mense se denke vernuwe om akkurate lewens te leef volgens ons skeppingsdoel – Christus!  Die kerk se beste aanvalswapen is ‘n akkurate lewenstyl gebaseer op die lewe van Christus.
  • Jan en Chantal is direk en indirek betrokke by elke inisiatief. Ons help, ons bid en ons dra finansieël by. Ons help die gemeenskap waar ons kan. Jan dien op Bosassa se bestuur. Ons is betrokke met gebed en berading by die Polisie in Clanwilliam. Jan bedien tans by die Augsberg skool, die graad 8 en 9’s, hy werk saam met ds. Jacques Greyling. Ons dank die Here vir ge-opende deure in ons skole, in ons gemeenskap. Jan is ook Voorsitter van die HUG projek, wat ons kleuterskool (Ubuntu) insluit, asook ons ouetehuis Heuwelrus. Chantal is tans besig om jongmense en vroue te beraad en te bedien, ons dank die Here vir die Heilige Gees wat ons helper is. Alles neem egter tyd. Die werk is geweldig, en die arbeiders is min. Ons vertrou en dank die Here voortdurend vir gewillige en gehoorsame harte.
  • Die Here het ‘n reuse deur in Uganda oopgemaak, Apostels Tobias en Ansofie Basson, saam met ons as kerk loop in gehoorsaamheid hierdie pad uit. Ons gaan deur Sy krag hierdie nasie dissipel om Christus te volg en nie dieselfde foute maak as wat ons in Suid-Afrika gemaak het nie. Tobias en sy span gaan ook ‘n reuse rol speel in die Landbou in Afrika. Hy gaan die voedseltekort in Uganda en moontlik ander Afrika lande aanspreek deur boere gemeenskappe te leer hoe om ook akkuraat te doen wat hy doen.
  • Ons harte is ook verbind met Herman en Charmain Grundlingh in Thailand. Herman vra gereeld apostoliese raad/bediening. Ons het gereeld kontak via skype, Ons bedien hul apostolies, en help van tyd tot tyd met hul worship span (deur skype).
  • Ons is ook nog verbind met FCE, ons bid gereeld vir hulle. Dankie vir Nico en Beatrix se betrokkenheid by hulle, en die deurgee van belangrike inligting.
  • Jan dien nog op Amos se bedieningspan, en het kontak met Hennie Viljoen. Ons bedien daar soos benodig deur hulle.

DANKIE geliefde gemeente, ons is as gemeente betrokke in ons gemeenskappe. Dankie vir elkeen se betrokkenheid, elkeen se teenwoordigheid. Julle maak ons sterk in ons geveg teen godsdienspleging, wetteloosheid, en goddeloosheid in hierdie gebied.

Ons het onlangs ons webtuiste herskep, om die rykdom van Christus se oorwinning in ons lewens ook vir ander  beskikbaar te maak. Om jou op hoogte te hou van alles wat hier op die  tuisfront gebeur het ons ook ‘n app geskep  waar jy op jou selfoon kan skakel met medestryders, mekaar kan bemoedig, vir mekaar kan bid, betrokke kan raak en nog baie meer!  Gaan besoek gerus Webwerf en gaan soek die applikasie “HRCO” in jou slimfoon se  applikasiewinkel  (appstore). 

Ons sal altyd ander gemeentes in ons area help en ondersteun omdat ons hulle as vennote sien in die Koninkryk, in die stryd om God se Koninkryk te laat kom in die Olifantsriviervallei.  Ons veg nie met oogklappe aan nie, ons hou ons oë gevestig op Jesus Christus die voleinder van ons geloof.

Terwyl jy hier lees, mag die Here jou deur Sy gees opwek om vir ons in te tree, om asseblief gereeld vir ons te bid. Hy sal jou wys hoe om te help en betrokke te raak. Ons is nie toeskouers nie, ons is deelnemers totdat die werk klaar is! Tydens Ps Duncan Curry (Halifax Engeland) se onlangse preek het hy dit baie mooi gestel: ‘You cannot have the Mind of Christ without His Body” Dit is Sy liggaam wat uitdrukking moet gee aan Sy instruksies. Ons kan nie die oorlog wen op ons eie nie. Hollywood probeer die teenstelling bewys, hulle het gereeld ‘n nuwe Super-Hero film. In realiteit weet ons egter dit is ‘n spanpoging wat ons sterk maak.

Baie dankie vir elke lid van die Liggaam. Dankie vir elkeen wat vir ons bid, wat so mooi saamwerk. Dankie vir elke  huiskerk leier, elkeen wat dien, wat kerk oopsluit, wat bid, bemoedig en wat aanhou goed doen. Dankie aan elkeen wat Sy roeping in jou gemeenskap uitleef.

Mag die Here ons verlos van individualisme, en “my ministry” mentaliteit. Kom ons Sien die ONS! Sien die mannemoed van die ‘gewone’ vegters hier om jou. Die Here bind ons nog nader vas aan mekaar deur Sy Liefde.